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DV 2011 AOS Only

We had the same issue. BCG vaccine was mandatory in my country. Because of our vaccines our TB test results were positive. The doctor asked chest X-rays. We went to the hospital and had them. The results were negative but the doctor did not like x-rays and sent us to the hospital for new x-rays. Their results were negative as well.
Then he asked us to have "Quantiferon tuberculosis test" $350.00 each (and x-rays were $100.00 each). We had this test and test results were negative as well.

The doctor asked our vaccine records. Since I could not find them, he asked us to have 3 shots again (paid $450.00). He said that we did not need to have all types of vaccines because of our ages (we are in 30 - 40 group as well). But he added these documents in to the report and wrote "Negative" for TB test results in the report.

The doctor said that we needed to have those 3 shots 3 times. We had first set, and the next month we had the second set. The third set will be given 6 months later.

I hope this helps.

I have some questions on the medical exam, this subject was not really discussed here:
1) I went through couple of TB skin tests before and was always positive, always had XR done to clear me. I think that i'm positive on the skin test because of the BCG vaccine that i received as infant. Last time i did the Tb test, the doctor told me to stop doing the skin test and only do XR since he said i will always be positive on the skin test.
So, i told that to the doctor that did my I-693, and he agreed and just did the XR.
However, i was later reading the instructions and it seems they want a skin test or the new Interferon Gamma Release (IGRA) blood test and only later get XR to clear if tested positive before. On the form my doctor marked "Not Administered" (TST exception applies) Do you think there will be a problem and possible RFE to have me skin tested...even though i did XR and provided the report?

2) On vaccinations: I showed that i was immune (blood lab report) on Varicella, MMR and had Td shot 5 years ago. He marked all the other shots on page 4 as "Not Age Appropriate"
I was reading that last year the CDC added Rotavirus and Meningococcal as shots that are needed. But my doctor said i don't need that...What do you think about that?
Did you guys done those shots? My age group is 30-40 years old.
I have some questions on the medical exam, this subject was not really discussed here:
1) I went through couple of TB skin tests before and was always positive, always had XR done to clear me. I think that i'm positive on the skin test because of the BCG vaccine that i received as infant. Last time i did the Tb test, the doctor told me to stop doing the skin test and only do XR since he said i will always be positive on the skin test.
So, i told that to the doctor that did my I-693, and he agreed and just did the XR.
However, i was later reading the instructions and it seems they want a skin test or the new Interferon Gamma Release (IGRA) blood test and only later get XR to clear if tested positive before. On the form my doctor marked "Not Administered" (TST exception applies) Do you think there will be a problem and possible RFE to have me skin tested...even though i did XR and provided the report?

2) On vaccinations: I showed that i was immune (blood lab report) on Varicella, MMR and had Td shot 5 years ago. He marked all the other shots on page 4 as "Not Age Appropriate"
I was reading that last year the CDC added Rotavirus and Meningococcal as shots that are needed. But my doctor said i don't need that...What do you think about that?
Did you guys done those shots? My age group is 30-40 years old.

Hey Yoni,

The same happened to me, I had BCG done and therefore always show positive on the TB test. The doc said I could either try the test again (I could not show positive this time) or do the x-ray straight away. So I guess that's common practice. I did the test anyway to try my luck but I showed positive!
As far as the vaccine is concerned, same thing. He ticked most of them as "not age appropriate" I only had tetanus and diphteria done, so he gave me MMR. I am in the same age bracket at you. so obviously, that's common practice too.
I had no problem with the medical report at interview.

Hope this helps
Hi Yoni,TX1408,

Regarding TB test, repeating skin test may cause subsequent tests more reactive. Your test is considered positive if the reaction is 10mm or more and you are from area with high prevalence. if the test is positive you need to have a CXR; if negative, you are all set for immigration purpose, but here doctors suggest 9 months Isoniazid (INH) treatment.
@MMR, adult are mostly immune which could have happened because previous clinical or subclinical disease or vaccinations. For immigration purpose if you don't have your vaccinations record you need to be tested for their antibody. If high enough you are done, if not you need to take vaccination.
the Rotavirus( for neonates) and Meningococcal vaccines( for young adult or specific conditions) are not recommended for adult and are not subject of immigration medical examination.
Hey Yoni,

The same happened to me, I had BCG done and therefore always show positive on the TB test. The doc said I could either try the test again (I could not show positive this time) or do the x-ray straight away. So I guess that's common practice. I did the test anyway to try my luck but I showed positive!
As far as the vaccine is concerned, same thing. He ticked most of them as "not age appropriate" I only had tetanus and diphteria done, so he gave me MMR. I am in the same age bracket at you. so obviously, that's common practice too.
I had no problem with the medical report at interview.

Hope this helps
Thank you Yoni.

According to the law (by the book), you need to show High school diploma...Of course it is up to the IO and he might accept it since it will be obvious that you went through high school.
You might consider showing proof of work for 2 years...instead.
What were the names of those three shots that you had to take?

We had the same issue. BCG vaccine was mandatory in my country. Because of our vaccines our TB test results were positive. The doctor asked chest X-rays. We went to the hospital and had them. The results were negative but the doctor did not like x-rays and sent us to the hospital for new x-rays. Their results were negative as well.
Then he asked us to have "Quantiferon tuberculosis test" $350.00 each (and x-rays were $100.00 each). We had this test and test results were negative as well.

The doctor asked our vaccine records. Since I could not find them, he asked us to have 3 shots again (paid $450.00). He said that we did not need to have all types of vaccines because of our ages (we are in 30 - 40 group as well). But he added these documents in to the report and wrote "Negative" for TB test results in the report.

The doctor said that we needed to have those 3 shots 3 times. We had first set, and the next month we had the second set. The third set will be given 6 months later.

I hope this helps.
I think you need to take the following vaccines or a documentation to show you had them before: 1. Tdap 2. MMR 3. Varicella.
If you have a history of having Varicella no need to take it, doctor will just write VH ( meaning Varicella history).
I'm about to re-submit my I-485 package. I now wonder if it is still an "Original Submission" or a "Respond to request for additional information"? Also, should include copies with I-797C rejection? I-485 asks if a person ever applied to adjust status for permanent resident and asks for details including final decision. Is it "yes" or "no" for resubmission of the corrected package? It's going to be 2nd time when I send I-485 package, but there were no "final" decision yet. Any idea? thanks
I think that since they didn't cash the checks andobviously didn't accept your package, it is considered not filed. That is why it is not a rejection simply resubmit as new application.

I'm about to re-submit my I-485 package. I now wonder if it is still an "Original Submission" or a "Respond to request for additional information"? Also, should include copies with I-797C rejection? I-485 asks if a person ever applied to adjust status for permanent resident and asks for details including final decision. Is it "yes" or "no" for resubmission of the corrected package? It's going to be 2nd time when I send I-485 package, but there were no "final" decision yet. Any idea? thanks
The shots' names are MMR, Varicella, and Tdap.
The doctor said that we would get 3 times, but when I look at our immunization records now, I see MMR and Varicella are 2 times (we are done) and we still need the 3rd shot for Tdap.

What were the names of those three shots that you had to take?
I am sorry. Based on form I-693, reaction >5mm required CXRay.
Hi Yoni,TX1408,

Regarding TB test, repeating skin test may cause subsequent tests more reactive. Your test is considered positive if the reaction is 5mm or more and you are from area with high prevalence. if the test is positive you need to have a CXR; if negative, you are all set for immigration purpose, but here doctors suggest 9 months Isoniazid (INH) treatment.
@MMR, adult are mostly immune which could have happened because previous clinical or subclinical disease or vaccinations. For immigration purpose if you don't have your vaccinations record you need to be tested for their antibody. If high enough you are done, if not you need to take vaccination.
the Rotavirus( for infancy) and Meningococcal vaccines( for young adult or specific conditions) are not recommended for adult and are not subject of immigration medical examination.
If you have not applied AoS before (except this rejection), you should still select "NO" for this option.

I'm about to re-submit my I-485 package. I now wonder if it is still an "Original Submission" or a "Respond to request for additional information"? Also, should include copies with I-797C rejection? I-485 asks if a person ever applied to adjust status for permanent resident and asks for details including final decision. Is it "yes" or "no" for resubmission of the corrected package? It's going to be 2nd time when I send I-485 package, but there were no "final" decision yet. Any idea? thanks
Thanks to Mista, chance1, TX1408, feel, and others if i forgot. You all basically confirmed the same thing about the 3 types of shots (Td, MMR, Varicella). So I guess my doc is correct.
I just didn't want to argue with him when he did the report, but at the same time i would not forgive myself if i mess up because of the med exam...get RFE, and delay the case for avoidable reasons.
thanks again.
Guys the whole point of becoming current and sending the AOS package in advance is that YOU NEED TO BE CURRENT ON THE TIME OF THE INTERVIEW. becaused based on your case number, during the interview if your number is current, they aprove your case, if not, if your case number was not current when you had your interview, they don't aprove the case, that does not mean denial necesarilly , but it just delays your case till it is current.

Wow Natta, how dare you?
This is simply WRONG !

By law (INA) you MUST have 'eligibility' (including being 'current') to file i-485 on the day you sign and date the application. Simple as that.
For DV, they allow the 'concept' of 'early filing' and one need to follow it correctly.

Well, it seems it is is that time of the year ppl wonder whether to file a 'bit' sooner.
I reproduce below my advice on this sometime back.


NuvF said:
The guidelines for DV 'early filing' was established some 11 years ago (chk the past bulletins), in '99 I think with the DoS VB 'CONCEPT' of 'Advanced Notification' for DV applicants.

The problem now is, the DV AoS applicants (NOT the USCIS or DoS) misinterpret this 'rigid concept' into a 'rigid time scale' !!

If you go check the 'old' bulletins, 99 & 00 you will find that in those VB s, there is current month and 'advanced notice' for further 2 months into the future, hence a ~90 day lead time.

But then later and up until now they started publishing only 1 month into the future as 'advanced notice'.

The 'concept' did not change but the 'lead time' did !

I do not want to get into any arguments here, but for those potential 'early filers', my kind request is...understand the CONCEPT: 'You file when you see the number in VB advance notice, irrespective of the lead time advantage' (now it is ~50 days, who knows it may go up or down in the future. Only DoS decide the VB release 'timing'. Applicants just need to follow the 'established concept')

Let me stress this for those who are reading.......Acceptance, NoA, Chk Cash, Bios HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH that your i-485 case is 'OK' (yes even to the fact whether your filing is early or not). It is the IO who would eventually intvw you, has the final say (the so called discretionary power) and his 'knowledge' and/or 'willingness to learn' would decide how complicated this will get. (of course they are supposed to refer cases to supervisors if they have any doubts)
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So NUVF, what was it that I said So wrong that you had this reaction that offended you so much?

Wow Natta, how dare you?
This is simply WRONG !

By law (INA) you MUST have 'eligibility' (including being 'current') to file i-485 on the day you sign and date the application. Simple as that.
For DV, they allow the 'concept' of 'early filing' and one need to follow it correctly.

Well, it seems it is is that time of the year ppl wonder whether to file a 'bit' sooner.
I reproduce below my advice on this sometime back.

If I sent the document to Chicago in March 16 and I do not received yet the confirmation from USCIS and they do not cash the check, I Have I to be worried????
Not yet. Wait until Apr 16 and then call if not received. I think you should receive text/email this week if you have included Form G-1145 with your AOS packet. Could you add your case details?

If I sent the document to Chicago in March 16 and I do not received yet the confirmation from USCIS and they do not cash the check, I Have I to be worried????
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The booster Tdap is given every 10 years for adults. Are you sure we need 3 shots of Tdap to complete the series? I think this is not true for the age group 30-40 yrs.

The shots' names are MMR, Varicella, and Tdap.
The doctor said that we would get 3 times, but when I look at our immunization records now, I see MMR and Varicella are 2 times (we are done) and we still need the 3rd shot for Tdap.
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That is what the doctor told us. We had 2 shots already and they gave us the date for the 3rd one.
Again, we got the first shot right away, 2nd shot was one month after the first shot and 3rd one is 6 months after the second shot.
Maybe we needed 3 times because I could not find our shot records. But this is what we have.

The booster Tdap is given every 10 years for adults. Are you sure we need 3 shots of Tdap to complete the series? I think this is not true for the age group 30-40 yrs.

I agree with natta. We are not experts and we are trying to help each other with sharing our experiences/thoughts.
I think your reaction to natta was a little bit harsh.
There is no need to give this kind of reactions.

Wow Natta, how dare you?
This is simply WRONG !

By law (INA) you MUST have 'eligibility' (including being 'current') to file i-485 on the day you sign and date the application. Simple as that.
For DV, they allow the 'concept' of 'early filing' and one need to follow it correctly.

Well, it seems it is is that time of the year ppl wonder whether to file a 'bit' sooner.
I reproduce below my advice on this sometime back.
