You are fine, I think. Why don't you email KCC and make sure your case file has been credited for the DV AOS fees that you paid on......and ...... Just for peace of mind. You have to wait about a week sometimes to get the response and make sure you include DV case number, your full name and date of birth on your email in bold.
Thanks feel:
Thank you very much for your help. When I sent the $65 to DOS, I sent along withe the first receipt and an explaination cover letter about the new AOS fee after July 13, according to our friends on the forum. The DOS sent me back the copy of $375 that I sent to them, and a $65 receipt with a stamp "paid January ___, 2011[/B]" They both were written 9xx with red ink. My USCIS FO will be in Jackson, MS, and New Orleans Louisiana. I'm not sure yet when my CN will be current. According to DV 2009, it will be in June.
2011 AS 300xx
05/14:NL1 received
06/: Sent forms and bar code to KCC
06/12: sent $375 to DOS in St. MO
07/9: received 375 received stamped paid
07/__: received NL2 intention for AOS
01/__/2011: sent $65 to DOS
02/17/2011: received $65 receipt with 9xx written with red ink