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DV 2011 AOS Only


Where did you get this treat level? Where is it mentioned? Is it different for different people?

It is posted at my local ASC. It may be different for different areas, but I personally would think not.
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I do not disagree with you nncu about the threat level being yellow. It can be seen here: http://www.dhs.gov/files/programs/Copy_of_press_release_0046.shtm
However, it is important to remember that this is a fairly arbitrary system with no clear guidelines of how the levels are computed. Moreover, since its inception in 2002, the threat level never went bellow yellow, and I doubt it will do so in the next decade.
Still, people were able to do walk-in biometrics in the past.

I do agree with a previous comment that there is no problem if the biometrics are done after the interview, especially as we are so early in the fiscal year. However, if obl lives close to the ASC, and he wants to do a walk-in, there is no harm in trying.
Hi all,

I got I-797C of verification of receiving my package yesterday. one day after I got my biometrics. the interesting thing is that my APT # is still wrong on the address line but I still receive the letters from USCIS.
Hi ,all
I have my bio app on 11/12.Is it posible to get approval for Work Auth (I 765) before doinng the bio?I am checking my case status online every day, but in many cases they(USCiS) forget to make updates.
Hi ,all
I have my bio app on 11/12.Is it posible to get approval for Work Auth (I 765) before doinng the bio?I am checking my case status online every day, but in many cases they(USCiS) forget to make updates.

No. The EAD is approved after your biometrics.
On the other hand, the AP may be sent before.
Thanks baobab
Do they need the results of my biometrics?,or after the bio in the very next day my aplication(I765) will get approved automaticly?
Thanks baobab
Do they need the results of my biometrics?,or after the bio in the very next day my aplication(I765) will get approved automaticly?

You are welcome.
I could have been more clear in my first answer. Yes, they need your fingerprint result to approve your EAD. The fingerprint check is a very fast process in most cases, like less than one day. However, it is not guaranteed that USCIS will approve your EAD right the next day. In some cases, some applicants received the EAD after their GC interview.

Are you planning on using your EAD? It is recommended to maintain your non-immigrant status until you get your GC, just in case of a mishap.
Thanks again!
My wife is the principal applicant.She is on H1B.I am H4 and curently unemployed,I have no work auth. I have a job offer so , yes ,I am plannig to use it....should that be a problem?
You are welcome.
I could have been more clear in my first answer. Yes, they need your fingerprint result to approve your EAD. The fingerprint check is a very fast process in most cases, like less than one day. However, it is not guaranteed that USCIS will approve your EAD right the next day. In some cases, some applicants received the EAD after their GC interview.

Are you planning on using your EAD? It is recommended to maintain your non-immigrant status until you get your GC, just in case of a mishap.
Thanks again!
My wife is the principal applicant.She is on H1B.I am H4 and curently unemployed,I have no work auth. I have a job offer so , yes ,I am plannig to use it....should that be a problem?

My information is based on cases of past years' applicants. I have not seen anybody being refused GC and having to restore his/her H4 status, so I do not really know how difficult that process is.

But in your case, if your spouse maintains her H1B status, I would think it would be fine to use your EAD. In the worst case scenario (GC rejected), you should be able to apply for H4 again based on your wife's H1 status.

Moreover, I think the risk of not getting the GC if both of you maintained your status until now, is very very low. And the pay-off seems high enough if you have a job offer.
But you might receive your GC soon after you receive your EAD and maybe you will not even have time to make use of it for long.

If anybody else knows differently, please chime in.

What Baobab is saying is completely correct.

There have been only very few cases that GC was approved more than 2,3 months after EAD card. (see Yaku from last year). in that case you can use you EAD with a relatively low risk (since your case is current early in the year).

The risk is like Baobab said not being able to fall back on you non immigration status. if you wanna talk statistics, don't use your EAD since you will most probably get your GC 90% in less than one months afterward.

My information is based on cases of past years' applicants. I have not seen anybody being refused GC and having to restore his/her H4 status, so I do not really know how difficult that process is.

But in your case, if your spouse maintains her H1B status, I would think it would be fine to use your EAD. In the worst case scenario (GC rejected), you should be able to apply for H4 again based on your wife's H1 status.

Moreover, I think the risk of not getting the GC if both of you maintained your status until now, is very very low. And the pay-off seems high enough if you have a job offer.
But you might receive your GC soon after you receive your EAD and maybe you will not even have time to make use of it for long.

If anybody else knows differently, please chime in.
Guys, are there any issues I need to be aware of if I send my AoS packet while on OPT and remain on OPT while my case is pending? I am thinking of doing volunteer, I could not find a paid job until now. Please suggest!
Being in OPT means you are on status and you will remain on status after you file your I-485 so as long as your OPT is valid to the date you send your application you should not have any problem. But if your OPT requires you to have job (i.e. extended after 12months for STEM program), then that might be of some issue. The only thing other than that is you might need to find a sponsor, if you are currently unemployed.
Guys, are there any issues I need to be aware of if I send my AoS packet while on OPT and remain on OPT while my case is pending? I am thinking of doing volunteer, I could not find a paid job until now. Please suggest!
Hi Guys,
I am wondering when does the online status changes from acceptance to initial review. Does it happen before or after they send the biometrics notice?
Hey sundaram, I already did my biometrics, but nothing changed in the online status.

Hi Guys,
I am wondering when does the online status changes from acceptance to initial review. Does it happen before or after they send the biometrics notice?
Hey sundaram, I already did my biometrics, but nothing changed in the online status.

There should be at least a soft LUD. There is no email notification. If you check your account online, did the Last Update Date change after you completed your biometrics?

Sundaram, can you check your online status already? Mine is still not available. I get:
Your case can not be found at this time in My Case Status. Please check your receipt number and try again. If you need further assistance, please call the National Customer Service Center at 1.800.375.5283.
I did not try calling that number yet, as I thought it is too early.
Hi Guys,
I am wondering when does the online status changes from acceptance to initial review. Does it happen before or after they send the biometrics notice?

My understanding is that except for some LUDs (one after biometrics), the status for I-485 does not change at all until CPO (card production ordered). Or are you asking about your EAD?
Guys, are there any issues I need to be aware of if I send my AoS packet while on OPT and remain on OPT while my case is pending? I am thinking of doing volunteer, I could not find a paid job until now. Please suggest!

feel, as far as I know you must have employment to maintain your status while in OPT. The grace period for staying unemployed is 90 days.
However, you can do an unpaid internship or volunteer work to maintain your status. So your approach to do volunteer work is good.

If you want to maintain your F-1 status even after you submit the AOS package, you may continue with the volunteer work.
But there does not seem to be much benefit to that. Perhaps you would not be able to switch to another non-immigrant status (like H1B) if your AOS application is rejected, but that is true also if you maintain your F1 status, but you are in the 60 days grace period at the end of OPT. I hope my message is not too unclear.