• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

Hey Izzy.
So he came in US with a J1 visa that was given to him on may 11, 2010, after he aleady knew he won, even at the embassy the consul asked him if he knew he have won. So he entered the country with J1 that expired on September 11, 2010. We knew we will do AOS instead of CP because of me ( can't travel during school year) and we applied for the B2 visa at end of July motivating that he won/is married/wife cant tavel during school year, also sending as proof a copy of notification letter that he won, a translated copy of mariage license and a copy of my last I-20 good till December 2011.

I see the complications you are dealing with in regards to the status issues. Sometimes, when people come to US on a B1/B2 visa and apply for AoS, it is looked upon with so much scrutiny (as that person’s intention becomes clear: not to return) and hence, it can be unpredictable as to how they are going to handle an AoS case with B1 status. But in your case, your spouse applied for B1 to remain in status, which I hope they will consider. I do still suggest that you at least consult an immigration lawyer before you do anything to the B1 visa. I wish you all the best and pray for you. Good Luck!

PS: I posted a link to my post above www.lawbench.com where you can get your questions answered for $10, I know two good lawyers are Hathi and Wilson, sometimes you just have to wait for them to become available when you post a question specifically for them.

What I am getting out of it is that you can still maintain your F status and use its benefits as long as you don't use AoS benefits (i.e., AP or EAD), which is exactly what I believe. Filing for AoS does not change your status, but using the AoS benefits does. Hence you can continue with your F1 employment. There is no black and white answers when it comes to immigration. The best you can do now is to maintain your F status while your AoS is pending. Again, don't stress too much about this. I wish you all the best!

I have been reading and digging over this for a long time and it is confusing. there is no clear rule, I have heard many confusing and different stories which makes me more confused, for instance see below which sort of concludes this subject: (murthy.com)
"It appears, however, that there is some argument for the position that a student may maintain the F-1 status in the U.S., while her/his adjustment-of-status application is pending. There may be many who can benefit from this for several reasons, such as the ability to continue on-campus employment without interruption, using an OPT / EAD until it expires (unless a new EAD is issued based on the I-485 filing), the ability to continue CPT employment or receive authorization for CPT employment, the ability to accept graduate assistantships, and, arguably, the ability to fall back on the F-1 status if the application for adjustment of status is denied. "

I have talked to a good lawyer who handles EB cases and I can say they don't know much while pretending to know...

So, are you asking me a question...? I know that your spouse came to the US on J1 and applied for B1 (which is still pending) to remain in status between the time his J1 expired and AoS submission ...

Hey Izzy.
So he came in US with a J1 visa that was given to him on may 11, 2010, after he aleady knew he won, even at the embassy the consul asked him if he knew he have won. So he entered the country with J1 that expired on September 11, 2010. We knew we will do AOS instead of CP because of me ( can't travel during school year) and we applied for the B2 visa at end of July motivating that he won/is married/wife cant tavel during school year, also sending as proof a copy of notification letter that he won, a translated copy of mariage license and a copy of my last I-20 good till December 2011.
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Hey Izzy , I am not asking you specifically for a question, I am just clarifieing the details of the case, maybe someone can give more advice in general. Sorry if I confused you.

So, are you asking me a question...? I know that your spouse came to the US on J1 and applied for B1 (which is still pending) to remain in status between the time his J1 expired and AoS submission ...

Thanks for clarifying but I am not confused to any degree here. Many people have already told you to consider your options, so I don't really know what other advice you are seeking. Again, you may not face any problems with your process or it maybe otherwise. I just think that it will be wise to consult an immigration atty before you make any decisions. The ball is in your court!

Good Luck!

Hey Izzy , I am not asking you specifically for a question, I am just clarifieing the details of the case, maybe someone can give more advice in general. Sorry if I confused you.
Thanks Izzy.


Thanks for clarifying but I am not confused to any degree here. Many people have already told you to consider your options, so I don't really know what other advice you are seeking. Again, you may not face any problems with your process or it maybe otherwise. I just think that it will be wise to consult an immigration atty before you make any decisions. The ball is in your court!

Good Luck!
I'm new to this forum and have some NEW questions after trying to find an answer in previous threads!
1. I'm F1 based in California. My # is EU 1xxx. My number is current in October. I need to file my AOS package in October ONLY or can after in NOVEMBER or so?
2. I got married after applying for the lottery but before sending the DSP-122 and DS-230 for me and wife. She is on P3 visa going out of status in November 3rd. If we file before Nov 3rd, will she be able to stay until getting the final answer?
3. Can someone specify what is needed for me and wife for the AOS package? I'm confused with all the forms and instructions in the USCIS website.
4. Would you recommend getting a lawyer or doing it all by myself?
Thank you very much for your answers.
I wish all of us DV-2011 winners to WIN!!
hey Dima.
Regarding the question with your wife, we were kind of in the same situation, My husband entered as single, but we had plans for getting maried in June as I was here and he was home. We got married on June 2nd and he left for US on June 4th and he followed on June 28th. So what we did is send bothe forms updated to KCC and a translated copy of mariage license. Regarding the documents to send for AOS just search in this thread cause I think Izzy posted the required forms and papers for the AOs package earlier on.
P.S. what country in Europe are you from?
I'm new to this forum and have some NEW questions after trying to find an answer in previous threads!
1. I'm F1 based in California. My # is EU 1xxx. My number is current in October. I need to file my AOS package in October ONLY or can after in NOVEMBER or so?
2. I got married after applying for the lottery but before sending the DSP-122 and DS-230 for me and wife. She is on P3 visa going out of status in November 3rd. If we file before Nov 3rd, will she be able to stay until getting the final answer?
3. Can someone specify what is needed for me and wife for the AOS package? I'm confused with all the forms and instructions in the USCIS website.
4. Would you recommend getting a lawyer or doing it all by myself?
Thank you very much for your answers.
I wish all of us DV-2011 winners to WIN!!
I'm new to this forum and have some NEW questions after trying to find an answer in previous threads!
1. I'm F1 based in California. My # is EU 1xxx. My number is current in October. I need to file my AOS package in October ONLY or can after in NOVEMBER or so?
2. I got married after applying for the lottery but before sending the DSP-122 and DS-230 for me and wife. She is on P3 visa going out of status in November 3rd. If we file before Nov 3rd, will she be able to stay until getting the final answer?
3. Can someone specify what is needed for me and wife for the AOS package? I'm confused with all the forms and instructions in the USCIS website.
4. Would you recommend getting a lawyer or doing it all by myself?
Thank you very much for your answers.
I wish all of us DV-2011 winners to WIN!!
1. You can send your file later. Obviously, you will have your interview later in that case.
2. This was discussed recently in this thread. Read the past two pages. In general yes, but do not wait until the day her status expires to mail the AOS package. If you are current in October, why wait until November?
3. There is a sample list of documents in the second post of this thread. Go to first page.
4. I recommend you do it yourself, but do your homework. Read this thread and the 2010 AOS threads from the start. Lawyers do not know that much about DV based AOS.
Good luck.
USCIS does care if it is your fault that you went OOS. USCIS has conditions about who cannot receive adjustment of status, one being: “you are employed in the United States without USCIS authorization or you are no longer legally in the country (except through no fault of your own or for some technical reasons).” If you failed to somehow maintain a legal status and if you are unable to prove otherwise, USCIS has the right to deny your AoS. There was an EB case whose first lawyer screwed him up and consequently he went out of status, and USCIS denied his AoS application on the grounds of not maintaining legal status (between H1B and EB AoS application). He hired a second lawyer who filed for a MTR and proved that the client went OOS due to no fault of his own and was finally granted the PR (under the very condition mentioned above). The same condition is mentioned in I-485 application instructions on page 2 10F.
Izzy, my disagreement was with your statement that Summet got his card because, even though he used his EAD card, it was not his fault for being out of status. He was OK because, officially, he has not been out of status.

Regarding my statement that USCIS will not care if it is your fault or your lawyer's fault, I still stand by it. So the grounds for rejection include: "you are employed in the United States without USCIS authorization or you are no longer legally in the country (except through no fault of your own or for some technical reasons)." It is obviously a vague statement, unless it is qualified in some other place what they mean by no fault of your own.
In the first place, if your AOS case is rejected, and you do not have your non-immigrant status anymore because you used your EAD card (the initial question that started this debate), you can always leave the country and switch to CP. I think the lawyer does not prevent you from leaving.

Now, your story proves exactly my point. USCIS did not care what was the cause of that person not being in status, and they rejected his case. If you are more adventurous and you want to stay and fight based on that vague exemption, it is your call. But for a DV case, time is also very important. Come September 30, if the process is not resolved, you are not going to get the GC based on winning the DV, no matter what.
The way I interpret that exemption, is to include only cases when you are somehow prevented from leaving the country once your status expired, e.g. due to a natural disaster, or getting seriously injured, or a state of war, other stuff like that. I am not saying that is the way USCIS interprets it, but I think you do not know how USCIS will interpret it either.

You can definitely go to a court of law and argue against deportation, or AOS denial. Sometimes people win. It helps to have a good lawyer. If it is a jury trial, emotions play a big role as well. I have a story as well. I know a case of somebody who drove under influence, failed to yield priority, and hit another car causing the death of a passenger in that other car. Now, this driver was a US citizen, in fact an employee of a US embassy in another country. The embassy used diplomatic immunity to get him out of the country and back to US where he stood trial. He was cleared of the main charges and he got out with just a probation. But I think we can all agree that driving under influence, failing to yield priority and killing somebody are not alright, and it may not work the same way for everybody. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teo_Peter

So yeah, going to court may pay off. I just do not think it is sound advice to tell people that if you hire a lawyer, you can then use your EAD card and lose your non-immigration status without fear of repercussions if your AOS case is denied.
1. You can send your file later. Obviously, you will have your interview later in that case.
2. This was discussed recently in this thread. Read the past two pages. In general yes, but do not wait until the day her status expires to mail the AOS package. If you are current in October, why wait until November? I might have a job overseas starting October 1st till 25th. Will that be too much of a risk to send AOS Application a week before out of status kicks in?
3. There is a sample list of documents in the second post of this thread. Go to first page. I couldn't find it anywhere. Would love if you or someone can make a proper list. The thing I get really mixed up is about the family/employment based visas? Which am I? Which is my wife? What exact forms do we each send? Do we pay $1010 for each of us and fill I-485 for each?
4. I recommend you do it yourself, but do your homework. Read this thread and the 2010 AOS threads from the start. Lawyers do not know that much about DV based AOS.
Good luck.

Answers in BOLD.
Thank you Izzy, I wish all of us the best and luck.

I did not want to apply for EAD in the first place, the reason I started looking for more information was actually a post made by you regarding the F status and AOS application which was suggesting to apply for EAD and AP "as a back up plan". I will not need the EAD for sure since I will be student for another year. On the other hand you are right, I always thought to myself why do people apply for EAD? people get GC in matter of weeks after they get their EAD anyways . Besides, won't you lose your EAD if you AOS is denied? and more importantly, can you use your current status (for me f1 status and its benefits, or previous EAD cards for OPT people) to work (legally) while you are pending your AOS ?

What makes me a bit concerned is if I don't apply for EAD and I keep working as RA, would the I/O tell me I was not allowed to work as F non immigrant because I lost that benefits right after I applied for AOS, and tell me I should have applied for EAD.

God damn it (excuse my language) I just wanna send this thing there and get it over with. I have way more than enough to deal with!

Thank you all, Izzy and Baobab especially


What I am getting out of it is that you can still maintain your F status and use its benefits as long as you don't use AoS benefits (i.e., AP or EAD), which is exactly what I believe. Filing for AoS does not change your status, but using the AoS benefits does. Hence you can continue with your F1 employment. There is no black and white answers when it comes to immigration. The best you can do now is to maintain your F status while your AoS is pending. Again, don't stress too much about this. I wish you all the best!
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I might have a job overseas starting October 1st till 25th. Will that be too much of a risk to send AOS Application a week before out of status kicks in?
I am afraid so. As I said, we discussed this topic earlier today. The consensus is that once you have an AOS application pending, you may stay here legally, even if your non-immigrant status expires. However, it is still not clear if you have to maintain your non-immigrant status until you mail your AOS application, or until they do the first processing of your file and generate the NOA (Notice of Action form). If the latter, one week is likely too little time.

Also, since you just got married, after you found out that you won the lottery, they are going to scrutinize your marriage. When you go to the interview, you'll have to be prepared with pictures and/or other documents that show that you have a history of being together, and that this is not just a marriage of convenience.

I couldn't find it anywhere. Would love if you or someone can make a proper list. The thing I get really mixed up is about the family/employment based visas? Which am I? Which is my wife? What exact forms do we each send? Do we pay $1010 for each of us and fill I-485 for each?
You are looking for green card through the diversity immigrant visa program.
You can see an official list at that link. There is also a sample cover letter and a list of documents that somebody else has used, in the second post of this thread. You'll find it on the first page of this thread.

You have to pay the $1010 fee for each applicant, so yes, for each of you. You also have to assemble separate packages, including the i485 form and all the other forms, for each of you. You can send them in the same envelope though, separating them with a rubber band or paper clip.
You also have to pay the DOS fee ($440 now, it used to be $375 before July 13), for each applicant. Did you pay that fee yet?

Start doing some reading in this thread and the 2010 AOS thread. Nobody can spend the time to explain you all the steps in detail. You can find all that information in this forum. You are going to be much better prepared once you start reading and see what other people have done.

You may also edit your signature (go to settings -> Edit signature) to describe your current status. Look at the signatures of other people to see what I mean. That makes it easier for other people to give you recommendations based on what your next step is.
What makes me a bit concerned is if I don't apply for EAD and I keep working as RA, would the I/O tell me I was not allowed to work as F non immigrant because I lost that benefits right after I applied for AOS, and tell me I should have applied for EAD.

God damn it (excuse my language) I just wanna send this thing there and get it over with. I have way more than enough to deal with!
You have nothing to worry about. You are fine working as RA after you submit your AOS package. Many DV based AOS applicants are on F1 status. If you read the 2010 thread, you'll see that they represent the majority of the forum contributors. Nobody had any troubles doing AOS.

I think somehow, we make this process seem scarier than it is. USCIS does not ask for unreasonable things. Maintain your current status as if you have not won the DV lottery, and prepare for the interview. You'll be fine.
I am afraid so. As I said, we discussed this topic earlier today. The consensus is that once you have an AOS application pending, you may stay here legally, even if your non-immigrant status expires. However, it is still not clear if you have to maintain your non-immigrant status until you mail your AOS application, or until they do the first processing of your file and generate the NOA (Notice of Action form). If the latter, one week is likely too little time. I wanted to send the AOS application right after coming back from overseas, not before. Obviously if I send it before I won't be able to come back.

Also, since you just got married, after you found out that you won the lottery, they are going to scrutinize your marriage. When you go to the interview, you'll have to be prepared with pictures and/or other documents that show that you have a history of being together, and that this is not just a marriage of convenience. We just celebrated a 2 year anniversary so we have a lot of history together!

You have to pay the $1010 fee for each applicant, so yes, for each of you. You also have to assemble separate packages, including the i485 form and all the other forms, for each of you. You can send them in the same envelope though, separating them with a rubber band or paper clip.
You also have to pay the DOS fee ($440 now, it used to be $375 before July 13), for each applicant. Did you pay that fee yet?

Start doing some reading in this thread and the 2010 AOS thread. Nobody can spend the time to explain you all the steps in detail. You can find all that information in this forum. You are going to be much better prepared once you start reading and see what other people have done.

You may also edit your signature (go to settings -> Edit signature) to describe your current status. Look at the signatures of other people to see what I mean. That makes it easier for other people to give you recommendations based on what your next step is.

Thank you very much BAOBAB and everyone. I'll put up an update and probably have more questions coming soon.
Cheers baobab :)

You have nothing to worry about. You are fine working as RA after you submit your AOS package. Many DV based AOS applicants are on F1 status. If you read the 2010 thread, you'll see that they represent the majority of the forum contributors. Nobody had any troubles doing AOS.

I think somehow, we make this process seem scarier than it is. USCIS does not ask for unreasonable things. Maintain your current status as if you have not won the DV lottery, and prepare for the interview. You'll be fine.
Hey Guys, a couple more questions from me:
1. Does the employment or family based visa sections in the I-485 concern us? Do I need an affidavit of support or the employment letter in my AOS package?
2. What's the difference between the CHICAGO LOCKBOX and the PHOENIX/DALLAS LOCKBOX?

Quick one too:
Where do I list the additional person I'm paying the DV Fee for? Or do I do that at all?
Thank a bunch!