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DV 2011 AOS Only

@ keepkeep:

I think Form 8843 should be filed even if you do not have an income. The International Center at my school sent an email stating this explicitly. The following paragraph is an extract from the first page of the form:

Who Must File Form 8843? All nonresident aliens who are present in the U.S. under an F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2, M-1, M-2, Q-1, or Q-2 immigration status MUST file Form 8843 “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition.”– even if they received NO income during 2009. Form 8843 must
be filed if an individual is:
- present in the U.S. during 2009,
- a nonresident alien, and
- present in the U.S. under an F, J, M or Q immigration status (either the “-1” or the “-2”).

If an individual meets all three qualifications above, the individual must file Form 8843, regardless of the individual’s age and even if the individual is not required to file a U.S. income tax return (Form 1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ).

Personally i do not think that not filing this form can be in any way a reason to alter an F1 status (going out-of-status for example). I would estimate most (or at least many) F1 students in the US barely know about this regulation (i would have never heard about it if the IC didnt notify me). Besides you send this form to the IRS, which is totally independent from Immigration. You should be fine but file it anyways just to be on the safe side.

What is I-134 for btw?


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I saw it in two places in the internet about taxes and really confused since didnt know about iy before.Maybe someone here knows about it more!!

thanks guys,it is really helpful!
@ reptile

thanks a lot for finding out that info about taxes!

would it be possible to do it now for past 3 yeaers?probvably fine would be the minimum in that case to expect!

I-134 is affidavit of support,it is your sponsor in the us if you are for example an f 1 student...sponsor needs to be a us citizen or green card holder for years...
@ keepkeep:

I think Form 8843 should be filed even if you do not have an income. The International Center at my school sent an email stating this explicitly. The following paragraph is an extract from the first page of the form:

Who Must File Form 8843? All nonresident aliens who are present in the U.S. under an F-1, F-2, J-1, J-2, M-1, M-2, Q-1, or Q-2 immigration status MUST file Form 8843 “Statement for Exempt Individuals and Individuals With a Medical Condition.”– even if they received NO income during 2009. Form 8843 must
be filed if an individual is:
- present in the U.S. during 2009,
- a nonresident alien, and
- present in the U.S. under an F, J, M or Q immigration status (either the “-1” or the “-2”).

If an individual meets all three qualifications above, the individual must file Form 8843, regardless of the individual’s age and even if the individual is not required to file a U.S. income tax return (Form 1040NR or Form 1040NR-EZ).

Personally i do not think that not filing this form can be in any way a reason to alter an F1 status (going out-of-status for example). I would estimate most (or at least many) F1 students in the US barely know about this regulation (i would have never heard about it if the IC didnt notify me). Besides you send this form to the IRS, which is totally independent from Immigration. You should be fine but file it anyways just to be on the safe side.

What is I-134 for btw?



My International Office never told us (F-1 students) to file 8843, but it is stated in their website.
I just found out after I saw the post by Suzik.
I did not have any income last year, but I've been working as a graduate assistant on campus since January 2010, so I am planning to file my tax for this year.
My question is how will the USCIS found out that I haven't filed my 8843? Will they contact IRS? Does anybody know?
Or are we required to bring the tax return at the interview? I don't see "tax return" among the docs required for filing i-485.
Hi NuvF. Thanks a lot. Thats a problem. When I applied for a visa to come to US I indicate that I'm single. And last year I tried to bring my wife and on invitation letter I wrote girlfriend cause I don't have marriage certificate. I called to USCIS Field Office and they told me: if muslim marriage or proxy marriage are recognized in your country that will be fine. And niether one are not recozgnized in my country as official marriage. They do marriage certificate officially when you marry in some place I don't know how to call it on English. And I can't go back to my country. I need to AOS. I'm still in panic. Thank you.
Dont worry. You will be fine.They would not ask for you to bring 8843. If you really doubt, you can go to DV 2010 AOS group and ask them if anyone was asked for it.

My International Office never told us (F-1 students) to file 8843, but it is stated in their website.
I just found out after I saw the post by Suzik.
I did not have any income last year, but I've been working as a graduate assistant on campus since January 2010, so I am planning to file my tax for this year.
My question is how will the USCIS found out that I haven't filed my 8843? Will they contact IRS? Does anybody know?
Or are we required to bring the tax return at the interview? I don't see "tax return" among the docs required for filing i-485.

it is a great idea to ask it the thread 2010!i just wrote there a note so we will see if anyone was facing with that problem!

it is really great that we all cooperate and help each other!
Be calm. Your 8843 issue is not a big deal. You can just say ( in case asked) you had no earnings that year so got no W-2.


it is a great idea to ask it the thread 2010!i just wrote there a note so we will see if anyone was facing with that problem!

it is really great that we all cooperate and help each other!

it is a great idea to ask it the thread 2010!i just wrote there a note so we will see if anyone was facing with that problem!

it is really great that we all cooperate and help each other!

It should not be a prob.
But you can file them retroactively for past years. Do it so you are on the safe side.
Get to a local tax office and get info how to do it.


Following is from a Google result


Filing Retroactively

If you were unaware of the fact that you were required to submit Form 8843 for previous tax years in which you resided in the U.S. in F or J student status, you may file retroactively for each year the form was not filed. Simply include a separate Form 8843 for each year that was missed. When filing forms retroactively, cross out the year in the upper right hand corner and write in the year for which you are filing.
Hi NuvF. Thanks a lot. Thats a problem. When I applied for a visa to come to US I indicate that I'm single. And last year I tried to bring my wife and on invitation letter I wrote girlfriend cause I don't have marriage certificate. I called to USCIS Field Office and they told me: if muslim marriage or proxy marriage are recognized in your country that will be fine. And niether one are not recozgnized in my country as official marriage. They do marriage certificate officially when you marry in some place I don't know how to call it on English. And I can't go back to my country. I need to AOS. I'm still in panic. Thank you.

Well, I am sure you have done similar silly yet SERIOUS mistake as well w/your e-DV and I am not even willing to guess the consequences than saying it will be serious.

I am not sure what are the motives behind all your 'mistakes' (ie Lies), but ppl like you just make the whole US imm. system stink, irrespective of the motives behind them.

Anyways, I will not waste any more time advising you. You MAY have a way out, hope you will be able to find it.

Best !!
Could you pls. answer this question.
I will be doing DV (Diversity Visa Winner) AOS in few months, probably in October. I am wondering what happens if I did not complete the series of vaccination requirement, such as Hepatitis B. It takes 6 months to complete this series of vaccine. I called one of the clinics (civil surgeon/doctors) and asked them about this matter and they said I will not be called for visa interview until I get all the required vaccines, even though all other requirements are clear. Is it true?
Thank you.

Hi dvwinner11,

No, it is NOT true!!!

You should read the instructions about Vaccines and Medical Examinations on the USCIS website and from CDC for immigration. Some vaccines are not required at all (such as Hep A, B, and so forth, read the instructions) depending on your age and unless you are at high risk for exposure towards certain diseases (travelers, health care workers, certain age groups, etc.). However, you must have MMR, TDaP (or TD in certain cases), Varicella (chicken pox), and Flu Shot (during flu season November through March). Even if you decide to get the rest of the shots (which is good for you), you do NOT have to complete the series for the sake of AOS (this info is in the instructions). You should call a few Civil Surgeons in your area and ask what shots are required, they will mostly tell you only MMR and TDap or TD is required, and ask you if you had chicken pox as a child, anything else is a rip-off. As an adult, you do not have to get all the vaccines (except for reasons mentioned above, again refer to CDC). I have posted the link to CDC and USCIS for info on this issue, there are many topics, you can skim through and educate yourself about it:



Also, please include your case details in your signature (your case number, field office, when NL1 was received and so on). That way, it will be easier for us to give you better advice.

Good Luck!

Chk this too http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/PDF/wk/mm5901-Immunization.pdf
Page 2 Fig 1, in general only the ones in YELLOW are needed.
For vericella (chickenpox), if you have had it, just tell the Dr he will write it down and you do not have to take it.
You do not have to complete the whole series before sending in i-485, Dr will write something like 'not enough time' or similar. But it will be good if you can complete the whole series and have the records with you before the i-485 intvw.

If you were ever on F1 or H1, you may have already got MMR series and the TB skin test, look for those records.
If your TB was -ve in the past , they will most probably do it again.
If it was +ve in the past, DO NOT let them do the skin test again and you may have already gone through the INH med regime. In that case,most of the time it will be only a new xray. Get all your past paperwork and be prepared.

Best !
Hi guys,

My case is 2011EU00003XXX and I have received both the 2nd NL letter and the receipt for the $375 fee. I see that some of the people in my situation sent "an additional $65 fee to the DOS". Could you please tell me what that is -- apparently I have overlooked some info in those papers... Thanks!
Hi guys,

My case is 2011EU00003XXX and I have received both the 2nd NL letter and the receipt for the $375 fee. I see that some of the people in my situation sent "an additional $65 fee to the DOS". Could you please tell me what that is -- apparently I have overlooked some info in those papers... Thanks!

The DV fee has increased from $375 to $440 starting July 13, 2010. So, you better send the additional $64 as soon as possible.
The procedure is exactly the same as the first $375.
......From Zimbabwe!

Hey everyone my number is CN 2011AF00086XXX (HIGH) and I'm from Zimbabwe any idea when my number might be called up? I am also curious for those who got an EAD whilst on F1 through the AOS process how long did it take? I am married and was wondering do both of us have to get medicals?(we are already in the states)
What if current date is late!

Please help me out I maybe mistaken but it seems everyone says you should only apply for AOS after the date becomes current. Assuming the date is September for high numbers like mine 2011AF00086XXX wont it be too late because the date probably comes out with the August Bulletin thats literally 60 days away from closing. It only makes sense to apply after October 2010. Any takers? :confused:
Please help me out I maybe mistaken but it seems everyone says you should only apply for AOS after the date becomes current. Assuming the date is September for high numbers like mine 2011AF00086XXX wont it be too late because the date probably comes out with the August Bulletin thats literally 60 days away from closing. It only makes sense to apply after October 2010. Any takers? :confused:

This issue has been discussed extensively (do your own search/research), so I am not going into details than saying..."take my word"!!

DO NOT apply early before you see your # in the VB. Yours will probably come out as advanced notice in July 2011. Apply after that.
Sure, you can apply anytime you want....AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
