• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

Your check will be processed electronically, they will scan and send the info to the bank. but do what lucky said

If you are not getting back your own processed/canceled checks from your bank, ask your bank to get the copy of the canceled e-check, both front and back.
Also, if you sent a cashiers chk for the $440 fee, talk to your bank and get a copy of that canceled chk too, front and back.
These MAY be useful, you never know.

So, I have my AOS package ready. For people current in October, just wondering, are you guys sending it on the 29th or the 30th?
So, I have my AOS package ready. For people current in October, just wondering, are you guys sending it on the 29th or the 30th?

I'm sending my documents on 1 Oct by express mail. I'm not sure that somebody will take care about our packages at Friday. So if it will arrive at Monday it will be fine I guess. Besides a lot of people sending their documents there for different questions that reduce the probability that somebody will choose exactly my documents at 1 of October.
Thank you guys

I will call USCIS regarding this matter. I tried to call earlier but was on hold for forever

I am not going to attach a letter explaining them anything about my Canadian trip nor stamp made by Canadian. I won't be able to prove that i returned on such date to US, since they probably have no record about.Showing them a stamp that I entered Canada on one date, does not prove that I entered US on different date a week later.

Most likely I will put Niagara Falls.

I will let you know after i talk tot USCIS.

Dear Izzy,

Thank you very much for your advice.

I did a mistake. My passeport was NOT stamped when I entered the US on July 4. It was stamped on July 3 in Niagara falls, Canada. I am gunna go with what Izzy said. I am gunna tell the truth and say I entered in Niagara Falls, USA. I will write an explanation abt it on the extra page: " i don't see in my passeport a stamp that i entered in Niagara falls, USA, but i did. I drove back to nyc on July 4, 2010 from Niagara falls, Canada". I will add a copy of the canadian stamp I have in my passeport.

Please, let me know what you re gunna do with this situation.

Thank you
Thank you guys

I will call USCIS regarding this matter. I tried to call earlier but was on hold for forever

I am not going to attach a letter explaining them anything about my Canadian trip nor stamp made by Canadian. I won't be able to prove that i returned on such date to US, since they probably have no record about.Showing them a stamp that I entered Canada on one date, does not prove that I entered US on different date a week later.

Most likely I will put Niagara Falls.

I will let you know after i talk tot USCIS.


I got infopass today and i spoke to the IO manager. she told me i have to put New York City for the place of my last entry on February 15 because that s what will show up in their system. She explained to me that is legally fine that we had no stamp and no new I94. She basically made me a copy of page 273, paragraph 214.1 (b) from code of federal regulation , chapter department of homeland security. I am really in a hurry to get my package done, so i cant type the whole page right now. if it gives you more confort, send me a fax number i can fax it over to u.

best of luck
Dear winners

please, could you reconfirm that if i send the I-765, I-131 along with my I-485, I have to send them all together to the same address at USCIS Attn. FBAS or AOS 131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor Chicago, IL. 60603-5517? I will use UPS.
thank you for your response
best of luck
I believe you have to have everything together in a single packet and send it to the address you have mentioned. I would rather use Fedex since I have heard issues with UPS not delivering it to the right place at the right time esp. USCIS cases. But it is up to you.

Dear winners

please, could you reconfirm that if i send the I-765, I-131 along with my I-485, I have to send them all together to the same address at USCIS Attn. FBAS or AOS 131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor Chicago, IL. 60603-5517? I will use UPS.
thank you for your response
best of luck
Dear winners

please, could you reconfirm that if i send the I-765, I-131 along with my I-485, I have to send them all together to the same address at USCIS Attn. FBAS or AOS 131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor Chicago, IL. 60603-5517? I will use UPS.
thank you for your response
best of luck

Dear frenchiechs,

You don't need to put FBAS in the destination address because it's for family-based applications. Just use: USCIS Attn: AOS 131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor Chicago, IL. 60603-5517.

Also, make sure to write down on your mailing envelope: "I-485 Application to Adjust Status for your full name, 2011 DV Lottery Winner with DV Case #XXXX""
Also, make sure to write down on your mailing envelope: "I-485 Application to Adjust Status for your full name, 2011 DV Lottery Winner with DV Case #XXXX""

Is that a requirement or a recommendation? I don't recall seeing it in the instructions.
I believe you have to have everything together in a single packet and send it to the address you have mentioned. I would rather use Fedex since I have heard issues with UPS not delivering it to the right place at the right time esp. USCIS cases. But it is up to you.

Dear Sundaram,

thank you for the tip.
One more day!
best of luck
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Dear frenchiechs,

You don't need to put FBAS in the destination address because it's for family-based applications. Just use: USCIS Attn: AOS 131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor Chicago, IL. 60603-5517.

Also, make sure to write down on your mailing envelope: "I-485 Application to Adjust Status for your full name, 2011 DV Lottery Winner with DV Case #XXXX""

Dear khayat,

Thank you for mentioning these important details and reconfirming the address.

Best of luck
Is that a requirement or a recommendation? I don't recall seeing it in the instructions.

It's a recommendation that has also been stated by Izzy and Capeolive. And it makes sense. Chicago Lockbox receives daily hundreds of different types of applications which usually take a longer time to process than DV AOS applications which are supposed to be expedited. Moreover, DV AOS applications probably represent the smallest fraction of the pie for the entire year-round applications received at Chicago Lockbox. That's why your package has to stand out among others. So there's no harm but benefit in putting "I-485 Application to Adjust Status for your full name, 2011 DV Lottery Winner with DV Case #XXXX" on your mailing envelope. Good Luck !!!
Hi all,

Please help me confirm this address:
If I send my docs via USPS, I will have to send it to:
PO BOX 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

If I send my docs via UPS or FedEx, I will have to send it to:
131 S. Dearborn,-3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

Is that right?
Thanks in advance.


You can send to any of the two adresses, the major difference is that the P.O.Box will not have acknowledgement of receipt even though if you add Form 1145 they will still notify you when they accept your application. The other address which is the street address is actually an office and there will be an officer to sign for your package on arrival, you can go online with your tracking number and see that it has been received. the street address is for all express mail packages because they always require signature/receipt of delivery.

"USCIS Chicago Lockbox

For U.S. Postal Service (USPS) deliveries:

PO Box 805887
Chicago, IL 60680-4120

For Express mail and courier deliveries:

Attn: FBAS
131 South Dearborn - 3rd Floor
Chicago, IL 60603-5517

Thee above is the instruction concering mailing AOS packages to Chicago as posted on USCIS website
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For all that are current in October, that will send in their AOS packages today, tomorrow, next week etc, my prayers are profoundly with you. Please accept my best wishes. For those current in later months, hang in there. it's closer than you think, good luck too. Am happy to be taking this journey with all the great minds in this forum. One phase has ended and another begin from here. Thanks all.
Hey Guys,
More bad luck towards my way and I need help.
On last weekend, my wife had a birthday and we had BBQ in the park and smoked hookah (no drugs at all!!!) but I received a smoking citation and a notice to appear in court. By the court I was told that this is a criminal misdemeanor! Of course now I should put YES in part 3, section 1-b in I-485 (Been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined, or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, excluding traffic violations?). Should I add any more forms to the I-485 application.
Stupidly but innocently, I didn't know there was no smoking (anything at all) in California parks (???).
Thank you for your help!

Just answering yes to those questions does not mean you are not qualified for AOS anymore. People get this sort of citations all the time. Say YES and add a explanation additional sheet for what happened. You also need to carefully read the page 3 of i-485 instruction about criminal history and include all the requirements with your application.
You'll be fine.


Hey Guys,
More bad luck towards my way and I need help.
On last weekend, my wife had a birthday and we had BBQ in the park and smoked hookah (no drugs at all!!!) but I received a smoking citation and a notice to appear in court. By the court I was told that this is a criminal misdemeanor! Of course now I should put YES in part 3, section 1-b in I-485 (Been arrested, cited, charged, indicted, convicted, fined, or imprisoned for breaking or violating any law or ordinance, excluding traffic violations?). Should I add any more forms to the I-485 application.
Stupidly but innocently, I didn't know there was no smoking (anything at all) in California parks (???).
Thank you for your help!
Dear Khayat,
The instructions only say to add the paperwork if was arrested and convicted. I was only cited and still have a court appearance to get my fine or so.
Will it be better to add the judge ruling, court papers, citation itself and a cover explanation letter?


Just answering yes to those questions does not mean you are not qualified for AOS anymore. People get this sort of citations all the time. Say YES and add a explanation additional sheet for what happened. You also need to carefully read the page 3 of i-485 instruction about criminal history and include all the requirements with your application.
You'll be fine.

Thank you Frenchiech,

New York it is then.



I got infopass today and i spoke to the IO manager. she told me i have to put New York City for the place of my last entry on February 15 because that s what will show up in their system. She explained to me that is legally fine that we had no stamp and no new I94. She basically made me a copy of page 273, paragraph 214.1 (b) from code of federal regulation , chapter department of homeland security. I am really in a hurry to get my package done, so i cant type the whole page right now. if it gives you more confort, send me a fax number i can fax it over to u.

best of luck
Hi DV 2011 applicants,

I am a forumite from the DV 2010 AOS Only thread
who is about to retire. There is some information I
am posting that might help you.

You have my best wishes for your upcoming process...


FY 2010

DV AOS Processing Times

by Cut-Off Dates


cooldude (Jacksonville, FL)-----October-----------2.1 Months

hek121 (Baltimore, MD)--------October-----------2.2 Months

bluet41 (Baltimore, MD)--------October-----------2.6 Months

simpleman (Minnpls, MN)-------October-----------3.0 Months

agentsmith (Seattle, WA)------October-----------3.1 Months

vzla (Virginia Beach, VA)-------October-----------3.2 Months

june620 (New York, NY) -------October-----------3.3 Months

happy2010 (Lax, CA)----------October-----------4.0 Months

jlaw (San Francisco, CA)------October-----------4.2 Months

yaku (Miami, FL)--------------October-----------5.1 Months

shasha88 (Montana)----------October-----------8.3 Months

daima (Jacksonville, FL)-------November---------2.1 Months

iceman (Charleston, SC)------November---------5.1 Months

zapatos (New York, NY) ------November---------5.9 Months

i2009 (Philadelphia, PA)-------November---------7.5 Months

thomen (W. Palm Beach, FL)--December---------3.1 Months

marley (Chicago, IL)----------December---------3.1 Months

gagaun (Dallas, TX)----------December---------3.2 Months

cm1979 (Las Vegas, NV)-----December---------3.6 Months

ayataf (Philadelphia, PA)-----December---------3.9 Months

bentlebee (Tampa, FL)-------December--------4.1 Months

chivik (Jacksonville, FL)------December--------6.2 Months

sogdian (Washington DC)-----December-------7.5 Months

middle (Denver, CO)----------January---------2.1 Months

bianfid (Nebraska)------------January---------2.6 Months

ahad (Nashville, TN)----------January---------2.7 Months

gdh (Orlando, FL)------------January---------3.0 Months

antar45 (Dallas, TX)----------February--------2.6 Months

ewokra (Boston, MA)---------February--------4.5 Months

schneidi (San Diago, CA)-----February--------6.1 Months

jasmine182 (Houston, TX)----March----------2.9 Months

houselight (Boston, MA)------March----------3.3 Months

norkira (Detroit, MI)----------April-----------1.9 Months

nepal2010 (Dallas, TX)-------April------------2.5 Months

olsson (Phoenix, AZ)---------April------------3.1 Months

2010forme (Orange Cnty, CA)-April-----------3.3 Months

x2010x (Chicago, IL)---------April-----------3.7 Months

capeolive (Philadelphia, PA)--April------------4.2 Months

new one (New York, NY)-----May------------4.0 Months

teamworks (Washington, DC)-June-----------2.6 Months

latigrenoire (Charleston, SC)--June-----------4.2 Months

insaneanil (New Orleans, LA)--July-----------2.6 Months

leongsce (Lax, CA)-----------July-----------3.3 Months

shariifka (Miami, FL)----------July-----------4.2 Months

littlejohn (Boston, MA)-------August--------2.0 Months

zubi (New Orleans, LA)-------August--------2.0 Months

chooti (Pitsburgh, PA)--------August--------2.3 Months

zuno (Lax, CA)---------------August--------2.3 Months

winee10 (Colombus, OH)------August--------2.3 Months

summet (Houston, TX)--------August--------2.5 Months

damus (Baltimore, MD)--------September-----1.5 Months

mitondaw (NY/CA)------------September ----1.9 Months

frencfic (Miami, FL)----------September-----2.8 Months

