• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2011 AOS Only

Hi Joseph23!
I have the same situation - my number of course a little bit higher, it's 28000, but I guess you don't need to worry a lot. I didn't recieved my IL yet as well.

Hey All,
I have not received my IL yet!!! :( I am a little bit worried. Is there any thing that I can do to make the process go on?! or even to get any inside info about my status?!

Hi Joseph23!
I have the same situation - my number of course a little bit higher, it's 28000, but I guess you don't need to worry a lot. I didn't recieved my IL yet as well.

Thanks for the support,
I was just looking at the google doc timeline spread sheet and notice people with same range of case numbers got their IL and in one case (s)he even got the GC. This makes me nervous and wonder what can be wrong ?! Since they are doing AOS in CA I am getting the feeling that it might be my FO that is slow!!!! :(
Hey Guys,

I am just getting worry, it is now almost 25 days which I have sent my package to USCIS, no acceptance.

Please advice? is there any number of USCIS to call. I am wondering that they have lost my package? what do you think????

Don't worry, it take exactly one month. Calm down and give it few more days.

Hey Guys,

I am just getting worry, it is now almost 25 days which I have sent my package to USCIS, no acceptance.

Please advice? is there any number of USCIS to call. I am wondering that they have lost my package? what do you think????

Hey karen127,
Congrats on getting the interview letter.
Could please share the details of the letter (of course without personal details)
Like, what kind of docs are they asking you to bring to interview?
Did you get the generic letter or a letter that is applicable to DV case?
I submitted my package around the time you did, so i guess I should receive it soon...
Hi Yoni123,

The IL timing varies depending on the Field Office... Which is your FO?

Hey karen127,
Congrats on getting the interview letter.
Could please share the details of the letter (of course without personal details)
Like, what kind of docs are they asking you to bring to interview?
Did you get the generic letter or a letter that is applicable to DV case?
I submitted my package around the time you did, so i guess I should receive it soon...
Eventually I am Green

Got the GC...:)

I am so happy that I am eventually done with this!

This is an excellent forum with excellent people. Thanks much for the people who patiently answered my questions along my tough journey. I congratulate again all of people successfully completed this journey and I wish good luck to the ones whose cases have not concluded yet.

PS: I feel like I could not really help to people in this forum since I had to write a 200 pages of dissertation which is waiting to be defended in two weeks. However, I will be around after my PhD defense and will try to help the others as much as I can.
Guys now I have a question! Remember I told you that my Intarnational Passport is going to expired before intervew on July 5. Can it cause any problems for me, can they regect me for that reason? BTW I've already send all my doc to the Russian Embassy to re-new it. However, they said that it going to take about 3 months. Do you have any idea about this situation? Thansk :)
Cangratulation Laplace!!!!! :))))
Got the GC...:)

I am so happy that I am eventually done with this!

This is an excellent forum with excellent people. Thanks much for the people who patiently answered my questions along my tough journey. I congratulate again all of people successfully completed this journey and I wish good luck to the ones whose cases have not concluded yet.

PS: I feel like I could not really help to people in this forum since I had to write a 200 pages of dissertation which is waiting to be defended in two weeks. However, I will be around after my PhD defense and will try to help the others as much as I can.
Guys If I have more that 18.000 $ on my account should I submit I-134. Also I have copy of the job offer? Thanks to everybody. :)