• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2010 Winners from Ghana

Is there anybody from the 2010 group who still have interview? Let us know so that you can be remembered in our prayers
Oh MINE, thank you all for your kind words. I will continue to be around to provide advice as and when needed. Thank you all once again.

congratsss Donkay, we give all glory to God alone 4 He said His glory He will share wit no man, and thak u so much 4 upholding the standard of this Godly forum. congrats again.
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.
Hi Isee, thank God your aunt and her sons did it. This is a very reassuring story for all of us waiting to be interviewed. It was also great that you persistently encouraged her to persue with her application. Beautiful news.
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

Our GOD reigns! thank u isee for reassuring us of God's support. with him all is possible.
Hi Isee, thanks for sharing with us this wonderful testimony.This is really inspirational and to God be the glory.
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

Hi Isee, you're an inspirer, man of valor and God fearing. That's really inspirational and encouraging. One thing we all must know in this forum is that, what men doubt, is what God does for us to trust and believe that He is. Brothers and sisters for upcoming interview, God is with us! The battle is not ours, it's God's. Let's put up a united front, pray, hail and petition to Him, for He helps the helpless. Our toils and sufferings are over in Jesus' name, amen! Again, God is with us! That was really a riveting story from our brother. God bless you, Isee. This testimony has doubled our faith in the Lord. Glory be to Him. Peace! Benniit
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

Congratulations to ur sisters life and her kids Isee.

The good Lord that did this in her life and ALL others on this forum will never stop doing good in OUR lives.

OUR GOD IS GREAT INDEED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Let us continue to be praising God always cos he is worthy of OUR praises.Praise God everybody,alleluyah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

We shall ALL succeed,AMEN!!!!!!
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

Oh my god! thats so inspiring, i can swear God is gooooooood! i'm really happy for you and your aunts and her sons and CONGRATULATIONS and may god help all of us to get visas and get to USA :)
the last man standing for dv 2010 on this forum (probably) has finally had his interview. Please join me in giving thanks to the almighty for granting us success in the interview. For our friends remaining, ensure that your docs are genuine and up to date, do not be over anxious, be confident and the visa shall be yours.
We got to the embassy around 6.45 am and were the 1st in the queue. Embassy opened by 7.30 and by 7.40 we were in the building having gone thru security formalities. Our no was called in less that 15 mins and we did our pay'ts and all our docs were scrutinised after which we were asked to take our seats. We were called to be interviewed around 9 and i must admit that this was more of a conversation between myself, my spouse and the co after which she said welcome to america. Folks that is it. Wth god on your side, who can be against you. Thank you all, you have all been an inspiration.

Am sorry for the delay but I picked up my visa on the 15th and it was such a lovely experience.With God everything is possible.
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

Isee, to God be the Glory for this wonderful adventure of your aunt, we wish her a successful preparation and journey when the D-day comes.
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.


i like your courage and your steadfastness to God, and most importantly "Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity"

I welcome your aunt to Obamaland.

One love.
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Advice to the house

The first question my host asked me when i got here is whether i drive. He made me aware that life in obamaland is
Uncomfortable if you don't know how to drive. Well, luckly for me i know how to drive so he took me to the DMV office today for a driving manual to enable me prepare for the driving text. I wish that every member of this house is granted a visa to see things here. I have not seen much but even with the little, i can say to the house that the difference is clear. No dust, no mosquito, no flies etc.

Guys without a social security card, one can not do much here except to eat, drink and sleep.


Good information, in Obamaland , one really needs a car.

One love
Hi all,

First of all i would like to say congratulations to all who got their visas and all the best to those waiting to get theirs. To God be the Glory.
I would like to say thank you to all who answered my questions,you were all helpfull as my Aunt's case was very different from any case i have ever come across.
My Aunt and her 2 dependants got their Visas on monday,(thank you JESUS) here is the story:

My Aunt is HIV positive and she entered the Lottery in 2008. When she received the 1st NL and was going through the form DS-230, she realized she had to declare she was HIV positive, since she is in Africa and I am already in the States, and could not do the research herself, I went to work immediately, researching on why they want you to declare if you are HIV positive . That’s when I came across the HIV Ban and the Waiver. The waiver itself takes more than 6 months to process, which means for my Aunt it was impossible to even think of that as the fiscal year ends on September 30th and her number was the high 2010AF00079*** (so you can imagine how impossible that was). When I asked people for advice, they all told me to tell her not to waste her time and money as HIV people never get the Visa. My advice for her was, go ahead and send your forms and tell them the truth that you are HIV positive. And we prayed. Guess what happened end of 2009, the HIV Ban was LIFTED (God makes a way where there seems to be no way). Just to be on the safe side, I decided to still get some documents for her they required before the ban was lifted like medical insurance, Doctors appointment letter e.t.c (because they were already aware that she was HIV positive).
When she got the 2nd NL, one of her dependants name was not listed. I called KCC to inquire why his name was not listed in the 2nd NL and they told me it was because he was over 21years and the system had automatically kicked him out which means he was no longer eligible for the visa. I asked about the LAW protecting him from ageing out since he was under 21 when the mother applied for the visa, but they told me he was no longer eligible for the visa. When I did the Mathematics I found that he had gone over the age by 45days which made it impossible for him to get the visa, even if he went, how would he get into the Embassy when his name is not listed? Once again I asked people and most of them said, tell her not to waste her time and money because he will not get it. My advice for her again was go ahead and take him for medicals and the interview. And as usual we prayed.
The Embassy told her to submit the documents before the interview, so she did including her son’s documents. They all went for the medicals and also submitted those in advance. Her interview was supposed to be on September 15th, but when she went to submit the medicals they told her to go on Monday September 13th, so she did. My advice for her, again, take your son with you.
When they got to the Embassy on Monday, she was with her 2 dependants and her sister (who escorted her). They were the only ones there and the guard asked them what they were doing there, she told him they were there for the interview, and the guard said ok go in, all of you go in, and her sister told him she was just escorting them she did not have an interview, the guard said ok, you stay out here but you 3 go in. So my Aunt and her 2 dependants went in, the guard did not even ask for the 2nd NL or how many people had an interview. (Only GOD).
When they got in, they asked her if she had anymore documents to submit and she told them she already did, and that she had the I-134 Affidavit of support if they wanted it and the lady said no, it’s up to the CO if he wants it. They called her to the window:
CO---Hi, how are you, please go and pay for yourself only and come back so I can interview you.
My Aunt---Ok
She went to pay and went back to the window.
CO---Which school did you attend?
My Aunt told him
CO---What degree do you have?
My Aunt---Business Studies.
CO---What subjects did you do?
My Aunt told him
CO---I see you worked as an accountant, for how long and what do you do now?
My Aunt told him
CO---Where are you planning to stay when you go to the states and what are you going to do?
My Aunt told him
CO---Ok so which one is Mark? (asking about the son who is not eligible for visa)
My Aunt--- The older one
CO---Ok, now go pay for the boys and bring them here so I can interview them
My Aunt went to pay and went back to the window with her 2 sons.
CO---Hi Mark, which year were you born and how old are you now? (asking the son not eligible for visa)
Mark---I was born in 1988, am 21 and turning 22 in October
CO---Ok, how about you James are you still in high school? (asking the younger brother)
James--- I just graduated at the top of my class last month.
CO---Well done James.
CO---Ok, come tomorrow at 3pm and pick up your visas. You will get 6 months visas and you must travel within the next 6 months, when you get to America, they will send you your green cards and you can apply for Social Security Cards.
My Aunt---All 3 of us?
CO---Yes, all 3 of you will go to America, you have your visas, congratulations.
My Aunt---Thank you very much.
She picked up their visas on Tuesday and will be travelling soon. To GOD be the glory.
I just want to encourage anyone who is facing any problems, you MUST believe in GOD’s report, not men. God is not bound to human Law, he is God of all and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. If you dare to believe what God has put in your spirit to believe, your breakthrough will come to fruition. So dare to believe right now.
If I had listened to everyone who told me to tell my Aunt not to waste her time and money because there was no way she was getting her visa and her dependants visa, this testimony would not have happened. I know money in Africa is very hard to get, especially if we start talking in US Dollars, but you would rather pay that money to the Embassy and get your visa denied, than just give up and not try at all when you would have been given the visa, and live the rest of your life wondering what if? Money can always be replaced, but Green Card is once in a life time opportunity. So try, please try, because as you can see from my Aunt’s testimony, she tried and got the visas, even when the Law said they couldn’t. They still got them. So put God first, and dare to believe in him, because God said, Victory is ours and all the Glory is His. We give you all the Glory my King
I am sorry its long, but I just had to share this testimony and hope that it encourages someone.
Thanks again to all those who gave me advice and help, I really do appreciate it and may the good Lord bless you all.
Love and Blessings.

There is absolutely nothing that God cannot do.Put your trust in the Lord.
It's very refreshing reading all the successful stories in this forum. Thanks to the almighty for granting us this opportunity. I wish all those who have had successful interviews journey mercies as they embark on traveling to Obamaland, and to those yet to have their interviews - I wish you luck.

Well, I received my Social Security Card today (Sept. 17). I am yet to recieve my Green Card but hopeful it will not be long.

I live far from Baltimore city so having access to Internet cafes is difficult. I just signed up for an internet, phone and TV services and hopefully within some few days I will be constantly online.

Stay blessed.
It's very refreshing reading all the successful stories in this forum. Thanks to the almighty for granting us this opportunity. I wish all those who have had successful interviews journey mercies as they embark on traveling to Obamaland, and to those yet to have their interviews - I wish you luck.

Well, I received my Social Security Card today (Sept. 17). I am yet to recieve my Green Card but hopeful it will not be long.

I live far from Baltimore city so having access to Internet cafes is difficult. I just signed up for an internet, phone and TV services and hopefully within some few days I will be constantly online.

Stay blessed.

Thank God for having ur soc sec card and hearing from from u once again. Peace! Benniit
a friend's wife won dv2011, and she is current 4 october, the problem is that she will be combining two o'level certificate and one has a wrong date of birth on it. wat do u think?
The last man standing for DV 2010 on this forum (probably) has finally had his interview. Please join me in giving thanks to the Almighty for granting us success in the interview. For our friends remaining, ensure that your docs are genuine and up to date, do not be over anxious, be confident and the visa shall be yours.
We got to the embassy around 6.45 am and were the 1st in the queue. Embassy opened by 7.30 and by 7.40 we were in the building having gone thru security formalities. Our no was called in less that 15 mins and we did our pay'ts and all our docs were scrutinised after which we were asked to take our seats. We were called to be interviewed around 9 and I must admit that this was more of a conversation between myself, my spouse and the CO after which she said welcome to America. Folks that is it. Wth God on your side, who can be against you. Thank you all, you have all been an inspiration.

Congratulations my brother.