• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV-2010 Winners from Ghana

Hello house,

I went to the embassy today with the intention of going for my visa but @ the end of the day i came home without it. To start with, a gentleman came and educate us about how to handle both the passport and the brown envelope. Well he said the brown envelope should be handed over to a US immigration officer @ the POE. He also said before you leave the embassy, check to see whether the data in the visa sticker tally's with the one in your passport. He went further and said if you don't report any discrepancy b4 leaving the place, you can not be help @ a later date.
My name was mentioned and our package was handed over to us. That of my wife was okay but eventhough my surname was spelt correctly on the brown envelope, one letter was omitted in the visa sticker. Well reported to them and they collected our package and told
us to wait 4 a while. After ten minutes, we were called to one of the windows and the CP apologies for the inconvenience caused us and told us that the correction will take some time. He then gave us a new visa collection ticket stating that we should come back in the 21st of May which is next week.
Guys, i must confess, I'm a little bit down. I taught this wahala process was going to end for me today but it didn't materialized.

I was expecting to come here and congratulate you.You still earn the congratulations cos you have already seen the visa.21st is just around the corner.You will get it.congrats
Hi Alexee, as i have noticed. u already have your visa prepared awaiting pick-up. congrats on that. I believe if you are coming with your family, yoy need to bring along with you some money. Depending on who is going to host you, you should be prepared to move out( esp if you come with your family) after at most 2 months. With flights, enquire generally, but visit Delta's office too because they have a direct flight. Anything more specific you would wanna know, i would be sticking around here and there. hope this helps.

Hi nana,

Thx very much for the information given, i really appreciate it. With regards to the current economical trend, how much money do u think a family of two needs to start life over there? Any idea about rental cost will also be appreciated.
Thank you.
I was expecting to come here and congratulate you.You still earn the congratulations cos you have already seen the visa.21st is just around the corner.You will get it.congrats

Hi gasper,

Nice to hear from you. How are things so far? Well what happened to me was not different from what happened to Moses, he saw the promise land but wasn't able to step a foot there. In other words, i got hold of my passport with the visa stamped in but unfortunately, i couldn't bring it home. Well i'm waiting for the new date.
its been tough for the American people for the past few years due to the recession.Things have just gotten better, and if you might have read,the employment figures released for this month showed a high increase in the number of jobs created. The highest in the past 4 years. thats a very good sign. though in recession, i personally believe things are much better in europe, since i lived in london before moving here. just be positive, when you arrive, talk to the right people and you would be just fine. hope this helps.

Good to note that things are improving and thanks for your advice. Guys, if you eventually move to the US, you have to spread your wings wide or cast your net wide. Make contact to as many people as you could and very importantly education is the key to success for new immigrant in the US.
Hi nana,

Thx very much for the information given, i really appreciate it. With regards to the current economical trend, how much money do u think a family of two needs to start life over there? Any idea about rental cost will also be appreciated.
Thank you.

the cost of living in the states is pretty much dependent on the state that you reside. and even within the state, the cities or towns that you live in. From this part of the country that i live, you could get a 2 bedroom apartment for around $900 a month. or since you are two, you could rent a single bedroom for around $500. It will be much higher in the big cities. Where will u be residing??that way i could give you a better idea..hope this helps
And am i suppose to do it at the place where all dv 2010 winners in my country are doing their own police certificate or where am i suppose to do that

You can do it at any police station. Par exemple a l'office de l'immigration de Bonandjo.
And am i suppose to do it at the place where all dv 2010 winners in my country are doing their own police certificate or where am i suppose to do that
Pls i wish you all could throw more light on how i am suppose to go about solving this problem and any other supporting document.

Police, Court, and Prison Records

For Cameroonians, the document involved is called the "Extrait du Casier Judicaire" or Bulletin N0. 3. It is issued by the Chief Court Clerk (Greffier en Chef) of the Tribunal de Premiere Instance in the capital of the province of the applicant's birth. This document shows convictions and other pertinent information or indicates ‘no record’ by saying in effect "person's identity verified." Under Cameroonian procedures, convictions and other records occurring anywhere in Cameroon are sent to the court in the applicant's provincial capital for filing, thus making this document effectively a national clearance. The court clerk in Yaounde also has duplicate records for persons born in Northwest and Far North Provinces. The applicant can obtain the Extrait in person by presenting his or her National Identity Card or birth certificate at the clerk's office, or by sending the card to an immediate relative who can take it to the office for the applicant. There may be a fee for this service.

Non-Cameroonians resident more than 6 months in Cameroon, must obtain a “Casier Judiciaire Spécial” from the Chief Court Clerk (Greffier en Chef) of the Tribunal de Premiere Instance in the capital of the province of the person's place of residence, or former residence if there is no record. The “Casier Judiciaire Spécial” can be obtained by the applicant in person, or by mailing a request to a relative or friend with the following information: name, date and place of birth, nationality, passport number and issuance information, number and date of any Cameroon visas issued, number and date of issuance of the Cameroon ID Card (Permis de Sejour), and dates of residence and address while in the district. There is a fee for this service.
Visa Collection

Sorry for the delay in posting my experience at the Embassy on the visa collection day.

We got to the embassy around 7.20am and they were already in a queue. We joined them and entered the embassy around 7.30am. We were asked to wait at a shed just before the entrance to the main interview hall. Due to limited seats, most of the people were standing including my husband and I with my husband holding our baby. The security officer came to call some people to go to the interview hall and the rest were left standing. We stood there till 9am and i couldn't take it anymore so my husband requested that i go to the car with our baby and wait since the boy was feeling sleepy. From the car, i could still see them standing. It was around 10.30 when I saw someone come out to brief them on the visa, how to handle the passport and the brown envolope. They went into the hall around 11am. At about 11.45, my husband came to the car with our passports and three brown envlopes which are not to be opened. upon his arrival, he told me I was the reason for the delay since they made a mistake with my name so they had to reissue the visa and cancel the previous one.

Thank God we all recieved our passports with our visas in it. Unfortunately, two of the brown envlopes wasn't securely sealed as the other one which came with stamps and cellotape. Therefore my husband would take them back to the embassy for the change since it clearly states that under no circumstance must you open the brown envlope.

Guys, that was my experience. Alexee, do not worry, once you saw your visa in your passport, there is no cause for alarm, come 21st May, you shall surely recieve your passport with your visa printed in it.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Will come back to give more experience when ever needed.

CN: 2010AF00031***
NL dated : 21st March 2009
NL received:14th May 2009
Returned forms: 30th June 2009
2nd NL received: 3rd March 2010
Started medicals: 10th March 2010
Medicals completed: 31st March 2010
Interview: 14th April 2010
Visa Pick-up: 14th May 2010
POE: Awaiting
Visa Collection

Sorry for the delay in posting my experience at the Embassy on the visa collection day.

We got to the embassy around 7.20am and they were already in a queue. We joined them and entered the embassy around 7.30am. We were asked to wait at a shed just before the entrance to the main interview hall. Due to limited seats, most of the people were standing including my husband and I with my husband holding our baby. The security officer came to call some people to go to the interview hall and the rest were left standing. We stood there till 9am and i couldn't take it anymore so my husband requested that i go to the car with our baby and wait since the boy was feeling sleepy. From the car, i could still see them standing. It was around 10.30 when I saw someone come out to brief them on the visa, how to handle the passport and the brown envolope. They went into the hall around 11am. At about 11.45, my husband came to the car with our passports and three brown envlopes which are not to be opened. upon his arrival, he told me I was the reason for the delay since they made a mistake with my name so they had to reissue the visa and cancel the previous one.

Thank God we all recieved our passports with our visas in it. Unfortunately, two of the brown envlopes wasn't securely sealed as the other one which came with stamps and cellotape. Therefore my husband would take them back to the embassy for the change since it clearly states that under no circumstance must you open the brown envlope.

Guys, that was my experience. Alexee, do not worry, once you saw your visa in your passport, there is no cause for alarm, come 21st May, you shall surely recieve your passport with your visa printed in it.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Will come back to give more experience when ever needed.

CN: 2010AF00031***
NL dated : 21st March 2009
NL received:14th May 2009
Returned forms: 30th June 2009
2nd NL received: 3rd March 2010
Started medicals: 10th March 2010
Medicals completed: 31st March 2010
Interview: 14th April 2010
Visa Pick-up: 14th May 2010
POE: Awaiting

Hi Abutey,

Congratulations to you and your family.
Visa Collection

Sorry for the delay in posting my experience at the Embassy on the visa collection day.

We got to the embassy around 7.20am and they were already in a queue. We joined them and entered the embassy around 7.30am. We were asked to wait at a shed just before the entrance to the main interview hall. Due to limited seats, most of the people were standing including my husband and I with my husband holding our baby. The security officer came to call some people to go to the interview hall and the rest were left standing. We stood there till 9am and i couldn't take it anymore so my husband requested that i go to the car with our baby and wait since the boy was feeling sleepy. From the car, i could still see them standing. It was around 10.30 when I saw someone come out to brief them on the visa, how to handle the passport and the brown envolope. They went into the hall around 11am. At about 11.45, my husband came to the car with our passports and three brown envlopes which are not to be opened. upon his arrival, he told me I was the reason for the delay since they made a mistake with my name so they had to reissue the visa and cancel the previous one.

Thank God we all recieved our passports with our visas in it. Unfortunately, two of the brown envlopes wasn't securely sealed as the other one which came with stamps and cellotape. Therefore my husband would take them back to the embassy for the change since it clearly states that under no circumstance must you open the brown envlope.

Guys, that was my experience. Alexee, do not worry, once you saw your visa in your passport, there is no cause for alarm, come 21st May, you shall surely recieve your passport with your visa printed in it.

Thank you all for your support and encouragement. Will come back to give more experience when ever needed.

CN: 2010AF00031***
NL dated : 21st March 2009
NL received:14th May 2009
Returned forms: 30th June 2009
2nd NL received: 3rd March 2010
Started medicals: 10th March 2010
Medicals completed: 31st March 2010
Interview: 14th April 2010
Visa Pick-up: 14th May 2010
POE: Awaiting

Congrats to you and your family. I'm sure last Friday was one of your happiest days in your life. I wish you well in your preparation to travel to the US and hope you succeed in your stay over there.
Hello house,

Thank you all for your advice. I guess i have no choice than to wait patiently for the given date.
Computek and americanbound, welcome back to the forum. We need more from information about the states from you guys.

alexee, two more days to go. Hope you're preparing fervently towards your eventual move.
Hi Ammeck09,
Congrats on your successful interview,
we are still to embark on the process after my wife received the NL.We have been scruntising the forms and the various issues entangled in them. But our main concern lies with the size of the our family.We are 4 of us and it is going to be difficult getting a sponsor to accommodate us or sign for us an affidivat of support. My questions are, about how much did you indicate in your account as saving?Where did u make the application and interview? Were you the wininer or your wife? Were you also working at the time of the interview?
Please brief us for we do have a good case number and I suppose that if everything goes on well november or december would see us go in for the interview.
Hi All,

There are conflicting answers/responses on the question of a Petitioner. I read from somewhere (American State site) that a Petitioner is also known as a Sponsor (for affidivat of support) while on this forum it is the main Applicant ( DV winner). I dont know if any of you who have had their interviews successfull and visas issued could help clear this doubt.
Hi All,

There are conflicting answers/responses on the question of a Petitioner. I read from somewhere (American State site) that a Petitioner is also known as a Sponsor (for affidivat of support) while on this forum it is the main Applicant ( DV winner). I dont know if any of you who have had their interviews successfull and visas issued could help clear this doubt.

For the dv application, the petitioner is the principal winner. Under the dv requirements, your sponsor is just helping you financially. (Don't get confused that with the petitioner in family-based applications - where the petitioner is the permanent permit holder inviting/sponsoring his/her wife or children to join them permanently in the US).
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Hi Ammeck09,
Congrats on your successful interview,
we are still to embark on the process after my wife received the NL.We have been scruntising the forms and the various issues entangled in them. But our main concern lies with the size of the our family.We are 4 of us and it is going to be difficult getting a sponsor to accommodate us or sign for us an affidivat of support. My questions are, about how much did you indicate in your account as saving?Where did u make the application and interview? Were you the wininer or your wife? Were you also working at the time of the interview?
Please brief us for we do have a good case number and I suppose that if everything goes on well november or december would see us go in for the interview.

We were a family of 5 and according to the poverty guidelines we needed about $32,238 in our current account to show during the interview. I went with about £24,000 which is equivalent to about $34,000. My interview was scheduled in London, UK. I was the winner and was working full time during the whole process. I had a friend whole completed the Affidavit of Support (I-134) for the 5 of us but on the interview date (though I went with it) I didn't give that to the embassy since my own funds are enough to cover us.

I hope this helps.
Hi Ammeck09,

Many thnx for that quick and precise shot. I was almost getting mixed up with the web.
Many thnx also go to middle.com for the brilliant information shared on this forum
and to wish all those waiting for NLs, interviews and all what not all the best and success.
Likewise those already with visas,please always come back to share your experience with us .
Hi Ammeck09,

Many thnx for that quick and precise shot. I was almost getting mixed up with the web.
Many thnx also go to middle.com for the brilliant information shared on this forum
and to wish all those waiting for NLs, interviews and all what not all the best and success.
Likewise those already with visas,please always come back to share your experience with us .

Hi, some of us has promised to be around to give our opinions on issues raised in this forum. You are in the right forum and I do hope forumers will help in solving some of the issues you may raised.
Hi to everyone. How come in my search for information on the DV, I never came across this great forum with lots of great ideas and experinces. I found this site yesterday and I've practically read from the 1st to last page. As you can see I have a vry high CN but by the grace of God, I'm not worried at all. I have been getting massive loads of information in my reaserch and will not fail to put them here as and when required. Yea I'm in Gh but my family of 3 is in the UK. Opted to do CP in UK - have a valid RP. Did not know then that I could have it in Gh while my family have theirs in UK. Currently waiting to be current. Thanks a lot to all the other forumites, Ammeck, Alexee, Delay and all the other names I could not remember.
Now to my ques. Regarding the police cert from UK, I understand from previous posts that one need to do the fingerprinting in the UK and then send the forms down to GH for processing. Where in the UK can this be done? Does this apply to me in GH wanting to do CP in UK.