• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 Lucky winners from Nigeria meet HERE!

My Bros: alexee357,
Thank you for note; There is no regret whatsoever, life here is stll ok-you need to pray and work harder especially if you have work and school at the same time.

POE experience; if you changed your sponsor and/or address prior to leaving your country (Nigeria) make sure you update it at POE and follow it up as soon as you arrived(say within the week). I did not follow up mine, that was why my GC/SSN came late. There were sent to the address I filled in DSP 230.

Having transfered my Transcript, I go to school Mon-Thur and job Fri-Sun. I have finished one semister and have one to go to graduate. I thank GOD for his favour.

So, my people try your best and leave the rest for your Creator.

I will continue to pop in once a while and see how I could help/advice on-coming forumites to the States.
Good luck to all waiting for 2nd letter and/or interview.

Hi Navigator,

Just a quick one regarding your schooling. With your residence status, do you pay tuition as an international student or other-wise.
successful interview!!!


We set out at exactly 5.30 am for Walter Carrington Crescent. The five of us who have been Crowned in Victory –

  • Boundless Wealth
  • Endless Blessings
  • Adorned in Victory
  • Gift from God
  • and I - The First

We got to our destination at 6.00 am but could not get out of the car due to a heavy downpour that left the ground flooded. We were at a loss as to how to convey ourselves, three droplets from heaven (children), two briefcases, one handbag and the oversized x-ray envelopes.

I was like “Ah, let’s chill out. They will probably start around 6.30am”. Boundless Wealth was like “Hmm, let’s not take chances oooh! Let’s go to the entrance in case they start earlier” as God will have it, the rain subsided into a drizzle so we made for the entrance. By the time we got there, we were more wet than dry.

Around 6.20 am, there was a call for IV applicants with 6.30 am appointments to queue up, then IV applicants with 7 am appointments. Shortly after that, DV applicants were asked to queue up. By now my arm was hurting me from carrying Heavens Droplet 3, my handbag (which was filled with baby paraphernalia) and holding unto the x-rays and Heavens Droplet 1. Boundless Wealth who was not feeling too good in the first place had his hands full carrying the two briefcases and Heavens Droplet 2. As always, our Lord is good, he caused me to queue in front of a nice lady who, sensing my discomfort, offered to assist me in carrying Heavens Droplet 3. (Dear Lady, God richly bless you!!! We lost track of each other during the processing. Hope you were successful. Thanks so much for your help)

We were asked to dispose of any liquid, battery operated equipments, sharp objects, cell phones, makeup of any sort, face powder included. Its either you go drop them in the car or you can keep them with the mobile police men if they are willing…

We were then asked to open all envelopes, the x-ray and medical report inclusive. Bring them out and put them back inside.

Once inside the first gate, we were directed to the officer at the table facing the gate, there -

  • The second NL is checked and collected.
  • Passport photographs are checked. If not satisfactory, you will be told to go and take another one. Luckily, there are lots of photographers hanging around... but you don't want or need that kind of distraction so early in the morning. Get it right before going to the Embassy.
  • The Principal applicant is given an information sheet to fill out. Name, phone number, present address, e-mail address and name of petitioner is requested. I left the petitioner column blank.
  • A small blue piece of paper is handed over to you with a number written on it. Do not on any account misplace that small piece of paper.

We then proceeded to another queue. This time, a sitting queue. The seats are cemented to the ground. You just keep moving as each person is cleared. The movement was coordinated by a slim fine looking dude. We fell behind a bit cos third Droplet from Heaven started crying and had to be breastfed there and then. The slim fine looking dude was patient enough and ushered us to the second security check point as soon as Boundless Wealth told him we were ready.

  • At this point, your bags are checked
  • You are frisked as well as the children. There were three officers in all and they were all smiles and really nice. They tried chatting up our little droplets and wished us luck saying we will surely come out victorious.
All done, the metal door facing us is opened and we were asked to cross the road, enter into the embassy compound and into a porter cabin where we meet the same sitting queue. When it is your turn, you pay to the cashier and a receipt like a super market receipt is issued to you. Using one thousand Naira notes, Boundless wealth paid N620,000.00 for five of us at the exchange rate of N160 to a dollar. The cashier is indeed very rude. On getting to the counter, Boundless Wealth asked her what the exchange rate was. She snapped at him, “Sir, you know the exchange rate, just give me the money”.

Payment effected, receipt in hand (don’t misplace that either), we walk out of the porter cabin and almost immediately go up the steps of the main entrance of the embassy. At the top, there is another security check. Okayed, we go in and there is another security check. That done, I am told to knock on the black metal door facing me. It is opened by a security personnel.

The interview room is L shaped with white/cream gloss painted walls. Just after the door you have the water dispenser, the convenience is situated at one end of the L shape. The room looks like a banking hall. As we make our way to the seating area, the lady behind one of counters calls out our number (the one written on the small blue paper). I am carrying our third Droplet from Heaven while Boundless Wealth is holding the hands of the other two. The lady asks who the principal applicant is. I say I am the one. She looks at the baby I am carrying and asks the both of us if it is possible for my spouse to be the one to submit the documents. Luckily Boundless Wealth had cross checked, arranged and labeled the documents the night before. He goes ahead to the counter while I take the only available seats at the back facing the interview booths with transparent glass.

I seize the opportunity to change the diapers of our two Droplets of Heaven, Droplet number 1 is getting tired and sleepy and insists my shoulders must be the pillow while I feed Droplet 3 who thankfully starts drifting to sleep. The interview hall is stuffy and I can see beads of sweat on her fore head. I silently thank God for making me ditch the long sleeved outfits and jackets I had chosen earlier.

Boundless Wealth finishes the submission in no time and takes Droplets of Heaven 1 and 2 to the water dispenser. He comes back and carries Heavens Droplet 3 so I can gather my thoughts. It is at this point that we are able to pay attention to the questions being asked… the usual – When did you leave secondary school? What age were you at the time etc… Boundless Wealth is like I should check the exact date again and I am like perhaps I should just leave the details the way I packed them in my head. It is at this point that I have a little panic attack. I think about all the months of preparation, opportunity cost and sacrifice and how its fate is going to be determined in a total of five… at most, ten minutes. It must have shown on my face because Boundless Wealth starts to encourage and reassure me that God has already given it to us.

At the other side of the L shape. A male CO is questioning… abi interrogating a pretty fair complexioned lady clad in white figure hugging knee length dress. She’s got two kids and I can’t really hear her replies but he seems to be interrupting her a lot and then he says “So Mam, you mean you do not know the father of your two children”. She’s answering in a lower tone so I do not quite get her reply.

The three booths facing us had the Chinese lady at one end, a white lady with dark hair in the middle and another white lady with blond hair at the other end. The Chinese lady approves two applications in our presence. Her questions were routine – name, age, place of birth… those kind of questions… then pictures. No academic questions were asked. She sounds like a nice person and is patient when conducting her interviews.

The CO in the middle approved one application in our presence. Her questions on events seem to follow the pattern of –

• When did you…
• What age were you at the time…?
• How long ago was/is that?

All this while, Boundless Wealth was standing, carrying Heavens Droplet 3 and rocking her as she had not really slept completely. From that vantage point, he could see the CO's looking through some documents. Suddenly, he starts to tell me to wake Heavens Droplet 1 that he can see the blond CO looking at documents that look like ours. But it turns out to be for a couple with one child. Their applications are approved.

She takes another set of documents. I can see her holding my birth certificate. She starts to look at them one at a time while looking at her screen. She is writing on a piece of paper as she does this. I am looking at her as she goes through the motions with an expressionless face, suddenly, her brows wrinkle into a frown and she starts to look more intently at the screen. She calls a colleague to look at the screen, pointing with a finger. She looks for some moments and nods her head, the CO sitting beside her rolls her chair towards the screen too and looks. We know what they are looking at – the last addition to the family that was made four months after we received the first NL.

In the first set of forms 230 we sent back to KCC, we had included the baby as one of the children by indicating a six months pregnancy and put her name as Baby ??? Surname as one of the people traveling with me. We emailed another form with the birth certificates after the baby was born. She finally moves on to other documents. Without looking up, she calls our number and requests we come over to her booth. Boundless Wealth takes Heavens Droplets 2 and 3 and our briefcase containing additional information. While I carry Heavens Droplet 3 and the briefcase which was used to carry the requested documents and photographs.

As we take the less than ten steps to the counter, I look intently at her and ask God to bless her and cover us with his garment so that we may find favor in her sight. I ask him to complete the good work he started and crown us in victory.

In no time, we get to the counter and I come face to face with my CO…

Time, for me, ceases to move.

I smile, “Good morning Madam”. She does not return my smile, she does not frown either
Oath taking… again, I smile at her as I agree to tell the truth, she maintains a straight, stony expression.
Fingerprinting for Boundless Wealth and I. With the five of us standing at the booth, the questions begin to come.

I fix my eyes on her face and stare straight into her eyes. That’s not a difficult task cos she has beautiful blue eyes set on an equally beautiful face with well groomed blond hair that she packed away from her face.

CO: Who applied for the lottery?
Me: My Spouse
She turns to Boundless Wealth, “Did you apply for yourself as well”?
Boundless wealth: Yes
She turns back to me, “What is your highest level of education”?
In what field of study?
Why did you choose to study that?
Can you name some courses you took in school?
Are you working?

Turns to Boundless Wealth, “Are you working?”
In what field?
Turns back to me, “When did you get married?”
How many children do you have?
When was your last child born?
What did she do differently from her other siblings?
I give 2 short descriptive sentences each, not more than ten words
She laughs, seats back on her chair… I conclude with another short sentence.
Where were you born?
What were your parents doing there?
Do you have any other brothers and sisters that were born there?
Can I see your pictures?

At this point, Boundless Wealth takes the baby from me while I put my briefcase on the counter to enable me bring out the photo albums. We took 15 small albums that can easily be passed through the slot. 10 of the albums were 4 by 6 inches in size while the rest were 5 by 7 inches in size. The front cover of each album had a removable slot so that one can slot in the picture whose image is the focal point thereby making retrieval one sweet piece of cake. Each album had provision for 24 pictures. Thus we went for the interview with 375 pictures. The distribution was as follows:
  • My Childhood - 1
  • Introduction Marriage rites - 1
  • Court Marriage - 1
  • Traditional Marriage - 1
  • Church Wedding - 1
  • Church Wedding Reception - 1
  • Heaven's Droplet One - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Two - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Three - 3
The albums for Heavens Droplets basically followed the same pattern - showing me pregnant, the baby seconds after being born, baby carried by various people, being bathed, close ups with siblings, family functions, gatherings and outings.

I leave them on the counter and hand over the first one that I touch which happens to be for our traditional marriage ceremony. She opens a page in the middle of the album, drops it and asks for the album containing the children’s photographs. I hand over the first that I touch, she looks at the cover, it is a picture of the first child. She points to Heavens Droplet 1 and asks “Is this his album” I reply in the affirmative. She takes her time looking at each page.
Smiling, she asks “First hair cut”?
Me – “Yes”

She gets to the last page and says “Fine, can I see photographs of your last child”
I hand over an album, on the cover is a blown up picture of the baby taken a few seconds after birth. It shows the baby been held midair by a nurse, it’s body still covered in vernix and blood, the long umbilical cord visible with the blood stained scissors that was used to cut it. She takes her time to look at each picture then starts flipping through faster as she gets to the end of the album. She puts it back into the slot.

Her fingers hit the key board and she starts to type, then leaves her desk. I don’t see the direction she is going or what she went to do or perhaps I didn’t pay attention. She comes back and says something along the lines of our being qualified for the visa, I thank her and she hands me a white sheet of paper. The tiny blue paper is stapled to the white paper and has 5 written on it. She wishes us luck in the United States then asks if I am going to be collecting the visas myself or sending someone. I answer, she tells me that I am to pay the sum of N1250.00 for the five visas.

We leave the hall all :):):):):) and :D:D:D:D:D. I bring out the five thousand Naira I pledged months back to give to the first person or people we see after we have gotten the visa, Coincidentally, they are five in number.

As we drive away from Walter C Crescent, it all seems surreal. Time for me, begins to move. I check my wrist watch and it’s just a few minutes to ten.

All praise, glory, thanks and adoration to the Lord, our God and King.

God’s blessings to this forum and all who pass through it. You were and continue to be a source of information and inspiration.

May we continue to bask in God’s grace at each and every stage of our lives and in this DV journey, in Jesus name, amen.

Last edited by a moderator:


We set out at exactly 5.30 am for Walter Carrington Crescent. The five of us who have been Crowned in Victory –

  • Boundless Wealth
  • Endless Blessings
  • Adorned in Victory
  • Gift from God
  • and I - The First

We got to our destination at 6.00 am but could not get out of the car due to a heavy downpour that left the ground flooded. We were at a loss as to how to convey ourselves, three droplets from heaven (children), two briefcases, one handbag and the oversized x-ray envelopes.

I was like “Ah, let’s chill out. They will probably start around 6.30am”. Boundless Wealth was like “Hmm, let’s not take chances oooh! Let’s go to the entrance in case they start earlier” as God will have it, the rain subsided into a drizzle so we made for the entrance. By the time we got there, we were more wet than dry.

Around 6.20 am, there was a call for IV applicants with 6.30 am appointments to queue up, then IV applicants with 7 am appointments. Shortly after that, DV applicants were asked to queue up. By now my arm was hurting me from carrying Heavens Droplet 3, my handbag (which was filled with baby paraphernalia) and holding unto the x-rays and Heavens Droplet 1. Boundless Wealth who was not feeling too good in the first place had his hands full carrying the two briefcases and Heavens Droplet 2. As always, our Lord is good, he caused me to queue in front of a nice lady who, sensing my discomfort, offered to assist me in carrying Heavens Droplet 3. (Dear Lady, God richly bless you!!! We lost track of each other during the processing. Hope you were successful. Thanks so much for your help)

We were asked to dispose of any liquid, battery operated equipments, sharp objects, cell phones, makeup of any sort, face powder included. Its either you go drop them in the car or you can keep them with the mobile police men if they are willing…

We were then asked to open all envelopes, the x-ray and medical report inclusive. Bring them out and put them back inside.

Once inside the first gate, we were directed to the officer at the table facing the gate, there -

  • The first NL is checked and collected.
  • Passport photographs are checked. If not satisfactory, you will be told to go and take another one. Luckily, there are lots of photographers hanging around... but you don't want or need that kind of distraction so early in the morning. Get it right before going to the Embassy.
  • The Principle applicant is given an information sheet to fill out. Name, phone number, present address, e-mail address and name of petitioner is requested. I left the petitioner column blank.
  • A small blue piece of paper is handed over to you with a number written on it. Do not on any account misplace that small piece of paper.

We then proceeded to another queue. This time, a sitting queue. The seats are cemented to the ground. You just keep moving as each person is cleared. The movement was coordinated by a slim fine looking dude. We fell behind a bit cos third Droplet from Heaven started crying and had to be breastfed there and then. The slim fine looking dude was patient enough and ushered us to the second security check point as soon as Boundless Wealth told him we were ready.

  • At this point, your bags are checked
  • You are frisked as well as the children. There were three officers in all and they were all smiles and really nice. They tried chatting up our little droplets and wished us luck saying we will surely come out victorious.
All done, the metal door facing us is opened and we were asked to cross the road, enter into the embassy compound and into a porter cabin where we meet the same sitting queue. When it is your turn, you pay to the cashier and a receipt like a super market receipt is issued to you. Using one thousand naira notes, Boundless wealth paid N620,000.00 for five of us at the exchange rate of N160 to a dollar. The cashier is indeed very rude. On getting to the counter, Boundless Wealth asked her what the exchange rate was. She snapped at him, “Sir, you know the exchange rate, just give me the money”.

Payment effected, receipt in hand (don’t misplace that either), we walk out of the porter cabin and almost immediately go up the steps of the main entrance of the embassy. At the top, there is another security check. Okayed, we go in and there is another security check. That done, I am told to knock on the black metal door facing me. It is opened by a security personnel.

The interview room is L shaped with white/cream gloss painted walls. Just after the door you have the water dispenser, the convenience is situated at one end of the L shape. The room looks like a banking hall. As we make our way to the seating area, the lady behind one of counters calls out our number (the one written on the small blue paper). I am carrying our third Droplet from Heaven while Boundless Wealth is holding the hands of the other two. The lady asks who the principle applicant is. I say I am the one. She looks at the baby I am carrying and asks the both of us if it is possible for my spouse to be the one to submit the documents. Luckily Boundless Wealth had cross checked, arranged and labeled the documents the night before. He goes ahead to the counter while I take the only available seats at the back facing the interview booths with transparent glass.

I seize the opportunity to change the diapers of our two Droplets of Heaven, Droplet number 1 is getting tired and sleepy and insists my shoulders must be the pillow while I feed Droplet 3 who thankfully starts drifting to sleep. The interview hall is stuffy and I can see beads of sweat on her fore head. I silently thank God for making me ditch the long sleeved outfits and jackets I had chosen earlier.

Boundless Wealth finishes the submission in no time and takes Droplets of Heaven 1 and 2 to the water dispenser. He comes back and carries Heavens Droplet 3 so I can gather my thoughts. It is at this point that we are able to pay attention to the questions being asked… the usual – When did you leave secondary school? What age were you at the time etc… Boundless Wealth is like I should check the exact date again and I am like perhaps I should just leave the details the way I packed them in my head. It is at this point that I have a little panic attack. I think about all the months of preparation, opportunity cost and sacrifice and how its fate is going to be determined in a total of five… at most, ten minutes. It must have shown on my face because Boundless Wealth starts to encourage and reassure me that God has already given it to us.

At the other side of the L shape. A male CO is questioning… abi interrogating a pretty fair complexioned lady clad in white figure hugging knee length dress. She’s got two kids and I can’t really hear her replies but he seems to be interrupting her a lot and then he says “So Mam, you mean you do not know the father of your two children”. She’s answering in a lower tone so I do not quite get her reply.

The three booths facing us had the Chinese lady at one end, a white lady with dark hair in the middle and another white lady with blond hair at the other end. The Chinese lady approves two applications in our presence. Her questions were routine – name, age, place of birth… those kind of questions… then pictures. No academic questions were asked. She sounds like a nice person and is patient when conducting her interviews.

The CO in the middle approved one application in our presence. Her questions on events seem to follow the pattern of –

• When did you…
• What age were you at the time…?
• How long ago was/is that?

All this while, Boundless Wealth was standing, carrying Heavens Droplet 3 and rocking her as she had not really slept completely. From that vantage point, he could see the COs looking through some documents. Suddenly, he starts to tell me to wake Heavens Droplet 1 that he can see the blonde CO looking at documents that look like ours. But it turns out to be for a couple with one child. Their applications are approved.

She takes another set of documents. I can see her holding my birth certificate. She starts to look at them one at a time while looking at her screen. She is writing on a piece of paper as she does this. I am looking at her as she goes through the motions with an expressionless face, suddenly, her brows wrinkle into a frown and she starts to look more intently at the screen. She calls a colleague to look at the screen, pointing with a finger. She looks for some moments and nods her head, the CO sitting beside her rolls her chair towards the screen too and looks. We know what they are looking at – the last addition to the family that was made four months after we received the first NL.

In the first set of forms 230 we sent back to KCC, we had included the baby as one of the children by indicating a six months pregnancy and put her name as Baby ??? Surname as one of the people traveling with me. We emailed another form with the birth certificates after the baby was born. She finally moves on to other documents. Without looking up, she calls our number and requests we come over to her booth. Boundless Wealth takes Heavens Droplets 2 and 3 and our briefcase containing additional information. While I carry Heavens Droplet 3 and the briefcase which was used to carry the requested documents and photographs.

As we take the less than ten steps to the counter, I look intently at her and ask God to bless her and cover us with his garment so that we may find favour in her sight. I ask him to complete the good work he started and crown us in victory.

In no time, we get to the counter and I come face to face with my CO…

Time, for me, ceases to move.

I smile, “Good morning Madam”. She does not return my smile, she does not frown either
Oath taking… again, I smile at her as I agree to tell the truth, she maintains a straight, stony expression.
Fingerprinting for Boundless Wealth and I. With the five of us standing at the booth, the questions begin to come.

I fix my eyes on her face and stare straight into her eyes. That’s not a difficult task cos she has beautiful blue eyes set on an equally beautiful face with well groomed blond hair that she packed away from her face.

CO: Who applied for the lottery?
Me: My Spouse
She turns to Boundless Wealth, “Did you apply for yourself as well”?
Boundless wealth: Yes
She turns back to me, “What is your highest level of education”?
In what field of study?
Why did you choose to study that?
Can you name some courses you took in school?
Are you working?

Turns to Boundless Wealth, “Are you working?”
In what field?
Turns back to me, “When did you get married?”
How many children do you have?
When was your last child born?
What did she do differently from her other siblings?
I give 2 short descriptive sentences each, not more than ten words
She laughs, seats back on her chair… I conclude with another short sentence.
Where were you born?
What were your parents doing there?
Do you have any other brothers and sisters that were born there?
Can I see your pictures?

At this point, Boundless Wealth takes the baby from me while I put my briefcase on the counter to enable me bring out the photo albums. We took 15 small albums that can easily be passed through the slot. 10 of the albums were 4 by 6 inches in size while the rest were 5 by 7 inches in size. The front cover of each album had a removable slot so that one can slot in the picture whose image is the focal point thereby making retrieval one sweet piece of cake. Each album had provision for 24 pictures. Thus we went for the interview with 375 pictures. The distribution was as follows:
  • My Childhood - 1
  • Introduction Marriage rites - 1
  • Court Marriage - 1
  • Traditional Marriage - 1
  • Church Wedding - 1
  • Church Wedding Reception - 1
  • Heaven's Droplet One - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Two - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Three - 3
The albums for Heavens Droplets basically followed the same pattern - showing me pregnant, the baby seconds after being born, baby carried by various people, being bathed, close ups with siblings, family functions, gatherings and outings.

I leave them on the counter and hand over the first one that I touch which happens to be the for our traditional marriage ceremony. She opens a page in the middle of the album, drops it and asks for the album containing the children’s photographs. I hand over the first that I touch, she looks at the cover, it is a picture of the first child. She points to Heavens Droplet 1 and asks “Is this his album” I reply in the affirmative. She takes her time looking at each page.
Smiling, she asks “First hair cut”?
Me – “Yes”

She gets to the last page and says “Fine, can I see photographs of your last child”
I hand over an album, on the cover is a blown up picture of the baby taken a few seconds after birth. It shows the baby been held midair by a nurse, it’s body still covered in vernix and blood, the long umbilical cord visible with the blood stained scissors that was used to cut it. She takes her time to look at each picture then starts flipping through faster as she gets to the end of the album. She puts it back into the slot.

Her Fingers hit the key board and she starts to type, then leaves her desk. I don’t see the direction she is going or what she went to do or perhaps I didn’t pay attention. She comes back and says something along the lines of our being qualified for the visa, I thank her and she hands me a white sheet of paper. The tiny blue paper is stapled to the white paper and has 5 written on it. She wishes us luck in the United States then asks if I am going to be collecting the visas myself or sending someone. I answer, she tells me that I am to pay the sum of N1250.00 for the five visas.

We leave the hall all :):):):):) and :D:D:D:D:D. I bring out the five thousand naira I pledged months back to give to the first person or people we see after we have gotten the visa, Coincidentally, they are five in number.

As we drive away from Walter C Crescent, it all seems surreal. Time for me, begins to move. I check my wrist watch and it’s just a few minutes to ten.

All praise, glory, thanks and adoration to the Lord, our God and King.

God’s blessings to this forum and all who pass through it. You were and continue to be a source of information and inspiration.

May we continue to bask in God’s grace at each and every stage of our lives and in this DV journey, in Jesus name, amen.


Congrats on the success of ur interview. I have some quick questions for u. Are u from the EU region? I asked coz of ur case number. Also are we to go with
our 1st NL? never thought of it. If we're to go with our 1st and 2nd NL, is it only the main page which notifies us of being selected and the one 2NL which gives
us the date/time/venue or do we necessary need to go with all the other forms that came together from KCC. I'm just curious and need answers from people
who have experience on these......Thanks
When a conutry or a region becomes current, what it means is that the number of visa available for issuance is more than the number of DV applicants available for interview.

For example in Nigeria, we have about 500 persons remaining for the month of September and the number of visa available is 300. Which means that 22,000 - 22,301 will be schedule for interview, while the remaining 200 will not be schedule since the DV2010 will round-off by September.

However, if we have about 500 persons remaining and the visa numbers available is about 600, which means that there are alot of visa numbers available than the number of Dv applicants, hence it will be declear current. That is the number of visa number available is more that the actual number of DV applicants that would be schedule for interview at the end of the DV2010 exercise.

I trust you understand how it works now.
I think its now clear. It means we all have a visa number attached to us the issue is to proove ourselves.
Cheers bro


We set out at exactly 5.30 am for Walter Carrington Crescent. The five of us who have been Crowned in Victory –

  • Boundless Wealth
  • Endless Blessings
  • Adorned in Victory
  • Gift from God
  • and I - The First

We got to our destination at 6.00 am but could not get out of the car due to a heavy downpour that left the ground flooded. We were at a loss as to how to convey ourselves, three droplets from heaven (children), two briefcases, one handbag and the oversized x-ray envelopes.

I was like “Ah, let’s chill out. They will probably start around 6.30am”. Boundless Wealth was like “Hmm, let’s not take chances oooh! Let’s go to the entrance in case they start earlier” as God will have it, the rain subsided into a drizzle so we made for the entrance. By the time we got there, we were more wet than dry.

Around 6.20 am, there was a call for IV applicants with 6.30 am appointments to queue up, then IV applicants with 7 am appointments. Shortly after that, DV applicants were asked to queue up. By now my arm was hurting me from carrying Heavens Droplet 3, my handbag (which was filled with baby paraphernalia) and holding unto the x-rays and Heavens Droplet 1. Boundless Wealth who was not feeling too good in the first place had his hands full carrying the two briefcases and Heavens Droplet 2. As always, our Lord is good, he caused me to queue in front of a nice lady who, sensing my discomfort, offered to assist me in carrying Heavens Droplet 3. (Dear Lady, God richly bless you!!! We lost track of each other during the processing. Hope you were successful. Thanks so much for your help)

We were asked to dispose of any liquid, battery operated equipments, sharp objects, cell phones, makeup of any sort, face powder included. Its either you go drop them in the car or you can keep them with the mobile police men if they are willing…

We were then asked to open all envelopes, the x-ray and medical report inclusive. Bring them out and put them back inside.

Once inside the first gate, we were directed to the officer at the table facing the gate, there -

  • The first NL is checked and collected.
  • Passport photographs are checked. If not satisfactory, you will be told to go and take another one. Luckily, there are lots of photographers hanging around... but you don't want or need that kind of distraction so early in the morning. Get it right before going to the Embassy.
  • The Principle applicant is given an information sheet to fill out. Name, phone number, present address, e-mail address and name of petitioner is requested. I left the petitioner column blank.
  • A small blue piece of paper is handed over to you with a number written on it. Do not on any account misplace that small piece of paper.

We then proceeded to another queue. This time, a sitting queue. The seats are cemented to the ground. You just keep moving as each person is cleared. The movement was coordinated by a slim fine looking dude. We fell behind a bit cos third Droplet from Heaven started crying and had to be breastfed there and then. The slim fine looking dude was patient enough and ushered us to the second security check point as soon as Boundless Wealth told him we were ready.

  • At this point, your bags are checked
  • You are frisked as well as the children. There were three officers in all and they were all smiles and really nice. They tried chatting up our little droplets and wished us luck saying we will surely come out victorious.
All done, the metal door facing us is opened and we were asked to cross the road, enter into the embassy compound and into a porter cabin where we meet the same sitting queue. When it is your turn, you pay to the cashier and a receipt like a super market receipt is issued to you. Using one thousand naira notes, Boundless wealth paid N620,000.00 for five of us at the exchange rate of N160 to a dollar. The cashier is indeed very rude. On getting to the counter, Boundless Wealth asked her what the exchange rate was. She snapped at him, “Sir, you know the exchange rate, just give me the money”.

Payment effected, receipt in hand (don’t misplace that either), we walk out of the porter cabin and almost immediately go up the steps of the main entrance of the embassy. At the top, there is another security check. Okayed, we go in and there is another security check. That done, I am told to knock on the black metal door facing me. It is opened by a security personnel.

The interview room is L shaped with white/cream gloss painted walls. Just after the door you have the water dispenser, the convenience is situated at one end of the L shape. The room looks like a banking hall. As we make our way to the seating area, the lady behind one of counters calls out our number (the one written on the small blue paper). I am carrying our third Droplet from Heaven while Boundless Wealth is holding the hands of the other two. The lady asks who the principle applicant is. I say I am the one. She looks at the baby I am carrying and asks the both of us if it is possible for my spouse to be the one to submit the documents. Luckily Boundless Wealth had cross checked, arranged and labeled the documents the night before. He goes ahead to the counter while I take the only available seats at the back facing the interview booths with transparent glass.

I seize the opportunity to change the diapers of our two Droplets of Heaven, Droplet number 1 is getting tired and sleepy and insists my shoulders must be the pillow while I feed Droplet 3 who thankfully starts drifting to sleep. The interview hall is stuffy and I can see beads of sweat on her fore head. I silently thank God for making me ditch the long sleeved outfits and jackets I had chosen earlier.

Boundless Wealth finishes the submission in no time and takes Droplets of Heaven 1 and 2 to the water dispenser. He comes back and carries Heavens Droplet 3 so I can gather my thoughts. It is at this point that we are able to pay attention to the questions being asked… the usual – When did you leave secondary school? What age were you at the time etc… Boundless Wealth is like I should check the exact date again and I am like perhaps I should just leave the details the way I packed them in my head. It is at this point that I have a little panic attack. I think about all the months of preparation, opportunity cost and sacrifice and how its fate is going to be determined in a total of five… at most, ten minutes. It must have shown on my face because Boundless Wealth starts to encourage and reassure me that God has already given it to us.

At the other side of the L shape. A male CO is questioning… abi interrogating a pretty fair complexioned lady clad in white figure hugging knee length dress. She’s got two kids and I can’t really hear her replies but he seems to be interrupting her a lot and then he says “So Mam, you mean you do not know the father of your two children”. She’s answering in a lower tone so I do not quite get her reply.

The three booths facing us had the Chinese lady at one end, a white lady with dark hair in the middle and another white lady with blond hair at the other end. The Chinese lady approves two applications in our presence. Her questions were routine – name, age, place of birth… those kind of questions… then pictures. No academic questions were asked. She sounds like a nice person and is patient when conducting her interviews.

The CO in the middle approved one application in our presence. Her questions on events seem to follow the pattern of –

• When did you…
• What age were you at the time…?
• How long ago was/is that?

All this while, Boundless Wealth was standing, carrying Heavens Droplet 3 and rocking her as she had not really slept completely. From that vantage point, he could see the COs looking through some documents. Suddenly, he starts to tell me to wake Heavens Droplet 1 that he can see the blonde CO looking at documents that look like ours. But it turns out to be for a couple with one child. Their applications are approved.

She takes another set of documents. I can see her holding my birth certificate. She starts to look at them one at a time while looking at her screen. She is writing on a piece of paper as she does this. I am looking at her as she goes through the motions with an expressionless face, suddenly, her brows wrinkle into a frown and she starts to look more intently at the screen. She calls a colleague to look at the screen, pointing with a finger. She looks for some moments and nods her head, the CO sitting beside her rolls her chair towards the screen too and looks. We know what they are looking at – the last addition to the family that was made four months after we received the first NL.

In the first set of forms 230 we sent back to KCC, we had included the baby as one of the children by indicating a six months pregnancy and put her name as Baby ??? Surname as one of the people traveling with me. We emailed another form with the birth certificates after the baby was born. She finally moves on to other documents. Without looking up, she calls our number and requests we come over to her booth. Boundless Wealth takes Heavens Droplets 2 and 3 and our briefcase containing additional information. While I carry Heavens Droplet 3 and the briefcase which was used to carry the requested documents and photographs.

As we take the less than ten steps to the counter, I look intently at her and ask God to bless her and cover us with his garment so that we may find favour in her sight. I ask him to complete the good work he started and crown us in victory.

In no time, we get to the counter and I come face to face with my CO…

Time, for me, ceases to move.

I smile, “Good morning Madam”. She does not return my smile, she does not frown either
Oath taking… again, I smile at her as I agree to tell the truth, she maintains a straight, stony expression.
Fingerprinting for Boundless Wealth and I. With the five of us standing at the booth, the questions begin to come.

I fix my eyes on her face and stare straight into her eyes. That’s not a difficult task cos she has beautiful blue eyes set on an equally beautiful face with well groomed blond hair that she packed away from her face.

CO: Who applied for the lottery?
Me: My Spouse
She turns to Boundless Wealth, “Did you apply for yourself as well”?
Boundless wealth: Yes
She turns back to me, “What is your highest level of education”?
In what field of study?
Why did you choose to study that?
Can you name some courses you took in school?
Are you working?

Turns to Boundless Wealth, “Are you working?”
In what field?
Turns back to me, “When did you get married?”
How many children do you have?
When was your last child born?
What did she do differently from her other siblings?
I give 2 short descriptive sentences each, not more than ten words
She laughs, seats back on her chair… I conclude with another short sentence.
Where were you born?
What were your parents doing there?
Do you have any other brothers and sisters that were born there?
Can I see your pictures?

At this point, Boundless Wealth takes the baby from me while I put my briefcase on the counter to enable me bring out the photo albums. We took 15 small albums that can easily be passed through the slot. 10 of the albums were 4 by 6 inches in size while the rest were 5 by 7 inches in size. The front cover of each album had a removable slot so that one can slot in the picture whose image is the focal point thereby making retrieval one sweet piece of cake. Each album had provision for 24 pictures. Thus we went for the interview with 375 pictures. The distribution was as follows:
  • My Childhood - 1
  • Introduction Marriage rites - 1
  • Court Marriage - 1
  • Traditional Marriage - 1
  • Church Wedding - 1
  • Church Wedding Reception - 1
  • Heaven's Droplet One - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Two - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Three - 3
The albums for Heavens Droplets basically followed the same pattern - showing me pregnant, the baby seconds after being born, baby carried by various people, being bathed, close ups with siblings, family functions, gatherings and outings.

I leave them on the counter and hand over the first one that I touch which happens to be the for our traditional marriage ceremony. She opens a page in the middle of the album, drops it and asks for the album containing the children’s photographs. I hand over the first that I touch, she looks at the cover, it is a picture of the first child. She points to Heavens Droplet 1 and asks “Is this his album” I reply in the affirmative. She takes her time looking at each page.
Smiling, she asks “First hair cut”?
Me – “Yes”

She gets to the last page and says “Fine, can I see photographs of your last child”
I hand over an album, on the cover is a blown up picture of the baby taken a few seconds after birth. It shows the baby been held midair by a nurse, it’s body still covered in vernix and blood, the long umbilical cord visible with the blood stained scissors that was used to cut it. She takes her time to look at each picture then starts flipping through faster as she gets to the end of the album. She puts it back into the slot.

Her Fingers hit the key board and she starts to type, then leaves her desk. I don’t see the direction she is going or what she went to do or perhaps I didn’t pay attention. She comes back and says something along the lines of our being qualified for the visa, I thank her and she hands me a white sheet of paper. The tiny blue paper is stapled to the white paper and has 5 written on it. She wishes us luck in the United States then asks if I am going to be collecting the visas myself or sending someone. I answer, she tells me that I am to pay the sum of N1250.00 for the five visas.

We leave the hall all :):):):):) and :D:D:D:D:D. I bring out the five thousand naira I pledged months back to give to the first person or people we see after we have gotten the visa, Coincidentally, they are five in number.

As we drive away from Walter C Crescent, it all seems surreal. Time for me, begins to move. I check my wrist watch and it’s just a few minutes to ten.

All praise, glory, thanks and adoration to the Lord, our God and King.

God’s blessings to this forum and all who pass through it. You were and continue to be a source of information and inspiration.

May we continue to bask in God’s grace at each and every stage of our lives and in this DV journey, in Jesus name, amen.


Congratulations to you, Ms CROWNEDNVICTORY. Yours is like a book and ur family is like a bond. Let America shower you all with blessings and progress in every facet. Take care!
Entered Dv lottery : 20th Nov 2008
CN: 2010AF00011***
1st NL received: 20 Oct 2009 via e-mail
Returned forms to kcc via post office: 17 Nov 2009
Confirmed delivery from kcc: 3rd December 2009
2nd NL recieved via Post Office: 9th march 2010
Police Report Started and complited: 16th march 2010
Started medicals: 16th March 2010
Completed Medicals: 24th March 2010
Interview Date: 06 April 2010 Police Report Renew : waiting Interview Reschedule By Embassy to : 4th August 2010
Interview Result: waiting. Visa Pick Up : waiting HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY.
Entered Dv lottery : 20th Nov 2008
CN: 2010AF00011***
1st NL received: 20 Oct 2009 via e-mail
Returned forms to kcc via post office: 17 Nov 2009
Confirmed delivery from kcc: 3rd December 2009
2nd NL recieved via Post Office: 9th march 2010
Police Report Started and complited: 16th march 2010
Started medicals: 16th March 2010
Completed Medicals: 24th March 2010
Interview Date: 06 April 2010 Police Report Renew : waiting Interview R- eschedule By Embassy to : 4th August 2010
Interview Result: waiting. Visa Pick Up : waiting HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY.
Entered Dv lottery : 20th Nov 2008
CN: 2010AF00011***
1st NL received: 20 Oct 2009 via e-mail
Returned forms to kcc via post office: 17 Nov 2009
Confirmed delivery from kcc: 3rd December 2009
2nd NL recieved via Post Office: 9th march 2010
Police Report Started and complited: 16th march 2010
Started medicals: 16th March 2010
Completed Medicals: 24th March 2010
Interview Date: 06 April 2010 Police Report Renew : waiting Interview R- eschedule By Embassy to : 4th August 2010
Interview Result: waiting. Visa Pick Up : waiting HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY.
My people, I arrived Atalanta yesterday. To God be the Glory! My dear smalllacrimose, I don reach ooo :). U still dey Naija dey eat amala and gbegiri abi na tuwo self? Wishing all my brothers and sisters here the very best. The Grace of God, his Mercies and Compassion are just sufficient for everyone here. Goodluck to you all.
Last edited by a moderator:
My people, I arrived Atalanta yesterday. To God be the Glory! My dear smalllacrimose, I don reach ooo :). U still dey Naija dey eat amala and gbegiri abi na tuwo self? Wishing all my brothers and sisters here the very best. The Grace of God, his Mercies and Compassion are just sufficient for everyone here. Goodluck to you all.
Entered Dv lottery : 20th Nov 2008
CN: 2010AF00011***
1st NL received: 20 Oct 2009 via e-mail
Returned forms to kcc via post office: 17 Nov 2009
Confirmed delivery from kcc: 3rd December 2009
2nd NL recieved via Post Office: 9th march 2010
Police Report Started and complited: 16th march 2010
Started medicals: 16th March 2010
Completed Medicals: 24th March 2010
Interview Date: 06 April 2010 Police Report Renew : waiting Interview Reschedule By Embassy to : 4th August 2010
Interview Result: waiting. Visa Pick Up : waiting HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY.
My people, I arrived Atalanta yesterday. To God be the Glory! My dear smalllacrimose, I don reach ooo :). U still dey Naija dey eat amala and gbegiri abi na tuwo self? Wishing all my brothers and sisters here the very best. The Grace of God, his Mercies and Compassion are just sufficient for everyone here. Goodluck to you all.

My people, I arrived Atalanta yesterday. To God be the Glory! My dear smalllacrimose, I don reach ooo :). U still dey Naija dey eat amala and gbegiri abi na tuwo self? Wishing all my brothers and sisters here the very best. The Grace of God, his Mercies and Compassion are just sufficient for everyone here. Goodluck to you all.

Thanks for ur wishes and we wish u success in every thing u lay ur hands on in the land of opportunity. His will never fail in his promises for u. Every thing u do shall yield success.
Entered Dv lottery : 20th Nov 2008
CN: 2010AF00011***
1st NL received: 20 Oct 2009 via e-mail
Returned forms to kcc via post office: 17 Nov 2009
Confirmed delivery from kcc: 3rd December 2009
2nd NL recieved via Post Office: 9th march 2010
Police Report Started and complited: 16th march 2010
Started medicals: 16th March 2010
Completed Medicals: 24th March 2010
Interview Date: 06 April 2010 Police Report Renew : waiting Interview Reschedule By Embassy to : 4th August 2010
Interview Result: waiting. Visa Pick Up : waiting HIM ALONE BE ALL THE GLORY.

Yeah ddoonn! It's summer here and the weather is kind of hot. I had a long but safe and wonderful flight to Atlanta. I thought there's no need to waste time my brother. The 4 Months I stayed in Nigeria were kind of difficult for me. Again, I thought it's better for me to leave now than stay back in Nigeria doing nothing but spending the little money I had on me. I wish you the very best as you get set to join us here, my brother. Blessed.
Last edited by a moderator:
Thanks for ur wishes and we wish u success in every thing u lay ur hands on in the land of opportunity. His will never fail in his promises for u. Every thing u do shall yield success.

My dear donsino, I say a very very "BIG AMEN" to your prayers for me. Thanks a million times. God is able. May you be favoured by God. May he not be frugal in blessing you. May he put you in a position where people will envy and jealous you but they will not be able to undo you. May your name be set among the stars for even if everything on earth pass away the stars will remain forever, for they will burn till the end of time. Be blessed as you prepare to join us here in Jesus name.
Last edited by a moderator:


We set out at exactly 5.30 am for Walter Carrington Crescent. The five of us who have been Crowned in Victory –

  • Boundless Wealth
  • Endless Blessings
  • Adorned in Victory
  • Gift from God
  • and I - The First

We got to our destination at 6.00 am but could not get out of the car due to a heavy downpour that left the ground flooded. We were at a loss as to how to convey ourselves, three droplets from heaven (children), two briefcases, one handbag and the oversized x-ray envelopes.

I was like “Ah, let’s chill out. They will probably start around 6.30am”. Boundless Wealth was like “Hmm, let’s not take chances oooh! Let’s go to the entrance in case they start earlier” as God will have it, the rain subsided into a drizzle so we made for the entrance. By the time we got there, we were more wet than dry.

Around 6.20 am, there was a call for IV applicants with 6.30 am appointments to queue up, then IV applicants with 7 am appointments. Shortly after that, DV applicants were asked to queue up. By now my arm was hurting me from carrying Heavens Droplet 3, my handbag (which was filled with baby paraphernalia) and holding unto the x-rays and Heavens Droplet 1. Boundless Wealth who was not feeling too good in the first place had his hands full carrying the two briefcases and Heavens Droplet 2. As always, our Lord is good, he caused me to queue in front of a nice lady who, sensing my discomfort, offered to assist me in carrying Heavens Droplet 3. (Dear Lady, God richly bless you!!! We lost track of each other during the processing. Hope you were successful. Thanks so much for your help)

We were asked to dispose of any liquid, battery operated equipments, sharp objects, cell phones, makeup of any sort, face powder included. Its either you go drop them in the car or you can keep them with the mobile police men if they are willing…

We were then asked to open all envelopes, the x-ray and medical report inclusive. Bring them out and put them back inside.

Once inside the first gate, we were directed to the officer at the table facing the gate, there -

  • The first NL is checked and collected.
  • Passport photographs are checked. If not satisfactory, you will be told to go and take another one. Luckily, there are lots of photographers hanging around... but you don't want or need that kind of distraction so early in the morning. Get it right before going to the Embassy.
  • The Principle applicant is given an information sheet to fill out. Name, phone number, present address, e-mail address and name of petitioner is requested. I left the petitioner column blank.
  • A small blue piece of paper is handed over to you with a number written on it. Do not on any account misplace that small piece of paper.

We then proceeded to another queue. This time, a sitting queue. The seats are cemented to the ground. You just keep moving as each person is cleared. The movement was coordinated by a slim fine looking dude. We fell behind a bit cos third Droplet from Heaven started crying and had to be breastfed there and then. The slim fine looking dude was patient enough and ushered us to the second security check point as soon as Boundless Wealth told him we were ready.

  • At this point, your bags are checked
  • You are frisked as well as the children. There were three officers in all and they were all smiles and really nice. They tried chatting up our little droplets and wished us luck saying we will surely come out victorious.
All done, the metal door facing us is opened and we were asked to cross the road, enter into the embassy compound and into a porter cabin where we meet the same sitting queue. When it is your turn, you pay to the cashier and a receipt like a super market receipt is issued to you. Using one thousand naira notes, Boundless wealth paid N620,000.00 for five of us at the exchange rate of N160 to a dollar. The cashier is indeed very rude. On getting to the counter, Boundless Wealth asked her what the exchange rate was. She snapped at him, “Sir, you know the exchange rate, just give me the money”.

Payment effected, receipt in hand (don’t misplace that either), we walk out of the porter cabin and almost immediately go up the steps of the main entrance of the embassy. At the top, there is another security check. Okayed, we go in and there is another security check. That done, I am told to knock on the black metal door facing me. It is opened by a security personnel.

The interview room is L shaped with white/cream gloss painted walls. Just after the door you have the water dispenser, the convenience is situated at one end of the L shape. The room looks like a banking hall. As we make our way to the seating area, the lady behind one of counters calls out our number (the one written on the small blue paper). I am carrying our third Droplet from Heaven while Boundless Wealth is holding the hands of the other two. The lady asks who the principle applicant is. I say I am the one. She looks at the baby I am carrying and asks the both of us if it is possible for my spouse to be the one to submit the documents. Luckily Boundless Wealth had cross checked, arranged and labeled the documents the night before. He goes ahead to the counter while I take the only available seats at the back facing the interview booths with transparent glass.

I seize the opportunity to change the diapers of our two Droplets of Heaven, Droplet number 1 is getting tired and sleepy and insists my shoulders must be the pillow while I feed Droplet 3 who thankfully starts drifting to sleep. The interview hall is stuffy and I can see beads of sweat on her fore head. I silently thank God for making me ditch the long sleeved outfits and jackets I had chosen earlier.

Boundless Wealth finishes the submission in no time and takes Droplets of Heaven 1 and 2 to the water dispenser. He comes back and carries Heavens Droplet 3 so I can gather my thoughts. It is at this point that we are able to pay attention to the questions being asked… the usual – When did you leave secondary school? What age were you at the time etc… Boundless Wealth is like I should check the exact date again and I am like perhaps I should just leave the details the way I packed them in my head. It is at this point that I have a little panic attack. I think about all the months of preparation, opportunity cost and sacrifice and how its fate is going to be determined in a total of five… at most, ten minutes. It must have shown on my face because Boundless Wealth starts to encourage and reassure me that God has already given it to us.

At the other side of the L shape. A male CO is questioning… abi interrogating a pretty fair complexioned lady clad in white figure hugging knee length dress. She’s got two kids and I can’t really hear her replies but he seems to be interrupting her a lot and then he says “So Mam, you mean you do not know the father of your two children”. She’s answering in a lower tone so I do not quite get her reply.

The three booths facing us had the Chinese lady at one end, a white lady with dark hair in the middle and another white lady with blond hair at the other end. The Chinese lady approves two applications in our presence. Her questions were routine – name, age, place of birth… those kind of questions… then pictures. No academic questions were asked. She sounds like a nice person and is patient when conducting her interviews.

The CO in the middle approved one application in our presence. Her questions on events seem to follow the pattern of –

• When did you…
• What age were you at the time…?
• How long ago was/is that?

All this while, Boundless Wealth was standing, carrying Heavens Droplet 3 and rocking her as she had not really slept completely. From that vantage point, he could see the COs looking through some documents. Suddenly, he starts to tell me to wake Heavens Droplet 1 that he can see the blonde CO looking at documents that look like ours. But it turns out to be for a couple with one child. Their applications are approved.

She takes another set of documents. I can see her holding my birth certificate. She starts to look at them one at a time while looking at her screen. She is writing on a piece of paper as she does this. I am looking at her as she goes through the motions with an expressionless face, suddenly, her brows wrinkle into a frown and she starts to look more intently at the screen. She calls a colleague to look at the screen, pointing with a finger. She looks for some moments and nods her head, the CO sitting beside her rolls her chair towards the screen too and looks. We know what they are looking at – the last addition to the family that was made four months after we received the first NL.

In the first set of forms 230 we sent back to KCC, we had included the baby as one of the children by indicating a six months pregnancy and put her name as Baby ??? Surname as one of the people traveling with me. We emailed another form with the birth certificates after the baby was born. She finally moves on to other documents. Without looking up, she calls our number and requests we come over to her booth. Boundless Wealth takes Heavens Droplets 2 and 3 and our briefcase containing additional information. While I carry Heavens Droplet 3 and the briefcase which was used to carry the requested documents and photographs.

As we take the less than ten steps to the counter, I look intently at her and ask God to bless her and cover us with his garment so that we may find favour in her sight. I ask him to complete the good work he started and crown us in victory.

In no time, we get to the counter and I come face to face with my CO…

Time, for me, ceases to move.

I smile, “Good morning Madam”. She does not return my smile, she does not frown either
Oath taking… again, I smile at her as I agree to tell the truth, she maintains a straight, stony expression.
Fingerprinting for Boundless Wealth and I. With the five of us standing at the booth, the questions begin to come.

I fix my eyes on her face and stare straight into her eyes. That’s not a difficult task cos she has beautiful blue eyes set on an equally beautiful face with well groomed blond hair that she packed away from her face.

CO: Who applied for the lottery?
Me: My Spouse
She turns to Boundless Wealth, “Did you apply for yourself as well”?
Boundless wealth: Yes
She turns back to me, “What is your highest level of education”?
In what field of study?
Why did you choose to study that?
Can you name some courses you took in school?
Are you working?

Turns to Boundless Wealth, “Are you working?”
In what field?
Turns back to me, “When did you get married?”
How many children do you have?
When was your last child born?
What did she do differently from her other siblings?
I give 2 short descriptive sentences each, not more than ten words
She laughs, seats back on her chair… I conclude with another short sentence.
Where were you born?
What were your parents doing there?
Do you have any other brothers and sisters that were born there?
Can I see your pictures?

At this point, Boundless Wealth takes the baby from me while I put my briefcase on the counter to enable me bring out the photo albums. We took 15 small albums that can easily be passed through the slot. 10 of the albums were 4 by 6 inches in size while the rest were 5 by 7 inches in size. The front cover of each album had a removable slot so that one can slot in the picture whose image is the focal point thereby making retrieval one sweet piece of cake. Each album had provision for 24 pictures. Thus we went for the interview with 375 pictures. The distribution was as follows:
  • My Childhood - 1
  • Introduction Marriage rites - 1
  • Court Marriage - 1
  • Traditional Marriage - 1
  • Church Wedding - 1
  • Church Wedding Reception - 1
  • Heaven's Droplet One - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Two - 3
  • Heaven's Droplet Three - 3
The albums for Heavens Droplets basically followed the same pattern - showing me pregnant, the baby seconds after being born, baby carried by various people, being bathed, close ups with siblings, family functions, gatherings and outings.

I leave them on the counter and hand over the first one that I touch which happens to be the for our traditional marriage ceremony. She opens a page in the middle of the album, drops it and asks for the album containing the children’s photographs. I hand over the first that I touch, she looks at the cover, it is a picture of the first child. She points to Heavens Droplet 1 and asks “Is this his album” I reply in the affirmative. She takes her time looking at each page.
Smiling, she asks “First hair cut”?
Me – “Yes”

She gets to the last page and says “Fine, can I see photographs of your last child”
I hand over an album, on the cover is a blown up picture of the baby taken a few seconds after birth. It shows the baby been held midair by a nurse, it’s body still covered in vernix and blood, the long umbilical cord visible with the blood stained scissors that was used to cut it. She takes her time to look at each picture then starts flipping through faster as she gets to the end of the album. She puts it back into the slot.

Her Fingers hit the key board and she starts to type, then leaves her desk. I don’t see the direction she is going or what she went to do or perhaps I didn’t pay attention. She comes back and says something along the lines of our being qualified for the visa, I thank her and she hands me a white sheet of paper. The tiny blue paper is stapled to the white paper and has 5 written on it. She wishes us luck in the United States then asks if I am going to be collecting the visas myself or sending someone. I answer, she tells me that I am to pay the sum of N1250.00 for the five visas.

We leave the hall all :):):):):) and :D:D:D:D:D. I bring out the five thousand naira I pledged months back to give to the first person or people we see after we have gotten the visa, Coincidentally, they are five in number.

As we drive away from Walter C Crescent, it all seems surreal. Time for me, begins to move. I check my wrist watch and it’s just a few minutes to ten.

All praise, glory, thanks and adoration to the Lord, our God and King.

God’s blessings to this forum and all who pass through it. You were and continue to be a source of information and inspiration.

May we continue to bask in God’s grace at each and every stage of our lives and in this DV journey, in Jesus name, amen.


Congratulations my dear and welcome to the United States of America.
Once God is in it no one can touch it.
Its been a long wait but its be proven that he that really waits upon the Lord will surely have his strength renewed.
Once again Congratulations.
Congrats on the success of ur interview. I have some quick questions for u. Are u from the EU region? I asked coz of ur case number. Also are we to go with
our 1st NL? never thought of it. If we're to go with our 1st and 2nd NL, is it only the main page which notifies us of being selected and the one 2NL which gives
us the date/time/venue or do we necessary need to go with all the other forms that came together from KCC. I'm just curious and need answers from people
who have experience on these......Thanks


First NL? Sorry that’s a typo.

You are to go with your second NL. It’s after the letter is checked that your interview number is given to you.

You do not have to go with the other forms that were sent from KCC. The details have already been sent to the Embassy. When it’s your turn to be interviewed the CO will simply open up your file.

Praise be to the Lord our God who crowns us in victory
Noted ddoon and thanks for the advice. I was thinking of staying in an uncle's place in festac but now I will go lodge in guest house at VI prior to my
interview day. Anyone who lives at VI who has an idea of a nice affordable hotel around/close to the embassy should let me know. Thanks

You could check out Cumberland Hotel at 2/4 Adeola Odeku Street, Victoria Island. Phone numbers are 01-7601529 7903929 07098124103.

As at early June when Boundless Wealth collected their listing for room rates, the cheapest room was the classic room which was going for N14,000. With tax, comes to about N16,000.

Can see your interview is round the corner. May God's grace shine on you.

Praise be to the Lord our God who crowns us in victory
Crownednvictory i can see u are on line hope u and your family went to church today to share the success testimonies to the childreen of god and praise him like never b4 , no need waiting for visa pick up b4 doing that he deserved it bcos this is just the begining. To him alone be all the honour and glory.
Crownednvictory i can see u are on line hope u and your family went to church today to share the success testimonies to the childreen of god and praise him like never b4 , no need waiting for visa pick up b4 doing that he deserved it bcos this is just the begining. To him alone be all the honour and glory.
Crownednvictory i can see u are on line hope u and your family went to church today to share the success testimonies to the childreen of god and praise him like never b4 , no need waiting for visa pick up b4 doing that he deserved it bcos this is just the begining. To him alone be all the honour and glory.
Crownednvictory i can see u are on line hope u and your family went to church today to share the success testimonies to the childreen of god and praise him like never b4 , no need waiting for visa pick up b4 doing that he deserved it bcos this is just the begining. To him alone be all the honour and glory.