• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hello ivanovaz,

For the Visa Numbers you can check the following site...


Quick question: many of you mention "visa # current" or when a visa will be available for you.

How do you find out when a visa # will be available to you?

I have already completed my biometrics but I am not sure when a visa # will be available to me and I don't know how to check. Please, advise.
For the New Applicants

Information on Cut-Off numbers' being current.
If your numbers are below the cut-off numbers you
will be current for that month.
In practice USCIS allows applicants to send in
their applications when they see the advanced
notification in the visa bulletin which is around
50 Days before the actual month that the applicant
becomes current.
I am posting May Visa Bulletin and Advance Notification for June...

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 39,200

ASIA 16,400
EUROPE 29,250

Region All DV Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed Separately
AFRICA 45,600

ASIA 19,550
EUROPE 31,000
Hi steve2010,

Some years numbers become current then anybody can apply despite the number...

Hi Guys it seems that we are all having the same problem first off try KCC now i spoke to someone and she was able to look me up whereas yesterday I tried they said it was down so try now.
I just learned all about becoming current at the end of your case number 2010AF0002XXX you should have 4 maybe five numbers they run per region europe africa etc depending on how high you number is from zero you check at this address .travel.state.gov go to visas, visa bulletin. this will show you on the 15 th of every month they update the numbers that can apply......... example my number is ...........84xxx im in the africa region and right now numbers under 39000 are current so as i just learnt this morning im ****ed (excuse the language) something i wish i had done more research on before i handed over 3000 in fees but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. at least for me! you can also check previous years and it seemed all the regions became current before the end of september but thats a big maybe. anyway i hope this helped!
How do you find out when a visa # will be available to you?
Hi steve2010,

My number was current as of April 1, 2010 and I also paid DOS fee
these were the reasons they provided me as 2 reasons not to send
my file to local USCIS office. That's why I am kind of not feeling so good
these days...


EU EuROPEan REGION CURRENT NUMBER APRIL 15 26,300 MAY WAS 24,700 so yours seems like it just became current in april 15th actually and its april 17th i have the same problem they will not send through the file because it has not become current but the good news for you is it became current on april the 15 so there you go call them and tell them your number has just become current and you want them to send through the form...... youre lucky your number is low im africa and my number is 84 6xx im on avery slim chance that it will become current before 30 september you would do me a big favour and keep me up to date on your progress from here as im in exactly the same position as you except i have afeeling if my region does become current it will be in the very last month september at best and maybe august if i am very lucky mine is currently at 39.000 (highest for this month is been since 2002 so there is a glimmer of hope I would like to know how much time it takes to get your interview etc right now i think unless it becomes current in august i dont really stand a chance
Thank you i2009,
I'll keep trying, I did not give up yet...

Hello capeolive,

I'm so sorry to hear that the KCC is experiencing some trouble with their system and that the person answering your phone call is not very nice. Please, hang in there, I know your frustration, the process could become so unfair. I hope that everything gets back on course soon.
Hi steve2010,

Thank you for the advice. Believe me I tried everything. Long mails did not work, short mails did not either.

cape olive

OHHH AND A TIP DONT EXPLAIN YOU WHOLE CASE JUST BE SHORT AND CLEAR SAY " I NEED MY FILES FORWARDED TO USCIS IN PA FOR SCHEDULING. my case is current april 15th" I REFERECED MY IO and said he personally wanted them from kcc that will work for you as your case is current.
Hello everybody,

Update on my case:

I called KCC this morning the same person answered.

After saying "Thank you for calling KCC ..." He stopped for couple seconds.

I said "I am calling to find out if my DV case has been transferred to local office yet"

He said "The system is not working efficiently, we cannot provide any information
on case statuses. Call back in one week."

I said "OK"

Where ever there is a human factor mistakes can be made.
I understand that. That's why I have been patient so far.
I might have pissed off some workers of KCC by calling, emailing
and sending letters. I did not start to do these things out of blue.
They initiated it by sending me a letter stating that my file
had been requested and they couldn't transfer it because DOS fee
was not paid and my number was not current. Instead of transferring
my file they kept dragging their feet. I believe there are some KCC workers
who don't agree with US Government's Diversity Visa Program. They think
"bunch of foreigners" are getting legalized for nothing. If you work there
do your job. If it hurts you so much legalizing foreigners get out.
That is a shame...

I'll take some actions later today. I'll keep you posted...

Something wrong with KCC! I suggest you to ask your friend to call KCC and ask on your behalf!!! Probably the will give some more info. They usually ask who is calling friend , relative or applicant, in this case he/she will say that it's friend's case and ask all questions and we'll see what gonna be an answer!
Good luck
Me and others users of this thread the the lucky ones who were randomly selected to DV2010. It is of course one of the simplest ways of adjusting status and I know I should not be complaining. Instead I should thank God for this opportunity and be patient during the process. That's what my friend keeps telling me. But..
Who hired those idiots on USCIS 1 800 number?
sogdian, I am sure you will get your card, sooner or later, but I just hope that they communicated better with applicants. I know we should be thankful to be in this situation, but we also pay for their services, we are their customers, not bunch of people lined up for green card giveaway.
I also had really bad experience with trying to talk to those people. The only thing they do is reading off long, senseless statements like robots and trying to catch their breath while you try to speak to them.
sogdian, I am sure you will get your card, sooner or later, but I just hope that they communicated better with applicants. I know we should be thankful to be in this situation, but we also pay for their services, we are their customers, not bunch of people lined up for green card giveaway.
I also had really bad experience with trying to talk to those people. The only thing they do is reading off long, senseless statements like robots and trying to catch their breath while you try to speak to them.

I totally agree with you Ahad. The lack of communication is what drives me nuts and we do pay these people to do their job.

Good luck everyone
Hi friends,

Latest on my struggle to get my file close by:

* I sent an email to a person in charge at KCC.
* I also sent a mail to this person in charge.
* I also called KCC again today with the hope of getting another person and finally I did.

A lady answered the phone I said to myself "Thank God"
She said "What is your case number?' I said "Thank God" again.
At that point I did not even care what kind of answer I would get to my question.
I was so happy to get a break...
But still I asked my question "Has my file being transferred?"
She said "No, not yet."
I said "Thank you..."

Now I am hoping to get some relief from the person in charge at KCC.
Hello everybody,

Update on my case:

I called KCC this morning the same person answered.

After saying "Thank you for calling KCC ..." He stopped for couple seconds.

I said "I am calling to find out if my DV case has been transferred to local office yet"

He said "The system is not working efficiently, we cannot provide any information
on case statuses. Call back in one week."

I said "OK"

Where ever there is a human factor mistakes can be made.
I understand that. That's why I have been patient so far.
I might have pissed off some workers of KCC by calling, emailing
and sending letters. I did not start to do these things out of blue.
They initiated it by sending me a letter stating that my file
had been requested and they couldn't transfer it because DOS fee
was not paid and my number was not current. Instead of transferring
my file they kept dragging their feet. I believe there are some KCC workers
who don't agree with US Government's Diversity Visa Program. They think
"bunch of foreigners" are getting legalized for nothing. If you work there
do your job. If it hurts you so much legalizing foreigners get out.
That is a shame...

I'll take some actions later today. I'll keep you posted...

I agree with you capeolive,
but one thing I learned while I am in USA, what ever you wanna get here, you have to call thousand times, and not to give up, and keep trying, trying, trying. That's how things work here. So try to not get upset and stay calm. Keep trying persistently and on the end you will have positive end.
I totally understand you and praying for you.
Hi sogdian,

You have been current since December I understand your frustration.
Of course we should thank God but it doesn't mean that we have
to wait until September 30 without doing anything...

Did you call KCC to find out if your file has been transferred
to Washington Field Office? Time wise your local office should have
requested the transfer. The people work at USCIS phone lines, unless they
treat you bad, are not the ones to blame. They are hired to answer
the phones and read screens. What are they suppose to do? They don't have
the knowledge and access. They are "little people" just like us. It is the system
that is to blame. It is broken alright, but I don't know if there is a sincere intention to fix it...

You can find out more about your case between KCC and Washington Field Office.
God help us and keep us sane in this expedited process...

Me and others users of this thread the the lucky ones who were randomly selected to DV2010. It is of course one of the simplest ways of adjusting status and I know I should not be complaining. Instead I should thank God for this opportunity and be patient during the process. That's what my friend keeps telling me. But..
Who hired those idiots on USCIS 1 800 number?
Thank you new one.
Don't worry I did not give up yet.
I have a B plan, a C plan.
I know some higher ups as well.

I don't want a special treatment. I just want them to do their jobs...

I agree with you capeolive,
but one thing I learned while I am in USA, what ever you wanna get here, you have to call thousand times, and not to give up, and keep trying, trying, trying. That's how things work here. So try to not get upset and stay calm. Keep trying persistently and on the end you will have positive end.
I totally understand you and praying for you.
Ok, so I thought I'd share my experience.
My number is 2010EU00009***, was current in December. I received my interview letter (Jacksonville office) just at the end of March for April 15. So yea, it took for them exactly 4 months to process my case, as they say on their website. I made a few infopass appointments while waiting on this letter and people each time were nice and stuff, but very unhelpful lol
The interview went the same scenario as for many of you who already had it. The officer was professional and nice, asked me my passport, and asked a few questions from I-485. Then he said they they will try to get me my LPR status, but they need to find out if visa available for me, but (of course) their connection was down. That's it. Waiting again.

I have a question to those who had their interviews in Jax. How long did it take for you guys to receive your welcome letters and greencards? Did online status change for you?

Thanks, and good luck to all of you who are still waiting.
dear guys,
I got my interview letter, thank God. it says I should bring every related document. It doesn't specify explicitly what I should bring. I feel unsafe on the side of Medical Exam ( I sent the original copy to Chicago) and I don't have a sponsor. I can ask for the medical exam copy from doctor, though I'm not sure he is going to provide me a copy. But my main problem is if they ask for a sponsor will they give me extra time for that?

capeolive have you checked 2009 forums? maybe somebody had a similar situation or proposed a better solution.

I'm praying each and every one of us.
Hi chivik,

Congratulations on your interview (Almost)

cooldude and daima had their interviews
at Jacksonville Field Office. They both got their cards
within 3 weeks.

I guess we are too much relied on technology these days.
You might have a lot of money in your bank account but
when you go to withdraw even $20 if the "system is down"
you get nothing...

Ok, so I thought I'd share my experience.
My number is 2010EU00009***, was current in December. I received my interview letter (Jacksonville office) just at the end of March for April 15. So yea, it took for them exactly 4 months to process my case, as they say on their website. I made a few infopass appointments while waiting on this letter and people each time were nice and stuff, but very unhelpful lol
The interview went the same scenario as for many of you who already had it. The officer was professional and nice, asked me my passport, and asked a few questions from I-485. Then he said they they will try to get me my LPR status, but they need to find out if visa available for me, but (of course) their connection was down. That's it. Waiting again.

I have a question to those who had their interviews in Jax. How long did it take for you guys to receive your welcome letters and greencards? Did online status change for you?

Thanks, and good luck to all of you who are still waiting.
Hi jasmine182,

Congratulations on your interview letter.
* In practice they don't ask for a copy of I-693 at the interview
because they have the original. If you have means to get a
copy it won't hurt though.
* As for I-134 if you can get it, it might help you a lot.
So far they have not been going "by the book" and ask everyone
who had their interviews for one. Most of the students
were not ask for one. But don't go to interview and start
the conversation like you don't have enough income.
In case they need additional evidence on something
they give you a RFE (Request For Evidence) and additional
time to provide it.

When is your interview?

Do what you can, pray and relax...

dear guys,
I got my interview letter, thank God. it says I should bring every related document. It doesn't specify explicitly what I should bring. I feel unsafe on the side of Medical Exam ( I sent the original copy to Chicago) and I don't have a sponsor. I can ask for the medical exam copy from doctor, though I'm not sure he is going to provide me a copy. But my main problem is if they ask for a sponsor will they give me extra time for that?

capeolive have you checked 2009 forums? maybe somebody had a similar situation or proposed a better solution.

I'm praying each and every one of us.
Hi everyone,
My husband got the green card before me....he beat me this time ;). I'm still waiting for mine...hopefully Monday.
I also wanna say congrats to jasmine for the interview letter. Good luck to you and the others.
Thank you to all who answered my question about how you find out if your visa is current.

I need your advice again:

I sent in my I-485 a few months ago and I already had my biometrics appointment. A month ago I sent in my I-765 (Application for Employment Authorization) and I just received an invitation to have my biometrics taken AGAIN for the purposes of the I-765. I am going to call and tell them that they already have my biometrics but, before I do that, I wanted to make sure that you are only required to have your biometrics taken once. Please, confirm.