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DV 2010 AOS Only

Thanks i2009,
They sure know how to confuse us alright. For example, the I-94 number is written in a lot of places and not always called that. Mine are all different, I had to do a big research only to find out that it's the 11 digit number at the top of your latest Departure/Arrival Card. Then there's I-94 card (Departure/Arrival white card) and I-94 form (the one they mail to you after being approved for changing the status)...could that be more confusing? I'm at a stage that I feel so confident yet confused at the same time. I'm just waiting for a last copy of a NOA for my husband and I'm sending the package out...can't wait to mail it.....it's eating me alive, LOL.
Just received my interview appointment for the 03/09/2010...interesting that each of us got a letter (myself, my wife and our 8yrs old) each scheduled with 30min time difference...also, it only asks to bring this letter, passport, birth certificate, I-94, (if not previously submitted the med. exam), (if not previously submitted photographs)...also arrest report (which we don't need)...it doesn't ask for affirmative of support (eve though, only my wife is currently working on H1B and I the principal applicant/winner is currently unemployed on H4 status)...should we still bring letter from employer and prepare this affirmative of support document???also didn't ask for HS diploma or something like it even though we didn't submit them yet...
wow, anxious waiting is now joined by anxious preparation and questions what to prepare...:)

Congratulations thomen, your case is moving quick! As everyone here suggested, bring your HS to the interview, show it only if they ask for it. If the officer wants to see a copy of your HS and you don't have it, s/he may issue a RFE (Request for Evidence) and you will need to submit a copy to the USCIS within 30 days. It's not that bad but it will delay a resolution in your case.

I strongly suggest that you bring a letter from employer. I don't think that they will require an affidavit of support. Again, if needed and you don't have it, the Officer will issue a RFE for it.

As for the EAD, no need for an interview for the EAD. Actually, the EAD is issued by the Benefits Center not by your Field Office. You should get your GC before the EAD.

Now I do have a question to everyone. I too have a 8 yo child and we did not receive an interview appointment for her. They say that she doesn't need it because she is younger than 14. I wonder why your child got an interview appointment and if I should take my daughter to the interview regardless. Anyone knows or has an idea of what I should do??? Thanks!
Thanks i2009,
They sure know how to confuse us alright. For example, the I-94 number is written in a lot of places and not always called that. Mine are all different, I had to do a big research only to find out that it's the 11 digit number at the top of your latest Departure/Arrival Card. Then there's I-94 card (Departure/Arrival white card) and I-94 form (the one they mail to you after being approved for changing the status)...could that be more confusing? I'm at a stage that I feel so confident yet confused at the same time. I'm just waiting for a last copy of a NOA for my husband and I'm sending the package out...can't wait to mail it.....it's eating me alive, LOL.


I think that everyone here has had the same experience as you are having right now. The whole process seems to be easy and so confusing at the same time. As Daima said, you call or take an InfoPass and all the officers will give you different instructions or ideas. I took 2 infopasses and I came back home with more doubts than the questions I wanted answered. Always use your common sense. Of all the DV cases, only around 1400 apply for AOS so the Officers don't have much experience and the same with attorneys. Bottom line is that we don't have much were to go for answers. It's so great that we have this forum with so many people trying to help us.

One thing that you NEED to double check. All the forms should have exactly the same information (i.e. names, dates, I-94 numbers, etc). Check with what you already sent to the KCC and be consistent. For example, a change in the name could be a violation to the DV program and it could disqualify the applicant; some other changes could cause that the Officer may request for more evidence and delay your case.

All the best!
cm1979, you have to have the HS diploma, that is one of the most important documents that qualifies you and makes you eligible for the green card lottery. If you recall when you first entered the lottery, they ask that you're over 18 and have a HS diploma to be qualified. You can have a masters degree, a PHD, but if you don't have a high school diploma you can be refused. It's simply required...everything else is extra. Good luck.

well, sure i will bring my education documents but it is wrong that the HS diploma is a must...please read the eligibility requirements again, you must have either HS diploma OR within the last 5 years worked in a job which requires 3 years of training...so, besides being 18, HS diploma or job experience are eligibility requirements...
Now I do have a question to everyone. I too have a 8 yo child and we did not receive an interview appointment for her. They say that she doesn't need it because she is younger than 14. I wonder why your child got an interview appointment and if I should take my daughter to the interview regardless. Anyone knows or has an idea of what I should do??? Thanks![/QUOTE]

Thanks i2009, I guess I will contact the benefit center to see whats going on with my EAD...I saw many cases here, where the EAD was issued way before the GC interview...
I was also surprised that we got a letter for our 8yrs old...I believe you did apply I-485 also for your daughter?
I think you should bring your daughter to the interview, at the end your are a parent and this interview also concerns her...I don't see why USCIS would deny to bring your daughter along...

Good luck for your Interview!
well, sure i will bring my education documents but it is wrong that the HS diploma is a must...please read the eligibility requirements again, you must have either HS diploma OR within the last 5 years worked in a job which requires 3 years of training...so, besides being 18, HS diploma or job experience are eligibility requirements...

Correct. Silly of me to assume that you don't have the work experience, but you are right, it's either or.

I think that everyone here has had the same experience as you are having right now. The whole process seems to be easy and so confusing at the same time. As Daima said, you call or take an InfoPass and all the officers will give you different instructions or ideas. I took 2 infopasses and I came back home with more doubts than the questions I wanted answered. Always use your common sense. Of all the DV cases, only around 1400 apply for AOS so the Officers don't have much experience and the same with attorneys. Bottom line is that we don't have much were to go for answers. It's so great that we have this forum with so many people trying to help us.

One thing that you NEED to double check. All the forms should have exactly the same information (i.e. names, dates, I-94 numbers, etc). Check with what you already sent to the KCC and be consistent. For example, a change in the name could be a violation to the DV program and it could disqualify the applicant; some other changes could cause that the Officer may request for more evidence and delay your case.

All the best!
I've been triple checking all the info, and sure enough, it paid off, as I found one little mistake. Boy am I thankful I caught that. It's a good idea to compare the info with the KCC forms, too, that's a good tip and I thank you for it. As far as your question about bringing your 8 yr old daughter along, at first I was thinking maybe they have a policy not to bring kids under 14 at the interview...for whatever reason; but than again, it's better to have her near by just in case. Bring another person/babysitter with you on the car in case they don't let your child in so they can wait outside for you.
Best of luck...you're happy ending is closer than ever :)
Thanks Norkira and Thomen for the suggestion. I guess I will bring my daughter to the interview.

Congratulations Ewokra!
I always brought my kids to the consulate and they always asked them a question. It also helped to get in earlier since in Amsterdam they let parents with kids skip the lines so they don't stand to long outside....:)
Dear guys,
I have been following this forum for some time, it has been extremely helpful. My case will be current in March. So I'm getting ready to file my documents. I still have questions though. I read the previous 2009 AOS Only forum and couldn't find the answers. If someone could help me I will be grateful.

1. I'm on F1 status right now and I'm not planning to go back to my country soon but in case something comes up and I will have to go there I want to file I-131. In this case am I doing an a type (re entry permit) or d type (advance parole) application?

2. I'm working as a teaching assistant at school. Do I need to fill in I-864 Affidavit of Support form or if I send them my pay stubs and get a letter from school that says I have full stipend will that be enough?

3. Do I need to send my tax return documents to prove I have enough income?

Thank you very much. I will put updates about my case.
Dear guys,
I have been following this forum for some time, it has been extremely helpful. My case will be current in March. So I'm getting ready to file my documents. I still have questions though. I read the previous 2009 AOS Only forum and couldn't find the answers. If someone could help me I will be grateful.

1. I'm on F1 status right now and I'm not planning to go back to my country soon but in case something comes up and I will have to go there I want to file I-131. In this case am I doing an a type (re entry permit) or d type (advance parole) application?

2. I'm working as a teaching assistant at school. Do I need to fill in I-864 Affidavit of Support form or if I send them my pay stubs and get a letter from school that says I have full stipend will that be enough?

3. Do I need to send my tax return documents to prove I have enough income?

Thank you very much. I will put updates about my case.

Hello jasmine182,

1) In Form I-131 under part 2 "application type" you need to check "I am applying for an advance parole document to allow me to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel"

2) You don't need to attach a I-864. It is not required for DV cases but the Immigration Officer may require one in the interview appointment letter.

3) I guess it is optional. Some people send it, some don't. If you send it "maybe" the officer would not request an Affidavit of Support but I think it is at the officer's discretion.

Good luck and keep us posted
well, sure i will bring my education documents but it is wrong that the HS diploma is a must...please read the eligibility requirements again, you must have either HS diploma OR within the last 5 years worked in a job which requires 3 years of training...so, besides being 18, HS diploma or job experience are eligibility requirements...

hi thomen,
I'm doing PhD. Do I really need a HS diploma? Or can I just send them a letter from my school that I'm enrolled in a PhD program?
Hello jasmine182,

1) In Form I-131 under part 2 "application type" you need to check "I am applying for an advance parole document to allow me to return to the United States after temporary foreign travel"

2) You don't need to attach a I-864. It is not required for DV cases but the Immigration Officer may require one in the interview appointment letter.

3) I guess it is optional. Some people send it, some don't. If you send it "maybe" the officer would not request an Affidavit of Support but I think it is at the officer's discretion.

Good luck and keep us posted
thank you i2009, that was so quick and clear
the biometrics appointment letter says if you have open cuts on your hands they can cancel the appointment. i have a little cut on my palm (not fingers) do you think that can be an issue?

Hi Ahad,
Don't worry about the cut on your palm. The biometrics is for the fingers only. Take a look at the biometrics code on your appointment letter to know what exactly will be done during the biometrics.

Code 1 - 8 fingerprints
Code 2 - Thumbprint, photo, and signature
Code 3 - Code 1 + Code 2