• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

OK, not a joke, I received a new interview appointment for 5/13/10. I think that they got my cases messed up and they are scheduling this new interview based on my employment based case. I believe that they received my EB files from Texas Service Center and, instead of consolidating it with my DV case, they are processing it as an individual case.

Anyway, I look forward to going to the interview. It may be the only chance that I would have to talk to an Immigration Officer and maybe put my case back on track.

That is interesting) But it's better than nothing) So what do you think to do wait till your interview or make an Infopass??? Your case is the most complecated, but so it'll come to an end! I think you can have an infopass, probably then you don't need to wait for your interview)
Hi again,

...And when I returned home late so tired opened the same
mail box I have been opening sometimes twice a day, sometimes
on Sundays I finally found what I have been longing for so long.

"Interview Letter for May 13, 2010"

...Yes, It is "a good day" indeed!

Finally people in KCC understood what is going on with your case) !!! My congratulations!!!
They are just sending me an EAD card and I received the interview letter.
Also if I get my card without interview too, yours won't be that special.
So I cannot do it to you. So far this fiscal year you are "the only special person" we got...

Awww, you're sweet, but I don't mind sharing my title at all :)
How long time did you take to resive your GC?

Hi n79, welcome to the forum. You can find such information if you look at our signatures below our posts. You will be able to see the dates from the time we got the first notification letter, all the way to receiving the green cards. Take a look, it varies slightly from person to person, but you will get a good idea about the time-frame.
Also, I strongly recommend you add your signature, too, so we know where in the process are you and how can we help you. You can do so by going to Setting, Edit my signature.

Good luck.
Yes, indeed "God is Great" He helps us even when we nearly loose hope and think things are impossible...

wow !!!!!!!!!!!All this good news Capeolive ..............i am really happy for you ,it almost over now for you............ I hope you ready to care about your family now. NICE NICE
Hi I 2009

i think it is really nice .............May be Uscis want to see more of you .............Any way i hate silence from them........ as you said you can able to explain to them about your case. and who ever going Inerivew you going shock .......So i know it is not the way you want it but it is a progress

As always good luck and all my best
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Hello Valesco

Good For you ..........and congr

Looking for forword to hear about your card production ,Have fun !!!


I wanted to thank all this forum because here is where I found answers when I was not sure what to do. Thanks God I didn't need any lawyer and my process went very smooth.

Yesterday I had my interview, I'm still in shock because I feel my process went faster than it usually goes (ok, it was not 15 days like some other cases but the whole thing since I sent my AOS package took 1 month and 20 days).
I had the interview at 2 pm, I got the place about half an hour before (it's requested) and got called to talk to an immigration officer around 2:10. I was very lucky, the guy was Asian and was super nice, polite and educated. The first thing he made us do when we entered in his office was to take the oath. Then he asked for IDs, Passports and social security cards, and any W2 and tax returns we had (none for us, we were with F-1 and still active students).

He went over few question on the I-485, the ones that ask if you are a criminal and blah blah blah.... also our phone number and address to see if it was correct. He ask also for our latest bank statements (I gave a big block of paper for the last 6 moths haha... it was too much but he took it =o) ). He didn't ask for affidavit of support, or pictures of us together or anything else. He was explaining us what was to be a permanent resident, when can we apply for citizenship ( when he mentioned this I knew we were approved hehe ), he also said that my spouse would get a full greencard that expires in ten years, I thought he would received the one that expires in 2 years...

Then I ask:... so, are we approved? and he said: oh yes! and smiled =oD...
He said: do you have any other question? we said no and left =oD

He said we should be receiving the welcome letter sometime in the next 2 weeks and the greencard after that, if a month has passed and we haven't received our GCs whe should do an infopass...

That's it.. process almost finish but I already feel relieved! now waiting for the letter and GC, I have more patience for that.
Hi again,

...And when I returned home late so tired opened the same
mail box I have been opening sometimes twice a day, sometimes
on Sundays I finally found what I have been longing for so long.

"Interview Letter for May 13, 2010"

...Yes, It is "a good day" indeed!

Yes yes yes!!!! What a great news that everyone was waiting for!!!! Congratulations I really am happy for you.
Interesting!!! Each time i see your name i hoping it is good news regarding your case......One question, if you take another info pass & then show them your new interview letter and then also show them that you've already been interviewed months earlier....Maybe they'll order your card right away....What do you think?

Thanks smalllacrimose, I actually took an InfoPass yesterday morning (before receiving my new interview appt) and the person I talked to told me about this second interview. I told her that something might be wrong because I already had an interview and that the officer said that everything was alright. I explained to her that maybe the two files (the employment based and the DV) got separated and they need to put them together so the officer can approve my case. She said that she can't do anything and that I should follow the procedure that they dictate. At first I was concerned but, on a second thought, I am kind of glad that I received this new interview so I should be able explain to an officer what is going on.

I have a question for you, I see that your case number will be current in May but, according to your signature, you have not started the medical exam yet. I strongly suggest that you get everything ready soon, May is around the corner.

Best of luck to you!
DV lottery cases are the weirdest...many cases are different. One got it without any interview and you get 2 interviews....at least you know what to expect...kind of, and finally can speak face to face about your case. I wish you all the luck in the world and let us know what will happen?

Thank you bentlebee. I appreciate it. I was about to claim that I am taking Norkira's missing interview LOL.
Thanks smalllacrimose, I actually took an InfoPass yesterday morning (before receiving my new interview appt) and the person I talked to told me about this second interview. I told her that something might be wrong because I already had an interview and that the officer said that everything was alright. I explained to her that maybe the two files (the employment based and the DV) got separated and they need to put them together so the officer can approve my case. She said that she can't do anything and that I should follow the procedure that they dictate. At first I was concerned but, on a second thought, I am kind of glad that I received this new interview so I should be able explain to an officer what is going on.

I have a question for you, I see that your case number will be current in May but, according to your signature, you have not started the medical exam yet. I strongly suggest that you get everything ready soon, May is around the corner.

Best of luck to you!

I decided to do CP instead of AOS, so my interview would be in my home country next month and the medicals should take about 2 weeks before my interview. I am leaving the states this weekend and am humbly praying for a smooth process at home....I have been following the AOS thread just out of curiosity.
Whaat? I had to read that twice!!! I think they're confused, probably they even forgot that they interviewed you already! Anyway, as you said, might be the only chance for you to put things straight. Hope something comes out of it. Btw, don't you have an Infopass coming? If you do, you might wanna bring the interview up, maybe it'll make them look into it right away.

As always, keep us updated. I'm always checking for your updates, so don't think I've forgotten about you! :)

Thank you very much Daima. I did have an InfoPass yesterday morning and I explained to the person that something was wrong but she said that she can't do anything about it and that I need to take this new interview. I waited this long, I can wait a little more and maybe get some answers from an Immigration Officer.

Thanks again!!!!
Hi again,

...And when I returned home late so tired opened the same
mail box I have been opening sometimes twice a day, sometimes
on Sundays I finally found what I have been longing for so long.

"Interview Letter for May 13, 2010"

...Yes, It is "a good day" indeed!

I think that you should travel more often LOL
Thanks 2010FORME, Norkira, Fitness901, middle.com, and everyone for your words of support and good wishes.
I decided to do CP instead of AOS, so my interview would be in my home country next month and the medicals should take about 2 weeks before my interview. I am leaving the states this weekend and am humbly praying for a smooth process at home....I have been following the AOS thread just out of curiosity.

I see, when is your consular interview?

Good luck and keep us posted!
Thats bullshit, no one has got to do anything, thanks for your help anyway.

If you won the lottery you should get the detailed instructions on how to do AOS or CP, depending on what you want to pursue. I'd suggest you to read them first and then come up with particular questions. You can also read previous topics in this thread, because many people posted their experience and answers to many questions. That would also give you a general idea about the process

Good luck!
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Hi again,

...And when I returned home late so tired opened the same
mail box I have been opening sometimes twice a day, sometimes
on Sundays I finally found what I have been longing for so long.

"Interview Letter for May 13, 2010"

...Yes, It is "a good day" indeed!

Woow, this is great news! I'm happy things are moving for you. All the best!