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DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi i2009,

May be you should schedule an InfoPass. May be it won't help but there is a possibility
that it might trigger some action...

As for my case at TSC that I had been waiting for 6 years; I should give them this that
they accepted my request to withdraw my case right away. So my EB case is closed.
For my DV case I went for biometrics on March 10 and waiting for interview appointment letter...

Hello capeolive,

Thanks for your suggestion. I did schedule an InfoPass but, oddly, the only date available was April 1st, no options before and no options after until the end of April.

Having been waiting for 6 years I guess that you know what I was talking regarding the waiting for so long. In my case it has been a routine every month to check the Visa Bulletins with the disappointing experiences when finding out the priority dates retrogression.

May I ask you why did you need to withdraw your previous AOS? I could not do that because my wife's status depends on it. Anyway, I don't think that it would had made any difference in my case as the A-File has to be in the Officer's desk for approval and the A-File contains all the alien's information (not only the current processes). It will be requested again in case that I apply for citizenship or any future petition.

Good luck and I hope that you receive your interview notice real soon!
i2009....what happened to your case? Did you get your GC or are you still waiting?

Hello bentlebee,

No, no news, no CPO, no LUD, no welcome letter, etc. I still am waiting. Thanks for asking! I scheduled an InfoPass for April 1st (there were no other days available). I don't think it would help much but I hope they can tell me if my A-File has been requested and in the Local Office. The Officer said that everything looks good and that he will approve our case so I think that this is a matter of my A-File to reach my Local Office. My A-File is/was in Texas Service Center which is very busy, the Officer said that it could take 2 weeks for TSC to send the file, it has been 3 weeks already and no news.

Hi i2009!

I can' wait). I hope everything will be good) We'll see)

I can imagine your wait. I hope you'll recieve good news soon!!! Can it be (I mean your wait) because of your application for employement based GC??? Did you call somewhere to find out anything about your case?

Hello middle.com,

Yes, the delay in my case is due to the EB case, the officer did not request my file from the Texas Service Center before my interview so now I am waiting for my file to get to the Officer's desk. The officer can't make a decision if s/he does not have the A-File. I knew that my case would take longer because of a previews AOS but it's going to be 5 months since I submitted my package.

Best of luck to you in your interview this Monday, I'll keep my fingers crossed. I am sure you'll keep the trend of good and smooth interviews.
Hello Norkira,

During my interview the Officer requested many of the already submitted photocopies, fortunately I took extra photocopies! Said that, send the certified marriage certificate asap.

Two questions: 1) Is your marriage certificate certified? is the certification translated? 2) Do you need to mail this document to the National Benefit Center or to your Local Office?

Good luck!

Hi i2009, My marriage certificate was taken from the Vital Records, it had the stamp and everything, so yes, it is certified. We got married in US so no need to translate it. The document came from the local office...I take it it's a good sing? It even had an IO number...hopefully someone's reviewing my case and getting things ready for the interview. The paper said "if you want to include the spouse, send the marriage certification with this letter back, if not, explain why not and sing it both you and your spouse." I didn't send a letter of explanation at all, I just attached the marriage certificate and the letter they send me. I thought of saying something like "Per your request, here's another copy of our marriage certificate", but I didn't want to piss anyone off, LOL....sending what they asked answers the question whether I want the spouse in or not. Anyways, let's see what's next...
Hi i2009,

The reason I closed my EB AOS case was mainly due to
timing. Since my number is rather high and I have to do
a follow-to-join application to bring my family here,
time is money for me, much more than money..

I learned that sometimes when they request
the pending files from service centers it takes forever.
Sometimes they can not locate the files or in rare situations
they even get lost. Sometimes it simply takes too long
to transfer the files.

May be they get too attached to the files
and don't want to let go. Like: when going
on a vacation you give your young kid
to your relative to look after for couple of weeks
and when you come back from vacation she
doesn't want to give your kid back...

I know very well it is hard to wait but
you had a successful interview hopefully
you'll get your card soon.

At one point they will have to let the other file go...

Hello capeolive,

Thanks for your suggestion. I did schedule an InfoPass but, oddly, the only date available was April 1st, no options before and no options after until the end of April.

Having been waiting for 6 years I guess that you know what I was talking regarding the waiting for so long. In my case it has been a routine every month to check the Visa Bulletins with the disappointing experiences when finding out the priority dates retrogression.

May I ask you why did you need to withdraw your previous AOS? I could not do that because my wife's status depends on it. Anyway, I don't think that it would had made any difference in my case as the A-File has to be in the Officer's desk for approval and the A-File contains all the alien's information (not only the current processes). It will be requested again in case that I apply for citizenship or any future petition.

Good luck and I hope that you receive your interview notice real soon!
Hi i2009,

Also about my EB case when I had a chance to talk to
an immigration supervisor she told me to send withdrawal
letter of my EB case and application of DV based AOS
case on the same day. She said that by doing this I wouldn't
go out of status...
I'm so happy for all the good news even for Zapatos surviving that horrible interview experience. Congrats to everyone who had success and good luck for everyone who still needs it.
I have a question about my pending EB case. Since it's EB-3 I never got to the point to submitting I-485 because my date is still not current. Based on i2009's experience I'm worried that this will slow down my DV case too. Should I cancel the EB case? Is there still enough time to do so? My interview is in a week and a half.
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Hi gdh,

At what stage your EB case is?
Did you get a Labor Certification?
Did you get I-140 approved?
Did you file I-485 and is pending?

I have a question about my pending EB case. Since it's EB-3 I never got to the point to submitting I-485 because my date is still not current. Based on i2009's experience I'm worried that this will slow down my DV case too. Should I cancel the EB case? Is there still enough time to do so? My interview is in a week and a half.

If you never filed an I-485 application for EB case then as far as I know
you do not have a "pending" application. If this is the case I wouldn't
take any action. You already have your appointment for the interview...

I will be out until tonight...

I have a question about my pending EB case. Since it's EB-3 I never got to the point to submitting I-485 because my date is still not current. Based on i2009's experience I'm worried that this will slow down my DV case too. Should I cancel the EB case? Is there still enough time to do so? My interview is in a week and a half.
If you never filed an I-485 application for EB case then as far as I know
you do not have a "pending" application. If this is the case I wouldn't
take any action. You already have your appointment for the interview...

That's good news. :) Thanks for you answer.
Hello middle.com,

Yes, the delay in my case is due to the EB case, the officer did not request my file from the Texas Service Center before my interview so now I am waiting for my file to get to the Officer's desk. The officer can't make a decision if s/he does not have the A-File. I knew that my case would take longer because of a previews AOS but it's going to be 5 months since I submitted my package.

Best of luck to you in your interview this Monday, I'll keep my fingers crossed. I am sure you'll keep the trend of good and smooth interviews.

I hope you'll get good news this coming week!

Thank you for your support!
Good luck middle.com for Monday! I bet you're getting excited beyond measures. :) Will keep my fingers crossed.
All the best to you on your interview date middle.com!

I will bring what they asked me and probably a letter from the Human Resources department telling about my payments from the university. I do not have anyone who can write me job offer letters. I am searching and applying for all kinds of jobs already, but haven't got any offers yet and I cannot work without my working restrictions being lifted. I did find a job for summer, but it is also with the University. Maybe I will take that one with me as well.
we received our green card's today...this journey is now finally over...thanks to all you guys, to the host of this forum and of course ultimate praise belongs to the lord...

good luck for all the upcoming interviewees, and all other still in the process...
