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DV 2010 AOS Only

Sorry to hear that zapatos. It looks like a nightmare. At least there is a happy ending. There is no way she is going to deny your case after this point.
Thanks to everybody. I guess I did my part already and let her work on that. I am confident that my green card is coming from God not from her.
I wish I will tell you some good news pretty soon. My status is still on the acceptance level and the date of my biometrics is still the last update date.
Hello zapatos,

Very sorry to hear that the IO was very rude and also very sorry that the IO is training someone else to become just like her. What a loss! I was over-prepared for my case and did take my sponsor's GC copy but had the IO asked me to bring the original ... i could have not shown up by 2 pm as my place was two and half hour drive from the field office. That is not good. Anyways ... you did you part and I am sure God will help you out. But i think once you do get your green card somebody should complain about this person to somebody (maybe the supervisor of NYC field office) so that no one in the future is treated like that especially if nothing is given in writing as to what is expected at the Interview. Plus ... the tax doesn't have to be filed till April 15th .... they should not ask for it till after this date!

Anyways, we are waiting and praying with you for good news soon. All the best.
Your welcome new one,

I hope everything goes smooth for you and
after your check is cashed economy starts
to get better. I hope you get your NOA's soon.
After you get your NOA's you are not going to be
as new any more, may be after getting your NOA's
you can change your name to "not as new as you think" one.
Just kidding. You have my best wishes...

Thanks for advice capeolive, but I filled out all over again:p just wonted to be 100% sure that everything is all right. I just sent my package and feel great and wait.
Thanks again for assisting.
Hi zapatos,

I am sorry to hear that you had such a bad interview experience.
First of all you got an incredible unjust treatment by your IO.
- She had no right to ask for the original of a green card.
- She had no right to ask for 2009 tax return before April 15.
- She had no right to give you only several hours to get requested documents and threaten you with denial.
Very rare IO's unfortunately acting like they don't want to give some people their cards,
when they do it ,they do it unwillingly. I can say a lot more but because I know severe majority of IO
are honest people and do not discriminate against anybody. So due to respecting them I'll stop.

Your journey was though but do not worry this right is given to you through a lottery, you don't even have to speak English to get it.
If God wishes to give something to you, Nobody can stop it.
You did what you could, now it is time to pray.
Our prayers also are with you...

Hello everybody. For those who were waiting for my interview experience there it is.
I had appointment yesterday at 8:30 am and I got there at 7:30 am. I was received at 8:45am. The officer was with a young lady who she told me will be part of the interview because she is on training.
She was the rudess woman I have ever met all my life that officer. She asked me to swear,....... Then she asked me originals of everything I have submitted and made a big deal about my the way my name was written in the French system, that it confusing. Anyway, she then asked me if I am working and I said "no" then she told me that I must have a sponsor that I had. I show her all the documents. Unfortunally, my sponsor filled his tax for this uear but it wasn't ready. He gave me the one from last year and the year before. He has an employment later but something showing that they took him for work last year and some pay checks. She was like: " what is that? where is the 2009 tax returns, the letter of the employer is not the way I would like it to be, I need the original of the green card of your sponsor and the copy and I give you up to 2:00 to bring me all the docs otherwise it is going to be a denial". So what I did, I can't tell you. I missed all my classes and have to collect all the documents she wanted. It was not easy. My sponsor has to leave work to complete everything for me. Then he joined me with all the original in front of the immigration at 1:50pm. As soon as he gave that to me, I ran inside and give my appointment letter to the receptionnist. Then the trainee ( the one who was being trained) came and asked me all the documents, originals and copies. She then compared and gave the originals back to me. She then went back inside I guess to show that to the officer. She came back 5 min later telling me that I can go home and that it is late to stamp my passport. So I asked her what is the final decision and she told me that the lady should be approving it because I brought evrything back in time. And that I already did my task and it should be to her to do hers. She asked me to wait 60 days for the decision by mail.
Then I left. Tired? yes I was, exshausted. You can't imagined what I went throught yesterday to complete those documents by the time she asked to. So now I did my part and I will let God do his. I know that I do not have no more power at this point. So let's see.
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Wow zapatos, you poor thing. The only justification I have for such cruelty is because she had the girl she was training, so she was trying to be extra tough and picky to show her how strict they are. What a shame. So glad you were able to get everything on time...and best of luck to you. Relax now...the good news is on it's way.
Hello zapatos,

I was so sorry to read your story, but was relieved to hear that you were able to provide everything they asked.
I know it might not be the right time to ask you a lot questions. But I wanted to understand some things because I have an interview scheduled for real soon.
I did not understand completely what exactly she asked for and it is triggering bunch of questions.
It seems like you are a student and your studies are supported by an individual who is a green card holder?
Why did she ask for his tax documents? Did you submit them with your original application?
As far as I know AOS for lottery winners does not require submitting such documents. Were these documents among the list of documents mentioned in the interview letter?

I am also a student. But my sponsor is the university itself. It covers all of my expenses and gives a monthly allowance. Yearly amount is indicated in my I94 form and it is guaranteed until 2014.
I am just thinking whether or not that would be sufficient enough or should I get an additional letter from Human Resources about my annual income?
I have no way of asking for tax documents of the university.....
Anyway, she then asked me if I am working and I said "no" then she told me that I must have a sponsor that I had. I show her all the documents. Unfortunally, my sponsor filled his tax for this uear but it wasn't ready. He gave me the one from last year and the year before. He has an employment later but something showing that they took him for work last year and some pay checks. She was like: " what is that? where is the 2009 tax returns, the letter of the employer is not the way I would like it to be, I need the original of the green card of your sponsor and the copy and I give you up to 2:00 to bring me all the docs otherwise it is going to be a denial". So what I did, I can't tell you. I missed all my classes and have to collect all the documents she wanted. It was not easy. My sponsor has to leave work to complete everything for me. Then he joined me with all the original in front of the immigration at 1:50pm.
Hi Ahad,

If you do not have an annual income of 125% of Federal Poverty Guidelines
at the interview USCIS can ask you for an Affidavit of Support (I-134 for DV Cases)
This can only be given by a citizen or a permanent resident
who has enough income. Sometimes even if you have enough income
you can still be asked for an I-134. It really depends...

Would you tell me in which city you are going to be interviewed.

I am putting some links down for you:


Hey all,
I called the USCIS for canceling service request, the guy on the phone told me that I don't need to do that. I just trusted that and ended my call thanking for his time.
I hope it's fine. right?

Congratulations antar45,

I agree with middle.com, try to call the USCIS and cancel your service request or maybe you got your biometric appointment because of the service request.

Good luck!
You did your part don't worry...
Just in case take a note of what date and time you called.
But you are fine...

Hey all,
I called the USCIS for canceling service request, the guy on the phone told me that I don't need to do that. I just trusted that and ended my call thanking for his time.
I hope it's fine. right?
Thanks to all of you guys. Yes what made me the most upset was that the time was short. However like all ya say, she has no reason of rejecting my docs because I brought everything back before the time she wanted. I am so sorry that some people are unhappy with their life and their profession and try to put that on other. I thought that you should always come happy at work. Once I get my docs, I am over with NYC office. It was the long wait of my interview letter, now this one. No way, no more. My number has been current since November and I sent everything since October 1st. I did my biometrics since Nov 2nd. So received the interview letter on Jan 30th for March 15th. This office already made me sick and after my green card I will not deal with it .
Thanks Capeolive,
I will do that but I forgot the name of person I talked.
Just for verification, should I call them again?

Don't worry they record all calls, so just remember the day, date and time!!! If there's any problems, you'll be covered, but I think everything is ok!!!
I am F1 too. I do not know about your case because the school is actually paying you. However, you do need a sponsor and the interview letter asked me to bring the I-134. My father( who is back home) pays half of my school and I do pay the other half. I am working as a cashier but not with legal documentation. I did not submit taxes when filing.
Hello zapatos,

I was so sorry to read your story, but was relieved to hear that you were able to provide everything they asked.
I know it might not be the right time to ask you a lot questions. But I wanted to understand some things because I have an interview scheduled for real soon.
I did not understand completely what exactly she asked for and it is triggering bunch of questions.
It seems like you are a student and your studies are supported by an individual who is a green card holder?
Why did she ask for his tax documents? Did you submit them with your original application?
As far as I know AOS for lottery winners does not require submitting such documents. Were these documents among the list of documents mentioned in the interview letter?

I am also a student. But my sponsor is the university itself. It covers all of my expenses and gives a monthly allowance. Yearly amount is indicated in my I94 form and it is guaranteed until 2014.
I am just thinking whether or not that would be sufficient enough or should I get an additional letter from Human Resources about my annual income?
I have no way of asking for tax documents of the university.....

I must commend you for keeping your cool and getting the documents to the IO on time. You sponsor was great too. I cannot imagine someone can be so demanding and unreasonable at a time like this. Some of them have no idea what all we people go through until we get our GC.
I am so happy you were able to get everything as per her demand. Am sure you will be soon informing us your good news. Be positive and leave the rest in Gods hands.
Zapatos have you seen any of the Die Hard Movies. In one of them Bruce Willis was getting orders from Simone and it was like " Simone Says, you gotta do this in 2 hours. " In your case you got an order from your IO . I hope you didn't have to cross central park with a taxi. :D:D:D

bye the way guys. I wanna ask a question. Do i still have to keep my i-20 status. I mean do i still have to go to school 20 hours per week. Summer is coming and it is nice outside. I have done biometrics. I have a A#. i have NOA. I know i am going to get my interview letter in 1-2 months but still it would be great to hear that i don't have anything with i-20 anymore. If the answer is yes. what do i need to do? should i just inform the school and they are going to contact with immigration office.
Your welcome new one,

I hope everything goes smooth for you and
after your check is cashed economy starts
to get better. I hope you get your NOA's soon.
After you get your NOA's you are not going to be
as new any more, may be after getting your NOA's
you can change your name to "not as new as you think" one.
Just kidding. You have my best wishes...

Hahaha yes capeolive, that's good idea to change my name :D
Maybe I will......
Hi guys, I need your help)

Yesterday, I checked all documents and I found out one misunderstanding) When I sent my DSP-122 to KCC applying for AOS, in p. 6 b (Name of Educational Institution) I wrote State University (where I studied), but when I ask for the translation of my Diplomas they translated the name of my university as National University( (and this translation was sent to USCIS)
It's too late to email to KCC because they've all sent my file to Field Office. Is it gonna be a problem for me during my interview? Now I worry about it( Who knows what should I do???
Hi guys, I need your help)

Yesterday, I checked all documents and I found out one misunderstanding) When I sent my DSP-122 to KCC applying for AOS, in p. 6 b (Name of Educational Institution) I wrote State University (where I studied), but when I ask for the translation of my Diplomas they translated the name of my university as National University( (and this translation was sent to USCIS)
It's too late to email to KCC because they've all sent my file to Field Office. Is it gonna be a problem for me during my interview? Now I worry about it( Who knows what should I do???

Hello middle.com,

I don't think it would be a problem but bring your High School diploma just in case. In my opinion, you should not say anything during the interview and, if the officer points out the error, just say that there might had been a translation error. What they want to know is if you are eligible for the DV based on education or work experience. It is different when there is an error in name, date or country of birth, sex, etc.
Hello middle.com,

I don't think it would be a problem but bring your High School diploma just in case. In my opinion, you should not say anything during the interview and, if the officer points out the error, just say that there might had been a translation error. What they want to know is if you are eligible for the DV based on education or work experience. It is different when there is an error in name, date or country of birth, sex, etc.

Thank you i2009,
I have my HSD, I hope everything will be fine). Everytime I get support, I fill better! Thank you!!!
Every day I check this forum, and look for new good from you and linda! I hope guys everything will be good for you!!! Thank you again for your support!!!!