• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

DV 2010 AOS Only

Hi Norkira,

Before I made my application I had some time and read 2008, 2009 and 2010
AOS Only forums. Almost everybody as far as I could remember in Part 2 of
I-485 form checked h. and wrote more or less Diversity Visa (DV) 2010 Selectee.
And these applicants did not have any problem due to checking h. Saying this
I don't mean that they will reject your application if you check a. worst comes
to worst if they return it you can check the right box and resubmit it again.
Most of the lawyers indeed don't know much about DV AOS Applications reason
being out of 55.000 DV Cases only around 1.400 are done from U.S.
I think that "If something like checking box h. experienced by so many people
without any problems why try to experience something new like box a."
I hope it was helpful. We are here to help each other.

I pray that we all finally reach our goals and
cards we get bring goodness to our lives...

Hi capeolive, how sure are you...or anyone else in this forum, that form I-485 the principal applicant should check h instead of a?
Hi Norkira,

Before I made my application I had some time and read 2008, 2009 and 2010
AOS Only forums. Almost everybody as far as I could remember in Part 2 of
I-485 form checked h. and wrote more or less Diversity Visa (DV) 2010 Selectee.
And these applicants did not have any problem due to checking h. Saying this
I don't mean that they will reject your application if you check a. worst comes
to worst if they return it you can check the right box and resubmit it again.
Most of the lawyers indeed don't know much about DV AOS Applications reason
being out of 55.000 DV Cases only around 1.400 are done from U.S.
I think that "If something like checking box h. experienced by so many people
without any problems why try to experience something new like box a."
I hope it was helpful. We are here to help each other.

I pray that we all finally reach our goals and
cards we get bring goodness to our lives...

Hi capeolive,

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, I have already sent the application with box a checked. I had been reading a lot of other forums, and at the time when I filled it, felt like that was the right answer, but I guess I will find out soon if it was or not. Calling immigration won't be much help, either, even though I know when you call there's an option to correct a form submitted, I wonder if I should give that a try. I can't believe how little help we get from the IO. It's so hard to make the decisions based on reading different forums that give different responses. However, this forum sure has been VERY helpful and I don't know what we'd do without it.

Thanks again.
Hi Barya yesus,

Your numbers being current means that you can send in your
application from that time on yours was current in November
this means that you can make your application any time after
November you have to get 2NL in order to send your DV package
to Chicago Lockbox. It is not the only thing you need though.

1. Call KCC find out how long it would take for them to send
you 2NL.
2. Make sure you have your DV package ready.
3. As soon as you get your 2NL add a copy it to your DV package and send it.

Will I have a chance to be interviewed though I sent back the form to KCC very late
My Case number is: 2010AF00009XXX

I am an African who is the winner of DV 2010 lottery.

Although The KCC sent me the first NL in March 2009, because of the bad postal service I got the 1st NL as well as DS 230 and DSP 122 forms in Fe b 2010. Then I fill it and send back to KCC in Feb 2010. My number is lower and the current of my case number is supposed to be in June or July 2009. But I send the form very late, which is in Feburary 2010. I have a huge fear of loosing my DV lottery chance. My question is here below: Will the KCC send me the 2nd notification letter after 8 weeks? Or will I be disqualified or declined because of my delay or because the current of my case number is already over ?. . Please give me your consultation. I am worrying a lot.

Best Regard,
Barya Yesus
We know a lawyer who is very experienced with the DV lottery. If any one needs a lawyer you can always contact me, but if you have a good solid "normal" case, you could safe a lot of money by doing it your self with the help of this forum as my friend did and she got approved. The lawyer is charging aprox $ 1750.- per case for DV after winning.

My friends case was sent back due to forgetting to check a box and she sent it back after checking box "h" and writing down "DV 2010 winner + case # and after that her case moved along so that box is for sure the right box....if "a" is also correct to be checked....idk!
Congratulations i2009 and crucian. It is great news that they took your I-94 cards. That is a very positive sign that they have decided to send you the GCs. Just relax now and let the system work. Oh ... do keep praying. May God guide us all. Amen.:)

Thanks cooldude. Yes, the Officer said that everything was OK so I hope that this is a matter of waiting for my file to be mailed to my local office.
I received my Green Card Today!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all, today morning i received my GC in mail. I am soooooooooooo happyy!! Thank you very much to all of you who have been so supportive and helpful! I wish good luck to all that havent received theirs yet. Everybody in this forum, sooner or later, will get it for sure.

Congratulations cm1979. I am very happy for you. Enjoy your new status and I hope that you can still contribute to the thread. All the best!
I got my welcome letter today. My wife still did not get hers even though she got the same texts i got at the same time. I think they just got separated in the mail and will be here soon.

On the welcome letter it says COA: DV7 does anyone know what that means ?? I know i saw it before in a much older post but i can't find it.

Congratulations ICE MAN, very happy for you. Don't worry, your wife's letter will arrive soon. Maybe this Monday?

Congratulations one more time, you're almost done with the AOS process!
Hi capeolive,

Thanks for your response. Unfortunately, I have already sent the application with box a checked. I had been reading a lot of other forums, and at the time when I filled it, felt like that was the right answer, but I guess I will find out soon if it was or not. Calling immigration won't be much help, either, even though I know when you call there's an option to correct a form submitted, I wonder if I should give that a try. I can't believe how little help we get from the IO. It's so hard to make the decisions based on reading different forums that give different responses. However, this forum sure has been VERY helpful and I don't know what we'd do without it.

Thanks again.

Hello Norkira,

As capeolive, I read previous year forums and there were people checking both options A or H and both seem to work fine. I checked A and everything was fine. Later I read the I-485 Standard Operating Procedure and it says that the correct answer for DV cases is H and then "Diversity Applicant" in the space provided.

The I-485 Standard Operating Procedure document is rather old; you can read it here if you want. See page 135 under "Basis for Filing".

You should not worry much about it. I has worked for many.

Best of luck to you
Hi tzimo,

Make sure check the revised forms and filing locations
before you send in your application.


I am winner of the DV2010 and I am currently applying for AOS. I would really appreciate you answers to the the following questions:

1. on I-485 form, part2, application type, what box should I fill (a or h)?
2. I am an F1 student. My husband is also a F1 student. Does he need an affidavit of support form?

Hello Norkira,

As capeolive, I read previous year forums and there were people checking both options A or H and both seem to work fine. I checked A and everything was fine. Later I read the I-485 Standard Operating Procedure and it says that the correct answer for DV cases is H and then "Diversity Applicant" in the space provided.

The I-485 Standard Operating Procedure document is rather old; you can read it here if you want. See page 135 under "Basis for Filing".

You should not worry much about it. I has worked for many.

Best of luck to you

Thanks so much for writing this i2009...I feel much better. I guess the only time to find out is to wait and see. I hope they don't make me repay the fee...that would be really bad. Bentlebee, did they make your friend pay again??? I guess it all depends on IO's mood : /
No they send it back with the check. All the documents were stamped on the side even the one with the missing box, so I guess they had gone over all the papers and then discovered the missing box and send everything back...just to be safe, she sent a new check with the package although the returned check already was stamped with a USCIS stamp on it.

I don't think it delayed her case much if I look at other case# and interview dates, but it is better not to deal with that...saves you some stress:D
Thanks everybody ! Finally ,I received my card on 02/19 after months of stress like all of us on this forum.I would like to thank everyone on this forum for help and support and wish others who are under the process "good luck" and "full of success".
Thanks so much for writing this i2009...I feel much better. I guess the only time to find out is to wait and see. I hope they don't make me repay the fee...that would be really bad. Bentlebee, did they make your friend pay again??? I guess it all depends on IO's mood : /

Hello Norkira,

If your package is returned they will mail you back the whole package and your checks. Only if they accept your case they will cash your check.

I don't think they will return your case just because you selected option "A".

Good luck!
Thanks everybody ! Finally ,I received my card on 02/19 after months of stress like all of us on this forum.I would like to thank everyone on this forum for help and support and wish others who are under the process "good luck" and "full of success".

Wow, great! Congratulations happy, I am happy for you. Enjoy your new status!!!!!!
I received my Green Card Today!!!!!!!!!!

Hi all, today morning i received my GC in mail. I am soooooooooooo happyy!! Thank you very much to all of you who have been so supportive and helpful! I wish good luck to all that havent received theirs yet. Everybody in this forum, sooner or later, will get it for sure.

Congratulations, cm1979. Journey is over for you. Enjoy your new status!
I got my welcome letter today. My wife still did not get hers even though she got the same texts i got at the same time. I think they just got separated in the mail and will be here soon.

On the welcome letter it says COA: DV7 does anyone know what that means ?? I know i saw it before in a much older post but i can't find it.

Congrats, your card is on the way. No worries, my hubby and I didn't get our GCs at the same time, although the txts came together.
Thanks everybody ! Finally ,I received my card on 02/19 after months of stress like all of us on this forum.I would like to thank everyone on this forum for help and support and wish others who are under the process "good luck" and "full of success".

Yaaay, Finally. I'm so happy for you. Congratulations, now you can soo relax!
Thanks everybody ! Finally ,I received my card on 02/19 after months of stress like all of us on this forum.I would like to thank everyone on this forum for help and support and wish others who are under the process "good luck" and "full of success".

Congratulations, this is great!
Hello Norkira,

If your package is returned they will mail you back the whole package and your checks. Only if they accept your case they will cash your check.

I don't think they will return your case just because you selected option "A".

Good luck!

Thanks so much i2009 & Bentlebee...I sure hope so. What a relief....you both gave me a sign of hope.
Congrats happy2010, cm1979 & Ice Man...so happy for you all :)