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DV 2010 AOS Only

Yaaaay, haven't been in here for two days and been missing all this great news. Yees, finally. Congratulations!

Thank you Daima. It's nice from you and cooldude that still keep helping us even though you already got your GCs.
Hi guys,

how much time does it usually take for USCIS to send the NOA after getting the application?
My application was recieved on Jan 28, and still nothing, no e-mail from them, no tex messege, nothing....
Hi guys,

how much time does it usually take for USCIS to send the NOA after getting the application?
My application was recieved on Jan 28, and still nothing, no e-mail from them, no tex messege, nothing....

About two weeks is normal. You can see our signatures. I think you are still ok:)
Thank you Daima. It's nice from you and cooldude that still keep helping us even though you already got your GCs.

It is our pleasure to do so. Although i think you are doing most of the answering and an incredible job at that too. Thanks to you too and good luck on your interview. Hope it goes smoothly.
It is our pleasure to do so. Although i think you are doing most of the answering and an incredible job at that too. Thanks to you too and good luck on your interview. Hope it goes smoothly.

Thanks cooldude,

Everyone is doing a great job. I don't know how I would had handled the whole process without this forum. I think that the most difficult part is the uncertainty that we have to deal with mixed with the deadline of the DV program.

Thanks to all!
Thank you so much cooldude06_78, i2009, gagaun and VZLA for your good words.

For,cooldude06_78 i know you are now enjoying the benefits of your GC

For,i2009 and gagaun you are eagerly waiting for the interview on the scheduled date-i wish you all the best.

For,VZLA you have already done your interview and i believe your welcome letter is on the way.

Thanks Tk2010,

I'm sure that you will be enjoying the benefits of your GC pretty soon the same as VZLA.

I too hope the best to gagaun and everyone having the interview soon (me included LOL).

Good luck everyone
Finally !!!!

I finally received our interview letter today for 2/17/2010 after a looooong wait. I feel much better now. I hope for everyone who is waiting to get theirs soon, Linda555 i know you have been waiting for a while too so yours should be on the way.
I finally received our interview letter today for 2/17/2010 after a looooong wait. I feel much better now. I hope for everyone who is waiting to get theirs soon, Linda555 i know you have been waiting for a while too so yours should be on the way.

Congratulations, Ice man! Now I'm pretty sure I will receive mine soon as well :)
I finally received our interview letter today for 2/17/2010 after a looooong wait. I feel much better now. I hope for everyone who is waiting to get theirs soon, Linda555 i know you have been waiting for a while too so yours should be on the way.

Great!! Congratulations and all the best for all upcoming interviewees! Will be waiting for your updates.
Hello I2009,
Yes ! indeed I got my interview today but too busy yet to go on the forum ! Well , to update oyur guys, I had A good interview , but the system was down and they could not approve me on the spot. They gave me a document stating that my case meets all the requirements.I would hear from within the next days . That is it !
Good luck to you , I 2009 ! I hope all the best for you !

Thanks linda and zapatos. Linda, please hang in there, I know how you feel and I really hope that you receive your interview notice soon. You have requested information in an InfoPass appointment. Did they give you any useful information. I was giving myself 2 more weeks before turning to a senator's office for help. The whole process could be so unfair. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and the rest who are still waiting. I really hope that this week brings more good news. Good luck!

Bentlebee, I think you are talking about hani19, I think she never came back to the forum. I hope everything went well with her FBI check.

happy2010, I think you mentioned that your interview is at the beginning of February, is it this week? Best of luck to you!

Good luck to everyone!
WOW, everything is moving here (everything but my case :-( ... )

I have been sooooo busy this days with my job and family visiting that didn't have time to check the forum until today.
I see here a lot of interviews and approvals, and I feel very happy for all you guys. Thanks for keeping us informed.

I'm still waiting for my interview letter. Once I have time I will do an Infopass to ask what is happening.
I guess that the new situation here in Miami with our brothers of Haiti is keeping the local office very busy.
I finally received our interview letter today for 2/17/2010 after a looooong wait. I feel much better now. I hope for everyone who is waiting to get theirs soon, Linda555 i know you have been waiting for a while too so yours should be on the way.

Congrats ICE MAN. I was hopeful of hearing good news from you soon as i heard that i2009 got his interview letter. Good luck to everyone on their interviews.
Hello I2009,
Yes ! indeed I got my interview today but too busy yet to go on the forum ! Well , to update oyur guys, I had A good interview , but the system was down and they could not approve me on the spot. They gave me a document stating that my case meets all the requirements.I would hear from within the next days . That is it !
Good luck to you , I 2009 ! I hope all the best for you !

Congrats Happy. I am sure you should have the GC in a couple of weeks time. Do mention if they asked of any particular papers at your local office at the interview so it could help someone else in the future.
Congrats for ICE MAN for the upcoming interview.

Congrats for happy2010 for the upcoming green card.

Good luck to Yaku and hope your interview letter will come soon!
I finally received our interview letter today for 2/17/2010 after a looooong wait. I feel much better now. I hope for everyone who is waiting to get theirs soon, Linda555 i know you have been waiting for a while too so yours should be on the way.

Yeeeey! awesome! congratulations Ice Man! what a relief. Now we all have to send good vibes to linda and Yaku

Congratulations, very happy for you!
Hello I2009,
Yes ! indeed I got my interview today but too busy yet to go on the forum ! Well , to update oyur guys, I had A good interview , but the system was down and they could not approve me on the spot. They gave me a document stating that my case meets all the requirements.I would hear from within the next days . That is it !
Good luck to you , I 2009 ! I hope all the best for you !

This is great news happy! Very happy for you. You will be getting your GC in no time. When you have time, can you please share your interview experience?

Thanks and congratulations one more time!