• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2009 - Aos Only

OK guys today was my interview day, it was at 8 am and they called me around 8.30, that was a really short one, first she asked me to raise my hand and take an oath and then she just went over the 485 form, my name, mom's dad's name, birthdate....and the other have u ever been questions and then she asked me show an employment letter.I gave her the letter that I got from my HR and I also gave her my pay studs which she didnt even asked for. Only documents she asked me to give were the diplomas from my BA and Masters and she also asked me if I filed 230 which I didnt, because I applied to AOS before my number was current and they rejected my application and send all the documents back to reapply when my number was current. Then I received a letter from kentucky office indicating that I would be applying for the AOS, and that letter was stating to not to contact or send any forms to kentucky from now on, so I didnt fill that form at all, so I told her that and gave that letter to her, so she left the room to make copies of all and came back in 5 minutes and she told me that there is nothing else that she needed, only thing that she needed to do is checking with her supervisor if I need to fill that form or not. (her supervisor was out of office and she didnt know if it was needed, i think they r not really familiar with this lottery process) so at the end she told me that everything looked OK with my application. She said if her supervisor says it is not necessary to fill that form , i will be receiving my card in 2-3weeks and if it is needed then they will send me letter requiring to submit that document too. She also told me I could just fill that one and get an info pass appoint, and drop it to them. I did not understand why she didnt asked me to fill that one right there incase and I was so nervous to ask to do that right there, I felt so stupid :( after i left because she was unbelievably nice and easy going. I should have asked for that.So as u can understand I will be looking forward to getting the mail in these next 3 weeks and I still feel like it is not over yet. Hopefully instead of getting a letter in the mail asking me to submit that form, I will get the greencard, so we will see, I hope the best:) the only thing that I need to add in here is she didnt stamp my passport but she took the i-94 card and she told me that I dont need it anymore, that is a good thing i guess... Whole interview took maybe 10 min. and 5 minutes was the actual interview.After the interview we started talking about weather and these snow storms so she made me feel so comfortable, I hope all of you guys will have an interviewer like mine... Horrible part is since it is holiday time, I dont know how long I would be waiting to receive the mail since they are not going to be working on thursday and friday and also two days next week. She said that I will be hearing in max a month.I still dont feel like I am done... I will keep u guys posted and happy holidays to everybody....

Yesterday I went to USCIS for my infopass- as all you faithful readers know, I received my interview notice for 1/15/09 but despite having filed on 10/1/08 and despite a service request on 11/19/08, I had yet to hear anything regarding my biometrics, except for a strange letter confirming my service request saying that I had already done the biometrics (when I had not!)

I won't bore you all with the details- I spent most of the 4 total hours that I spent there yesterday waiting. The first person that I spoke to was very nice but also totally clueless about the whole DV process (and in fact she spent half the time on the phone with a supervisor...)

Luckily for me, she was so confused that she decided that the best thing for me to do was to go "speak to the people upstairs" which I later found out, were in the same office where I will be doing my interview on 1/15/09. After waiting yet again, when I explained to them what my situation was, they immediately said that they could issue a biometrics notice for me. The only problem was that the first date available in the system would have been the same day as the interview (and too close time wise.)

I asked the lady (who was very knowledgeable and nice) "would they do them for me if I went there today (given that I had already taken the day off to go there and could not bear to have to stress about both biometrics and interview the same day.) She told me to definitely try- she said that the New York fingerprint office will often take people with the notices on different days if there is room and she doubted that they would be very busy.

I therefore walked to the office that handles the fingerprints for New York district office (about 20 minutes away) and when I told them that the people at USCIS had told me to go there that day, they gladly took me (once the people in line had been taken care of.)

Moral of the story (many hours later): biometrics done! Interview left to go!!

Happy holidays to you all and congratulations kakaco- what a lovely present you received yesterday!!

Congratulations for the successful interview! I hope you get your GC soon.

I have a few questions to you: How long before your number was current did you file for AOS? When they returned your application, did you lose your $1010 fee?

Thanks and have a good holidays.
OK guys today was my interview day,....

She said if her supervisor says it is not necessary to fill that form , i will be receiving my card in 2-3weeks and if it is needed then they will send me letter requiring to submit that document too. .....

I still feel like it is not over yet. Hopefully instead of getting a letter in the mail asking me to submit that form,

Good for you kakaco! :D So far so good, you are almost there.

I know what you are saying - about it not being over yet. Even though my interview went well, I kinda fell the same, like it's not over yet. I am waitng for when the GC is actually in my hands.
Yesterday I went to USCIS for my infopass- as all you faithful readers know Moral of the story (many hours later): biometrics done! Interview left to go!!

Smart move lindina254. Now at least one issue is hopefully sorted out. I think is't amazing how much in this life depends on shear luck. Luck was no your side when you went to your infopass.
Check cashed!!

Merry Christmass everyone!

Just wanted to thank y'all for your inputs abt my hubby's application.

his check was cashed this week,after resubmitting the application with NL :)

Congratulations for the successful interview! I hope you get your GC soon.

I have a few questions to you: How long before your number was current did you file for AOS? When they returned your application, did you lose your $1010 fee?

Thanks and have a good holidays.

Thanks to everybody for the good wishes!!!This blog feels like family:) since most of us so far away from home and families( I have been a little bit emotional these days since it is holiday time:)
to ItsoFototo;
My story is a little bit complicated,I received the first letter from kentucky by april 17th and at that time my H1 was about to expire (by july first) so I didnt really know what to do, to extend the H1 or directly apply to greencars, so I went to an immigration lawyer first. He basicly printed out all the forms that I need to file for AOS and he insist on to apply to AOS ASAP, he said that there was no need to extand the H1 since I will be paying for the extention, I didnt 100% trust him (thanks god, I didnt!!!) I got an infopass from my local office to double check with them, they told me the same thing they were like since u r still in status, as long as u submit ur documents before ur visa expires u will be fine still be in status.. Nobody(my lawyer even the immigration officer at the local office) did not mention me about oct 1 or current visa number thing and I didnt know this website at that time, Actually since I am a little bit paronoid with these stuff I got another info pass and asked it again and they suggest me to file it ASAP again, so I was like OK I would do that since everybody tells me the same thing and I prepared everything, medicals, money forms in 2 weeks (nightmare) and send them to chicago probably by beginning of may. Luckily I found this web site and I remember that day like today I was in shock when I found out that I can t file before oct 1, I can even explain how mad I was, I was how come nobody knows anything about it especially the ones that sopposed to be the experts of this. I was so lucky that I found it out before my H1 expired,then next day I asked my employer to apply for the H1 extention ASAP but it cost me more than 1000$ since I had to apply with a premium process because of those idiots,so a month after I send my application to chicago I received a rejection letter because of early application, they mailed me all the documents and my money orders and sealed medical reports.I just wrote all the details in here because I just want everybody to be aware of this unknowlagable people and my suggestion to everybody to not to trust anybody with these kind of stuff. So answer to ur question is i didnt have to pay the fees again, they didnt even open the medicals envelope if they did it would have cost me an extra 300$, so I had really happy and horrible times with this application process and wanna receive the card ASAP since I have been through many things that is the reason that I still dont feel comfortable even after a good interview, so I will believe it whenever I hold the card in my hands!!!!

Enjoy the holidays!!!!
Quick tip that Ive come to learn:

When calling the USCIS office for a question, if they dont know the answer they will say "Im sorry sir/maam we're not authorized to say, is there anything else we can help you with today" or "we cant tell you that sir, is there anything else I can help you with today".
If you get that like I have many a times, just wait 10 mins. or call back the next day, someone else on the phone service will answer and give you the answer, because that person may know more. It's worked for me twice and I thought Id share it with yall.

Good luck!
Can I use my EAD card when I recieve it to update my SSN or do I have to wait till I have the GC in hand?
Can I use my EAD card when I recieve it to update my SSN or do I have to wait till I have the GC in hand?

Short answer is NO you can not use your EAD only to update your SSN card and YES you have to wait for the GC.
There was a discussion on this particular subject a few weeks ago on this thread. Starts at post #752 on page 26.
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Disapointing infopass

I had an infopass today, after a call that I made two weeks ago to USCIS, they told me to go to my local office if I need more info about the interview.

The infopass was totally disapointing.
The guy was very nice but does not have so much experience with AOS based on DV lottery.
He said, my case will take from 9 months to 1 year processing.
I mentioned to him the dead time of Sep30. he said, it deos not matter, he even asked another employee, next to him who confirmed his statement and I should not worry too much.
So I didn't know what to say to him.
But in such situations, it is better to leave, and that's what I did, because talking to such people will not do any good.
Hey folks,

I hope everybody is having good holidays.

I am about to send the $375 fee to Department of State. The instructions say to fill out and send along the receipt which is part of the whole info/instructions package, 7 pages stapled together. It's a little confusing since there is no receipt on its own. Do I detach (from the package) the page that is the receipt, or do I send the whole package? Can anybody tell me, please?

Thanks a lot.
..... Do I detach (from the package) the page that is the receipt, or do I send the whole package? ....

I don't know what everyone else did, but I simply detached that receipt page made a copy of it, completed the copy and sent it in.

Side note: when you send in your DS-122 they send you another payment sheet thats more - shall we say - professional looking.