• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

good information

what happened to my case that resulted to administrative processing was that i was asked to list all the courses i did in my higher institution from year 1 to final year and explain each. I tried my best but i could not remember all at that moment. I was also asked questions on my Maths and physics which i did well in my o level but the woman said she was not satisfy with the answers i gave her on list of courses in the University. I also tried to let the woman know that i graduated five years ago and totally out of my field. I read biochemistry (5yrs ago) and i have been practicing administration ever since i graduated but the woman insisted i should remember at least 80% biochemistry since that was the course i read.

The truth is that i least expected the questions I was asked. i was thinking i will be asked about my work or stuff like that only. i have not joined this forum before then. i did not have the idea of the questions they normally ask.

where are you presently and i do hope you are a Niqerian
Johnkent i know you are doinq administrative processing, pls will you be able to address this issue,
pls other member, do contribute i beq of you quys

obyoby pls lets have your siqnature
where are you presently and i do hope you are a Niqerian
Johnkent i know you are doinq administrative processing, pls will you be able to address this issue,
pls other member, do contribute i beq of you quys

obyoby pls lets have your siqnature

Nah, am not doing administrative processing.Am doing Adjustment of Status as i am already in the US.
Dv result for 2008 shows that there are 8,773 winners from Nigeria, how come we dey get 24,000 as number when na only 8,773 people win for Nigeria. I am confused. Another question, how does KCC pick winners? How come somebody when get NL for May go get low number and someone when get NL for April go get high number? I am confused again. Help somebody!!!
Your just waking ??

Dv result for 2008 shows that there are 8,773 winners from Nigeria, how come we dey get 24,000 as number when na only 8,773 people win for Nigeria. I am confused. Another question, how does KCC pick winners? How come somebody when get NL for May go get low number and someone when get NL for April go get high number? I am confused again. Help somebody!!!

24,000 represents All African Case numbers. that is why it is written AF00024*** and not NG00024***

No one knows exactly How Winners are picked

But Winners are notified by sending them letters which may varies in times of arrival dues to locations and time of collection by individual.

I got to the embassy at about 5.45 am to my surprise their were about twenty people already waiting. By 6.15am one of the security men came and said we should open all sealed envelop.

By 6.30am they asked all DV and IV applicant to queue. The inspecting officer collected my letter and asked how much I was paying and I told him $775 and I was given a ticket and payment slip.

Within 5mins I was already in the Hall and made the payment to the cashier. After about 15mins, I was called to window 11 and the lady I met there asked for my document. The only document she collected from me was NPC Birth Cert, WAEC Cert, NYSC Cert, Degree Cert, and Police Report and My offer Letter of Employment. (Original and Copy) I was not asked for my sponsors document although I had it with me and my WAEC verification was not collected from me since I had the Original WAEC Certificate So the money I paid for verification was a seed I sowed to WAEC. After I submitted the documents, I went back to my to the hall. All my worries about name arrangement in my degree and NYSC cert was no issue to them. Anyway it was God at work. After about 1 hour, I was called again to window 11 (an old white man) and I took the oath

Interview Proper

Interviewer: Good morning
Me: Good morning sir
Interviewer: Can I have your receipt?
Me: I gave it to him and he gave me my form DS-230 to sign
Interviewer: What are your full names
Me: Bla Bla Bal
Interviewer: What is your date of birth and Place of birth
Interviewer: which University did you attend?
Interviewer: Why
Me; Because It was close to home
Interviewer: laughs
Interviewer: What course did you study?
Me: Mass Communication
Interviewer: what is it all about?
Me: Bla Bla Bla
Interviewer: What course did you do under mass communication?
Interviewer: where did you do your NYSC
Interviewer: What exactly did you do there?
Me: Taught English Language
Interviewer: Did you enjoy it?
Me: not really.
Interviewer: Laughs and ask why?
Me: It was very stressful because some of the children couldn’t speak English well so communication with some of them wasn’t easy.
Interviewers: Laughs again
Interviewer: The place you work what are they into?
Interviewer: Ok Just hold one for a second

At this point I knew the Lord has done it. He left and returned with the blue paper and asked me to come and pick up next week. It is the Lords doing. The whole thing lasted for 8mins.

For people that have WAEC statement of result please get a WAEC Scratch card and couple was asked to go back and come any other Friday with that. I also witnessed other people that were disqualified for one reason or the other. A woman and her family was disqualified because she wrote she was qualifying by job experience and the interviewer told her occupation which is trader trading does not qualify her. Others were disqualified for one reason or the other. For married people go with enough pictures of your engagement and wedding. If you have kids, take their pictures too and any family picture you have and arrange them well.

Above all it’s all about Gods favour. I did a lot of fasting and prayer and am encouraging you to do the same and the good Lord will see you all through. Amen
Many thanks to Modest, Admiral, Johnkent, Onyi, Adebayo and everybody that has contributed to this forum

La Chic,

Congratulations, I am very happy for you over your success at the visa interview. I pray that we will get more news like yours from those who will be going for their interview once their number becomes current.

I have a question on the documents collected from you,which is about My offer Letter of Employment. Do you have a job offer in the US already? Is the offer letter of employment for your present job?
Please give more explanation so that we can learn from your experience.
where are you presently and i do hope you are a Niqerian
Johnkent i know you are doinq administrative processing, pls will you be able to address this issue,
pls other member, do contribute i beq of you quys

obyoby pls lets have your siqnature

Yes, i am in Nigeria and i was called for another interview on wednesday next week. please i need everybody's prayers. i would not want to go back to thesame woman in window 12 who made me to go for administrative processing. At the same time everybody should also help me to thank the Almighty God for leting the embassy call me back after 6 months administrative processing. But this is my prayer point for you all. God complete this testimony you have started in our life. please just pray that for me when ever you are praying. Thanks.
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what happened to my case that resulted to administrative processing was that i was asked to list all the courses i did in my higher institution from year 1 to final year and explain each. I tried my best but i could not remember all at that moment. I was also asked questions on my Maths and physics which i did well in my o level but the woman said she was not satisfy with the answers i gave her on list of courses in the University. I also tried to let the woman know that i graduated five years ago and totally out of my field. I read biochemistry (5yrs ago) and i have been practicing administration ever since i graduated but the woman insisted i should remember at least 80% biochemistry since that was the course i read.

The truth is that i least expected the questions I was asked. i was thinking i will be asked about my work or stuff like that only. i have not joined this forum before then. i did not have the idea of the questions they normally ask.

i just like to chip in a word or two in relation to your case. I can deduce from the details you have supplied that the consular you met on the day has misjudged you as
1.having impersonted the actual winner.
2.not having the requisite academic background to qualify for a DV Visa meaning that your waec certificates are fake
3. not smart enough to survive in America if you can't remember the details of your major accademic diiscipline 5 years ago.
4. if you really studied science, why are you working in an administrative role?
Purely from the point of view of a psychologist,these questions are still pending on the mind of the consular or any other person who might interview you in the next session .Mind you, they are not there to deny people of their visa but only those who are not confident.Lack of confidence in front of a smart consular means 'SUSPISION'.

Much as we'll all remember you in prayer to sail through your next interview(lucky to get one after 6 months),we also want you to outsmart them by getting all your facts right.Be confident in your appearance and try not to pass any wrong signals accross in your answers or your gestures.Finally you need to analyse the 4 posibilities i have outlined and find detailed solutions to them before you go.The rest should be left to God.


I was told that Nigerians has a separate number from the rest of africa, is that true? africa's number is in the 23,000 range going to 30,000 are nigerians number in there?

I was told that Nigerians has a separate number from the rest of africa, is that true? africa's number is in the 23,000 range going to 30,000 are nigerians number in there?

Thanks for letting me that my number might not be current, maybe you can answer this question for me.There are 8,773 winners from nigeria for the year 2008, if we are just 8,773 and our number is seperate from the rest of Africa, where does this high numbers come from?
La Chic,

Congratulations, I am very happy for you over your success at the visa interview. I pray that we will get more news like yours from those who will be going for their interview once their number becomes current.

I have a question on the documents collected from you,which is about My offer Letter of Employment. Do you have a job offer in the US already? Is the offer letter of employment for your present job?
Please give more explanation so that we can learn from your experience.

I dont have a job offer in the US. The offer letter is for my present job here in Nigeria
Thanks for letting me that my number might not be current, maybe you can answer this question for me.There are 8,773 winners from nigeria for the year 2008, if we are just 8,773 and our number is seperate from the rest of Africa, where does this high numbers come from?

We are not really seperate from the rest of africa. What u have to understand is that the 8,700 nigerians that won, their numbers are like scattered and in-between the rest of african number. Say one nigerian number might be 001, someone from kenya 002, somalia 003 and another nigerian 004. I hope u get it. i really can't explain it to you typing it out
what happened to my case that resulted to administrative processing was that i was asked to list all the courses i did in my higher institution from year 1 to final year and explain each. I tried my best but i could not remember all at that moment. I was also asked questions on my Maths and physics which i did well in my o level but the woman said she was not satisfy with the answers i gave her on list of courses in the University. I also tried to let the woman know that i graduated five years ago and totally out of my field. I read biochemistry (5yrs ago) and i have been practicing administration ever since i graduated but the woman insisted i should remember at least 80% biochemistry since that was the course i read.

The truth is that i least expected the questions I was asked. i was thinking i will be asked about my work or stuff like that only. i have not joined this forum before then. i did not have the idea of the questions they normally ask.
I dont think it is proper for them to demand that one remember the courses he or she did in 5,10 or 20 years ago; is just not fair. Especially when that person left that field for that long. Is there no remedy open to us on this issue as many are been kicked out for failing to remember:confused:

I get you, but if it is so why do we have our numbers apart from africa in the bulletin. I really want to know more about this, if u give me ur number I can call u if u dont mind.
I really do not believe that you will not receive your visa for not remember a course that you did 5,10,15 years ago but it might just be an alert that you might be presenting yourself as someone else which they might have to investigate. I really believe that it is how you carry yourself and if you have credibility during the interview process.

Someone like myself, i cant even remember the name of any course i did in university and i have no intention of learning them becos i left my field a long time ago. I dont even believe it will affect my interview becos i will tell my interviewer point blank that i do not know it and that i have no intention of spending sleepless night learning something so unimportant for interview. I really believe it is how you carry yourself and if it is not see as if you are scare or nervous about something, its just makes them suspious of Nigerians. They really believe most Nigerian are up to no good and that we are liars, and always up to something illegal or shady.

My last encounter with the embassy was about 2 years ago in uk. I have been travelling to usa for about 2 years, i usually stay a minimum of about just below 6months then return after 1-2mths then stay another 6months. I came start out and told him exactly how long i stay each time, although my husband told me not to mention, i totally disagreed. He ofcourse replied that he was sure that i was living in the usa, working and making money. I told him point blank that i had no intention of breaking the law by working and that i was doing exactly what i told him, and that i didnt need to work because more money in the bank than most people. He then accused my husband of working there too, although he had told them that the most he had stayed in usa is 2 weeks and only to check on his wife to make sure she is ok. The interviewer called us a liars and that he was going to investigate the issue and swill make sure we never enter the usa again if he find out we are lying. He could tell i was fumming, he knew i was furious, i didnt even bother to hide it. I told him point balnk to go ahead and investigate, that i have no intention of lying for a visa.

The investigation took about 2month which he investigated our history back to when i was 13yrs old - he had print out of all the travelling i have done in 30years, everything but in the end it all yeilded nothing, he appologised that he cant belive we were telling the truth and gave us 2years.
Re:La Chic

I got to the embassy at about 5.45 am to my surprise their were about twenty people already waiting. By 6.15am one of the security men came and said we should open all sealed envelop.

By 6.30am they asked all DV and IV applicant to queue. The inspecting officer collected my letter and asked how much I was paying and I told him $775 and I was given a ticket and payment slip.

Within 5mins I was already in the Hall and made the payment to the cashier. After about 15mins, I was called to window 11 and the lady I met there asked for my document. The only document she collected from me was NPC Birth Cert, WAEC Cert, NYSC Cert, Degree Cert, and Police Report and My offer Letter of Employment. (Original and Copy) I was not asked for my sponsors document although I had it with me and my WAEC verification was not collected from me since I had the Original WAEC Certificate So the money I paid for verification was a seed I sowed to WAEC. After I submitted the documents, I went back to my to the hall. All my worries about name arrangement in my degree and NYSC cert was no issue to them. Anyway it was God at work. After about 1 hour, I was called again to window 11 (an old white man) and I took the oath

Interview Proper

Interviewer: Good morning
Me: Good morning sir
Interviewer: Can I have your receipt?
Me: I gave it to him and he gave me my form DS-230 to sign
Interviewer: What are your full names
Me: Bla Bla Bal
Interviewer: What is your date of birth and Place of birth
Interviewer: which University did you attend?
Interviewer: Why
Me; Because It was close to home
Interviewer: laughs
Interviewer: What course did you study?
Me: Mass Communication
Interviewer: what is it all about?
Me: Bla Bla Bla
Interviewer: What course did you do under mass communication?
Interviewer: where did you do your NYSC
Interviewer: What exactly did you do there?
Me: Taught English Language
Interviewer: Did you enjoy it?
Me: not really.
Interviewer: Laughs and ask why?
Me: It was very stressful because some of the children couldn’t speak English well so communication with some of them wasn’t easy.
Interviewers: Laughs again
Interviewer: The place you work what are they into?
Interviewer: Ok Just hold one for a second

At this point I knew the Lord has done it. He left and returned with the blue paper and asked me to come and pick up next week. It is the Lords doing. The whole thing lasted for 8mins.

For people that have WAEC statement of result please get a WAEC Scratch card and couple was asked to go back and come any other Friday with that. I also witnessed other people that were disqualified for one reason or the other. A woman and her family was disqualified because she wrote she was qualifying by job experience and the interviewer told her occupation which is trader trading does not qualify her. Others were disqualified for one reason or the other. For married people go with enough pictures of your engagement and wedding. If you have kids, take their pictures too and any family picture you have and arrange them well.

Above all it’s all about Gods favour. I did a lot of fasting and prayer and am encouraging you to do the same and the good Lord will see you all through. Amen
Many thanks to Modest, Admiral, Johnkent, Onyi, Adebayo and everybody that has contributed to this forum

Congrats. The good Lord would bring to perfection what He has started in your life. Take your time, do a lot of research and make adequate preparation. Wish u best of God's grace, and welcome to America!
I just wanna agree with rashbabee, someonetime I think we denied visa cause of lack of confidence. If you have everything(document), there is no reason why they should give you visa.For example I had my interview last week, the counsellor asked me if I had applied dv lottery before,that questions for me wasn't direct and clearly,So I asked him what you mean by that?I think he realise that was long to ask me such question, so he replied to me that is fine he made mistake.So I think we need to be confident and try to ask them questions when you think what he asked you thing which is impossible to know or as you human being there big possibility that you don't remember.
I just wanna agree with rashbabee, someonetime I think we denied visa cause of lack of confidence. If you have everything(document), there is no reason why they should give you visa.For example I had my interview last week, the counsellor asked me if I had applied dv lottery before,that questions for me wasn't direct and clearly,So I asked him what you mean by that?I think he realise that was long to ask me such question, so he replied to me that is fine he made mistake.So I think we need to be confident and try to ask them questions when you think what he asked you thing which is impossible to know or as you human being there big possibility that you don't remember.

Thumb up for all the forumites. Please do note this. I must say without mincing words that whatever Johnkent says, better believe it. I now understand why many Nigerians go into the nursing professions here, among the best of jobs here it is the only one that readily assimilates Africans because the whites themseves hardly do that ..... controversial....We must not deceive ourselves, America is tough for new immigrants especially when you can not speak like them. One fellow black insulted me that I have accent and I told him grammar is not about accent, and that I speak Queen english, I told him if he speaks in 9ja nobody will understand him, that he will be regarded as having accent. Whoever is coming to America must be prepared. In all if God is on your side, you will find things easy. As many that can raise money b4 coming do so and get a car once you land, so as to make life easier. Please let all study and brush up.
I just wanna agree with rashbabee, someonetime I think we denied visa cause of lack of confidence. If you have everything(document), there is no reason why they should give you visa.For example I had my interview last week, the counsellor asked me if I had applied dv lottery before,that questions for me wasn't direct and clearly,So I asked him what you mean by that?I think he realise that was long to ask me such question, so he replied to me that is fine he made mistake.So I think we need to be confident and try to ask them questions when you think what he asked you thing which is impossible to know or as you human being there big possibility that you don't remember.

Please there is no two way to it, if you don't have GOD and also not intelligent (not fraudulent intelligence), forget it you can't make it here. QED.
God will arive on time


i understand ur plight. what makes people feel guys like u with high numbers wouldn't get current

what a shame.

Trust in God and not allow for shallow thinkers to dampen ur believe.

but lest i forget u live in america

why not kall kcc.
u might be lucky the customer service answering ur kall might be in a good mood to shed u some light on ur worries and beat to death ur nagging satisfaction.

afterall most views are based on second guessing, past experiences and personal judgment.

i imply u to ask modest he might b in the best position to advice u.

God is able