• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

You may have to mail kcc and if ur WAEC certificate is ready, ask somebody to get it for you,
but since u have a nursing degree which i thing is more than the WAEC, YOU MAY NOT NEED THE CERTIFICATE

yeah, my sis just got back from Nigeria and she got my Waec certificate with her. She also got me a birth certificate from NPC but the place of birth was wrong. it should have been owerri but they had my village name on it so am gonna have to ask someone else back home to do it for me asap.
Explain pls

i have a boy of 22,who is also a DV winner but his num.is 17xxx,but he did not make make Maths & Eng. in his WAEC but this will not affect him or anythin he could do,e ja wa si oooo.

Aywire Are u asking a question or are you giving answer to the question. By the way what is e Ja wa si I hope you are not thinking of Faking a result.?? Because it wont work.
Hello House,

My second package is here, my interview comes up on 11th December but my Passport is yet to be ready, though my husband has his. Can I go ahead with my Medical without my Passport?

If your passport wont be ready b4 10th December, it think you better change your interview day.
Hi guys, just letting you all know that my husband and I had a successful interview today. I posted a thread on it.

Special thanks to Modest, Jircies, MamaJ, Adebayo and everyone else. You were all so very helpful (even to a none Nigerian such as myself :))and have provided such valuable information and advice about this whole process. Thank you all.
Hi guys, just letting you all know that my husband and I had a successful interview today. I posted a thread on it.

Special thanks to Modest, Jircies, MamaJ, Adebayo and everyone else. You were all so very helpful (even to a none Nigerian such as myself :))and have provided such valuable information and advice about this whole process. Thank you all.

congrats I am happy for u and ur husband
Congratulations IslandGirl,
This has come to show that this forum has produced future world leaders because the information we get from this forum cannot be obtained elsewhere no matter how hard one may try.

I am using this medium to prophesy that no member of this forum who applies every information disemminated from this forum will be denied visa in Jesus Name. Amen.
1st November 2007, 06:29 AM
Registered User Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: Caribbean
Posts: 161

Successful Caribbean CP!


My husband (the principal applicant) and I just completed our interview about two hours ago.

Our appointment was for today November 1st at 7:30am. We arrived at the embassy at about 7:10 and met a long line. The embassy guard was announcing to the crowd that they no longer keep cell phones and you have to leave them in your car or deposit them at a photo studio around the corner, the studio charges $12.00TT to keep the phones. Can you imagine that? Anything to make a dollar.

We approached the guard and told him we had an appointment for 7:30 and he allowed us into the embassy (along with other folks who also had 7:30 appointments, most of whom were for visitor visas and some immigrant visas). Upon entering we gave the letter from the second package to the receptionist and we were given a sheet indicating the order to arrange our documents and told to take a seat.

The interview room is separate from the waiting area so we could not see or hear what was going on in that room (except for window 1, which we could see through the door from the seating area). We were called to window 3 at some minutes after 9:00am and there handed over the required documents. Apart from our sponsors documents, we also handed over our bank statements, deed, etc. but the lady gave them back and said they were not necessary. She checked through the documents and verified the dates of our previous travels to the US. We were then told to pay at the cashier (the entire US$1,510.00) and then wash our hands and return for finger printing, which we did. After this, she told us to take a seat and wait to be called by a visa officer.

We were called to window 4 at about 10:45am. The officer was very friendly, he greeted us, asked our names and then asked us to swear that the info on the forms submitted for the application were true. We did that then he verified our finger prints (one index finger only). He proceded to ask my husband the following questions (I was not asked to take a seat, we were both at the window the entire time)

Q. Do you have any evidence of your qualifications in the area of computer systems engineering? (the lady at window three only asked for the high school evidence)
A. Yes (handed over his qualifications)
Q. What do you do at work?
A. Blah, blah, blah
Q. What is the difference between Microsoft and Macintosh platform in terms of networking (this based on the answer to the previous question)
A. Blah, blah, blah
Q. Does MAC have a new version coming out soon? Will that be easier to configure?
A. Blah, blah, blah
Q. Do you have evidence of your ability to support yourselves? Your own funds?
A. Yes (handed over some statements, he took a couple and said he did not need to see all)
Q. Do you plan on staying with relatives?
A. Initially, but after a short while we plan on being on our own
Q. What state you plan to stay in?
A. Blah
Questions to me
Q. Do you work?
A. Yes
Q. What do you do?
A. I am a___ with a ____ company
Q. And how long have you been doing that?
A. X years
Q. When do you guys plan on travelling?
A. Jan/Feb

Officer: Please review these forms (the ones returned to KCC) and sign if the information is correct.

Officer: Okay, I will have to canel your current visa because you can't have two visas in your passport (said this with a smile). He then cancelled the old visas and gave us a letter with info on when to return to collect the new visas. He then said said 'congratulations' with a big smile.

The interview itself was very easy and the officer made us feel quite at ease. The hardest part was the waiting, we were nervous at times, especially when we saw a couple persons coming out of the interview room looking dejected (not sure if they were for DV or other forms of immgrant visas). At one point medics came and carried away a young girl (in her twenties) who collapsed and seemed to be having difficulty breathing. She was waiting on the side for visitors visas.

I have to thank God for all his mercies toward us. Special thanks also to all the folks on this forum who continue to provide such valuable info and advice to everyone, it makes a world of difference in helping one to prepare.
CN 2008SA0000006xx
19/4/07 Received NL
23/4/07 Returned to KCC
20/9/07 KCC confirmed interview in November
12/10/07 Went to embassy and got package
23/10/07 Started medicals
23/10/07 2nd package arrived in post
26/10/07 Medicals completed
01/11/07 Successful interview
Good lord has done it for me!

pple just to let you know,i had my interview today and wat else do we expect?? it was successful!:D:D:D:D.i will give you the full gist.God is faithful pple.
God is at work in this house

pple just to let you know,i had my interview today and wat else do we expect?? it was successful!:D:D:D:D.i will give you the full gist.God is faithful pple.

Congratulation Chacho and Islandgirl. The good Lord that did it for two of you will also do it for people in this house. Let the testimony flow.

CN 2008AF0000008xxx
May Received NL
June Returned to KCC
June KCC confirmed
Awaiting 2nd Package
Big Congratulations.

pple just to let you know,i had my interview today and wat else do we expect?? it was successful!:D:D:D:D.i will give you the full gist.God is faithful pple.

Chacho, I know that the good Lord we serve can never fail. Congratulations. Enjoy your new status.

Big congratulations to you too. Savour the new status.
Aywire Are u asking a question or are you giving answer to the question. By the way what is e Ja wa si I hope you are not thinking of Faking a result.?? Because it wont work.

i said it's not mine but will there not be a problem wt passes in Maths & Eng. but 5 credits in one sitting, e ja wa si just means enlighten us.PERIOD nothing more,ok

Islandgirl & Chacho congratulations.
It is very encouraging to read your success stories. I wish you both God bless in the dream land.
help urgently neededd

won it with my new name.
1.sch cert, unilag cert carries old name.
2. Should i go to the interview with my final unilag result
3. some results
4.Diploma certificate.
enlighten me about waec - what if i dont have 5 credit cos i am bankin on work experience.
the form i sent. i have been workin since 1996 as computer administrator.
pple just to let you know,i had my interview today and wat else do we expect?? it was successful!:D:D:D:D.i will give you the full gist.God is faithful pple.

Congrats chacho. God has done it again. And it will continue to flow down to every winner in the house. Jah bless
Origianally posted by Favour1:
If your passport wont be ready b4 10th December, it think you better change your interview day.

Favour I am not talking abt Interview but rather Medical. My passport will sure be ready b4 the end of this month. I only want to know if I can start my Medical without the Passport so as to make things fast. My question remains unaswered. Not to bother, I will confirm from Kamorass myself. Thanks all the same.
thank you Lord!

I have waited so long for the opportunity to be able to share my experience.God is good!God is real! God is faithful! Tell him,how and the way you want your interview to be and i can bet it,that it will surly be as long as he is the only living God.
Please permit me to produce part 1,2 ,3 and 4 of my experience,because e dey sweet me.
Part 2
I will like to say a big thank you to pple like modest, Pastor Adebayo, johnkent, and mamaj.these pple took time off to answer to my worries.
I also appreciate everybody in the forum,this forum is a blessing as in,if you have been a good and contributing member you can't miss it.
Part 3
Before i go into my interview proper,i will like to draw pples attention back to my worries before my interview,i complained about mistake on my passport blah,blah,blah that i wrote KCC and embassy blah,blah blah,that i did not get any reply.Anyway after pple like johnkent,modest and pastor adebayo scolded me,that it should not be a problem since i have an observation on the passport.
i finally mailed lagos embassy again and catergorically asked them to atleast acknowledge my mail.so i got a reply from them.
Part 4
I got to the embassy like 5:50am,joined the line...u know normal routine now.I was called to window 11 at around 1:30pm......whoooop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!what did i see???????Favour of the lord. An elderly man waiting to just see me.
me- smile-----goodafternoon sir.
consular - i just want to verify ur documents
cosular----asked me for a minute----typing on his computer,
i saw my passport,the printout of the lottery i did in 2006 there too.
consular---your full name?
consular-----raise up hand to tell the truth
me---- i do
consular---- where were you born
me---em..em..i have(cut in)
consular---Don't worry i am looking at your mails now on my computer
consular---pointed to my degree certifcate and asked what the degree means
me-----B-ENG elect/elect engr
consular---looked at my waec and asked my best subject
consular-----and u did engineering
me----i would have done medicine,but i don't like biology
consular----pointed to my native town and asked me to pronouce it----he was smiling cos he couldn't pronouce it.
consular-----where is this in nigeria
consular---smilling seriouly---like how many KM is it from lagos?
me-----i said i wouldn't know,but like 3-4 hours drive.
consular----pls give me some mins ,(typing on his computer)
me-----smiling and thanking baba God.
consular congratulate me and asked me to take another passport and bring it on any friday,that my visa will be ready 3wks after that.
me-----i was like this:D:D:D:D:D:D:D throughout the day.
favour actually located me there.
pple lady in window 12 tough o! Not to scare anyone but she asks a lot of questions
me and that baba chatted,i tell u.