• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2008 Lucky Winners From Nigeria

MMMMMhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm... GOD don doamooooooooooo... This kind GOD l never see HIM typeooooooooooo... Please my friends join me in thanking GOD for a good 5minutes chat today. Let me try to give the dertails:
The Lady: What was your score in your GCE
MY wife: blablabla
The lady: Can l see family photos
My wife: Ok
The lady:How old was your baby on this pic
My wife:blablabla
The lady: How old are you
My daugther:blablabla
The lady:You are qualified, come next week and collect the visas
My wife:Thanks
Waooooooooo God is good, we had A.O.S and my bank papers but she didn't ask for them.My friends this is really FAVOUR from GOD... l pray that all will receive the same FAVOUR.My wife and five children said l should say hello to all and l know that everybody in this forum had a hand in our success. THANK YOU:D

NAVIGATOR, SB2008 and FAVOUR, I wholeheartedly congratulate you and your families for your success at the visa interviews. I give God the glory. I also congratulate all others that had earlier been successful. And for those who are preparing for their interview I pray that God, who did ours for us, will also do yours for you and you will come to this forum to give us the good news. GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!
Congratulationson your successful interview.
Thank God for his mercies. The Lord will also do it for more people in Jesus name

THIS IS JUST PURE MADNESS - I WOULD BE LONG WAY GONE EVEN BEFORE THE FIRST QUESTION -ACTUALY I WOULD TOLD THEM TO F++K OFF ;problem with USA is that assumed everyone is a criminial -its deeply disturbed society like no other -you got that in every society but in the US is part of system and insitutions -wish you all the luck in the US BTW but personaly just reading this kind of experiance makes me sick !!!:mad:
kolja, you seems so bitter in every posts. You always show some hatred to US system or US in general. While this forum is free meaning you can freely write your opinion, I find it really annoying.

There are perfectly good reasons why they create such systems, stupid or not, if people want it badly to live in the US, you have to obey the rules, not say F^&% OFF like what you said.
They may treat everyone like 'criminal' like you said, but if you have nothing to hide why mad at them? Unless they deliberately make your life at hell.

And please don't say I'm US fanatic because I'm not, I'm just trying to be fair and the more I read your posts (in every single thread I should say), you probably should not say anything at all at times.
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Congrats! to those who are current and have picked up their visas
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kolja, you seems so bitter in every posts. You always show some hatred to US system or US in general. While this forum is free meaning you can freely write your opinion, I find it really annoying.

There are perfectly good reasons why they create such systems, stupid or not, if people want it badly to live in the US, you have to obey the rules, not say F^&% OFF like what you said.
They may treat everyone like 'criminal' like you said, but if you have nothing to hide why mad at them? Unless they deliberately make your life at hell.

And please don't say I'm US fanatic because I'm not, I'm just trying to be fair and the more I read your posts (in every single thread I should say), you probably should not say anything at all at times.

I second you Glistenpearls about Kolja,
Don't know why is s/he like that!!:confused::mad::(.I read all of his/her postings today and found out that he is soooooo negative about US.People are here to help and support each other and not to discourage others.Please spear us with your bitterness.

By the way,are you a DV winner?or?
kolja, you seems so bitter in every posts. You always show some hatred to US system or US in general. While this forum is free meaning you can freely write your opinion, I find it really annoying.

There are perfectly good reasons why they create such systems, stupid or not, if people want it badly to live in the US, you have to obey the rules, not say F^&% OFF like what you said.
They may treat everyone like 'criminal' like you said, but if you have nothing to hide why mad at them? Unless they deliberately make your life at hell.

And please don't say I'm US fanatic because I'm not, I'm just trying to be fair and the more I read your posts (in every single thread I should say), you probably should not say anything at all at times.
THere is no hatred at all just comments based on what I read here -never been there and probably never will go (to the US)-never even trayed to go ; I practicly stumbled on this forum - and started to read and its really fascinating subject -Wamazing people thanking good etc . for passing this process for GC but I would like to say -why bother at all ?-you can probably archive success in your country too -this persons explanation what she and her husband went through just to get that visa -interwiew which was more like a police interogation that anything else ???I can see that those people where well educated and established in their country so maybe they just should stay where they are -also about my somewhat rude remark -I think human been should have some pride after all -and sometimes there is a line which no one should cross -i.e. to be subjected to something like that would leave some effect on everybody -probably bitter feeling for long time ; I was honest when I said what I would do -it would be just like I said -nobody has a right to treat people like that -now you "made it " -got the GC so its different possition for you -you are defending the "system" which was good for you -but in retrospect so bad to so many -but the truth is its not a just a system as I said but the problem is how it was created and why and I think its born out of deep problems within the society you are now (USA itself)-this is something that they recognize in the US too ;now society in Europe recognized that and fighting it all the time but in the US its put on the piedestal of virtue (especialy last 8 or so years ) ;now you are yet to explain what exsactly you dont like about my other post -and I would be glad if you can prove me wrong on any of them (it would a hard task for you I know especialy since you are not"US fanatic" as you mentioned)
kolja, you seems so bitter in every posts. You always show some hatred to US system or US in general. While this forum is free meaning you can freely write your opinion, I find it really annoying.

There are perfectly good reasons why they create such systems, stupid or not, if people want it badly to live in the US, you have to obey the rules, not say F^&% OFF like what you said.
They may treat everyone like 'criminal' like you said, but if you have nothing to hide why mad at them? Unless they deliberately make your life at hell.

And please don't say I'm US fanatic because I'm not, I'm just trying to be fair and the more I read your posts (in every single thread I should say), you probably should not say anything at all at times.
THere is no hatred at all just comments based on what I read here -never been there and probably never will go (to the US)-never even trayed to go ; I practicly stumbled on this forum - and started to read and its really fascinating subject -amazing is that people here thanking good etc . for passing this process and asking for prayers for GC but I would like to say -why bother at all ?-you can probably archive success in your country too -this persons explanation what she and her husband went through just to get that visa -interwiew which was more like a police interogation that anything else ???I can see that those people where well educated and established in their country so maybe they just should stay where they are -also about my somewhat rude remark -I think human been should have some pride after all -and sometimes there is a line which no one should cross -i.e. to be subjected to something like that would leave some effect on everybody -probably bitter feeling for long time at least ; I was honest when I said what I would do -it would be just like I said -nobody has a right to treat people like that -now you "made it " -got the GC so its different possition for you -you are defending the "system" which was good for you -but in retrospect so bad to so many -but the truth is its not a just a system as I said but the problem is how it was created and why and I think its born out of deep problems within the society you are now (USA itself)-this is something that they recognize in the US too ;now society in Europe recognized that and fighting it all the time but in the US its put on the piedestal of virtue (especialy last 8 or so years ) ;now you are yet to explain what exactly you don't like about my other post -and I would be glad if you can prove me wrong on any of them (it would a hard task for you I know especialy since you are not"US fanatic" as you mentioned);
now you "made it " -got the GC so its different possition for you -you are defending the "system" which was good for you -but in retrospect so bad to so many -but the truth is its not a just a system as I said but the problem is how it was created and why and I think its born out of deep problems within the society you are now (USA itself)-this is something that they recognize in the US too ;now society in Europe recognized that and fighting it all the time but in the US its put on the piedestal of virtue (especialy last 8 or so years ) ;now you are yet to explain what exactly you don't like about my other post -and I would be glad if you can prove me wrong on any of them (it would a hard task for you I know especialy since you are not"US fanatic" as you mentioned);

Sorry, I never defend the system..what for?, because that's what US can offer to you, their specialize system, you take it or leave it. I only say, it's not fair to judge because system is there for a reason. I hate it in the process, sure, but would I say F&^ OFF like you? maybe not.
I do not like your post, because you never say anything POSITIVE about anything really. There's nothing to prove, it's all there in public. Try to give some constructive opinion rather than "US this US that, deep problems with US, pedestal virtue (which you spell wrong)", then you can ask me again.
I second you Glistenpearls about Kolja,
Don't know why is s/he like that!!:confused::mad::(.I read all of his/her postings today and found out that he is soooooo negative about US.People are here to help and support each other and not to discourage others.Please spear us with your bitterness.

By the way,are you a DV winner?or?

That's exactly my point Santay. Why being negative when the person being interrogated not even as negative as him.
And I doubt he's a winner because like he said, he wouldn't let anyone interrogated him that way...imagine he says F*& OFF to the immigration officer.
sorry but not much positive has happened -you got the GC and then what????-you have all the SAME probles from the day before you got GC to face again this time in foreign country ;I m still waiting for someone to write on this forum about his/hers "american dream fullfilment "?as the forum goes its OK but its follows only one segment of the life -you where lucky to get GC but after that what?? -there is a price to pay for it -maybe some bruised ego ,maybe soem bitternes etc. but hey its all good right but then no work in the US , discrimination , social problems , economic woes ; US is in economic turmoil now that would affect everyone here on this forum -ugly side of that country is gonna show itself in full might -sorry my friend but no spin on that -you have to ride it in full force as they say -you and you friends and family even -can't say much positive about that sorry ;wish I could -also I'm bit older that most (or even all ) of you on this forum -bit wiser also bitter (not because I did not go to the US :D but simply because I know I now something which older people( and wiser ) told me way back and I was also like you thinking (this guy is negative and bitter) and that is very simple truth -"grass is always greener on the other side of the fence " and "you are RICH by how many people would come to your funeral" - for you that sounds funny or stupid now but one day (very soon )you would understand that simple truth ;something when you think you winning something you actualy losing way bigger things ;it would be good if you can actualy get those people who moved to the USA way back to participate and say about their experiance -are they happy ?did they made money (thats VERY important ):D? how they feel -are they truly part of the American society ? are they respected ? healthy? do they work long hours ?does their kids respect them?are they discriminated?(in danger of being described as "negative" again I could take wild guess and say that they would answer negative on at least 1-2 of those questions and MOST probably on all OF THEM -again its your turn to prove me wrong but I have to say you are not doing good job at all so far
That's exactly my point Santay. Why being negative when the person being interrogated not even as negative as him.
And I doubt he's a winner because like he said, he wouldn't let anyone interrogated him that way...imagine he says F*& OFF to the immigration officer.

Glistenpearls,I guess this guy has his own problems with the US,who knows may be he was once denied a US visa!!He knows the truth himself.What I've realized he is here to disturb our peace,we've sent a clear message to him that we do not appreciate the way he's posting negative comments here and should stop that,If HE IS OLD AND WISER as he claims to be.Just ignore him,cause I see he wants to start unending and unhelpful debate here.
oh you could go so many ways and yet you chose the most convinient way !I was never denied visa (actualy I don't even need one to travel to US )-I dont need to lie about that and to convince anybody about anything -its mere my view about the abowe mentioned case and I'm still waiting for some coment -only coment on the ordeal this people passed is "congrat . on the visa issuance !!!" and now oh" we are supporting each other "-problem is that you had an oportunity to hear about gross violations of somebodys rights!! and yet all you care is to pat each other on the shoulder and say "good you passed the inteview !!!praised the lord!!" ; at least the other guy was trying to respond on my "rude remarks" but again claiming "well oh you know there is a system ...." (this is interpretation) ; My response is that you (meaning all of the people ) on this forum should not be shallow that much -by the way country that you are trying to emigrate yourself was not built on that kind of attitude -they would be still British colony if they did not speak out then ; this is not about visa :D-again don't be shallow try to understand what I'm talking about ;
some truth though!

oh you could go so many ways and yet you chose the most convinient way !I was never denied visa (actualy I don't even need one to travel to US )-I dont need to lie about that and to convince anybody about anything -its mere my view about the abowe mentioned case and I'm still waiting for some coment -only coment on the ordeal this people passed is "congrat . on the visa issuance !!!" and now oh" we are supporting each other "-problem is that you had an oportunity to hear about gross violations of somebodys rights!! and yet all you care is to pat each other on the shoulder and say "good you passed the inteview !!!praised the lord!!" ; at least the other guy was trying to respond on my "rude remarks" but again claiming "well oh you know there is a system ...." (this is interpretation) ; My response is that you (meaning all of the people ) on this forum should not be shallow that much -by the way country that you are trying to emigrate yourself was not built on that kind of attitude -they would be still British colony if they did not speak out then ; this is not about visa :D-again don't be shallow try to understand what I'm talking about ;

hi all,

do not condemn what Kolja stands for. there is actually some truth in what he says. the AMERICA DREAM has left many unfufilled in life. while it has help some realizing their hopes and dream. it all come down to decision making, considering many important factors relating to the individual.
I have had many well established person in my contry leaving for US with DV only to regret the decision. some were quick to realize the facts on ground and return quick enough to salvage situation.
for someone, like me I have never had a doubt of being very successful if I remain in my country. I just finished my specialty training in a surgical specialty and currently ungergoing further training in Europe. there are indeed very few of my specialty in my country. But I know sacrificing another 5 years to go through specialty training again MAY pave way to better future. Moving to US at this point, i really do not have much to lose.
the was that can happen is to come back and practiced in what I have been trained to do. I also do know that undergoing another specialty training in US mean will be earning less than what I would have earn as a specialist in my country, but thats for a whille, after 5 years things will change. appart from financial gain one will be practicing medicine at its best. then the issue of the next generation, which for me is the most important. this MAY give ones children better opportunities in live. then its also my wifes ambition also to practice in US. so putting all together , we decided its worth pursuing the process irrespective of the envisaged negative aspect.I am also consulting widely to know the true prospects of things
its however not a do or die affear, at least for us. the border line is to weigh both side of the coin and decide, trusting God, the one who knows tommorow to guide. the same goes for other life decisions. ´
individual situations are never the ´same and what is good for one may be entirely devastating for other.
BUT IT IS HOWEVER IMPORTANT TO HAVE PEOPLE LIKE KOLJA, who made one think of other side of the coin.
hi all,

do not condemn what Kolja stands for. there is actually some truth in what he says. the AMERICA DREAM has left many unfufilled in life. while it has help some realizing their hopes and dream. it all come down to decision making, considering many important factors relating to the individual.
I have had many well established person in my contry leaving for US with DV only to regret the decision. some were quick to realize the facts on ground and return quick enough to salvage situation.
for someone, like me I have never had a doubt of being very successful if I remain in my country. I just finished my specialty training in a surgical specialty and currently ungergoing further training in Europe. there are indeed very few of my specialty in my country. But I know sacrificing another 5 years to go through specialty training again MAY pave way to better future. Moving to US at this point, i really do not have much to lose.
the was that can happen is to come back and practiced in what I have been trained to do. I also do know that undergoing another specialty training in US mean will be earning less than what I would have earn as a specialist in my country, but thats for a whille, after 5 years things will change. appart from financial gain one will be practicing medicine at its best. then the issue of the next generation, which for me is the most important. this MAY give ones children better opportunities in live. then its also my wifes ambition also to practice in US. so putting all together , we decided its worth pursuing the process irrespective of the envisaged negative aspect.I am also consulting widely to know the true prospects of things
its however not a do or die affear, at least for us. the border line is to weigh both side of the coin and decide, trusting God, the one who knows tommorow to guide. the same goes for other life decisions. ´
individual situations are never the ´same and what is good for one may be entirely devastating for other.
BUT IT IS HOWEVER IMPORTANT TO HAVE PEOPLE LIKE KOLJA, who made one think of other side of the coin.

I agree with you Samko. Kolja has made several points which should get people setting their priorities right. This is the same thing Johnkent has been saying but people feel he's negative. The truth is that you're better equipped when you know the good and bad side so you can always have a plan B. I personally wont mind living in the US but thats because I've been there several times and I have an idea that its not all rosy. I'm an IT professional so I know I can always find something to do out there. My interest in the US is not because i hope to make money fast else I'd remain here and collect my cool salary at the end of every month...but to get a good quality of life for myself and my kids, away from militants and kidnappers, bad roads and NEPA(to name a few). Problem is when you sell everything you own in Nigeria, borrow money and head out to a place you've never been to before with no skills and reasonable educational qualification, thinking that you'lll start sending money and Cars back home after 1 year. Chances are that you'll end up standing on your feet all day selling at McDonalds or Walmart and earning minimum wage which can do almost nothing for you.

America is for people who are hardworking, patient and are ready to take life easy believing that some day, things will be okay. I've met DV winners in America who have made it big time, and I've also seen big time failures who have had to come back home and are doing very well back home.

As for that interview experience that brought about all this debates, I feel its very sad and humiliating as that can only happen in Nigeria. The Interviewer wont do that anywhere else in the World. Its shows how they rate us Nigerians and I wish We in this generation can help change that view about our Country. Its really sad because we still have a lot of Decent Nigerians.
I agree with you Samko. Kolja has made several points which should get people setting their priorities right. This is the same thing Johnkent has been saying but people feel he's negative. The truth is that you're better equipped when you know the good and bad side so you can always have a plan B. I personally wont mind living in the US but thats because I've been there several times and I have an idea that its not all rosy. I'm an IT professional so I know I can always find something to do out there. My interest in the US is not because i hope to make money fast else I'd remain here and collect my cool salary at the end of every month...but to get a good quality of life for myself and my kids, away from militants and kidnappers, bad roads and NEPA(to name a few). Problem is when you sell everything you own in Nigeria, borrow money and head out to a place you've never been to before with no skills and reasonable educational qualification, thinking that you'lll start sending money and Cars back home after 1 year. Chances are that you'll end up standing on your feet all day selling at McDonalds or Walmart and earning minimum wage which can do almost nothing for you.

America is for people who are hardworking, patient and are ready to take life easy believing that some day, things will be okay. I've met DV winners in America who have made it big time, and I've also seen big time failures who have had to come back home and are doing very well back home.

As for that interview experience that brought about all this debates, I feel its very sad and humiliating as that can only happen in Nigeria. The Interviewer wont do that anywhere else in the World. Its shows how they rate us Nigerians and I wish We in this generation can help change that view about our Country. Its really sad because we still have a lot of Decent Nigerians.

Hello Everyone,
I discovered that people are turning this forum to something else. It is not a place for too much grammar and long, long esay writing, no paragraphs and unreadable.

Please give suggestions to issues, help provide solutions to queries and the like; and leave this nagative ideas behind.
Contribute to the success of someone.
Hello Everyone,
I discovered that people are turning this forum to something else. It is not a place for too much grammar and long, long esay writing, no paragraphs and unreadable.

Please give suggestions to issues, help provide solutions to queries and the like; and leave this nagative ideas behind.
Contribute to the success of someone.

NAVIGATOR, I support you. Please friends, enough of this distraction. Let us remain focus. People are there looking for answers to questions regarding their Dv visa application and interview processes. The USA is not begging anybody to come. If you don,t want to come, don,t apply. Even if after you get here and you don,t like it you have all the right in the world to go back to your country. So, I think enough is enough. Let us be Agents of help and positive encouragement to others who needs them.
Issues here to note.

I must say everyone have right to express their personal opinion, but when it becomes abusive is not in order.
My fellow brethren, be not deceived as many have said, America is not meant for lazy people at all. It is a capitalist country where you may not be able to take much physical possession out of it. For me I will encourage evryone to have a time frame to get what you can get, I mean skill and education and get out. I know many will say it is not easy to get out, but I tell you it is possible to get out. For me I don't have any plan of buying any house or engaged in any kind of debts that will hold me down here. Mind you the opportunities in self development here does not abound in many country, hence before coming you must have something in your hand that God can bless to help you start well so that you can 'swallow' qualification and skill which know one but death can take from you. There are jobs in this country, pray and you will find God's favour.
Lazy people must not bother coming into this country.
Shallom. I will advise our new comrades to read this thread from the beginning and you will surely find words of wisdom.
Thanks a lottttt

Hi Nellivel,
Since u have a low CN it's best u get your sponsor to fill I-134 with d other supporting docs.u can read the former posts 4 more details.2nd letter will not direct u on how 2 fill it or whatever.u can go to the thread on AFFIDAVIT OF SUPPORT 2 get more info.
The 2nd letter will give u details of d docs ur spouse shd take along but i'd advise u take all docs u feel might also be useful.We'd all do our best and God will do d rest.

Dear Sarajoe, I got your advice and will surely act fast.
Question for Joyful

Do u have pics?

yes we do
I gave 2 albums full of pics taken on different occasions.

At this point the consular asked me to come.i thought we have qualified but to my surprise he gave me a blue letter stating the we are guilty of incomplete documentation and that our case is going for administrative processing.He also took the original of my marriage certificate for verification and said they will get back to us after the AP is completed.

Thank you for sharing your experience...

I have 2 questions though, what other forms of evidence besides photo albums did you take with you to your first interview???

Did the fact that you had only Photo Albums and a marriage certificate dissatisfy the consular officer thus making him rule that you lacked enough documentary evidence?

I'd really appreciate your thoughts on this because I believe it'll enable others in your situation be better prepared with more documentary evidence (If they have carefully documented their relationship over a long period of time)

AOS is compulsory!

hi all,

from various comments as regard the issue of evidence of support, its seems the only thing accepted in US embassy in lagos is affidavit of support.
what happen if a familly can prove to have enough personal resources (cash, stocks, landed properties) but no sponsor ? will they be denied visa?
has anyone been in this situation at Lagos US embassy CP?
please help clarify

Even with your cash or stocks ,AOS is compulsory,ok