• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2007 winners From Nigeria

For adebayo - this could help you with your dilemma

My husband won the dv lottery in 2006. When he applied we were not yet married. The first letter came shortly after we got married, so we sent KCC an email saying that he's circumstance had changed. They replied asking me to fill the forms as well which we did, they then included my name as a beneficiary on the second letter.

From our experience i gathered that, the consular officer is just trying to source you out. You need to give them eye contact when you talk to them (as you should talk to people anyway). They never asked us anything about our marriage (except the guy who collected our documents asked my husband when we got married and he hesitated - he made a joke about it and asked me - I of course didn't hesitate).

We overheard some other people's interviews and some people were telling blatant lies.

The woman from the newspaper article said she had 3 credits each from 2 separate sittings. That could have been the first problem, you are being considered on a number of issues, so she had to things that left a doubt in the officer's mind, her qualification & her recent marriage. It is very true that Nigerians are treated appallingly at the US embassy and I wish the situation at home was not so bad that so many people feel the need to leave but, the reality is that this is the situation. If you really want the visa then you have to do what you can to convince them of who you say you are and what your situation is.
Use this web site to see different people's experiences, I posted some questions I overheard a while ago (under username lolade). They asked everybody about 4 questions each about their SSCE or degree (i think they only asked my husband 2 about his degree)

To cut the story short we were both approved and have since received our GCs.

If I were in your shoes I would send an email to KCC telling them that you want to marry your fiance but you're aware of it resulting in complications at the interview ( you can reference the article-give them the link).
When the interview comes make sure both of you are well prepared - some of the questions in the article are standard. Take a copy of your email to KCC as well as their response and every proof you can lay your hands on to the interview.

You have to bear in mind that once you go as a couple you will need the Affidavit of Support which is an extra complication unless you know someone in the states who is prepared to give you all that is required.
loladeram said:
My husband won the dv lottery in 2006. When he applied we were not yet married. The first letter came shortly after we got married, so we sent KCC an email saying that he's circumstance had changed. They replied asking me to fill the forms as well which we did, they then included my name as a beneficiary on the second letter.

From our experience i gathered that, the consular officer is just trying to source you out. You need to give them eye contact when you talk to them (as you should talk to people anyway). They never asked us anything about our marriage (except the guy who collected our documents asked my husband when we got married and he hesitated - he made a joke about it and asked me - I of course didn't hesitate).

We overheard some other people's interviews and some people were telling blatant lies.

The woman from the newspaper article said she had 3 credits each from 2 separate sittings. That could have been the first problem, you are being considered on a number of issues, so she had to things that left a doubt in the officer's mind, her qualification & her recent marriage. It is very true that Nigerians are treated appallingly at the US embassy and I wish the situation at home was not so bad that so many people feel the need to leave but, the reality is that this is the situation. If you really want the visa then you have to do what you can to convince them of who you say you are and what your situation is.
Use this web site to see different people's experiences, I posted some questions I overheard a while ago (under username lolade). They asked everybody about 4 questions each about their SSCE or degree (i think they only asked my husband 2 about his degree)

To cut the story short we were both approved and have since received our GCs.

If I were in your shoes I would send an email to KCC telling them that you want to marry your fiance but you're aware of it resulting in complications at the interview ( you can reference the article-give them the link).
When the interview comes make sure both of you are well prepared - some of the questions in the article are standard. Take a copy of your email to KCC as well as their response and every proof you can lay your hands on to the interview.

You have to bear in mind that once you go as a couple you will need the Affidavit of Support which is an extra complication unless you know someone in the states who is prepared to give you all that is required.

Thank you loladeram for this insight, this has really blessed me.i have a small question for you. 1. As a couple,can we present 2 affidavit of support from 2 different people. 2. Will the Affidavit of support be enough as finiance evidence 3.Or do we need to still present our bank statement cos i dont have enough in the bank
i think everyone should try as much as possible to stick to what they had on the form submitted.
Does anyone know what will happen if someone is pregnant before going for the interview, will it affect anything.

Temi - I don't know if you can use affidavit of supports from 2 different people but I think you should try your best to use one.
Last year we presented them with our own bank statements but they were not interest in Nigerian bank statements.
You do realise that you don't actually need youe sponsor's bank statement but a letter from the bank.

The information they gave in the 2nd pack was a bit misleading cause they didn't mention the affidavit of support at all (dv2006) and implied that we could use Nigerian Bank accounts.
Hi Lolade,
Nice to hear u have your GCs now. What's the job market like out there! What are the opportunities like in various industries any info will do.

Any experiences to share on job searching?

lolade so good to hear from you and congrat on you GC, we are all praying for God divine intervention in our cases, pls clear these issueS on how much for the visa fee, because we have $375 each for every applicant on the embassy site.

i don't understand this $755 each..... and my family is 5 in number and apart from affidavit of support and Bank letter, what else is expected from our sponsors

2nd package : not yet
loladeram said:
My husband won the dv lottery in 2006. When he applied we were not yet married. The first letter came shortly after we got married, so we sent KCC an email saying that he's circumstance had changed. They replied asking me to fill the forms as well which we did, they then included my name as a beneficiary on the second letter.

From our experience i gathered that, the consular officer is just trying to source you out. You need to give them eye contact when you talk to them (as you should talk to people anyway). They never asked us anything about our marriage (except the guy who collected our documents asked my husband when we got married and he hesitated - he made a joke about it and asked me - I of course didn't hesitate).

We overheard some other people's interviews and some people were telling blatant lies.

The woman from the newspaper article said she had 3 credits each from 2 separate sittings. That could have been the first problem, you are being considered on a number of issues, so she had to things that left a doubt in the officer's mind, her qualification & her recent marriage. It is very true that Nigerians are treated appallingly at the US embassy and I wish the situation at home was not so bad that so many people feel the need to leave but, the reality is that this is the situation. If you really want the visa then you have to do what you can to convince them of who you say you are and what your situation is.
Use this web site to see different people's experiences, I posted some questions I overheard a while ago (under username lolade). They asked everybody about 4 questions each about their SSCE or degree (i think they only asked my husband 2 about his degree)

To cut the story short we were both approved and have since received our GCs.

If I were in your shoes I would send an email to KCC telling them that you want to marry your fiance but you're aware of it resulting in complications at the interview ( you can reference the article-give them the link).
When the interview comes make sure both of you are well prepared - some of the questions in the article are standard. Take a copy of your email to KCC as well as their response and every proof you can lay your hands on to the interview.

You have to bear in mind that once you go as a couple you will need the Affidavit of Support which is an extra complication unless you know someone in the states who is prepared to give you all that is required.

Hi Lolade,
God bless you real good, i so much appreciate you, thanks. i will contact KCC immediately on this and hear their response, i will equally send the link to them.
As per the Affidavit of support, i have my uncle there, and also my cousin am sure one of them (which am planning to stay with for a time anyway)will help on that. I love my woman and don't want anything to seperate us. God bless us all Amen.
sinexworldwide said:
Bros, i just read your response today about the marriage stuff, are you saying that one cannot go and come back possibly a year after and get married , then go back to the State with his wife? please i need this clarification, very very important. I love my Fiancee, but we have already agreed that i will come back for her. Please , let someone advice.

Guy,let get this straight. You as a person with the GREEN CARD can come to 9ja as often as you want to...
You can even come thrice a week so long you can afford your Air ticket, BUT not YOUR wife.
She will have to wait until you are a citizen,that only God knows when...
You can only apply for U.S citizenship 5 years after your must have gotten your GREEN CARD.
Then you begin to study for your citizenship.
Another Wahala!!!....it's up to you, your call,your choice.
maris0 said:
i think everyone should try as much as possible to stick to what they had on the form submitted.
Does anyone know what will happen if someone is pregnant before going for the interview, will it affect anything.

If someone is pregnant,It will not affect the interview.
Completing Form DS-230

I would appreciate if anybody can educate me on the appropriate completion of Form DS-230 for a winner who has a family. Information to be completed in the Form DS-230, should it be individual dependants/spouse or the Principal Applicant's information all through. There is a conflicting information from a Diversity Immigrant who said all the forms details no matter the Numbers of the Children should be information all through from the Principal Applicant. I believe that is not correct. Why should they request only one person to provide the same information in several Forms? Grateful for your contribution.
jrcies said:
If someone is pregnant,It will not affect the interview.

I think there is a portion in the medical form that says they cannot do xray for pregnant woman and medical is key for visa processing. Please call KCC or lagos consulate to confirm this.
Temi said:
I think there is a portion in the medical form that says they cannot do xray for pregnant woman and medical is key for visa processing. Please call KCC or lagos consulate to confirm this.

Well, I am surprise at this. I said what I said because a friend's neigbour had her interview with pregnancy some years back
visa application before

i applied for a non immigrant visa before some years back sha.that was when i was in school and i was not given, and now i have won the dv lottery please i would like anybody to advice me. if it would affect my chances. thanks for the information it is priceless.
Ubus - I don't live in America yet we just went to finalise the DV process. I spoke to quite a few people and a lot of Nigerians are Pharmacists or Nurses.

These are good professions but, there are lots of other things you can get into. A lot of people also said that it's a bit harder to get white collar jobs if you don't have an American degree.

I know that generally Doctors, Lawyers, Investment Bankers & IT specialists are very well paid.

I believe that if you're ready to obtain the appropriate qualifications the sky could be your limit.

I feel that you can almost be anything you want, depending on your skills.

I know a bit more about mine and my husband's professions, so feel free to drop me an email to see if i can be of further assistance. My email address is raymondlolade@yahoo.com

Thonia2 - You don't have to pay everything at once. You make an initial payment just before your interview and pay the balance when your visa gets approved. I know we paid $375 each before the interview and the balance when we picked up our passports.

If you open the actual affidavit of support document (i think it is in pdf format and is available on line) you will see the list of things that are required.

1. A signed and notarized affidavit of Support (Form I-134), from your sponsor(s).

2. Your sponsor's 1040 tax returns for the year 2005, with their accompanying original W2 forms.

3. A letter from your sponsor's Bank in America stating the total deposits made in the past 12 months, current balance and date account was opened.

4. A letter from your sponsors employer stating their salary and whether they are temp. or permanent staff

(Please look at the poverty guidelines for the minimum income your sponsor should have in order to be able to sponsor a family of 5 -this has been covered several times on this forum)

For married people i think this is the biggest challenge because people can be reluctant to give you all the required details, which is understandable because the information is very confidential.

Inform your sponsor well in advance so that he or she can organise eveything by the time you need them.
I know some people could not obtain all these in time for the 30th September deadline and as a result did not obtain the visa.

During the interview they could ask you for the relationship between you and your sponsor. Just be honest, even if they are not your blood relative, you can explain that he/she is your uncle, aunty, uncle's friend, family friend or anything that seems plausible, they realise that in Nigeria we call everybody uncles and aunties.

Adebayo - Goodluck with eveything
tumo said:
i applied for a non immigrant visa before some years back sha.that was when i was in school and i was not given, and now i have won the dv lottery please i would like anybody to advice me. if it would affect my chances. thanks for the information it is priceless.

Hi, This is a diff ball game entirely,i dont think it should affect the DV lottery so far the information you had then still tally with what you have now.Just make sure all documents are correct and uniform. Dream on bro :cool:
Tumo - Being rejected previously would not prevent them from issuing you a dv visa. It's the American Embassy, rejecting people is what they do best.

I met someone who was previously rejected a non-immigrant visa and then secured the dv visa, without being questioned on the previous application.

My interview was in July 2006, it was getting to the end of the DV year, we worked out that 50% of the dv cases were rejected.

Most of them were rejected due to bad GCSE grades (i.e. a lack of 5 credits), problems with their birth certficates, alleged fake marriages and failure to answer questions about your qualification correctly.

If you're a graduate - they'll probably ask you about your degree
If you have SSCE - they'll pick 4 or 5 subjects from your certificate (probably your best grades or the core subjects) and ask you a qustion eachon them. They seem to have a pool of questions to ask from.

Remember that most of the Consular Officers probably don't have degrees, so they won't ask you any rocket science questions (unless of course you're a rocket scientist)

Examples again:
University Graduate:
Why did you decide to study what you studied
what are the main tools used in your profession (e.g. architects use Autocad)

English - what is a noun, verb, adjective etc
Economics -what are the 2 main curves in Economics
Geography - what are the 2 longest rivers in Nigeria
Maths - 6 * 5 (other basic multiplication)
Biology - What does DNA stand for
Agric - what does PKU stand for
adebayo said:
lolade i beg what does PKU stand for in Agric

Adebayo - Sorry I meant NPK - a major fertilizer used in Nigeria (I think it stands for Nitrogen Phosphorus Pottassium).

Someone had to talk about it for DV2005 cause her highest grade was in Agric.