• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Dv 2007 winners From Nigeria

ROSMOJ said:
Thanks. The Visa fees will it be paid only by the principal or by each applicant accompany.

The visa fee will be paid by the principal and each applicant accompany.

Hello all, I want us to go and read the Saturday Sun newspaper. There is a story of a lady who won the DV2006 and her trouble started.She said and i quote" We saw hell in American Embassy....They wanted to know what position i take when we make love" Please try and get the paper and read it. Its on page 18.

Let me start by thanking you Jrcies for starting this great.
The informatiom here is so overwhelming that it has answered 99.99% of all questions troubling my mind.
Also, alot of thanks to every member of this great for their great contribution in tackling of questions...Kudos to you all.

Jrcies, just wondering, what do you think the next(January) cut off number for Nigeria would be?

Long Live Nigeria
Long Live DV 2007 Winners From Nigeria.
vict0r said:
Let me start by thanking you Jrcies for starting this great.
The informatiom here is so overwhelming that it has answered 99.99% of all questions troubling my mind.
Also, alot of thanks to every member of this great for their great contribution in tackling of questions...Kudos to you all.

Jrcies, just wondering, what do you think the next(January) cut off number for Nigeria would be?

Long Live Nigeria
Long Live DV 2007 Winners From Nigeria.

Before I guess the next cut off number, do know that I am not a staff of KCC neither do I work with any of the U.S Embassies.
So therefore,the response to your question only reflects my forcast base on the movement of the chart, which "MAY" not be correct.

Ok... to your answer question now, I guess the cut off number for January will be 7500.

whew!!! I hope I am right...
Temi said:
The visa fee will be paid by the principal and each applicant accompany.

Hello all, I want us to go and read the Saturday Sun newspaper. There is a story of a lady who won the DV2006 and her trouble started.She said and i quote" We saw hell in American Embassy....They wanted to know what position i take when we make love" Please try and get the paper and read it. Its on page 18.


Check out for the complete story online: http://www.sunnewsonline.com/webpages/features/living/2006/nov/04/living-04-11-2006-003.htm

Re: Couple Case

Hello Guys,
In fact , i read through the story of the couple, and men, i was pissed off. Well, i think we have some lessons to learn from this case study. Do not because u have won a lottery and rush any wedding, this might cause some suspicious act from this oyinbo people, base your application on what you have filled before nad try as much as possible not to lie concerning your identity, they have a way of finding out.
In fact, a frinted saw the printed copy of that write-up with me and the first question he asked me was if the two are couple, i hope u get what i mean.
After trying your best in your own way, keep praying for God's favour and belief. If only you can belief, you will see the glory of God , It is well with all of us.
sinexworldwide said:
Hello Guys,
In fact , i read through the story of the couple, and men, i was pissed off. Well, i think we have some lessons to learn from this case study. Do not because u have won a lottery and rush any wedding, this might cause some suspicious act from this oyinbo people, base your application on what you have filled before nad try as much as possible not to lie concerning your identity, they have a way of finding out.
In fact, a frinted saw the printed copy of that write-up with me and the first question he asked me was if the two are couple, i hope u get what i mean.
After trying your best in your own way, keep praying for God's favour and belief. If only you can belief, you will see the glory of God , It is well with all of us.

I think the couple was just unlucky.

My elder brother just like her story also won the dv lottery last year as a single applicant. He received the first package in may 2005 and he returned the filled forms in june.

Shortly after he was engaged to his wife(his fiancee then) without her knowledge of his winning the lottery.

The second package came in mid-november last year, they quickly had a court wedding with a family of about 15 in attendance, notified KCC by e-mail with the scan copy of the marriage cert attached, sent the same content in mail to the embassy here in lagos which he physically delivered becos he was trying to avoid delay.

They both went for the interview on dec. 19th. It was on this day that the consulate gave his wife those forms to fill which she did. the interviewer, a lady only congratulated her and asked her to take her sit while my brother was been interviewed. They never ask her any question. The lady only asked my brother for his wife birth cert and proofs of courtship (in terms of photos, emails, postcards, letters) and gave them another appointment for january 21st. They only had few pics, they are not the types that writes mails to each other, they only send text through their phones.

I advised him to approach Globacom and request for the a printout of his GSM calls and text messages which he got after few obstacles. I also advised him to highlight those areas in the printouts which linked his gsm no to his wife for easy of viewing.

That was all. They were given the visa. the following month and had since received their green cards.

You see certain things are hard to explained, becos the same process was followed and they were denied.

Let us just trust God to help us through.

God be with you all.

Keep the spirit high and alive.

That story was something else, I work in a place where we deal a lot with these oyinbos and imagine that they all, I mean all have a ready made mind set that all Nigerians are liars, theives and criminals, you can not convince them otherwise it is widely posted in their website (Nigeria 419), you can not entirely blame them, our brothers living abroad caused it they have painted us bad but only if they can realise that we are not all thieves as widely publized. but for my brother adebayo. please dont increase your questions from the Oyinbos just try to go alone the way it is in your form.

You are not bound from Nigeria for 5 years. Get married to the one you love and let her apply for two years non immigrant visa luckily she may be given and you can stay outside the US for 9 + months so far it is less than 12 months and return. lastly pray that the God you beleive will teach you what to do.

Re: Adebayo

Bros! I really understand your plight, but one thing i believe is Understanding Between two Of You.
In my own case, I'm also engaged with a friend of mine and we cant just afford to part with or without lottery. So, what i did is that, i called her immediately to my place even before letting anybody in her or my family knew, and we discussed everything over. I reassure her of my love and with the promise of coming back for her or she joining me over.
And since then, we've both be praying for the success of the programme.
I think she needs to trust you. and if you still want to go AHEAD AND HAVE THE WEDDING, well just make sure u are ready to be ready for it. I hope u understand.
Good luck.
adebayo said:
Thank yebomi,
I have been praying that God should show me the way and let his will be done. i was thinking of your suggestion, i want to let it be as it is in the form, so as to avoid unecessary questions and raising of yeye eye-brows
Thank you.

Adebayo, Jyric, Ubus and co,

You guys can remember the last post I sent on this forum. I know this people, I work with them and interact with them. I know very well the kind of stuff they are made-of. They dont like Nigerian. All they are here is to get those fees from us which even seems expensive.

You can imagine all the insult. All the officers that interviewed those guys should be sued so that they can learn their lesson too. I always give hot to them over here in my office ie all the Americans and the dutch.

Infact this is real insult. Lets just be very careful with them. May God help all of us in Jesus name.
Thank you so much Temi for bringing the story to our attention and to you WLD for providing the link. Hmm!!!What a chilling story we've got here...but I will say here that let us not be so emotional or sentimental about this particular issue because there's a two side to every story, don't forget other couples from Nigeria has been receiving Visa from this same embassy.
Let understand that,whatever we do in life, we need God's favour and alittle bit of luck!
We should also know that there is no smoke without fire.I will want to believe that some thing must have gone wrong somewhere.
What about if this couple had been petitioned by someone to the Embassy even before their interview date,is this not possible? this is very possible.
I am saying this,because going reading through their story,I came across a portion where the embassy official said to them, that they are not to send any email to the embassy because their case was under investigation.
What do you think of these guys? and that they are sibling from both parent,could this be a coincidence?
As far as I know, I have never heard of such,I mean case been investigated,it's only when you are been suspected of something, that your case would be referred to the fraud unit, for further investigation,which in this case, I think that is what is happening here.
Don't get me wrong, I am not saying this married couple are fake or scam.
I know and have read of people getting married after winning the lottery, as there is nothing wrong in that,all you need do is to prove to the consular officer that your marriage is a genuine one and that you are not marrying each other because of GREEN CARD.
There should be evidence that you guys have know each other long before the result of the DV came out.You can do this by gathering emails sent to each other, photographs while you were dating and your marriage photographs.
Your marriage photographs must be able to testify for you as head counts would be put into consideration.
As far as the question been asked is concern, I think that is the reason why the consular officer is there,he/she to me, is free to ask whatever question he/she deemed fit and he/she may even decide not to ask any question at all.It all depends on him/her.
I guess the reason for an interview is to be questioned/interrogated and the person that is attending the interview MUST be able to answer ALL questions satisfactorily.
Don't forget this officers are trained for this job and I know they know what they are doing upto 70% the rest 30% is that luck I said one need.
I know of people and have read about people who got married after knowing the result of the DV.
Take a typical example of Catseye,Barbara lamb but to mention a few...Yeah!! I know you guys may say that can only happen in abroad abi?
If so,how about Desto?Our own Desto, a member of this forum,from Nigeria.
If you guys have been following her story from day one, you will know that she and her boy friend went to the registry only after she got to know that she had won the lottery.
I think the basic thing is for couples to rehearse before going for the interview.
Even if you have been married for years you still need to rehearse or else there could be a problem during your interview.
Pastor Adebayo, my advise to you is that, if you truly love this girl as you have said and you wish to take her as your wife,then you go ahead and marry her otherwise be ready to wait for about 10 yrs of long waiting before she joins you.
Do understand that as even if you are to go to the embassy as a single man it's still a 50-50 chance...not a guarantee
Just do the needful....It's your choice

It's my earnest prayer to GOD that our case shouldn't be like theirs
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Thats it

jrcies you so wonderful,
Thanks for the advice, thank you everyone, we have concluded that we will go ahead with our marriage plans, afterwards i will notify KCC, i know my lord is able to see us through. Thank you guys.
adebayo said:
jrcies you so wonderful,
Thanks for the advice, thank you everyone, we have concluded that we will go ahead with our marriage plans, afterwards i will notify KCC, i know my lord is able to see us through. Thank you guys.

Just make sure you invite us for the "OWANBE"

Good luck to us ALL
yes ooo

jrcies said:
Just make sure you invite us for the "OWANBE"

Good luck to us ALL

Of course its going to be here in Lagos and i will invite everyone as soon as the IV is out. Thanks :D :D :D :D
Not much to say on this issue, you all have said it. My only concern is that the US Consulate should and can be more civil on issues like this. If they feel very strongly about a certain issue/individual, calling names and public humiliation is not the right thing.

In America, such a behaviour is called defamation of character, which for me is condemnable.

I appeal to all to deal with them cautiously and truthfully.

Good luck

*John Warri & Adebayo expecting a reply to my private mails.
Birth Certficate

Hi All,

Kindly help me with this:

I have been using a sworn declaration of age to prove my date of birth and i also have an infant baptismal certificate.

But going by the DV instructions, sworn declaration of age is not acceptable but went ahead to say that infant baptismal certificate is a "secondary" evidence of birth.

Ques: 1) is the instruction saying that i can use my infant baptismal certificate to prove my date of birth or what does the term "secondary" mean here?

Ques:2) will i still need to get a later from National Population Commision even with my infant baptismal certificate ?

Please help.


Bros, i just read your response today about the marriage stuff, are you saying that one cannot go and come back possibly a year after and get married , then go back to the State with his wife? please i need this clarification, very very important. I love my Fiancee, but we have already agreed that i will come back for her. Please , let someone advice.
wld said:
Hi All,

Kindly help me with this:

I have been using a sworn declaration of age to prove my date of birth and i also have an infant baptismal certificate.

But going by the DV instructions, sworn declaration of age is not acceptable but went ahead to say that infant baptismal certificate is a "secondary" evidence of birth.

Ques: 1) is the instruction saying that i can use my infant baptismal certificate to prove my date of birth or what does the term "secondary" mean here?

Ques:2) will i still need to get a later from National Population Commision even with my infant baptismal certificate ?

Please help.


I think you can use any or both of them as long as they are NOT recent.
Moreover, Try and steak to what you filled in your form its important plsssss