Don't want to take Citizenship.

OP should go in person to local DO by making an appointment online and submit a written letter to withdraw his application for naturalization, which he can do so since he is not a US citizen yet. However, it must take a received/acknowledge stamp on his copy of the same request.

He can do the same for his green card before leaving the country for good as LPR or do it at US consulate at aborad. If OP doesn't want to become a US citizen and is looking to stay at abroad for more than a year then he doesn't need to abandon his LPR; rather he could stay at abroad up to 2 yrs by obtaining a re-entry permit in advance...which will give him time to see/evualate his life in India to decide a firm decision if he would still continue to live in India for good....because if he ever changes his mind he has done here after going all way up for naturalization but changed his mind at last moment....then at least he would have an opportunity to return back to America as LPR...than losing everything whatever he has worked for in gaining his LPR status.

On the side a continuation of my earlier posting, I read a case a few months back on New York Times about a much aged naturalized citizen who was caught having consenual sexual relationship with a 13 yrs old girl in Italy. Italian court freed him with 6 month probation, but he got arrested at the airport upon coming for this crime and prosecuted convicted under the law that President Bush signed in 2005/2006 that has sent him to prison for 35 yrs. He cursed the day when he decided to be a US citizen. I don't know he will ever see the sun as a free man because by the time he will come out..he might be dead...because he is already in his late 50s or early 60s. If he were not a US citizen, he would have been living and enjoying his life as a free man. By telling this true story, I no mean to say that people shouldn't pay for the crime they do...but I thought I should point it out that US citizenship comes with responsibilities and obligations...and sometime tougher ones....
I agree with yu JonnyCash, but if our economy sinks, remember the US is the major buyer of the world market. If we stop borrowing and buying, then china, russia, saudi arabia etc will not make money. And there comes the end of our world. (RIPPLE EFFECT)
AMERICA remains the last WORLD POWER

Yes, America is the biggest buyer for their goods given the size and needs of this country, but when America wouldn't be able to buy things because of its economic situation then these countries will surely find other buyers, trust me. China has already taken a BIG contract from Venezuela to make a big atomic reactor there. Russia is doing the same.

America's image of Work Power is trembling...America couldn't make N. Korea to negotiate it's nuclear ambitious without the help of China, Japan, South Korea. America wants to go into Pakistan border to rip off Osama, Al-Qaida and Taliban and he has tried very recently but Pakistani troops fired back as Pakistan doesn't want America to enter in its border. So America's hands are tight there. America very desperately wants to stop Iran's efforts in making nuclear stuff and America does want to go on war with Iran because of assumed Iran's war on Israel but America is unable to do that either...because of not having money for any war as of now...and then public opinions in America is totally against going to any war...So it's a very tough situation. How America will continue to maintain its being a World Power image is remained to be seen....but things don't look good for America given the downfalls....
Yes, America is the biggest buyer for their goods given the size and needs of this country, but when America wouldn't be able to buy things because of its economic situation then these countries will surely find other buyers, trust me. China has already taken a BIG contract from Venezuela to make a big atomic reactor there. Russia is doing the same.

America's image of Work Power is trembling...America couldn't make N. Korea to negotiate it's nuclear ambitious without the help of China, Japan, South Korea. America wants to go into Pakistan border to rip off Osama, Al-Qaida and Taliban and he has tried very recently but Pakistani troops fired back as Pakistan doesn't want America to enter in its border. So America's hands are tight there. America very desperately wants to stop Iran's efforts in making nuclear stuff and America does want to go on war with Iran because of assumed Iran's war on Israel but America is unable to do that either...because of not having money for any war as of now...and then public opinions in America is totally against going to any war...So it's a very tough situation. How America will continue to maintain its being a World Power image is remained to be seen....but things don't look good for America given the downfalls....

Well time will tell regarding all these events......
I appreciate your replies.

But I have my own reasons for doing this. I am just planning to get satteled in India. Everyone thinks a different way. I have made this decision after lot of thinking on the goodsides & badsides.

I am not worrying about giving my Green Card back. I was just wondering about the status.

I just want to know what is the legal procedure for not taking an oath and not becoming US citizen.

Again, I do appreciate your time & reply. But if you can properly guide me in this particular situation rather than commenting on each other's comment.

Please don't feel bad. Again as I said I have my own reasons for doing this and after thinking a lot on this matter.

I am seeking proper guideline for abandoning. And not becomming a US Citizen.

I appreciate all user's replies. with seeking a proper answer to this question.

Thank You All,

I am curiuos. what are your own reasons? no offenses. If I were you, I would go ahead to become a US citizen and apply for OCI or PIO. It allows you to work both in USA and India. It would help easing tensions.

Investment is a great opportunity and very important for both usa and India. Did you say "And Dual citizenship of India is called OCI which is not Citizenship of India. It gives you freedom of getting visitor visa, except that it doesn't benefit you. It doesn't give you Indian passport."? that's not true. it really benefits you because you would conduct business in both countries. Don't think of throwing a great opportunity away! Being a US citizen give you benefits to sponsor relatives including spouse, parents, sisters/brothers, etc. OCI/PIO/USC allows you to study, work, invest, and travel. Losing Indian passport. so what. If you decide not to become a US citizen, then it is your decision, but you wouldn't be probably able to get a job in the country of almost one billion people.
In China, people have the notion that India is a backward country. The only advantage India has is that people there learn English at a very early age.
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You 'd better think twice or more for withdrawing citizenship


You'd better think again, twice, more on about your decision my friend. I came a long way too from Australia, Im Australian citizen too, and await for my US Citizenship. What's wrong to be a proud US citizen and come back to live in India as you want to?


PS: I almost couldnt sleep for few days since I missed out my OD today due to they called me off the list and wait for the next....

You'd better think again, twice, more on about your decision my friend. I came a long way too from Australia, Im Australian citizen too, and await for my US Citizenship. What's wrong to be a proud US citizen and come back to live in India as you want to?


PS: I almost couldnt sleep for few days since I missed out my OD today due to they called me off the list and wait for the next....

I think we should tell him to go back to india and forget about the US Citizeship...... maybe things are better for him there than they are here.:eek:
I guess our friend seems to loose his interest in US...then let him go back to India and enjoy his life then. It took me eight years since I came to USA and finally to file for N-400...but I honestly I love USA and I wish I could come here the first place for settlement. I think in USA you take challenge in life and it always a worthy reward!
If you plan on having kids, dont you think american education is one the best. you have to forecast yourself in 10 or 20 years. Kids want to go to harvard,MIT , Standford or UCLA....will you have enough cash to pay tuition.
Yeah I guess you are right about education. I took that into consideration too, the kids can always have option for student loans , so on. The best I can do is to give my children help they need along their studies...

My initial response to this situation was also ungracious.... But remember, this guy has done nothing wrong, he just has changed his mind. America is a country were you can do that...
If this economy keeps going down the crapper, I will take a loan, buy aticket and apply for a work visa in India or another country that shows some promise...

Just curious... I am still a EU citizen. How difficult is it for me to get permission to work in India?
Since US citizens have to pay US taxes on all worldwide income no matter where earned, is there the danger he will be working in India and paying Uncle Sam even though he doesn't live here? That might be enough to make me not to want to be a citizen!

I know many countries have tax agreements so perhaps India has one too and this isn't an issue (and maybe isn't even if they don't).
Since US citizens have to pay US taxes on all worldwide income no matter where earned, is there the danger he will be working in India and paying Uncle Sam even though he doesn't live here? That might be enough to make me not to want to be a citizen!

I know many countries have tax agreements so perhaps India has one too and this isn't an issue (and maybe isn't even if they don't).
Most citizens living outside the US who don't make a lot of money (like $90K or more) won't have to pay any US taxes, as there are exclusions, credits, and tax treaties available. The problem is that you still have to file tax returns and calculate and claim those exemptions to reduce your tax bill to zero; you can't just decide not to file at all, unless your income is very low (I think about $9,000).
Since US citizens have to pay US taxes on all worldwide income no matter where earned, is there the danger he will be working in India and paying Uncle Sam even though he doesn't live here? That might be enough to make me not to want to be a citizen!

I know many countries have tax agreements so perhaps India has one too and this isn't an issue (and maybe isn't even if they don't).

I doubt India has an agreement with US but not 100% sure. I never saw this as an issue as:

1) I think tax rate is higher in India than US
2) US gives you tax credit for the amount of tax paid in foreign country so you will end-up paying $0 tax in US.

Certainly, you have to go through hassles of filing return every year if your income is higher than $17,500 when married filing jointly.
A very interesting topic

Get out of the country and let someone else get the opportunity to become a citizen.
People have various reasons for making-up/changing their minds. It is nobody's job to judge the intentions personal to someone else. This is a forum for discussions, related to immigration and I think it is very appropriate for n_2008 to post such a topic. By that I believe n_2008 did not intent to hurt any body's feeling. There are a number of reasons personally, for myself to be skeptical about accepting the US citizenship. Of course OCI helps, but bear in mind you cannot 'OWN' agricultural properties in India. This has been a gray area as you can grow stuff and people do stuff in any land. There is no clear distinction mentioned about agricultural properties vs. other properties. By 'agricultural property' is it where you have something planted (even a few coconut trees), is having a plot of more than 10 acres of land considered to be agricultural? Or what are the criteria. It is obvious that you cannot own (NOT ONLY BUY) agricultural properties in India once you become a non-citizen. Yes, the property registration authority does not ask for a citizen-ship document at the time of buying/selling (at least not yet, or not that I am aware of). But what if they change the rule and bring in new regulations. What could happen to the properties that you already own? Most People I know have made remarkable investment in real-estate in India, regardless of whether the property is agricultural or not. The real-estate market in India is very thriving and, for a person who has all his stakes in such an investment, no other reason is required to think twice about abandoning the Citizenship. There can be a number of other reasons, such a declining and receding US economy and the US empire as such as well as thriving Indian and other Asian markets. It can also be about education of the children, retirement, cultural bonds and so on.
The bottom line: This is a very interesting topic that came-up since I started visiting this website about 8 years ago. This topic is about what it is and very well in a forum that it is appropriate for. So let us try to keep this active and share our thoughts and comments in a more pleasant manner.