Don't want to take Citizenship.

If your intention is to move back to India and reside, just don't go to oath and destroy your GC once you return to India.
The GC should not be destroyed. It should be surrendered at the US consulate with the I-407 process, so it will be simpler to obtain a nonimmigrant visa in the future.
Thank You for your Reply,

I just don't want to be a US Citizen. And Dual citizenship of India is called OCI which is not Ctizenship of India. It gives you freedom of getting visitor visa, except that it doesn't benefit you. It doesn't give you Indian passport.

I understand where you are coming from......somtimes people have legite an sincere reasons to reject citizenship ......
But if i were you I will get the US citizenship go to india as a visitor and while in india renew you Indian Visa or work Visa in India ....

The good thing with US citizenship is you can be anywhere in the world and still recieve Social Security checks or benefits.

Go to the Oath get the US citizenship and apply for your passport.
If with time you still dont feel comfortable with US citizenship,
Go to a US consulate or the US state Dept in DC or your state and renounce your US citizenship. Dont rush in turning US citizenship... my father made the same mistake in the 80s and regrets it till today...... he even lost is PR for staying in Nigeria for more than a year.
Well today my sister applied for him and he is a PR but wouldnt be eleigble for
US citizenship until 2012....

So you should really think about your options and the changing scene of this world
Against my better judgement, I just can't help but get drawn into this. If the object is to be able to reside in India, then the dual citizenship or OCI should prove sufficient. You have the ability to reside indefinitely, work without requiring a work permit, pay taxes and buy/sell property/assets et al. The only restrictions as I see them are an inability to work for the government or participate in the political process (including losing the ability to vote). Logically, this allows you to keep your options open as well as gives you a path back to Indian citizenship within 3 years, if you so choose.

So I'm curious - what specific benefit do you see in losing the US citizenship?

One cant find by reading his/her post what is going in his/her mind and why the OP has taken decision not to take US citizenship. May be he is following his heart.
FYI with OCI one cant vote in India, no Indian government job, and one can’t be elected MLA or MP and cant buy agricultural land (many buy agricultural land as Registrar don’t ask for your passport and don’t know what is NRI or PIO), fee for children is not the same. He may have his/her own reasons. He simply needs to know the legal way not to go for US citizenship after passing the Interview. I don’t know why many are surprised if one does not go for US citizenship.
Thank You for your Reply,

I just don't want to be a US Citizen. And Dual citizenship of India is called OCI which is not Ctizenship of India. It gives you freedom of getting visitor visa, except that it doesn't benefit you. It doesn't give you Indian passport.

OCI gives you all rights except becoming "politician". with OCI you can do business, own land, bankaccount, etc. all things normal indian citizen can do. except folloing things:
* You cannot become "Politician"
* You cannot vote

if above two things are important to you then i believe you should consider withdrawing your US citizenship application. otherwise you shold go for it.
The way this person is saying, i can imagine that he has a good opportunity in India that is not compatible with US citizenship. may he will run for office in India. Who knows .......

Please, send a letter to USCIS kindly asking that your naturalization be suspended and once you get in india, wait for 10 months to ensure that whatever promise you had is not fake and then surrender your green card officially as decribed in this thread.

You can ask them if you will be eligible for vitits in the future.
I don’t know why many are surprised if one does not go for US citizenship.
That is not the surprise here. Millions of people hold a green card for decades without ever applying for citizenship, and they all have various legitimate reasons.

The surprise here is going through the application process all the way until the interview and recommendation for approval, and then deciding to back out at this late stage. Normally somebody who doesn't want citizenship would not have bothered to apply in the first place, or they would have withdrawn the application long ago.
The surprise here is going through the application process all the way until the interview and recommendation for approval, and then deciding to back out at this late stage. Normally somebody who doesn't want citizenship would not have bothered to apply in the first place, or they would have withdrawn the application long ago.

From what the OP described, it was a choice he made after the interview and was based on a long hard thought decision.
The OP just clearly wants to remain an Indian citizen and wants to move back there to live. People get homesick, inherit land, be closer to family, realize that the grass isn't greener on the otherside of the ocean etc.

I think they want to leave and that is that and just want to know if they need to submit any formal documents to the INS about cancelling the oath ceremony or not.

If they were say moving to a country like the UK or Australia or Canada that allows dual citizenship then yes it would be a much different situation where they would be insane not to get US citizenship as those countries allow dual citizenships. India is not and so for some having an Indian citizenship for specific circumstances outweigh losing it for a US one. Once again, everyone has reasons...
The OP just clearly wants to remain an Indian citizen and wants to move back there to live. People get homesick, inherit land, be closer to family, realize that the grass isn't greener on the otherside of the ocean etc.

I think they want to leave and that is that and just want to know if they need to submit any formal documents to the INS about cancelling the oath ceremony or not.

If they were say moving to a country like the UK or Australia or Canada that allows dual citizenship then yes it would be a much different situation where they would be insane not to get US citizenship as those countries allow dual citizenships. India is not and so for some having an Indian citizenship for specific circumstances outweigh losing it for a US one. Once again, everyone has reasons...

If this economy keeps getting worse I might immigrate to India too.....
I don't know about citizenship but USCIS website clearly state following in regards to giving up GC

"Abandonment of Alien Status as a Lawful Permanent Resident (Form I-407): The abandonment of lawful permanent resident status is irrevocable. An individual who relinquishes lawful permanent resident status must qualify again for such status. Therefore, one should give careful thought to abandoning lawful permanent resident status"

Good luck buddy.

One more question, will the USCIS take away your Indian Passport after oath or put a stamp cancelling it?
That is not the surprise here. Millions of people hold a green card for decades without ever applying for citizenship, and they all have various legitimate reasons.

The surprise here is going through the application process all the way until the interview and recommendation for approval, and then deciding to back out at this late stage. Normally somebody who doesn't want citizenship would not have bothered to apply in the first place, or they would have withdrawn the application long ago.

I don't think OP's situation should be a surprising one to anyone because many people contineou to remain confused, until the last step of the process or even after becoming a US citizen, on whether or not they should become (or still remain to be) a US citizen. Sometimes it takes time for some people to make this kind of hard and important decision which is a very emptional one because their memory/love and some kinda ties to their mother-country. Sometimes it takes time to come to a thoughtful and serious consideration based upon one's own situation/cirucumstances on this issue.

Obtaining a US citizenship or becoming a US citizen MIGHT be the most compelling aim for many immigrants, but not for all immigrants. Though US citizenship comes with tons of benefits, it also comes with some obligations and responsibilities...especially paying taxes on your worldwide income...which is one of the reasons some immigrants don't want to be a US citizen particularly if they are planning to live in their home country and if the source of their income is from out of US. Also, many immigrants don't want to live here when they get old, so they don't want get themselves tied up with US. And of course, most immigrant love their culture, customs, fesitival and most things about their home country, and I'm one of them even though I am born here but I've VERY strong feelings/emotions/love for home-country of my parents.

And I'm sure everyone knows that not everyone wants to live in the US and getting visa to come here is not that hard for some immigrants if they are rich or have means. The prime reason for most people to obtain US citizenship is to live in this country without the fear of being deported one day so that they could keep continue enjoy the life in America what they have enjoying like earning money, living nice life compared to their country and have opportunities in all walks of life that they couldn't have in their own country. And then there are people who want to become US citizen so that they could sponsor their loved-ones to live here with them. But these reasons don't fall for all immigrants. I know many immigrants who have been living here for 40 yrs on green card and not interested in becoming a US citizen. And I also hundreds of naturalized citizens who relinquish their US citizneship later on.

I know most people don't want to change their name in this country, with or without naturalization process, even though their names are so hard to pronouce by everyone including Americans, which they know well. To these people, a lots of sentiments are their name is given by their parents...they grew up with that name...known by that name...have all the officials and educational documents under that name...and most importantly they want to keep it as their only identity their parents gave to them...They don't want to change their name because they are in another country or want to be known by some English/Anglo love and respect what their parents gave it to them from their birth. I think it all boils down to an individual's own personal situation and circumstances when it comes to these kinds of matters.
will the USCIS take away your Indian Passport after oath or put a stamp cancelling it?

USCIS don't do nothing...meaning don't take your home-country issued passport nor put any stamp on it. Indians who obtain US citizenship should send their Indian passport to Indian Embassy/Consulate to cancel it up. Embassy and Consulate will cancel it up and put the stamp of cancellation of it on it and will return it back to the person. It can be done by going to the Embassy in person or via mail.
If this economy keeps getting worse I might immigrate to India too.....

iluvfra dont you think if the economy goes bad, it will make aripple effect to other economys around the world.
The U.S. is always the epicenter to anything. We influence the waves and breeze of the world.

If it gets worse here, it will be worst in other places.
If this economy keeps getting worse I might immigrate to India too.....

Believe it or not, it doesn't seem America would remain the country that it's been known for ages....In every area, America is trembling a big time, and things have started to fallen apart...a sign of downfall of the country...Even in Sport, America is not doing well unlike how it was before when America and Russia always used to fight to have more gold medals in Olympic. This country is borrowing money from China to run this country and oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezula and Canada. It's instrafracture badly needs a change. Banks are falling apart. Investment Banks are gone bankrupt. Companies and jobs are gone to other countries. Textile comes mainly from China. Vegetables and flowers come mainly from Mexico and China. The stardard of life going down and down...Not too many opportunity available here...This is just many opinion....
I don't know about citizenship but USCIS website clearly state following in regards to giving up GC

"Abandonment of Alien Status as a Lawful Permanent Resident (Form I-407): The abandonment of lawful permanent resident status is irrevocable. An individual who relinquishes lawful permanent resident status must qualify again for such status. Therefore, one should give careful thought to abandoning lawful permanent resident status"

Good luck buddy.

One more question, will the USCIS take away your Indian Passport after oath or put a stamp cancelling it?

Why the USCIS will take Indian passport? It is document from Government of India provided to Indian Citizen.
Believe it or not, it doesn't seem America would remain the country that it's been known for ages....In every area, America is trembling a big time, and things have started to fallen apart...a sign of downfall of the country...Even in Sport, America is not doing well unlike how it was before when America and Russia always used to fight to have more gold medals in Olympic. This country is borrowing money from China to run this country and oil from Saudi Arabia, Russia, Venezula and Canada. It's instrafracture badly needs a change. Banks are falling apart. Investment Banks are gone bankrupt. Companies and jobs are gone to other countries. Textile comes mainly from China. Vegetables and flowers come mainly from Mexico and China. The stardard of life going down and down...Not too many opportunity available here...This is just many opinion....

I agree with yu JonnyCash, but if our economy sinks, remember the US is the major buyer of the world market. If we stop borrowing and buying, then china, russia, saudi arabia etc will not make money. And there comes the end of our world. (RIPPLE EFFECT)
AMERICA remains the last WORLD POWER