I got a traffic ticket ~7 years ago. I don't even remember the date/year to be exact, but it was before I got my green card.
Should I mention that?
Upto you, but not mentioning that old traffic ticket will not put you in trouble unlee the fine was more than $500.
Can anybody tell me, should I need to declare my parking ticket, speed ticket violoation in the N 400 Form where they are asking ---
16. Have you ever been arrested, cited or detained by any law enforcement officer
(including USCIS or former INS and military officers) for any reason?
Are we required to provide USCIS with copies of all the required documents or showing them originals at the time of interview will be enough.
Hi Johny Cash,
I have a question regarding one of the question asked.
Please mention the answer. Do i need to get any document from court or DA.
D. Good Moral Character.
22. Have you ever:
Been a prostitute, or procured anyone for prostitution?
I was arrested for prostitution charges when i offered a money to undercover officer for date.They arrested me & asked to attend a certain program & after one day seminar charges were dropped against me, Do i have to say yes in front of that question in N-400 form, Also do i have to mention it under moral character 15-21 about my arrest section & what should be the answer under Outcome or disposition of the arrest, citation, detention or charge.