Documents needed for Naturalization

I am getting all my documents together. My green card is based on marriage and I am filing under the three-year rule. Based on the OP, the list of documents I am planning to mail in (all copies except cover letter, application, and check):

- Cover Letter
- Application
- Attachments:
+ employment history additional items
+ list of traffic tickets (no copies – all five tickets are parking and camera red light)​
- Green card
- Color photographs (2)
- Check: $675 - app fee $595 and biometrics fee $80
- Husband's passport
- Marriage certificate
- Evidence of bona fide marriage:
+ Tax return transcripts 2006 – 2009
+ Bank statements 2006 – 2009 (2 out of several accounts)
+ Credit card statements 2006 - 2009 (most active account)
+ Car insurance declarations
+ Renters insurance declarations​

My questions are as follows:

1) I feel we are light on the bona fide marriage evidence: we don't own real estate (no mortgage or deed), cars are owned separately, our rent is month to month (no lease), we don't hold life insurance. To compensate, I am including a bunch of bank and credit card statements, but that's a lot of paper. I did the same for removal of conditional status for green card and ended up with a package 2" thick.

So do all these statements really help or can I just include 1099's and be done with it?

2) I intend to use utility bills to show residency. I will bring them to the interview. Should I mail them in also?

I was in a somewhat similar situation as we do not own a house yet and we were renting month to month & had no lease. We did have life insurance but it did not show each other as beneficiaries (default is spouse). I thus did not mail in the lease or the life insurance documents.

However, I brought them to the interview. During the time that you have until the interview I highly recommend purchasing life insurance if you don't have it, and showing each other as beneficiaries. I'd also recommend asking the landlord for a lease, even if it is month-to-month, with both your names on it, preferably showing the entire period of time that you have been there. My understanding was that documentation showing that you live together, mortgage papers or a lease with both names, is a must. I was glad that I showed up with lease in hand. I did not have to return with additional documents and my case was approved.

Also, I showed our car title which had both names. For my entire list, look at my post (#276) above.
So do all these statements really help or can I just include 1099's and be done with it?

Do you and your wife file a joint tax return? That should help if you take the last 3 years. I don't see how 1099s would be useful to USCIS for marriage status as they are issued by others. Your bank, work etc.
Using a different state's ID?

I am planning to submit my N400 form. I live in Michigan but now take a leave to Maryland for a job. This job is temporary and will only last for 18 months, and after that, I will move back to Michigan to work for my original employer. I have submitted a AR11 form to change my address from Michigan to Maryland so that I can have N400 processed in Baltimore, which is where I live now.

My question is because I will be in Maryland for only a short time, I still keep my Michigan drivers license for car insurance purpose. I notice that in the interview stage for N400 application, I will be asked to show my drivers license. Will the district office in Baltimore accept my Michigan drivers license? Or only Maryland drivers license is acceptable?
Documents for Naturalization and Proof of Evidence based on Marriage

For my upcoming naturalization interview next week based on 3-yr marriage while I-751 still pending, here's the documentation I have on me. Please suggest me if that's sufficient !

1. Passport (Expired last year... didn't renew it)
2. Conditional Green Card (Have 1 year extension letter on it)
3. Selective Service Registration Proof
4. 2 Passport Size Photos
5. Traffic Records (Although all of them were speeding violation and penalty paid was under $500 each time)
6. Employment Letter
7. USCIS notices

Proof of Evidence for Marriage
1. Marriage Certificate
2. US Citizen Wife's Birth Certificate
3. Joint Tax Returns for Year 2006, 2007, 2008
4. Joint Rental Lease Agreement since 2007 - Present
5. Current Joint Bank Statement with an official Bank Letter stating that wife and I have had this account active since March 2006
6. Joint Life Insurance showing each other as beneficiaries
7. Joint Renter's Insurance showing both our names
8. 4 Notarized Affidavits about wife and my marital union from my mother-in-law, grandmother-in-law, our neighbor and my uncle. (All of them are US citizen although there's no mention of it in the affidavits but they have their physical address and phone number in affidavits... that's good enough ?)
9. Wife and my photographs with friends and family at different occasions.
10. Greeting cards from last christmas and my birthday given to me by wife and my mother-in-law.
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Should I mention my name and A# at the top of each supporting document sent along with my N-400 application or is this not required? Should I also mention the Part/Section# of the N-400 form for which the supporting document is sent?

I am planning to submit my N400 form. I live in Michigan but now take a leave to Maryland for a job. This job is temporary and will only last for 18 months, and after that, I will move back to Michigan to work for my original employer. I have submitted a AR11 form to change my address from Michigan to Maryland so that I can have N400 processed in Baltimore, which is where I live now.

My question is because I will be in Maryland for only a short time, I still keep my Michigan drivers license for car insurance purpose. I notice that in the interview stage for N400 application, I will be asked to show my drivers license. Will the district office in Baltimore accept my Michigan drivers license? Or only Maryland drivers license is acceptable?

No need to change your Michigan driving license. Sometimes officers don't ask for State ID; rather just a passport. And if officer does ask for state ID/Driver license then you can present Michigan DL and explain that you are in Maryland for temporary period. It's not a problem.

Good luck...
Should I mention my name and A# at the top of each supporting document sent along with my N-400 application or is this not required? Should I also mention the Part/Section# of the N-400 form for which the supporting document is sent?


No, you do NOT need to mention your name and A# on any of supporting documents, but you do need to mention your name and A# on the the top of every letter/explanation/statement that you will submit to explain your response on any of questions on N-400. Btw, supporting documents are different than those explanation letters/statements.
Below are some postings which provide a comprehensive list about documents/preparation for naturalization interview.

If anyone sees/knows about any other document, with or without their experience...even from hearsay, let me know by posting on this thread so that I could include that in my long it would seem justifiable.

Good luck in your naturalization journey....

I have the following questions with regard to the documents that need to be brought at the naturalization interview:

1. Do I need to have a DL showing the current residence address? Would there be any issue if my DL shows the previous residence address?

2. Is there any issue if the address on my tax return has the address of my company (instead of my residential address) since my company is filing the taxes on my behalf and my company would like to receive all the correspondence directly from IRS? Would it be OK to show my lease agreements and utility bills as proof of residence?

3. I assume that tax transcripts provided by IRS are Federal tax returns and in order to obtain state tax returns, I would need to get it from my state tax department. Is that correct?

4. Regarding lease papers, utility bills, bank statements, credit card bills etc., should I get all of these documents for the last 5 years?

5. For proof of rent payment, is lease agreement sufficient? If not, I have been paying my rent through my bank's "Bill Pay" service and so would it be sufficient to have bank statements showing that the rent was debited from my bank account as proof of rent payment?
My N-400 is based on the 5 yr permanent resident eligibility. Mine is a straighforward case. No traffic tickets, no court cases, no citations, no police cases. I was wondering what all documents to keep ready to bring to the interview besides

- permanent resident card, driving licence, passport, tax transcipts , birth certificate

Do folks take extra documentation other than above ?? Can you please let me know.

Since this is not a marriage based application, I don't think I need to haul mortgage papers, joint bank statements, joint credit card statements, utility bills, marriage certs etc.. Am I right ???

Regarding the Selective Services, I entered the country for the first time when I was 25 on a H1 and I continued to be in H1 till I got my permanent residency 5 yrs back. That makes me not reqd to have registered to Selective services, right ?? Do I still need to get that letter from Selective Services saying registration not needed ??

People here keep mentioning about receiving some yellow letter prior to the interview letter. What exactly is this yellow letter and do all applicants receive it OR it is ok not to receive it ??

The interview notice mentions all the necessary documents to be brought to the interview. Can the officer ask for additional documentation other than mentioned in the interview notice ?? If he asks, can I tell him that since it is not mentioned in the interview letter, I didn't get it. Can he then keep my decision on hold for not bringing documentation which is not mentioned in the interview letter ?

Thanks in advance.
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Applying for naturalization after Name change


I recently got married and changed my last name legally - have changed it on my passport, SSN card, etc. I have also applied to change the name on my Permanent Resident Card and it has been approved (have I-797) However according to USCIS due to recent upgrade in the card issuing machine, I might not receive the new card which reflects the name for up till 6 months.

My question is, can I apply for naturalization (as I am already eligible) with my new legal name even if the copy of Green card I will send still has the old name?

Or will I face issues doe to discrepancy of names on application and permanent resident card.

Please guide,
Thanks in advance
I just received a letter for additional documents.
1. 1040 tax returns with copies of W2 forms for the past 5 years
2. Divorce decree

I am applying based on 5 year on GC basis not the marriage basis but was married to US citizen.
This is my timeline
Applied NYC Jan 15 2009
NOA Jan 26 2009
Checks cleared Feb 5 2009
Fingerprint Appointment Letter Feb 11 2009
Fingerprint Appointment Feb 26 2009 (all good)
May 12 2009 Interview (passed)
June 12 2009 Request for additional documents

Do I have something to be worried about. I submitted past 3 years of tax returns with my original application but now IO is requesting last 5 years. I was in US for the entire time period and filed my taxes correctly and appropriately.
Is this part of the standard process?
I would appreciate any help
I dont remember my citations

I think in the past 10+years in the US, I have 2 or 3 tickets - speeding and walking between subway cars [who knew that was not allowed]. How do you go about getting the paperwork regarding this to accompany the citizenship application and interview etc.

And could someone clarify the 90 days thing - for e.g. if one received his GC on Jan 1 2004 and he has traveled a few times outside of the country, and the 5 year period is Jan 1 2009, does that mean that this individual can apply starting Oct 1 2008?

Thanks in advance,

Traffic tickets

I've said yes for the traffic citation question as I had one such citation in 2000 and in the explanation section I indicated it is a traffic citation and I paid the fine. I got the case file review notice. It says "You indicated in your application that you have been arrested. For these arrests and any other incidents in which you may have been involved, bring originals or certified copies of all arrest records and court dispositions showing how each incident was resolved."

I have no idea what should bring to the interview regarding this now and how do I collect that. I got the driver's license record from my DMV (I am in california). Would that be enough?
Documents to bring to Interview

I have an interview scheduled in Govt Center, Boston. My application is 5 yrs LPR based. Can any one list what documents are being asked? I tried to go through the Sticky, but the latest post with list of documents is in 2007, I don't know whether any thing changed recently. Appreciate any input.

Here are the documents I am thinking of carrying. I have no traffic violations or any other troubles with law. My trips in last 5 yrs are less, totaling 105 days.

- Interview Letter
- GC
- DL
- SSN card
- Passport
- Tax returns & account transcripts for last 5 yrs
- Employment letter & latest pay stubs
- Recent utility bills
- Marriage certificate (I have applied N-400 with my married last name).
- Birth Certificate
- 2 photos
- Copy of my N-400 application

Can any one list what documents are being asked? I tried to go through the Sticky, but the latest post with list of documents is in 2007, I don't know whether any thing changed recently.
The list is still current and pertains today just as it did in 2007.
What if you don't have a current employment letter or check stub?

If you don't have an employment letter or wage stub for the past 2 years, will that affect my green card status / application for citizenship? I have been taking extension classes and have not been employed during that time.

Thanks for all your replies.
question about documnets to be enclsoed with N400

If one is applying for N400 based on 5 yr stay but has terminated first marriage is still need to enclose the copy of divorce or marriage certificate with second spouse.
If you don't have an employment letter or wage stub for the past 2 years, will that affect my green card status / application for citizenship? I have been taking extension classes and have not been employed during that time.

Thanks for all your replies.

Being employed is not a requirement to be naturalized. One can be unemployed and even on a disability/unemployment benefit, and still be naturalized. However, you must need to disclose the employment history for the last 5 years on the application. And if you have not worked anytime in the last 5 years then just write it down-unemployed for that period, and whenever you did work then write it down where, what and when you worked.

The only time one could be questioned further on this employment situation if s/he hasn't worked at all in the last 5 years or hasn't worked for a long time. And then adjudication officer will most probably like to know how that person has been supporting himself/herself without the visible means of income. If you have a spouse who is working then it will be okay so long you could tell this to the officer only upon asked. Or if you have tons of saving in the bank and would be able to show a proof of it to satisfy the officer. Or if someone has been taking care of you or giving money to you to live on. But officer might like to see a proof of anything that you will say to support your statement on how you have been supporting yourself without a visible means of income; otherwise officer will automatically presume that you are involved in a shady stuffs (like drug dealing or some kinda illegal activities) or working off the book which will make the officer to deny your application for the lack of moral character...a prime criteria to be a US citizen.

And since you have not been working for the last 2 years then you could be asked at the interview as to how you have been supporting yourself for that long without a job. Whatever explanation you choose to provide, make sure to take something to prove it like tax returns of your spouse, or bank statements, receipts of someone sending you money, etc..

Employment letter or paystubs are not required to be naturalized nor it could cause any problem to a green card or naturalization application if someone doesn't have employment letter or paystubs. These stuffs are suggested to take with you at the time of interview only when someone is working. Though officers don't ask to see them, but there were a very few cases in the past when some applicants were asked to show these stuffs. So don't worry about them much.

Just make sure to take with you the tax transcripts of whatever tax year you worked for or filed tax returns to.

Good luck...