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Do you really like the United States ???


Registered Users (C)
Some people said that they don't really like the United States very much.So,I have a question ! Why did they participate in Green Card lottery if they think that US is not a good place for them ? Is it funny to participate in DV lottery program ??? :D

What's the reason ??? :eek:
Please stop making thread like this DavidTseng. This is no place to argue for someone to like or dislike the U.S. It is their personal opinion and it is their personal choice if they want to move to the U.S or not. Since the DV lottery is free, all sorts of people participate. Some expecting to win and some don't. Once they know they won, they might change their mind and decide not to go the U.S because of many reasons (jobs, family, etc). Furthermore, the U.S is not doing so great economically at the moment, it also the reason why people choose not to go to the U.S. There are many other countries out there that offers better job and better opportunities for them than the U.S.

Please don't provoke any unwanted arguments. :mad:
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Hi ! Gerindo

I think you're misunderstanding !
I don't want to provoke any unwanted arguments.
I just want to know the opinions of some people ! I hope you can understand ! Maybe we have different opinions.Everyone have their own rights to express what they think.

So,please feel free to discuss here what do you think about the US.No matter you like or dislike the US !!!
Hi boys!

There are many things that I love on the U.S. and other that I hate. Many people don't really know what is the possesion of the green card. There are myths that the card is lifetime permit enabling you going to the U.S. whenever you want, live there ...

And yes , it is for free! :)

My story began 3 years ago when I was here in america for the first time. I liked it very much, but I felt like a criminal when applying for a study visa (finger prints), then nonsence fees and being worry for not being finally admitted at the POE. Everybody was talking about the magic green card in very very positive way: "free traveling anytime, legal work, ...". And because I liked my travel to America ... why not to apply??!?

What happened?

I won! One day, there was a letter from America in my mail box. So then, I had to look more deeply what do I need to do. I found out that it has more rules and responsibilities than I expected. Wrong was/is that one has to move to the U.S. within 6 months and establish his/her residency. Crazy ...

In my case, I won for the 1st time and I during registration I was exactly in an age when I became eligible to participate - just after my high school! Strong ties to home , because of new University, new friends, still dependency on my parents ... So I started to think about it very very seriously, putting questions and looking for an answers.

Suddenly green card was something different! Because before winning I had no reason to study properly all stuff around U.S. immigration.

AT THIS TIME many people in the similar situation like my give up their chances! Altough I didn't really liked idea moving out of continent "immediately", I opt for trying it!

Finally , there is nothing to loose it's worth trying at least going to the U.S. for a while.

This is my simple , honest explanation. Am I bad guy?
Hi ! Gerindo

I think you're misunderstanding !
I don't want to provoke any unwanted arguments.
I just want to know the opinions of some people ! I hope you can understand ! Maybe we have different opinions.Everyone have their own rights to express what they think.

So,please feel free to discuss here what do you think about the US.No matter you like or dislike the US !!!

Mr. you're expressing your own 'rights' at the wrong forum, this forum is not meant for such kind of arguments. If you have nothing to say don't say it here. I support Gerindo.
Why did they participate in Green Card lottery if they think that US is not a good place for them ? Is it funny to participate in DV lottery program ??? :D
Well, until you actually live in the US, you never know how the life looks like.
Why did they participate in Green Card lottery if they think that US is not a good place for them ? Is it funny to participate in DV lottery program ??? :D

I really believe if people think that US is not a good place for them, they won't even participate in GC lottery--why bother right? So I really dont understand your statement above.
Please stop making thread like this DavidTseng. This is no place to argue for someone to like or dislike the U.S.
Mr. you're expressing your own 'rights' at the wrong forum, this forum is not meant for such kind of arguments. If you have nothing to say don't say it here. I support Gerindo.

WTF?? Say No To Censorship

Mr. DavidTseng is asking a simple and genuine question. Participation is optional for everyone. If you don't like the topic of the thread, feel free to go read something else.

Some people said that they don't really like the United States very much.So,I have a question ! Why did they participate in Green Card lottery if they think that US is not a good place for them ? Is it funny to participate in DV lottery program ??? :D

Mr. DavidTseng, everyones experience in the US is different.
I have lived in the US for a while and I can be the first to tell you that it does take a lot of time to adjust to the American culture(s). It take time settle down and become comfortable, both socially and financially. It's difficult in the begining but eventually you will get used to living here and in a few years you'll be fine. When you talk to immigrants in the US you can easily tell how long they have lived here based on how comfortable they are with the people and culture(s) or by how frustrated they are with everything here.

But the truth is: this place ain't so bad!! ;)
Mr. you're expressing your own 'rights' at the wrong forum, this forum is not meant for such kind of arguments. If you have nothing to say don't say it here. I support Gerindo.

I don't think I'm at the wrong forum.Again,I have my own rights to express what I think.I'm just asking the others that do they like or dislike the US ?I want to know the opinions of the people who are now planning to move to the United States and some people who are currently living or working or studying in the US.That's all !!! I want to learn lessons from them ! ;)
I really believe if people think that US is not a good place for them, they won't even participate in GC lottery--why bother right? So I really dont understand your statement above.

Yes,you're right ! Millions of people think that US is a good place for them.So,they participate in DV lottery program and want to get the green card to live permanently there.But,some people participated in this DV lottery program and luckily won.But,they said that US is not a good place for them.So,why did they participate in this lottery program if they don't like the US.I'm confused.So,I asked this question ! :)

Yes,I have same opinion with you !
It's a very good chance for us who won the DV lottery very luckily.Don't forget that millions of people participate in this DV lottery program and only about 100,000 luckily won.We shoud make a try ! We should not give up easily ! ;)
Yes! The cost of green card is only $1000 ... that's "almost" nothing.
It's worth trying to live here for a while, because if you like it, you can get citizenship later.

And if you don't like it, you can easily return home and give up green card. There is nothing to loose I think.
Some people participated in DV lottery program and luckily won ! But,they said US is not a good place for them ! So,why did they participate in this DV lottery program if they think that US is not good.Is it funny for them or are they crazy ???

Millions of people from all over the world want to immigrate to the United States !!! About 9 millions people participated in last year DV program .It prove that US is a very very very good place !!! I have no doubt !!! Maybe US economy is getting worse at the moment.But,I'm confident that US government can solve this problem as soon as possible.US is the most powerful country in this world not only in politics but also in military,economic,finance,education,science,technology and many others.Do you understand ??? Maybe some people can't find good job in US now.But,it doesn't mean that the other people will also can't find good job in US.I don't believe that there is no good job in US.

For those who said that they think US is not a good place in this forum,please don't waste your time and money !!! You don't have to wait the 2nd NL and go to the interview.Give the chances to the others who really want to immigrate to the US.
Thanks !!!

With best regards,
David Tseng
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I like U.S. but I love Europe

DavidTseng. You are partly right and partly wrong.

It is true that people participating in US lottery and not considering US as a good country for them, they must be crazy. By the way, let me give you question. Do you know some people like that? I don't.

There is no doubt that United States are good place to live, but it's not only the one place! Where are you coming from? Do you get around often?

I was on many many places in many countries. US is cool, but everybody works his/her hands to the bone, overtimes ... It's too much about money here. I like France, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Thailand ... etc.

These countries I saw or I was born. I am proud to be European! I consider EU is also very very cool place to live as well.

My opinion ... United States are good place, but it's not my home and it will take some time to feel better here.
I'm with you Hannah. I do appreciate the opportunity of winning the DV lottery and I will stay in the US for the time being, however to me Australia is still home only because my friends and family are there
DavidTseng. You are partly right and partly wrong.

It is true that people participating in US lottery and not considering US as a good country for them, they must be crazy. By the way, let me give you question. Do you know some people like that? I don't.

There is no doubt that United States are good place to live, but it's not only the one place! Where are you coming from? Do you get around often?

I was on many many places in many countries. US is cool, but everybody works his/her hands to the bone, overtimes ... It's too much about money here. I like France, Germany, Switzerland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Thailand ... etc.

These countries I saw or I was born. I am proud to be European! I consider EU is also very very cool place to live as well.

My opinion ... United States are good place, but it's not my home and it will take some time to feel better here.

I totally agree with you ! :)

If you have US green card,you can permanently live legally in the US without worry.You can work,study whatever you like.You don't have to apply to the US immigration office and waste your time,money etc.That's right ???If you have a green card and study at the university in US,the school fee is much cheaper than the international students.You can easily get job in US if you're US permanent resident.You don't have to dismiss your native citizenchip if you have US green card.That's great.If one day you don't want to live in US,you can go back to your native country !

That's why I like to have US green card very much !!!
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