Detroit MI - N-400 Timeline

I just got back...
The appointment was at 9:30... Interview started at 9:15...
Went through the application and was smooth sailing... UNTIL...
The IO wanted proof that I did not break continuous residence...
I had misplaced my re-entry permit... and the IO basically said, I will need to give proof that I did not abandon my residency...
Not quite sure what to do, since I was a full time student and did not file any tax during the time I was away from the country... Not sure what will be sufficient proof that I did not abandon residency...

Other than that, the IO was nice... I guess it's back to the drawing board...

My big complaint is, if I apply for the re-entry permit through USCIS, shouldn't they have it on file that I had a re-entry permit...
I just got back...
The appointment was at 9:30... Interview started at 9:15...
Went through the application and was smooth sailing... UNTIL...
The IO wanted proof that I did not break continuous residence...
I had misplaced my re-entry permit... and the IO basically said, I will need to give proof that I did not abandon my residency...
Not quite sure what to do, since I was a full time student and did not file any tax during the time I was away from the country... Not sure what will be sufficient proof that I did not abandon residency...

Other than that, the IO was nice... I guess it's back to the drawing board...

My big complaint is, if I apply for the re-entry permit through USCIS, shouldn't they have it on file that I had a re-entry permit...

Sorry about your interview out-come today.

They should have had records of all applications you filed with your A#. File a G-639 FOIA(it's free but will take at least a yearfor you to get your A-file records) that way you'll know if a copy is in your A-file.

Try to find:
1. Any junk mail for the period in question
2. An affidavit from any family member with whom you lived during that time indicating your residence was their domicile.
3. A bank account statements for the period or a letter from the bank indicating you had an active account for that period of time.
4. Did you have a DL or state ID for that period?
5. Any e-mails, letters by airmail between you and your dad for that time?

My interview is on 5/26: I don't have #1, #4, and #5, but I have #2(from my dad), #3 and IRS transcript for period I was out (11.5 months) though I filed it in 2007 I did not owe taxes. Unless you get the copies of the re-entry permits I suspect the IO is going to be difficult. CBP officer allowed you in at POE because you had the re-entry permit otherwise they would have taken the GC from you since you stayed out more than 1 year.

The question is since it is now 5 years since your return in June 2004 then you should be able to reapply right away. Maybe see if they will allow you to withdraw the N-400 and file a new one. Did he/she indicate if he was going to approve the case in you can prove you did not abandon your residence?

Did you mention about the memo and the 4 years+ 1 day rule? What did the IO say?

Bobsmyth and Johhnycash please give Moeyhang some insight.

All the best.
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The question is since it is now 5 years since your return in June 2004 then you should be able to reapply right away. Maybe see if they will allow you to withdraw the N-400 and file a new one. Did he/she indicate if he was going to approve the case in you can prove you did not abandon your residence?

Did you mention about the memo and the 4 years+ 1 day rule? What did the IO say?

The IO did say that if I simply dropped the application and applied again now, it shouldn't be a problem.. She did however do the nice thing and "advise" me not to do that since I would waste another 8 months and $675 for a new application.

The IO did say if I had a re-entry permit, she will approve my case... However, since I don't have anything, she said I should get

1. tax returns that has me as dependent (which I don't)
2. bank statements or DL during that time (which I don't)
3. a letter from the school I was attending posting the dates I was there as full-time student in full residency with letterhead (which I will order)
4. a letter from the organization which supported our family's green card saying, I did not give up residence but was "sent" by the organization to finish studies (which I will ask)
5. anything else on the list of 11 things... (which I don't have for 2003)

So basically, I'm just going to do whatever I can and send it in with the letter which is what the IO asked me to do... And just put the ball back on her court... If all else fails, just apply again...

PS... I also have an infopass appointment to see if there is anything the USCIS can do to show evidence that I did have a re-entry permit...

Any other suggestions guys?
The IO did say that if I simply dropped the application and applied again now, it shouldn't be a problem.. She did however do the nice thing and "advise" me not to do that since I would waste another 8 months and $675 for a new application.

The IO did say if I had a re-entry permit, she will approve my case... However, since I don't have anything, she said I should get

1. tax returns that has me as dependent (which I don't)
2. bank statements or DL during that time (which I don't)
3. a letter from the school I was attending posting the dates I was there as full-time student in full residency with letterhead (which I will order)
4. a letter from the organization which supported our family's green card saying, I did not give up residence but was "sent" by the organization to finish studies (which I will ask)
5. anything else on the list of 11 things... (which I don't have for 2003)

So basically, I'm just going to do whatever I can and send it in with the letter which is what the IO asked me to do... And just put the ball back on her court... If all else fails, just apply again...

PS... I also have an infopass appointment to see if there is anything the USCIS can do to show evidence that I did have a re-entry permit...

Any other suggestions guys?

And send all the documents with a cover letter or better still info-pass and ask for the IO who interviewed you. Did she mention 4 years plus 1 day rule? Or was adjudicating you case base on the 5 years continuous residence? I need to know for myself since claiming 4 years plus 1 day would be admitting a break in CR.


hello all. my husband has finally agreed its time to go for citizenship (we've been married almost 7 yrs but there was never any urgency to go through the process). we're heading to grand rapids tomorrow for fingerprinting. i guess the fingerprinting and possibly oath ceremony are there and the interview is in detroit? weird.

here's our timeline so far:

detroit district office

04/01/09: priority date (ha!)
04/28/09: FP notice
05/07/09: FP
These are my vacation trips out of USA.

13/Sep/04 - got my GC

06/May/05 to 31/May/05 -> 25 days
26/Oct/05 to 30/Nov/05 --> 34 days
08/Jun/06 to 11/Sep/06 --> 92 days
23/May/08 to 1/Jun/08 --> 9 days
26/Nov/08 to 14/Dec/08 --> 17 days
23/Dec/09 to 5/Jan/09 --> 12 days

Is it too bad? only one trip with 92 days outside country, that is for my marriage and lots of family events.... I think can explain that to any officer ;)
Did I break Legal status? I heard 6 months+ in one trip is danger.... In 5 years, I put together gone out for 189 days....
Do I have to add this days in the wait period?

My current applying date is 13/Sep/2004 + 5 years - 90 days = 15/June/2009. Do I have to add all these 189 days?? Please help.

Will not go out till I get my Citizenship!!!!

You should be fine..the amount and length of trips aren't enough to raise intent of US residential ties abandonment.
i have filed for my N-400 on 10/06/08 based on 5 years wish it was on 01/04/04 that the date was in my green Card said i am LPR since 01/04/04 based on that i applied for N-400 i went to the interview on 04/09/09 i passed the test i got the per approve letter i was waiting for my OL and i just got a denial letter the letter said they deny me becuase i filed too early in the I-485 they have it stamped i was LPR since 01/14/04 in my green card it said 01/04/04 they said i can have a hearing but i don't know how long that will take and iam in bad need for every min i haveing a baby on 08/05/09 and my wife still overseas so if i file all over it wil take us anther yeas and we already waiting for 2 years now and my baby wont be citizen and i have to file for her too dose any one went throw same thing before tomorrow i have meeting of my congressman staff but i don't know if that will work can i take it all the way to the white house please give me advice i really need it will i did went to the congressman office yesterday and we wrote a letter to the direct district i also have an info pass for the 05/12 i heard nothing from any one so far what do you think if i go public with it call the news or something do you think it will work cuz they did the mistake and want me to pay for it. once agian tell me what you think
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You have done all right things. Please let us know what happens in your case.
The USCIC Officer called me today and left me a msg said they will reopen my case and will adjusted my date time and will have my oath this month one advice to all of you out there don't suttee to what most lawyer say because they don't care i called about 10 lawyers all they said just file for new N-400 call your congressmen they can help call INS and try to get throw the first line because those guys don't know nothing they worth than you know they just read what you see online try to find a good one who will let you get throw and talk to an officer
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My interview experience today 5-14-09

My interview was scheduled for 10:45 at the new building. They called me 30minutes and a nice african-american gentleman was my IO. We went through the application super fast, question by question. I was worried since I had an arrest on a suspended driver's license before I became a LPR. I brough court evidence with me and also proof from the IRS since I had owed taxes when I sent my application. I got the feeling that the IO was not even going to ask about all that documentation, it felt like I volunteered it and he complimented me about how prepared I was. Before he recommended me for approval, I kind of got the feeling he was going to do so half way through the inteview when we talked about my full name. He was saying that the entire name would show on my certificate and that kind of relieved me way before we got to the end of the interview. I did not list any tickets since I had way too many before I became an LPR and also after I became one. The only reason I checked that one box was because of the arrest I mentioned above. I also had with me my driving record which he never asked for.

He said that the ceremony takes place monthly. There is one big one at Cobo hall and a smaller one a court somewhere, I can't remember.

N-400 - Nov 4, 2008
FP - Late Nov 2008 (walk-in)
IL - March 2009
ID - Today
Hopefully the OL and OD are going to happen before the end of June since I will be going on vacation, so I am crossing my fingers.
The USCIC Officer called me today and left me a msg said they will reopen my case and will adjusted my date time and will have my oath this month one advice to all of you out there don't suttee to what most lawyer say because they don't care i called about 10 lawyers all they said just file for new N-400 call your congressmen they can help call INS and try to get throw the first line because those guys don't know nothing they worth than you know they just read what you see online try to find a good one who will let you get throw and talk to an officer
I am happy for you. Finally USCIS is taking responsibility for their mistake ...
here my time
10/6 /08sent app
10/08 /08 application rec
10/25 FP
10/26 Walk in FP
03/10/ 09 IL
04/09 ID Pass
04/30 letter for denying
05/02/09 send congressman reopen case requast
05/07 USINC Called me said they reopend the case
05/12 OL
05 /28 OD
Interview experience today

Well, I had my interview today it went okay except the lady IO wants more documents of proof of residence. Decision can't be made right now.

I sent bills, IRS transcipts 2003 to 2008, payment stubs and bills for 2005 to 2008 with my N-400. She gave me a list of things to mail within 30 days.

1. Utility bills
2. Lease/rental agreement or proof of mortgage
3. Medical records
4. Marriage certificate
5. Vehicle registration for all vehicles owned
6. DMV print out
7. Vehicle insurance
8. List of addresses where you have resided since 2003. Please indicate how long you have resided at each address and with whom you lived.
9. Bank statements
10. Social security statements
11. Any other proof of residence.

I gave her #4 and an affidavit of residence from my dad when I lived with him(2002-2005). For 2003 and 2004 she wants bank statements which the bank can't provide since they purged that out already from their system. I gave her letter from bank indicating when account was opened in 2003.

I am sending her copy of DL, W-2s for 2005-2008, # 10, bank transactions I have for 2003 and 2005. If the bank has to provide me with 2004 transactions it will cost $30.00/hour to retrieve from storage and that will take a few months. They can not give an estimated total cost to retrieve 2004 transactions from storage. So the only proof of residence for 2003-2004 I have is the information from bank account(no bills).

I guess to really comes down to the IO to decide if I showed enough proof of residence.
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update on FP appt

Just a quick aside, when we went over to GR for the fingerprinting we allowed extra time to be sure we got there on time (hadn't been to that part of town before). We ended up arriving 1 hour early but the office looked really dead so my husband just walked in anyway- they were able to take him right back and he was done inside of 10 mins. Just in case that info helps anyone else out... I don't think the GR office is terribly busy. Now to wait for the interview letter!

04/01/09: priority date (ha!)
04/28/09: FP notice
05/07/09: FP
N-400 Detroit

Local DO: Detroit, MI
05/27/2009: mailed N-400 (UPS)
05/29/2009: Received in Phoenix, AZ
05/29/2009: Priority Date
06/02/2009: NOA (I-797C) Date
06/06/2009: NOA Notice received
06/13/2009 Rec'd Fingerprint Notice (I-797C dated 06/11/09)
07/01/2009: FP Appointment Date
06/15/2009: FP Done (Walk-in)
??/??/2009: Interview letter
??/??/2009: Interview Date
??/??/2009: Oath letter received
??/??/2009: Oath Date
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Finalllyyyyyy - got my interview letter. But the annoying part is that I was planning for a trip to India for my brother's wedding ( June 28th) and staying till July 5th. Now I have to return on the 30th for the July 1st interview. But I am glad I got the letter !!!
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July 4th Oath Ceremony ???

How likely it is that if the interview has been schedule for July 1st the oath (assuming it is a successful interview) would be on July 4th ?