December Mumbai Interview Thread

anand74mo can U reply

When did you send u packet-3 and when it was recieved by mumbai.
WHen they entred in thier system..when u send email and got reply.?
Dec 1st week interview

  PD : Sep \'00 (EB-3)
 I140: Dec \'00
 Pkt3: Sent on Oct 3, \'01 (was working for a different company
        for few months in \'01. Hence, delay in sending Pkt 3)

Consulate received Pkt3 on 10/10. I wrote to them on 10/11 requesting a Nov or early Dec interview and got a one liner on 10/15 saying that they would schedule an interview in 1st week of December. I have NOT called Bombay consulate to confirm the same.

I was under the impression that all (??) EB interviews are scheduled for 2nd half of the month. Dunno whether it\'s my request or the fact that my case was delayed (by me), that caused the consulate to give me a 1st week interview. Anyone expecting interview around that time?

Need to look into ticket booking for late November from Bayarea...
No Title

I am in extactly same boat at you, I had requested early interview because my currnet H1B is expiring on Oct. 26, P3 reached 10/1, today I got email from consulate stating they will schedule interview "earliest" in dec. I still need to find out what is earliest would means ? first week / second week . Looking at your case I think it can be first week.

Fortunately my company did H1B renwed by "premium processing" and I got Approval Notice.
No Title

I sent my packet 3 on Oct 5 and it was received by the consulate on Oct 9. I received an e-mail from consulate on Oct 16 that i will be scheduled for a December interview.
All Dec. interview book tickets now OR pat 40% more later

inspite of slowing down, it is difficult to get tickets.
Tickes fm NY/NJ - Mumbai for travel before 10th dec. are $1100
and after dec. 10 travel is being quoted more than $1400 that too
difficult to get tickets.
So those who are expecting DEC. interview book tickets now.

My P3 was received by consulate on sep. 19 and recd. email that my interiview will be scheduled in DEC.
FED-EX messed up with my delivery and packet posted on 9/4 reached at 9/19, otherwise I would hv got date in NOV.
Does anybody know if last year any December interviews were held before Dec. 17th

Does anybody know if last year any employment based December interviews were held before Dec. 17th
AC I-140 - Please help


Need help. I applied for AC I-140. Called today and they have assigned me a case number. They also said that they have mailed Packet 3 to me. What does that mean?

Talked to operator in Mumbai Consulate

I talked to an operator in Mumbai Consulate today(after 40 minutes of trying). I gave her my case number(my packet 3 has reached them on 10/18/01) and she told me that my case is in their system and I need to call in the first week of november to find out the date of interview. Does this means that they accepted my case irrespective of those jurisdictions etc., and are giving me an interview? At what point it is decided whether to transfer a case to another consulate or grant an interview?
got an email response from Mumbai

It said "you will most likely be scheduled for a december interview"
Local Address

CP Gurus,
The consulate site recommends to give local address to send the interview appointment letter.
Anyone did this before ? Again Where to enter the local address. is it in OF-169, Current Address column ?
in OF 230 part 1 or DS 230 part 1.

You can also include a separate sheet of paper to request the same.
sent e-mail Oct 23, got reply on oct 25

Received a reply that they will schedule me in first week of December, per my request, and they would send P4 to Bombay address, again per my request. My packet 3 had reached on Oct 9.
anand... did you email them your request for first week OR

did you send a request in packet 3. Reply will be appreciated
immunization and medical exam

hey guys

is that ok if i do both immunization and medical exam in India at Lilavati or Hinduja or Breach Candy?

some people did immunization in US but medical in India while some did both here in USA.

does it matter? b/c i have not read on US site anything specific as where immunization needs to be done.
