Data Consolidation Project (Thread #6)

ver 73.0

Added -
01-252 from May01.

Approval Count for this month -
81 - Go TSC .
I have actually scanned last night from 01-001 to 01-257 Only.

Next person, can you run from SRC01-258 onwards ( SRC01-258 was pnly scanned partly by me).

The good news is Approvals seen in May 01 & Aug 01 period.

Also Added a new Columns - Transfer
This will give the no of Transfer for that entire Data Range.
Right now, I was not able to calculate it correctly, Pradha or Eb2_... can you please fix that. I don't know why it is not working.

Then we can go back to a previous version say ver 50 and ver 60 and determine if TSC also ( like CSC ) has recently ( 2nd week of Dec) gone abt Transferring files to local offices.
How come there is no Scan for the SRC-03-030-XXXXX ?. Is this an invalid I485 date range ?.



I changed the transfer/ Total-transfer-approved column and formule. You did not change the formula to array , that is why it did not calulate. Actually I tried doing this and rescan the transferred city last night, hence I put that formula (as it is a little simpler).
As some more rescans were in version 75 I picked that and added the column. I cannot rescan any more now as I did last night. I will do after couple of days.
I also added sheet 161 from 76.


Here goes my scan of today. however now is much better with my number in the approved part of it.


Could someone please scan the SRC030305XXXX. I have a slow internet connection and the scan is not going anywhere. I really appreciate the help. Thanks
Originally posted by jlsbr

Here goes my scan of today. however now is much better with my number in the approved part of it.



JLSBR, it is extremely nice of you & Dvorak to not only continue visiting the board but to also continue re-scan.
I would suggest yo you that you could download the latest version and run the macro Multiscan.
It will ask for a Range of sheets, so you can give multiple sheets to scan and it does the calculation at the summary sheet at the end.
In addition, this new macro is now Correctly marking previously 'Misc' as Approved. It also keeps the some details of the previous status and now we are also keep an track on no of Transfers and to which local office.
Try to run it for yourself and I am sure you will like it.
Once again, Congrats & Thanks for your help and Sincerely hope to see you & Dvorak continue to contribute to this forum.
Last edited by a moderator:
ver 78.0

Hello All,
Here is newer version.
I have Re-scanned last night from 01-279 to 02-065
Next person, can you take from 02-074 onwards.
( Tombaan, Pradha, Dvorak, Jlsbr, Eb2_.. , Vidy, IndianboyinDallas, Ansty anyone ? )
And maybe before you start put a message here so there is no duplication of effort.
Following is the approval count
203 - Oct 03
223 - Nov 03
88 - Dec 03

So far we so far 1709 Transfers out of total of 23771.

I put the formulas from Pradha on old ver 55.0 which was posted on Dec 1.
The # of transfers then were 1471 out of total of 21339.
questions on runing the micro

I am using Excel for mac OS-X. Anybody can tell me how to change the security level there? when I run the program it tells me could not open InternetExplorer. What is the problem. Better yet is anyone running src01-230 range cases?

Hi Y'All,

Here is the new version.

I have updated for all the Mar-02 workbooks, And there are 4 approvals in Dec.

And there are so many approvals from previous months, which got updated in the system.

- RR

Here is ver 81 scanned upto 02-178 . Next person may go from 02-182


I think we should keep only Jan 04 formula and remove the rest. we can add feb some were first week of Feb. It takes a while to calculate all those zeros for 2004 every time something is changed. In fact in the last version I removed all those extra formule for months less than the notice date(on the left side). It also will cut the file size by over 10%. It is already close to 4M.

It's only my suggestion..


Sorry for the confusion , ignore the prev post with version 81. Needed a small correction to the file. I tried deleting that post , but is still showing, not sure whether it will delete after a while

version 82

Attached is version 82 scanned upto 02-269. Next person may start from 02-271. Total approvals for decemeber so far is 104.

scanned 02271 to 03006

Updates fro 02271 through 03006

Next person please start from 03007.

Total approved in December = 110
ver 84.0

That's a good tag team effort guys.
Here is the next version.
The next person shd take it from SRC03-070.

Eb2_.. I am okay with the graph on the bottom part of summary. It is not intrusive at all.