Data Consolidation Project (Thread #6)

3 Approvals for 02-175 (5/16/02)


How are you doing buddy ?

I just scanned my date, there were three approvals yesterday. They got updated just now because they did not show up when I scanned today morning. Here is the file:
SRC-02-123 - RD - Mar 12th, 2002

Hi All,

Is any one in the same boat?

RD - 03-2002
FP - 05-2003
EAD - 05-2002

Waiting for approval


Added a new macro multiscan485 which can scan all sheets in the range directly on consolidated file given a range like 02250-03002. It suspends recalculation during the process hence it is Ok to scan on consolidated.
In the process also rescanned 02271,03002,02244,02250,02039

I have not included any of the individually posted sheets since last one into this.


I am not an excel person, I simply copied the one I was using and stole the for loop in number range scanning to add a sheet range also. Also if you change the date scanned in summary sheet it will pick from the sheet. See one of those above like 03002.
I may add another condition to stop the process if the count reached 900 or denied message comes some time later.

Can you check. You need to select multscan485 in macro before running. Give the range without - between yr and day (like 02250-03002)

Re: 3 Approvals for 02-175 (5/16/02)

Originally posted by GC_Aspirant_11

How are you doing buddy ?

I just scanned my date, there were three approvals yesterday. They got updated just now because they did not show up when I scanned today morning. Here is the file:

GC_Aspirant_11 , I am doing good. good to see your posts and approvals for May 16th 02.
I saw your post and ran a scan for SRc02-176 ( my day), I was hoping so see if BCIS guys are now looking at May 02 but no approvals since Sep 03...:mad:

I have always believed the BCIS guys work in stack policy.
The scans confirm that.
We saw high approvals for 21st May 01 in Oct and then just 3 in Nov. I guess in Nov, it was turn of Aug-end 01.
Who knows, May 16th 02 might be next.
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ver 61

I am positing the new version so we don't miss any conrtibutions.

+ tembatsc 's data for 01-271
+ RR_67 data for 02-123.

Pradha, i will run the multiscan when I get home.
That is exactly what I was thinking of.
And tunring of the calculations is also a great idea. I was earlier thinking of copying/moving the sheet into a diff excel file with macros but this is very good.
That gives a choice to people so people with less memory can split the excel sheet whereas others with more RAM can run it for the entire file.
Thanks a lot.
I tried to scan the result for 02-131 here. Is there a way I can scan only the I 485 numbers in this sheet. I think that will be lot easier to scan because USCIS sit Blocking for every 1000 numbers and some times for 2 days.
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The macro only records I485 cases. So be patient run the set for a couple of days and you will get a small set of I485 cases. You can also remove the approved cases out of the excel sheet. Voila, in a week you should have the complete 485 valid SRCs...

No update for 01-277:(
ver 62

Pradha, though you claim you are not an excel person, you did the job in changing the Vb Macro.
It is very good.

Everyone, please download the attached new version.
I have
+ Khoula's data for SRC02-131
+ Damerina's data for SRC01-240
+ Recan from SRc01-270-SRC01-281

You can download and run the macro from this same
Consolidated.xls and run the macro MultiScan485.
The macro tuns off the calculations to the summary sheet while it is scanning.
Pradha's macro is also recording the date of scan in column G1.
1 more change I would suggest is the scanned date in the summary sheet shd come from individual date's G1 column.
I tried but sorry I am useless with excel , Can someone do that ?

Once again, Thanks to Pradha.
the formula to get the scanned date from the respective sheet to the summary sheet is already there in few sheets I rescaned like src03-02.
Just copy the cell date_scanned from src03-02 (G92) to the ones you are scanning and it will do ..

Quick Question for VISA Gurus

I am seeing lot of SRC02XXX-XXXX cases being approved from the scanned attachments. Does that mean that BCIS is randomly processing the cases or else is it dependent on the EB1/2/3 category and Country.

Thanks in advance!!!!!!

Some cosmetic changes the way multscan macro will work
1) It will stop after 970 scans in one scan just leave a few before you hit the wall
2) It will stop if you get access denied due to too many queries.
3) In either case it will change the message when finished to the respective one
4) It will include number of scans used in the message when completed normally so you know where you stand if you are trying to scan a few sheets together.

5)It will not scan for transferred cases. I have not seen one transferred case changing its status (even from 2002 ). The only hypothesis I can think of is they assign a new number when they get into another office. Other wise it should get updated this being a centralised site. Is this true ????. Some one who know about a case which has gone thro a transfer may know.

Now that I have to post a new file I rescaned few dates which were scanned before mid Nov .

Nov looks good considering the fact it was a three week month.

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Latest scan results. I could scan only the Unapproved numbers in the worksheet and updated. I also ran the make chart macro and when compared to 12/5/03 for 01-131 there are 9% transfers to local offices. Is this the Latest Trend with TSC?
Good Day Y'All..

Why is the macro 'ModifiedI485Scan' taking so long to check the status?

Looks like, there is a SLEEP in the code. Or, Am I am doing something wrong.

By the way, This is a fantastic Macro, Very Good Job...

Thank you very much for your efforts...I am sure, we will all get our 485's approved, very soon..
Hi Again,

I found the reason why, it is taking long to check the status with 'ModifiedI485Scan' Marco.

I have been running the macro with all the worksheets present in the Excel file. It is taking long to update the summary sheet. Problem is not with the code. By the way, I am very sorry for doubting the Macro GURU.

It is cruising now, with only one work sheet & summary sheet for only one date.

Thanks again & Keep up the great job.
- RR
Good Job Pradha

You have done a good job by modifying the MACRO.

RR_67 run the new macro "Multiscan ??" in the latest version of the consolidated file.

About 7 to 9 more working days in this month , then its time for the Holidays. I don't think we can expect much this year from TSC.
But I would like to add that they have picked up the 485 pace since Oct. Also looks like they diverted the "AP" resources to process "485" .... this could be a good or bad .... more like the Chicken & Egg thing ?

I have included SRC02-230 in this file. Goastros or pradha - can one of you check to make sure that I have not screwed up when I inserted an additional line in the summary sheet. Let me know if I did and I will just post the individual sheet for 02-230.

ver 65.0

Here is ver 65.0.

Once again, Pradha thanks for the enhancements.
I have been able to Re-scan from SRC01-001 upto SRC 02-176
in past 1 week using the same consolidated file.

Picsarus, u did it perfect on version 64.

I have also added 3 new SRCs from FEB02 since there are 2 new forum members approvals from this month -
SRC02-105, SRC02-106, SRC02-107.