Data Consolidation Project (Thread #6)

ver 90

Originally posted by jaxen2
Interfaces change... Should we start a new thread?

Jaxen2, we will start a new thread with the new month/year.
Picsarus, Included your file 02-241.
I have scanned upto SRC01-276.
Next person, please scan from SRC01-277.
goastros Pls add a Help Sheet


We can add a New "Help" sheet in the file For all new members who need help in scanning.

I think you can just cut and paste your instructions (i.e. a How to scan) in a new sheet after the "Summary" sheet. (As we go along we can add a FAQ in the help sheet as well")

On a personal front I have not been contributing to the sanning in the last week or so because I am away from Home and do not have access to a PC; but all this "Holiday season" will end Jan 5.

Good work everybody and hopefully 2004 will bring us luck :)
Originally posted by jaxen2
Time to create a new thread with consolidated info?

Yes Jaxen, can we do that with the new month/year ?
Here is next re-scan.
next person can take it from SRC02-074.
So far 156 approvals for Dec 03.

Chance for Enhancement - Based on what picsarus has written,
Pradha/EB2_..., we could have the macro start from between the sheet.
for eg - Picsarus wrote to scan from 02-030 or 02-03057500.
Do you want to add That flexibility to scan from 02-030 and then from 57500 ? makes sense esp if you have scanned more than half of the sheet before you hit the stopcount 990.
but beware things can get complicated/ugly for some .
Pradha,Pics, Eb2, dvorak, others - your thoughts ??
This would certainly be a useful feature, if someone can do it. In this case, this sheet contained about 470 numbers and the scan hit the 990 limit after about 380 numbers - obviously a waste of time/resources to repeat the scan on the first 380 numbers.

Of course, manual alternative is to cut the remaining numbers and paste it into a separate sheet and start from that sheet etc. - that is quite messy as well.

I made an attempt to add this feature to the multiscan (start from the middle of a sheet). The best that I could come up with is to specify the row number of the first sheet at which the re-scan should start - the default is 2. Of course, the remaining sheets should be scanned fully.

GoAstros, pradha, EB2 - can you please try this out? There is every chance that there may be something else screwed up - so please don't use this version to carry out any re-scans.

I tried out the modification on 01-178 and found 5 approvals yesterday (Dec 29) - upping the December total to 161. We really need to get the numbers between 01-178 and 01-200 - this is where the action currently seems to be.
enhancement good idea

The enhancement that GoAstros wrote about is a good idea. The multiscan usually stops in the middle of a sheet and it makes no sense for someone else to scan the whole sheet again.

I am almost done scanning 02-114 and will be posting the new sheet tommorrow.
Any other dates anybody wants scanned??
scan for RD or ND ?

I understand Service Centers publish the processing dates depending on RD.
But our 485 SRC- number starts with SRC-[number corresponding to ND].

So what date should I use for scanning ? RD or ND ?

-- rbls5
Re: enhancement good idea

Originally posted by dvorak
The enhancement that GoAstros wrote about is a good idea. The multiscan usually stops in the middle of a sheet and it makes no sense for someone else to scan the whole sheet again.

I am almost done scanning 02-114 and will be posting the new sheet tommorrow.
Any other dates anybody wants scanned??

Dvorak, I agree with Picsarus, right now the action is around May 01 ( between 01-169 and 01-200 ) and we don't have much data there. If you or Anyone else could scan around that area and add to the consolidated sheet.
I tried the scanning and it did not work for me, Could you scan for 03-107, Thanks in advance
picsarus, goastros,eb2,

Your change will work fine. There is nothing else which you can mess up on. I myself has seen a macro for the first time, but is like any other program. I have also used excel only to add two columns or sum a column, that is my expertise.

However I am not sure it is good to take the rowno or to take src no to restart. Either way there can be a little confusion for those others who are new and willing to rescan. It will be fine either way as long as it is rescanned only by goastros or couple of other guys as is the case for now. But you do not loose any thing any way as it is only a rescan. You miss some you get it next time when you rescan.

I have attached a copy (94) which will pick the last src scanned and go from there and also put the last src on which it failed/hit the max when you get out. Also put a sorting in SRC no before any scan. Just have a look , to check change that stop count to 5 or so in the macro (in multiscan) and run.

I have not rescanned many except first few just while checking.
I have added 01-170 ,02-220 and completed 03-011. I tried 01-170 but is tough beyond 1200 or so as for every valid number there are 4/5 missing nos. If you are continuing with the 92 version just copy those three sheets and it will be fine.

Just changed the Jan 01 formula to <Feb 01, as I saw two cases, the message says "Your case is ordered approved " and have no dates on it, So I changed the date to 1/1/1900 instead of ??? for missing dates and this way they will all fall into the Jan 01 column.

-- pr
Re: enhancement good idea

Originally posted by dvorak
The enhancement that GoAstros wrote about is a good idea. The multiscan usually stops in the middle of a sheet and it makes no sense for someone else to scan the whole sheet again.

I am almost done scanning 02-114 and will be posting the new sheet tommorrow.
Any other dates anybody wants scanned??


I admire your passion for scanning.
But then in a lighter sense, I am also getting a little worried about the addiction, as I am also getting into that and I have a long way to go before I can get out with a ND of Oct 9, 2002 (SRC003-007). I do not know why I do, but I come back here so many times a day and the frequency is increasing. Hope I will make it to cut my frequency and leave it to BCIS to worry now that I have done my part.

Thanks for the good hearted offer , and keep offering your comments/ suggestions

Wish you a happy and prosperous 2004 as permenant resident.

-- pr
However I am not sure it is good to take the rowno or to take src no to restart. Either way there can be a little confusion for those others who are new and willing to rescan.

I agree that it is not a good idea to include the row number, because this is adding some complexity to the scan, I am ok even if there is an overlap of some scanned cases. (Note the max # of I485 cases in a day we have in our sheet is about 750 in the September 2001 period. Generally the average number is about 200 cases per day)

Let us keep the granuality of the "SHEET" rather than the "ROW in a SHEET"

If the scan process is simple more people will feel comfortable in contributing... and the simplicity is the key to success. (Just like GOOGLE ! )
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Ok, let's keep it simple and stick with the original version. pradha - I am trying to scan 01-180 and am running into the same issue as you. Although there are cases upto 59700 for this date, there are so many gaps that it is going to take a while to get all the valid numbers. I don't know at what date the gaps go away, but maybe it is related to the mail contractor snafu at that time? Anyway - it is painful!

Happy New Year!
Alternatively we may keep this as another macro multiscan_restart , Just another line of thought.

I tried to run the new macro and I did not get it. So I ran the old one. No changes in the 01-258 range since 12/15.


Originally posted by pradha
Alternatively we may keep this as another macro multiscan_restart , Just another line of thought.

I think it is a better idea to have Multiscan_restart.
The con would be too many macros.
But I guess we need to settle on something.

Pradha, I would vote for removing other Scan macros from the consolidated file and just keeping 2 versions of Multiscan - Multiscan & Multiscan_restart ( choosing a more appropriate name for the 2nd macro).
And then have 485scan.xls for 1st time scanners.

I had promised the moderator to create a new thread for the new month/year. I will create a new thread with the FAQ at the top and 485scan.xls ( the one posted by Pradha).

Feel free to suggest any changes to the FAQ.
Originally posted by jlsbr

I tried to run the new macro and I did not get it. So I ran the old one. No changes in the 01-258 range since 12/15.



Jlsbr, I don't know why Multiscan didn't work for you.
Thanks for your help as always.
Do keep on adding value to the forum & to this thread/project.