Dallas BEC tracking : Texas cases only

gc_maze said:
RDODA, whose case was also stuck with Enterject, got the D- number in the screen shot. Why does it show Region ?

"Originally Posted by rdoda
My lawyer got this reply/screen shot data from BEC :
Processing Type: RIR
Case Status: Data Review
Case Source: Region
Case Number: D-05217-8xxxx.

Although my case was still stuck at SWA(one of those enterject cases with TWC) and was a TR/Non RIR case.
Can anybody calarify what Case Status and processing type mean in this case? Is processing type as RIR an error on BEC data entry part?

As per his earlier post, his is NON RIR with PD APRIL 2002.
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Has anyone received the 45 day letter yet? Any further updates you have from your respective attorneys on our cases after they were finally shipped to Dallas Backlog Center ?
Does anyone have any updates on the TWC/Enterject cases ? Has anyone received a 45 day letter. I would like a poll and see who is the earliest PD for a person who applied at TWC and still hasnt got 45 day letter. My PD is Ausust 2001. Is there anyone out there with earlier PD than mine.
Lets keep this thread active with any additional info we have to share.
Nothing New

No news.
My lawyer said that she expects the 45DL by the end of this September . But you know , lawyers talk ....to much.


PD 12/02
My lawyer told me that he expects all data entry to be completed by the end of the year - so all 45 day letters will be sent out by the end of the year. October is too optimistic.
Basically he said data entry is in random order. However once 45 days letter is sent and received back processing will be by FIFO (Warped logic I know) but lawyer is saying BEC is blaming SWA because SWA didnt follow their suggested procedure on how to arrange the boxes and files, they kjust dumped files as is without taking into account PD.
Lets hope for better times :)
Bad news for prior Enterject cases

Ok, today finally I went and consulted another attorney. I wanted to know what was going on with my case filed in August 2001 and was really getting worried with the retrogression et all, and needed some advice since I wasnt getting any ino but to wait from company attorney.
OK bottom line is that if your case was previously at Enterject or if you ever filed Regular labor cert in Texas after April 2001 you are screwed.
As per lawyer neither Enterject nor BEC to date has developed a proper and complete process for supervised recruitment that is need for regular LC. Apparently Enterject's training of employees was pathetic and BEC is still playing around to develop a full proof proess - they cant send out 45 day letters until such a process is developed.
Our cases are in the bottom of the pile. Out of total 345,000 cases in both BEC's only 100,000 have not been sent 45 day letters, these include our cases. With retrogression anyway faster processing of LC really wont help getting faster GC but according to lawyer we should get some letter by Feb 06 (maybe 45 day letter). Also as per lawyer no lawyer or anyone can make BEC act any faster or speed up things. Writing letters/making calls doesnt seem to help at all.
Best of luck
texancanadian said:
Ok, today finally I went and consulted another attorney. I wanted to know what was going on with my case filed in August 2001 and was really getting worried with the retrogression et all, and needed some advice since I wasnt getting any ino but to wait from company attorney.
OK bottom line is that if your case was previously at Enterject or if you ever filed Regular labor cert in Texas after April 2001 you are screwed.
As per lawyer neither Enterject nor BEC to date has developed a proper and complete process for supervised recruitment that is need for regular LC. Apparently Enterject's training of employees was pathetic and BEC is still playing around to develop a full proof proess - they cant send out 45 day letters until such a process is developed.
Our cases are in the bottom of the pile. Out of total 345,000 cases in both BEC's only 100,000 have not been sent 45 day letters, these include our cases. With retrogression anyway faster processing of LC really wont help getting faster GC but according to lawyer we should get some letter by Feb 06 (maybe 45 day letter). Also as per lawyer no lawyer or anyone can make BEC act any faster or speed up things. Writing letters/making calls doesnt seem to help at all.
Best of luck

TexanCanadian: Is this true only for the regular cases? Any info on the RIR cases? Last I heard from attorney was that my case has been recd at the BEC in Dallas.
texancanadian said:
Ok, today finally I went and consulted another attorney. I wanted to know what was going on with my case filed in August 2001 and was really getting worried with the retrogression et all, and needed some advice since I wasnt getting any ino but to wait from company attorney.
OK bottom line is that if your case was previously at Enterject or if you ever filed Regular labor cert in Texas after April 2001 you are screwed.
As per lawyer neither Enterject nor BEC to date has developed a proper and complete process for supervised recruitment that is need for regular LC. Apparently Enterject's training of employees was pathetic and BEC is still playing around to develop a full proof proess - they cant send out 45 day letters until such a process is developed.
Our cases are in the bottom of the pile. Out of total 345,000 cases in both BEC's only 100,000 have not been sent 45 day letters, these include our cases. With retrogression anyway faster processing of LC really wont help getting faster GC but according to lawyer we should get some letter by Feb 06 (maybe 45 day letter). Also as per lawyer no lawyer or anyone can make BEC act any faster or speed up things. Writing letters/making calls doesnt seem to help at all.
Best of luck

I am not sure about his explanation. My colleague did receive the 45 day letter for his enterject (regular) case couple of days ago.
I am just conveying what my attorney told me. What you believe is your choice. Maybe your friend was one of the test cases they are using to see how the process would work for regular supervised recruitment. What is your friends priority date.

I do not know about Enterject RIR cases. Mine was also an RIR case kick backed to TWC. Lawyer did inform that while at Enterject the processing efficiency for RIR was better than regular because they had a process for RIR, but along the way many cases may have been non recomended for RIR and put back into Regular processing without notifying anyone.

Here is some info today from http://www.immigration-law.com/ on pending BEC cases

09/16/2005: Latest News of DOL Backlog Processing Centers Processing

AILA has reported that it had received information from the DOL on September 12, 2005 concerning the status of the backlog processing at the Dallas and Philadelphia Processing Centers. The report draws a picture of the following not-too-promising statistics:
Total Pending Backlog Cases: 345,000 (pending at Dallas & Philadelphia) + X number of cases (pending at San Francisco + New York Satellite Centers) = ? They did not disclose how many cases still remain at the two satellite centers. There is no report on the status of processing of the cases at the two satellite centers. One may assume that total number of pending backlog cases may record much larger than 350,000.
Record of Processing at Dallas + Philadelphia (345,000):
100,000 cases yet to complete "partial data entry." (Without "full" data entry, no 45 day letters are generated)
X number of cases completed partial data entry (These cases cannot generate 45 day letters until full data entry.)
Y number of cases completed full data entry (generated 45 day letters)
The report failed to make public the statistics of the total number of cases adjudicated and the total number of cases which completed a full data entry and generated 45 day letters. As for the total number of cases adjudicated, it just stated "tens" of thousands of cases. Tens of thousands of cases range from 10,000 to 99,000 out of 345,000+ cases. If it meant 10,000, the number is indeed a tip of a huge iceberg (345,000+). We also have no idea of what "adjudication" meant. The immigration practitioners have reported some approvals of cases without even 45 day letters being generated and the pattern of approval cases reflects that they were not processed in the First In First Out order. In a way, it may be taken as a good news in that if they should stick to the FIFO processing rules, they would not be able to process any cases until the unopened box cases and the pending cases complete the full data entries. However, it may be taken as an arbitrary processing of cases when it comes to the issue of fairness and other rules of administrative process.
Timeline: We have no information when the partial data entry or full data entry will be completed and when the 45 day letters will be sent out to the applicants for the pending cases. It just stated that in the next few months, data entries will be completed and 45 day letters will be sent out. Now we are approaching the end of the calendar year and the holiday seasons. Currently, two satellite centers are scheduled to shut down in early January 2006. All in all, adjudication of these large number of pending cases is not too promising when it comes to the timeline.
For those later filers in the row, it would not mean much as the early certified labor certification applications will lead them to nowhere because of the visa number backlog of from five to seven years for the Indians and Chinese. However, for the earlier filers in the row or in the pipeline, the delay in the labor certification at the Backlog Processing Centers adds a terrible pain on top of the visa number backlogs. Believe it or not, out of the three fed agencies that deal with the immigration business (USCIS, DOS, DOL), the USCIS will become our hero in terms of processing times and DOS and DOL are likely to remain devils to the immigrants for quite a while. In the U.S. immigration history, the immigration services have never received such a "welcome" treatment. The USCIS should thank to Bush, DOS, and DOL. What you know!
texancanadian said:
I am just conveying what my attorney told me. What you believe is your choice. Maybe your friend was one of the test cases they are using to see how the process would work for regular supervised recruitment. What is your friends priority date.

I do not know about Enterject RIR cases. Mine was also an RIR case kick backed to TWC. Lawyer did inform that while at Enterject the processing efficiency for RIR was better than regular because they had a process for RIR, but along the way many cases may have been non recomended for RIR and put back into Regular processing without notifying anyone.

Here is some info today from http://www.immigration-law.com/ on pending BEC cases

09/16/2005: Latest News of DOL Backlog Processing Centers Processing

AILA has reported that it had received information from the DOL on September 12, 2005 concerning the status of the backlog processing at the Dallas and Philadelphia Processing Centers. The report draws a picture of the following not-too-promising statistics:
Total Pending Backlog Cases: 345,000 (pending at Dallas & Philadelphia) + X number of cases (pending at San Francisco + New York Satellite Centers) = ? They did not disclose how many cases still remain at the two satellite centers. There is no report on the status of processing of the cases at the two satellite centers. One may assume that total number of pending backlog cases may record much larger than 350,000.
Record of Processing at Dallas + Philadelphia (345,000):
100,000 cases yet to complete "partial data entry." (Without "full" data entry, no 45 day letters are generated)
X number of cases completed partial data entry (These cases cannot generate 45 day letters until full data entry.)
Y number of cases completed full data entry (generated 45 day letters)
The report failed to make public the statistics of the total number of cases adjudicated and the total number of cases which completed a full data entry and generated 45 day letters. As for the total number of cases adjudicated, it just stated "tens" of thousands of cases. Tens of thousands of cases range from 10,000 to 99,000 out of 345,000+ cases. If it meant 10,000, the number is indeed a tip of a huge iceberg (345,000+). We also have no idea of what "adjudication" meant. The immigration practitioners have reported some approvals of cases without even 45 day letters being generated and the pattern of approval cases reflects that they were not processed in the First In First Out order. In a way, it may be taken as a good news in that if they should stick to the FIFO processing rules, they would not be able to process any cases until the unopened box cases and the pending cases complete the full data entries. However, it may be taken as an arbitrary processing of cases when it comes to the issue of fairness and other rules of administrative process.
Timeline: We have no information when the partial data entry or full data entry will be completed and when the 45 day letters will be sent out to the applicants for the pending cases. It just stated that in the next few months, data entries will be completed and 45 day letters will be sent out. Now we are approaching the end of the calendar year and the holiday seasons. Currently, two satellite centers are scheduled to shut down in early January 2006. All in all, adjudication of these large number of pending cases is not too promising when it comes to the timeline.
For those later filers in the row, it would not mean much as the early certified labor certification applications will lead them to nowhere because of the visa number backlog of from five to seven years for the Indians and Chinese. However, for the earlier filers in the row or in the pipeline, the delay in the labor certification at the Backlog Processing Centers adds a terrible pain on top of the visa number backlogs. Believe it or not, out of the three fed agencies that deal with the immigration business (USCIS, DOS, DOL), the USCIS will become our hero in terms of processing times and DOS and DOL are likely to remain devils to the immigrants for quite a while. In the U.S. immigration history, the immigration services have never received such a "welcome" treatment. The USCIS should thank to Bush, DOS, and DOL. What you know!

I understand.. My friend's PD is in 2002..
texancanadian said:
I am just conveying what my attorney told me. What you believe is your choice. Maybe your friend was one of the test cases they are using to see how the process would work for regular supervised recruitment. What is your friends priority date.

I do not know about Enterject RIR cases. Mine was also an RIR case kick backed to TWC. Lawyer did inform that while at Enterject the processing efficiency for RIR was better than regular because they had a process for RIR, but along the way many cases may have been non recomended for RIR and put back into Regular processing without notifying anyone.

Here is some info today from http://www.immigration-law.com/ on pending BEC cases

09/16/2005: Latest News of DOL Backlog Processing Centers Processing

AILA has reported that it had received information from the DOL on September 12, 2005 concerning the status of the backlog processing at the Dallas and Philadelphia Processing Centers. The report draws a picture of the following not-too-promising statistics:
Total Pending Backlog Cases: 345,000 (pending at Dallas & Philadelphia) + X number of cases (pending at San Francisco + New York Satellite Centers) = ? They did not disclose how many cases still remain at the two satellite centers. There is no report on the status of processing of the cases at the two satellite centers. One may assume that total number of pending backlog cases may record much larger than 350,000.
Record of Processing at Dallas + Philadelphia (345,000):
100,000 cases yet to complete "partial data entry." (Without "full" data entry, no 45 day letters are generated)
X number of cases completed partial data entry (These cases cannot generate 45 day letters until full data entry.)
Y number of cases completed full data entry (generated 45 day letters)
The report failed to make public the statistics of the total number of cases adjudicated and the total number of cases which completed a full data entry and generated 45 day letters. As for the total number of cases adjudicated, it just stated "tens" of thousands of cases. Tens of thousands of cases range from 10,000 to 99,000 out of 345,000+ cases. If it meant 10,000, the number is indeed a tip of a huge iceberg (345,000+). We also have no idea of what "adjudication" meant. The immigration practitioners have reported some approvals of cases without even 45 day letters being generated and the pattern of approval cases reflects that they were not processed in the First In First Out order. In a way, it may be taken as a good news in that if they should stick to the FIFO processing rules, they would not be able to process any cases until the unopened box cases and the pending cases complete the full data entries. However, it may be taken as an arbitrary processing of cases when it comes to the issue of fairness and other rules of administrative process.
Timeline: We have no information when the partial data entry or full data entry will be completed and when the 45 day letters will be sent out to the applicants for the pending cases. It just stated that in the next few months, data entries will be completed and 45 day letters will be sent out. Now we are approaching the end of the calendar year and the holiday seasons. Currently, two satellite centers are scheduled to shut down in early January 2006. All in all, adjudication of these large number of pending cases is not too promising when it comes to the timeline.
For those later filers in the row, it would not mean much as the early certified labor certification applications will lead them to nowhere because of the visa number backlog of from five to seven years for the Indians and Chinese. However, for the earlier filers in the row or in the pipeline, the delay in the labor certification at the Backlog Processing Centers adds a terrible pain on top of the visa number backlogs. Believe it or not, out of the three fed agencies that deal with the immigration business (USCIS, DOS, DOL), the USCIS will become our hero in terms of processing times and DOS and DOL are likely to remain devils to the immigrants for quite a while. In the U.S. immigration history, the immigration services have never received such a "welcome" treatment. The USCIS should thank to Bush, DOS, and DOL. What you know!

Sorry. His PD is actually April 2001.
Not sure whats going on D-BEC

D-BEC, is playing a whole new ball game to the filers whose case been opened by Enterject. I have talked to few regarding my case, and the only answer I have (as many of us know too) is that the case been transfered to D-BEC in 1st week of August. No news is bad news this time, as we have no way to confirm what is really going on with our filed petition. Mine is NON RIR, with PD 2002, and due to retrogression, I dont have anyway to press anyone to check my status, even its been cleared, I have to wait until the visa numbers become available.
Situation is bad because as my lawyer said they are still developing the process for Regular supervised recruitment at BEC.
The last ppl who had a process was TWC. For some reason Enterject never could develop a process and BEC is struggling also. So they cant issue us 45 day letters because once those are issued and returned they have to go ahead and process using FIFO but the core problem is THEY F.....G DONT KNOW HOW TO PROCESS OUR CASES SO GOD HELP US.
Nothing will happen till they figure out a process. I think indio's friend may have been a test case since April 2001 is the first month where cases were sent over to Enterject. All cases before April 2001 was processed by TWC themselves.
No notifications from TWC either....

I am one of the hapless victims of the Enterject fiasco. We have had a company acquisition and an attorney change on top of that. Although TWC has sent all applications to Dallas BEC, we are yet to recieve any of the supposed notifications from TWC regarding my case. Nor have we received the 45-day letter from DOL. To make matters worse, our new attorney is an old hag who prefers the wait-and-watch approach. I am in such a quandary that I have absolutely no idea where my application is.

Are there people who have not received notifications from Texas SWA of their forwarding. Is there a way to know my application status,at least to know if it is alive. I have tried everything to get my attorney to do this, but to no avail.

Any advice would be appreciated.

--A troubled soul.
yada_yada_yada said:
I am one of the hapless victims of the Enterject fiasco. We have had a company acquisition and an attorney change on top of that. Although TWC has sent all applications to Dallas BEC, we are yet to recieve any of the supposed notifications from TWC regarding my case. Nor have we received the 45-day letter from DOL. To make matters worse, our new attorney is an old hag who prefers the wait-and-watch approach. I am in such a quandary that I have absolutely no idea where my application is.

Are there people who have not received notifications from Texas SWA of their forwarding. Is there a way to know my application status,at least to know if it is alive. I have tried everything to get my attorney to do this, but to no avail.

Any advice would be appreciated.

--A troubled soul.

I am also in the same boat. Last year, my lawyer told me that my file is with Enterject and earlier this year, she told me that it has been shipped to Dallas BEC. However, I have not received neither the 45 day letter nor the case #. I do not think she has absolutely any idea where my file is or whether it has just disappeared in the blackhole called DBEC. I wish she could just find out where my file is gathering dust. At least it would give me some hope. I just do not want to send an email to 7th year extension address as it would take away the valuable resource away from processing. Gurus please help.

Thanks :confused:
45 day letter received for TWC case

One of my colleagues received a 45 day letter on Aug 29th, replied on Sept 2nd. His was a Non-RIR EB3 case filed in Texas on 04/14/2004, ofcourse never made it to the regional, received an RFE from Enterject in Dec'04, forwarded to DBEC on 01-Aug-05.

Even though my case was filed six months earlier and I didn't receive anything yet, I am glad to note that there is atleast some progress being made on TWC cases.

Just wanted to share this info with you all...Hang in there, I guess.
kingosu said:
One of my colleagues received a 45 day letter on Aug 29th, replied on Sept 2nd. His was a Non-RIR EB3 case filed in Texas on 04/14/2004, ofcourse never made it to the regional, received an RFE from Enterject in Dec'04, forwarded to DBEC on 01-Aug-05.

Even though my case was filed six months earlier and I didn't receive anything yet, I am glad to note that there is atleast some progress being made on TWC cases.

Just wanted to share this info with you all...Hang in there, I guess.

Oh wow!
This news has defiantly created a mixed reaction among die-hard fans whose fate has severely been ransacked by Enterject upside down. I am glad that your friend did receive a 45 days letter, even his PD is 2004. I am here from Dec 2002, and no news. BUT don’t get me wrong, now that since the file has seen some smoothness, I hope all the Enterject folks would see something in the near future. Please join me in my prayer list; God will eventually listen to us. My hearty congratulation to your friend, viva USA.

texancanadian, I am waiting on your input.
Couple of thoughts come to mind.

1) Was it truly a non RIR case ? Maybe Enterject approved it as an RIR case and sent it to regional before BEC.

2) If it was an RIR case then DOL has procedure and structure to work on these cases so they may have started working on RIR approved cases (Note Im using RIR approved, not just RIR filed because TWC/Enterject took many RIR cases and labeled them TR (Regular) without notifying applicant.

3) If it is truely a Regular (Non RIR) case its welcome news. But then another quandry is why are they taking a 2004 case and issuing 45 day letter when there are cases pending from pror to 2001.