Dallas BEC tracking : Texas cases only

This whole process sucks

No we did not receive any letter from TWC that case has been transferred to BEC. Only correspondence received by lawyer was Enterject's letter last November. I received case number from BEC by emailing them myself, however I checked with lawyer last Friday and still no 45 day letter.

FYI: I have a friend whose case has PD IN 1998 whose LC is still not approved. He filed NON RIR at TWC. I know he filed then because he is already in 8th yr of H1. Seeing his case scares the sh.. out of me.
Thanks for the info, Texancanadian.
A rough estimate of TR/NONRIR cases out of total 360,000 cases would be atleast 125,000 to 150,000 are TR/NONRIR. So, we are looking at FULL data entry of 125,000 TR/NONRIR cases, ofcourse after all files move from TWC to DBEC, then 45 day letter issue and response, then the case will be picked up from the TR/NONRIR que and recruitment instructions will be issued and then after that is complete, then final approval...maybe in next life... :(
gc_maze, Texancanadian:

I am presuring my attorney to talk to TWC and find out why / when the files will be sent to DOL. Please talk to your respective attorneys and do the same. The mess is getting deeper an deeper. We have to get out of this hole...
I'll try but I have no hopes from my company's lawyer.
Also, Spidey has been kind enough to share the below info:

Originally Posted by gc_maze
Could you please let us know how much time in months did it take for you to complete the supervised recruitment ? It will give us all TR guys some idea.
Thanks !

Supervised recruitment was if I remember correctly July - Nov 2003.
This included contact from SWA - preparing advertisement - placing ad - no resumes were received - preparing recruitment report - Fedexing it back to SWA.

After that though my app sat with SWA until Apr 2004 before being forwarded to REgional. All of you will not have to go through this step since only BEC will handle everything now, if I understand this correctly.

ALso - the length of time you wait after placing ad thro preparing recruitment report and sending back to (in your case) BEC will be subject to your HR and lawyers best judgement. My lawyer thought it best to take as much time as we did, some others will only wait 30 days.
Enterject / TWC cases

gcmaze, Texan Canadian and others:

My attorney called just now. I had pressured him to speak to TWC about the mess with cases still stuck there.

This is what he found out officially from TWC:

1. Yes, the files are still with TWC; around 14,000
2. They are holding it because they have an ongoing litigation with Enterject.
Enterject is holding them at fault for termination of their contract. Therefore TWC to protect themselves is doing an inventory of all cases and documenting the irregularities of Enterject.

3. TWC has given a timeline of when they will finish this inventory and ship it finally to DOL. It will be by mid August.

The positive out of this is that we at least know where our case is and mid august is not far away.
Thanks Indio !

Thanks Indio !
Atleast now we know 14,000 files are at TWC and we will have to wait till mid Aug
Wish DBEC skips the 45 day crap for these files stuck at TWC, becas we already replied to "do you want to continue" letter from Enterject just this Jan'05. But we can't expect such professional behaviour.
BTW, Philly BEC people are reporting that it is in 2002 for processing of TR/NONRIR.
Is this possible ?

Texancanadian got D- case number without getting any 45 day letter.

Is it possible that he has not yet got the 45 day letter, becas of the response to "do u want to continue" RFE from Enterject ? ie. people who responded to Enterject RFE may not be getting 45 day letters and their cases will be data entered and straightaway put in the que ? Is this possible ?

Anybody, whose case was handled by Enterject, get the 45 day letter ?
I talked to my attorney today on this Enterject case with TWC. According to him, the cases which recd a letter from Enterject (Do u want to continue) are held at TWC under the legal dispute thing. So if you have not recd any letter from Enterject, then your case must have been transfered to the Dallas BEC. Any thoughts?

My PD is feb 2004 (EB2-RIR). Keeping my fingers crossed !!
Let them hear our valued voice

I am happy for the people who are getting their labor approval from BEC in the recent days as them, they deserve the long wait thats been going on for almost half-decade. BUT, in the other hand this is totally ridicoulus that the NON RIR people still are perplexed and confused why they fail to receive 45 days letter, story is even worst for few people who applied their NON RIR and never made it to regional. Being said that, its not appropriate for these people, as one of I am, to wait for another decade to see the flash from BEC. People like me whose file once been opened by Enterject, and since the legal dispute betn DOL and Enterject is a hot head issue, how could we make sure that our file will get cleared in what time frame. I appreciate the effort by few members, who by pressuring their attorney in getting the mislead info to the right track, but the confusion is still on. Few received the DOL case number, and some are sitting wondering where the file is?

I strongly ask the members to form a solid understanding of the pressed file, and lets invoke Mr. Khanna to get on the progress of conference call. The cost that will eventually totals, we the members, lets talk about the way we pay our debt, and see if we can get anything, the right info to see if we can file suit to DOL and its respective Enterject. If we don't do it now, we will never make it happen. Please send what you think, by quoting this voice.

Thanks all.
I think this is Ridiculous. Attonerys or AILA needs to confront this issue. Now it may take another year for them to send it to BPC Data entry, send 45 days letter and then process. Have already waited and wasted 3 years. now I think it may take another 3 years to get the labor.

Not sure what if we convert to PERM?
Any thoughts
Files at BEC

I just spoke to my lawyer. She said this is first time she has ever heard of the files being still at TWC. She said Enterject is history and all files are at BEC. Delay is only because all cases have not yet been entered in the system. They have total 300,000 plus cases. She said she has received some 45 day letters from Texas (newer cases) but not for any older cases. She said out of 110 total LC our firm has pending throughout USA (We have offices everywhere) only 20 cases have received 45 day letter. She hasnt received Labor Cert for any employee in last 6 months.
Files in Enterject

I pushed my lawyer twice to solve the mystery with Enterject . She said exactly the same thing like another lawyer said to texancanadian .
( may be we have the same lawyer ? ) .
As per her , I am not the only one who is asking her in the situation with cases in Enterject. She was confirmed by DBEC that my case is it there as all other cases transformed from Enterject .
On another hand , we have information on this forum that 14000 cases are still there, in Enterject.
Where is the truth?
I spoke with my lawyer again on Friday. As per him, like few members inquired and just received the same answer, Enterject is just a histroy now. Its all function has been collapsed, and the files were already been courrried back to Dallas Backlog Center. Guys we should not doubt this as the files been already shipped back to the center for further processing. I am not sure when we can hear from them, but my attorney is very much pleasent that I will be hearing soon. I am not suren when that soon would be over.
Enterject is not involved anymore, we all know that. But we have not heard anyone, whose file was touched by Enterject, has got the 45 day letter. So, now there are no files at Enterject, but those files maybe still lying at TWC.

What makes you think the files are at TWC ? Just a hunch or any proof. TWC should have shipped all cases to BEC-Dallas by now.
My lawyer said those cases are still at TWC. If your case was transferred to BEC-Dallas, you should have received a notice letter from TWC or Enterject saying so.
texancanadian said:
What makes you think the files are at TWC ? Just a hunch or any proof. TWC should have shipped all cases to BEC-Dallas by now.
It's a hunch, sorry, I don't have proof. But pabman_uk had posted below system previously (Aug 2004), and also as the contract was between TWC and Enterject, so in case of litigation, TWC would want to inventory the files touched by Enterject as a safegaurd:
Another level of paperwork-texas L/C
Since the sub-contracted out L/C by Texas has been going I finally got my sponsor to provide a month by month update.The only problem is this new system designed to reduce backlog is going no where.For the last 3 months all I have heard is they are processing October 2003, at least the old process seemed to move .I asked the question about does this reduce the need for both state and regional and this was the reply :-"Unfortunately they do have to still go to the regional office. Enterject will only review the files in the same way the state department would, plus once Enterject completes its review of the files and it is ready to move on to regional, Enterject must send it back to the state department so they can make sure there are no mistakes, then the state department would be the one sending the file to regional office. Even through Enterject SUPPOSE to speed up the backlog, it is still a lengthy process"
I cannot see how any of this is going to help
GCSyndrome said:
from Murthyforum.com

We were told that TWC will transfer the Enterject cases by the end of the month. However the transfer of cases have not gone the way the DOL planned at any stage.


This sucks, I mean c’mon. How could this be possible from the diff lawyers inquiring about the same thing in the same place and getting various responses??? How could this be possible to get multiple results for the same queries? How could this be getting off hand that someone successfully can achieve the "D" case number and rest can't even know where the file resides. I don’t know these days what to believe or no. This is not getting anywhere. Why could not attorney like S. Murthy concludes investigation in cases pending in Enterject, if thats the case??? I am sure, she obviously have tons of clients who initially filed their cases in TWC and moved to Enterject. This info is partially detailed, but not in descriptive way. I am not sure if this info will get me out of mind if the case is within the Enterject or no. I welcome the effort by GCSyndrome to drill this part of info, but I really don't see if this info holds any true validity to its greatest success.
I called the attorney and he said that in the AILA meeting the Labor Dept. Officials confirmed that the files from twc will be entered in a month or so. So I think by september we should hear from BEC something ...