Dallas BEC tracking : Texas cases only

indio0617 said:
But, I am concerned that some cases could be still at TWC / Enterject. I know for sure that the Aug 04 case was transferred to Dallas BEC. If so why are some cases still hanging at TWC / Enterject.

You should consult the Backlog FAQ, page 7-8. http://atlas.doleta.gov/foreign/pdf/backlog_faqs_5-2-05.pdf It clearly states that ALL cases (un-opened cases, processed cases, opened but not completed cases) were to be sent to the BEC by 4/22/05. Furthermore, you can consult the online manifest http://atlas.doleta.gov/foreign/docs/online_manifest.xls that will show you when your application was received by the BEC.

I am aware of the FAQ timeline for shipping the cases. Was concerned only because Asib and Rdoda (see their posts) confirmed via their attorneys that their cases were still with TWC.
Url Pls

gc_maze said:
If you do google search on "Enterject", you get some interesting news articles. Wonder why almost everybody got RFEs during Dec-Jan.

My search hit about 118 article related to Enterject within 0.11 seconds.
If you know which is more interesting, and could provide the link, I would appreciate it.
45-day letter

priority date: 04/22/2003
45-day letter received: 12/31/2004

no information on approval-status as yet. hope this info helps.
kaiser malek said:
priority date: 04/22/2003
45-day letter received: 12/31/2004

no information on approval-status as yet. hope this info helps.
Whats your case details, could you provide us any further info?

Is it RIR or NON RIR case?
Was Enterject did formal inquiry to your case?
If its RIR, when did it moved to DOL?
Whats the case number for first five digit, which will have the year and julian date?
Information I got from my lawyer.

I got the following information from my lawyer. Hopefully it helps.

"All cases that had to deal with Enterject are still at TWC.* If a case was not involved with Enterject, then the case has already been forwarded to the Backlog Reduction Center. Unfortunately, your case was transferred to Enterject, Enterject requested additional information/documentation which we responded to.* TWC now has to re-review all of their work and then forward to DOL."
MY Labor certification

Can Any Onre hhelp me?

I filed my labor in Non RIR from Arizona in 06/12/2001
It went to regional SF DOL in 09/19/2003

Still it did not come out of the DOL.

My lawyer says, no problem let the dol send the letter, tilll then we can not do any thing.

please help me.

labordrags said:
Calling all the people who severly suffered from applying in one of the worst place in the planet, i.e Texas Workforce Center. It would be nice to all if anyone have received any 45 days letter after their file moved to Dallas Backlog Elimination Center???
I am not sure what help you need.

Your lawyer is right, they can't do anything until DOL sends out 45 days letter.

NON RIR queue is getting behind in compare to RIR queue. Hopefully DOL may create 2 queue, one for RIR and other for NON RIR.

I would wait for few weeks and see what DOL is doing in the current time.
Confused and Frustrated

My RIR LC application date with TWC is 03/11/2004. I have not heard anything back from the TWC or DBEC at all. A friend of mine, who applied on April 2004, told me that his RIR application is still with the TWC. When I enquired my lawyer, she keeps on telling me we won't know anything until DBEC contacts us. This whole thing has me utterly confused and frustrated. Hope you guys can help me understand where my application might be.


SPP :confused:
spp1234 said:
My RIR LC application date with TWC is 03/11/2004. I have not heard anything back from the TWC or DBEC at all. A friend of mine, who applied on April 2004, told me that his RIR application is still with the TWC. When I enquired my lawyer, she keeps on telling me we won't know anything until DBEC contacts us. This whole thing has me utterly confused and frustrated. Hope you guys can help me understand where my application might be.


SPP :confused:

your application must be at the Dallas BEC now, so must be your friends. All cases have been forwarded here unless
1) Enterject started working on it (read myLC's post above)
2) reached regional and waiting to be certified

Dont worry, there are people who have applied a "helluva" long time before and still waiting.

Hopefully within the next 3-4 months all SWA cases will have recieved confirmation that they are at dallas by a 45 day letter.

I havent recieved a 45 day letter from Dallas BEC yet, but did recieve a letter from TWC that case has been forwarded.

Enterject Cases - Shocking News

I just found from my attorney that a lot of cases filed with Enterject are still with TWC and have not even been shipped to DOL. He confirmed it from the AILA conference where the director of DOL spoke about it.

I have asked my attorney to get specifics of my case. I would suggest that all of you who have applied with Enterject should do the same.
This freaking Enterject, DOL, TWC, BEC, is all killing us. Guys we need to do something about it in order for our future to progress. If we sit back, relax, nothing is going to happen. Why the hell the file is still in/with Enterject? Has anyone got any ideas from their respective lawyers or just no one has no clue???? I am seriously considering in withdrawing the filed LC and going to PERM, hopefully that will be the only way out.
My guess, looks like the contract with Enterject was abruptly ended, so maybe Enterject might be having some legal tussle with TWC. That is why TWC's legal department is holding on to these files till the dispute with Enterject is resolved.
See austin_joe's previous post in this thread "Now all cases are in TWC legal dept waiting clearance of legal dispute of Enterject and will be sent to Dallas in the near future."
But how come I received a case number from BEC

My case was with Enterject last November(2004). I received a letter from them last yr if they wanted us to continue the case, to which we responded positively. Didnt hear anything from them after that.
But then last month I sent email to Dallas BEC and I received new "D" case number from them.
So now if files are still at Enterject how come I received Dallas case number ? Doent make sense but nothing in Labor Cert process does. Is it possible that Enterject approve my case and sent it to BEC.
My case is August 2001 PD, RIR Remanded back to state case from TX.
My lawyer contacted DBEC in regard of my case and if it was transfered from Enterject to them .
The answer was yes- my case is in BEC , and will be processed in order of reciving non-rir PD dates .

never made to regional
letter from Enerject - 1/5/05
no case # with BEC
no 45 letter

Some files were sent directly from Enterject to DBEC, yours would be one of them. As your case number shows D-..., so they might have done full data entry for your file, and you might be getting 45 day letter soon.
Did you get a letter from TWC stating that your file is being transferred to DBEC ? If not then your file also moved directly to DBEC.
Problem is we won't know what criteria was used to send some files directly to DBEC and some to TWC and when will files at TWC move to DBEC..?
gc_maze ,

See a letter form DBEC to my lawyer below.
I have not got any letters from TWC .
May 9, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: NOT YET ASSIGNED
The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.
Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days after responding to the 45-day letter.
This standard reply I got in Feb itself as email response. Looks like your lawyer got a standard reply. Unless your email enquiry gives you a T- or D- number, you can't surely say that it is with DBEC.
nik5 said:
gc_maze ,

See a letter form DBEC to my lawyer below.
I have not got any letters from TWC .
May 9, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: NOT YET ASSIGNED
The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time, we are unable to provide any additional status information on Permanent Labor Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications and additional information will be requested from the employer if needed.
Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days after responding to the 45-day letter.

This is a standard auto generated letter. I got it too. It does not mean that your case has reached Backlog DOL.
Did you get a letter from TWC stating that your file is being moved to DBEC ? If your file moved from Enterject to TWC to DBEC, then you might have gotten the letter from TWC. What is sure is that some files are still at TWC, waiting for what ?