Dallas BEC Approval Queue Tracker

Congrats Vchidamb

Congrats :) :) :) Vchidamb on your LC approval. You passed important mile stone in the GC processing.

Can you please provide your new case number D-????-?XXXX. My case (SWA- MI, 45 days letter April 05, EB3 and non-rir) is older than yours and waiting to here from Dallas BEC.

GOOD NEWS - Labor approved

Guys....., finally after a long wait and panic, I got an email from my HR saying my labor is approved. Not very exited but kind of had mixed feelings.
As of now, I do not know the details of when it was approved.

Funniest thing is my best guess in my signature below says labor will be certified on Aug 5th,05. It so happened that I got to hear this news one day before.

I will post the details when I hear from them.

One more thing..., BEC never responded to the screen shot requests, may be bacause my certification is already mailed.

MI, EB2,RIR, PD : Dec09, 2002, RD Chicago DOL : Feb11,2004

Kanjoos..., I think you should hear yours pretty soon... Good Luck.

To all gurus and ICARUS...., Thankyou very much
Chicago-case said:
Guys....., finally after a long wait and panic, I got an email from my HR saying my labor is approved. Not very exited but kind of had mixed feelings.
As of now, I do not know the details of when it was approved.

Funniest thing is my best guess in my signature below says labor will be certified on Aug 5th,05. It so happened that I got to hear this news one day before.

I will post the details when I hear from them.

One more thing..., BEC never responded to the screen shot requests, may be bacause my certification is already mailed.

MI, EB2,RIR, PD : Dec09, 2002, RD Chicago DOL : Feb11,2004

Kanjoos..., I think you should hear yours pretty soon... Good Luck.

To all gurus and ICARUS...., Thankyou very much


How could you be so accurate? Pls. guess for me too! PD :4/7/2004, RD: Oct, 04, IA, Chicago. :D

Good luck to your 140/485.

Chicago-case said:
Guys....., finally after a long wait and panic, I got an email from my HR saying my labor is approved. Not very exited but kind of had mixed feelings.
As of now, I do not know the details of when it was approved.

Funniest thing is my best guess in my signature below says labor will be certified on Aug 5th,05. It so happened that I got to hear this news one day before.

I will post the details when I hear from them.

One more thing..., BEC never responded to the screen shot requests, may be bacause my certification is already mailed.

MI, EB2,RIR, PD : Dec09, 2002, RD Chicago DOL : Feb11,2004

Kanjoos..., I think you should hear yours pretty soon... Good Luck.

To all gurus and ICARUS...., Thankyou very much
CA RIR/PD: Sep 2002 havent heard anything ?

I know a bunch of people with PD's in June 2002 havent heard anything from BEC.

My 45 day letter from dallas BEC was replied to in Jan 2005. Company policy is to not give us the case number. Is there anyone with a PD in sep 2002 still waiting to hear something from the BEC ?

RIR filed from CA.
PD: 20 Sep 2002
DOL RD: Aug 2003
DeCgC_007 said:
What's happening with the remanded (From DOL to SWA) cases? Any update on the current date?

Looks like only RIR cases have been moving in BPC. Anyone with NON-RIR case, PD in 2001, getting 45 days letter / LC processed?

Please reply.


I am still wating with NON RIR , remanded to state and PD:2001.I am still waiitng for 45 day letter.

i would suggest to ait for coupleof months and try.We are in q, but long qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq

ICARUS,gp111,ram_ram, s_chicago, puhrince and all others.... Thankyou.

I have decided to file 140/485 asap because of possible EB2 retrogression rumor. Initially thought of Consular processing, but lawyer says 485 gives more control.

GOODLUCK to you all.

s_chicago said:

How could you be so accurate? Pls. guess for me too! PD :4/7/2004, RD: Oct, 04, IA, Chicago. :D

Good luck to your 140/485.
Kalifonia said:
I know a bunch of people with PD's in June 2002 havent heard anything from BEC.

My 45 day letter from dallas BEC was replied to in Jan 2005. Company policy is to not give us the case number. Is there anyone with a PD in sep 2002 still waiting to hear something from the BEC ?

My PD is August 2002, TX. 45 Letter response on Feb 2. No approval as of yet. My coworker with PD Sept 2002 (TX) received approval month ago.

Case number: D-04294-14xyz
Case Type: TR / EB3 / Texas
Position: Software Engineer
Priority Date: Oct. 12, 2000 ( yes it took them a while to get to my case )
Limited Review requested was rejected in Nov. 2002
45 Day Letter responded: Feb 25, 2005
Case Status was "Final Review" when checked in last week of May 2005.

Case Status shows "Certified" in email received today. The screen shot does not show when it was approved. My lawyer has not received anything in the mail. I have also not received any thing in the mail.

Thanks to everyone on this forum.
Certified !!!

Hi all

Wanted to share this info. I applied for a 7th year extension since my 6th year is ending this december. THe case status shows certified. It is a EB3 case. please find all details in my signature. Thanks
Source of the information please

sleepless_in_IN said:
You should check out:
http://www.immigration-law.com/AC-21 Memo 05-12-05.pdf

Go to the H1B section:
If you read ans. to ques. 4, 6 and 7 (Page 9 of 12) I think it's pretty good news for people in their 6th and 7th year. If my interpretation is correct what it says is that a long as you had a LC pending for 365 days OR it has been at least 365 days since you applied for a LC which was/is approved AND as long as it is not being substituted for someone else you can get your H1B renewed based on that LC by a different (ANY OTHER) company.

So in essence you could find a job with a different company have them renew your H1B based on your LC with the old company. Then you have that period of time to apply for a new LC and start your GC process over. With PERM and experience from your old company you have a pretty good chance. It might be tough but not impossible to keep staying here as long as you can find a willing employer.

Hi Sleepless

Could you provide me the source of the above informaiton? I am in a very similar situation.

I would be really appreciate it.

Please Send it to rajeshshetty05@hotmail.com

Received HardCopy This Week

45-Days Letter Received 02/01/2005
Certified Date 06/26/2005
7th Yr Extension Mail 07/15/2005 (Certified)
Mail Received by Lawyear 07/28/2005
Mail Received by Me 08/03/2005

Congrats on your approval, hope forbest in next stage.

Chicago-case said:
ICARUS,gp111,ram_ram, s_chicago, puhrince and all others.... Thankyou.

I have decided to file 140/485 asap because of possible EB2 retrogression rumor. Initially thought of Consular processing, but lawyer says 485 gives more control.

GOODLUCK to you all.

I have been a silent observer of this forum. I requested proof of submission from Dallas and Philadelphia, since I will be completing 6th year. Recvd a screen shot from Philly The case status shows certified. Thanks to ZB, Icarus,GP111 and all for the suggestions/insights.

Chicago RIR CASE
PD (MI): JAN 02
LC Status: Certified per Screen shot
ETA: d-05004-*****
VKW, ru sure your PD is Jan 02 and RIR?? there is no way there are any MI cases from Jan 02 in the backlog center - MI cases from Dec 02 fell in the hole

VKW said:
I have been a silent observer of this forum. I requested proof of submission from Dallas and Philadelphia, since I will be completing 6th year. Recvd a screen shot from Philly The case status shows certified. Thanks to ZB, Icarus,GP111 and all for the suggestions/insights.

Chicago RIR CASE
PD (MI): JAN 02
LC Status: Certified per Screen shot
ETA: d-05004-*****
Case Status==Blank

Could you help me? What's the meaning of “Case Status==Blank”?
Thanks a lot!
VKW..something is wrong in the info you are providing...a case with PD as Feb02 from MI won't be in a backlog center..it should have been approved in Feb 03 itself!! check your details again..only cases from Dec02 onwards have fallen in to the BEC

VKW said:
Small correction, my pd is Feb 02 from MI

True, but for some reason which Attorneys never told me it did not get approval.Well My PD IS 02/14/02.
Labor Cert Approval

I've lurked on this forum for a while to calibrate my expectations on when I'd recieve approval, anyway I just got it, the details are below and I wish everyone else the best of luck.


California RIR for EB2
Orginally Filed with California - 22nd July 2002
State Approval Received - 5th June 2003
Final Determination from Dallas BEC Dated - 12th May 2005
Recived letter forwarded from Attourney - 8th Aug 2005

Over 3 years in the waiting, thats youre tax dollars at work.... :rolleyes:
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