Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

misunderstood said:

With the criticality of the 45 day notice letter of transfer to a BEC, in that a no-reply will be a cause for a permanent case closure, I was concerned as to how the BEC is mailing these letters. Since any delays in the mail delivery, or even the case of a missing mail, undelivered mail, etc, which could happen, even if the chances are small, could cause a permanent case closure.

I am also thinking in the same sense and agree with you completely. I only wish there is some automated system to find the status.

Does any body know which BEC (dallas/Philly) the SFO cases went to? I know it is half each, but any ranges of case numbers?

I am very new here,

I am looking for some information on SF labor cases, My RD is May-03(SF), did any body get BEC 45-day letter with this time frame?
misunderstood said:
And also tell us where your LC was originally filed from (which state ?)

sorry for the dealy. My labor was filed from louisana.
PD 4/19/04
sent to Regional(Dallas) 4/24/04
letter dated I think 17th Dec 2004.
sudmoni said:
sorry for the dealy. My labor was filed from louisana.
PD 4/19/04
sent to Regional(Dallas) 4/24/04
letter dated I think 17th Dec 2004.

Are you sure the PD is 4/19/04??
That seems relatively recent.
gandolf said:
Are you sure the PD is 4/19/04??
That seems relatively recent.
Yes I am positive. I think everyone will be getting the letter its the matter of time, I think they are sending the letter randomly.
Any approvals

I could be asking too fast but looks like people have been receiving letters and responses have been sent by the lawyers. Are there any actual approvals at all?

Icarus, do you know when BEC might actually start approving? Is there a time frame when they might start?

Happy Holidays!!!!
Atlanta cases to Dallas BEC?


Do you have any idea if Atlanta cases are also going to Dallas BEC and when? No approvals are comming out of Atlanta DOL these days. :confused:


Icarus said:
Contents of the shipment from Chicago are unknown other than that the cases being sent have qualified as "backlogged". Cases being sent have not been processed by Chicago other than having received a Regional Office received date. All processing on forwarded cases will be accomplished at the BEC. The cases have not been received in Dallas as of today but it is understood that they are en route. Once these cases have been inventoried, and data entry accomplished, 45-day letters will begin to be generated and sent out. You're probably looking at several weeks at least before letters begin to arrive back in the region.
ACS_78 said:
I could be asking too fast but looks like people have been receiving letters and responses have been sent by the lawyers. Are there any actual approvals at all?

Icarus, do you know when BEC might actually start approving? Is there a time frame when they might start?

Happy Holidays!!!!
Presently, only 45-day letters to confirm continuation of the application and to correct errors in the application are being sent/returned. Once responses begin arriving (yes, there have been a few), analysts will begin reviewing applications in two FIFO queues, RIR and Traditional and recommending cases to certifying officers for approval or denial. Actual review process will most likely (scheduled) begin after the first of the year.
Jaiatl said:

Do you have any idea if Atlanta cases are also going to Dallas BEC and when? No approvals are comming out of Atlanta DOL these days. :confused:

Where ATL backlogged cases get processed largely depends upon whether PERM goes into effect anytime soon. In PERM's absence, ATL will assist in working on their own backlog unless/until DOL decides otherwise. As the rough geographical division is the Mississippi river (Chicago's backlog being an obvious exception), the presumed BEC that will handle ATL's backlog will be Philadelphia, but that could change.
Icarus said:
Where ATL backlogged cases get processed largely depends upon whether PERM goes into effect anytime soon. In PERM's absence, ATL will assist in working on their own backlog unless/until DOL decides otherwise. As the rough geographical division is the Mississippi river (Chicago's backlog being an obvious exception), the presumed BEC that will handle ATL's backlog will be Philadelphia, but that could change.

Thanks Icarus. It is of great help.
Icarus said:
Presently, only 45-day letters to confirm continuation of the application and to correct errors in the application are being sent/returned. Once responses begin arriving (yes, there have been a few), analysts will begin reviewing applications in two FIFO queues, RIR and Traditional and recommending cases to certifying officers for approval or denial. Actual review process will most likely (scheduled) begin after the first of the year.

Thanks a lot for the info Icarus. Hope things will be better in 2005 for every one.
rcvd letter from bec

My employer rcvd letter from DALLAS BEC on DEC16 2004. They were asking for the continuation of the file, they had correction list for the employers and the alien information. In my case there was no correction list, they just required the employer signature's for continuation of the file and reply within 45 days time period. My case is in RIR, DOL recieved date is september 30, 2003. My employer mailed the letter on December 20, 2004 and i am crossing my finger for the reply.
Please help..

Dallas BEC letters

Did any one recieved 45days letters from dallas back log elimination center during my priority dates.. I have not (my lawyer) recieved the letter for my case. It has been a long wait..

Filed from Dallas in eb2
filed date : July 29 th 2002
Sent to Regional office on : Jan 16th 2003.
in RIR.

Please post if any one recieved letters during that range. Does any one have any idea how long it will take to get the labor cleared once we get the letter.
scorp29 said:
My employer rcvd letter from DALLAS BEC on DEC16 2004. They were asking for the continuation of the file, they had correction list for the employers and the alien information. In my case there was no correction list, they just required the employer signature's for continuation of the file and reply within 45 days time period. My case is in RIR, DOL recieved date is september 30, 2003. My employer mailed the letter on December 20, 2004 and i am crossing my finger for the reply.


What is your SESA priority date and from which state? Thanks in advance

Has anyone from SFO received the 45 day letter

Has anyone from San Francisco Office received the 45 day letter from the Dallas BEC? If yes, can you please let us know the PD and RD.

ND cases went to Dallas DOL

Can anyone please share that received 45- days letters from Dallas Backlog center, whoes applied labor state is North Dakota or Denver region??

If so please let us know your date went to Dallas DOL.

Highly appreciated your response.

Re: What is your SESA priority date and from which state? Thanks in advance

higcoptimist said:

What is your SESA priority date and from which state? Thanks in advance


I filed from Houston in March 2001.

Posting for a friend.
Can anyone please tell me whether the cases (filed between Aprl 2001 and Aug 2001) that were transferred from DOL back to SWA (converting from RIR -> NON-RIR) are/will be moved to BEC Dallas?
Any update on such cases?
Do you have any update on the Chicago DOL cases. Are they moving to Dallas BEC?

GC_DJ said:
Do you have any update on the Chicago DOL cases. Are they moving to Dallas BEC?

The cases were received the first part of last week and are currently being inventoried and data entered.