Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Labour approved

Guys...My employer told me today that my labour approval has arrived.
My details as in my signature. I think DBEC is really picking up speed now, as along with mine one of my collegue also got his labour approval (his was MO state, July 2003 PD RIR EB3).

Thanks for all your support and hang in there everyone, finally I feel US is really a land of hope.

I don't know wnything about I-140 proceedure. Do you guys know if I can now apply that in premium processing?
LC Approved

Hey guys,

Employer just got word that my LC is approved. PD Sep 2003, 45 day letter - Mar 05, Texas/EB2/RIR.

I know its a long frustrating journey....hang in there....
LC processing workflow


I am sorry if this has been answered before.. but I am trying to unerstand the LC workflow process. What does "data review" mean? Is the processing work flow like this -

data entry -> DATA REVIEW -> send 45 day letter ->receive reply -> RIR/NON RIR/CLOSED etc. -> ??? -> CERTIFIED

If somebody can throw light on this it would be great and help others interpret where they are at based on the screen shots they have received.

thanks in advance

I don't think Premium Processing for I-140 has started yet, even though it was announced already. You may want to monitor the USCIS website for the official starting date. But if I were you I'd push my employer to file I-140 ASAP. It should be a straightforward and simple process, without you doing much paperwork. Good luck.

I'm still patiently waiting for my 45DL, while three of my co-workers around the same PD all got theirs within the past couple of weeks. Man, what a journey!

ucicgc said:
Guys...My employer told me today that my labour approval has arrived.
My details as in my signature. I think DBEC is really picking up speed now, as along with mine one of my collegue also got his labour approval (his was MO state, July 2003 PD RIR EB3).

Thanks for all your support and hang in there everyone, finally I feel US is really a land of hope.

I don't know wnything about I-140 proceedure. Do you guys know if I can now apply that in premium processing?

zyx321 said:
Hey guys,

Employer just got word that my LC is approved. PD Sep 2003, 45 day letter - Mar 05, Texas/EB2/RIR.

I know its a long frustrating journey....hang in there....

I hope I get mine soon !!!.

Fyi..(copied from murthy.com, I think it is very important information to know):

The immigration debate is ongoing, and some of the provisions outlined here may change or be eliminated entirely in any final immigration bill. The legislative process is full of give and take, with each side compromising on various issues. Therefore, we do not recommend taking any action or making serious plans based on any provisions of this bill. It is also premature for one to pay for assistance with related immigration paperwork until and unless the final bill has been passed by the House and Senate and signed by the President. At the Murthy Law Firm, we will continue to follow this important matter and will advise our readers of any new legislation that changes the immigration laws affecting them.
My PD is 1/2002. EB3 from kansas.., still waiting for 45 day letter.....,

karr said:
Hope i get mine too.
1020 days and counting......
My PD is 1/2002. EB3 from kansas.., still waiting for 45 day letter....., I am hoping to get my labor approval some time this decade...
You in a hurry?

First off Congratulations on your labor approval.

I dont understand why you are in such a hurry? Can you file I-485 now? If yes then premium processing for I-140 makes sense. Remember there are tens of thousands of others waiting like you who have priority dates much older than yours. So I would advise you to exercise some patience here.

ucicgc said:
Guys...My employer told me today that my labour approval has arrived.
My details as in my signature. I think DBEC is really picking up speed now, as along with mine one of my collegue also got his labour approval (his was MO state, July 2003 PD RIR EB3).

Thanks for all your support and hang in there everyone, finally I feel US is really a land of hope.

I don't know wnything about I-140 proceedure. Do you guys know if I can now apply that in premium processing?
old cases processing?

With the kind of approvals in last 2 days, now I think they started approving old cases( such as 45 days letter responded long back and waiting). Check on luck again :rolleyes:

DOCSIS said:

PD: Sep 2003
RFE at state asking some employer info.
labor_2004 said:
ucicgc and zyx321

Congratulations and good luck in the next stages.

Glad to see more and more MI cases entered here recently. This is really help us to track the DBEC Labor process for michigan state. I would like to say you may receive yours very soon. GOOD LUCK!
Hope so too

HuhGC said:
With the kind of approvals in last 2 days, now I think they started approving old cases( such as 45 days letter responded long back and waiting). Check on luck again :rolleyes:

Same here
PD May 2004 EB 2 RIR (rest of the world category)
RD 45 day letter Oct 2005
Case no D-05111-xxxxx.
Labor Certified

Hi folks,

After a long wait, my labor has finally been certified. See details below

Filed in : TX
PD: AUG-02
RD: FEB-03
Processing Type: RIR EB2
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case #: D-04280-xxxxx
45 Day letter: MAR-05
Case Status: Approved (JUN-06)
8th year H1B
In the US since 1995

I wrote to both my Senator and Congressman, not sure if that helped. Please contribute to Immigration Voice if you have not already. They've done a commendable job in getting some key provisions into the Immigration bill that passed in the Senate. The job is only half done and they could use more support.

Hang in there, like they say, it is darkest before the dawn.
45 Day Letter Received

I am very excited to tell you all that I finally received my 45 Day Letter. Labor should now be approved in 1-2 months, I guess.

Following are the details:

Filed in : WI
PD: 11/03/2004
Processing Type: RIR EB3
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case #: D-05215-xxxxx
45 Day letter: June-02-2006
45 Day letter replied: June-02-2006
LC = Not Yet
45 day letter received finally

congrats zakiaahmed. I am also very happy to tell you guys that i just received an email from my employer stating that my 45 day letter was received. I am not sure if they have already responded or might respond to it by monday. Any guess on when the labor might get certified? Thanks for all your help.

Following are the details:

Filed in : WY
PD: 10/01/2004
Processing Type: RIR EB3
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
45 Day letter: June-02-2006
45 Day letter replied: ???
LC = Not Yet

Can anyone also tell me how do i get the case # please.

Hi, What did you write to the senator. I want to do that, can you give some approch.

knacath said:
Hi folks,

After a long wait, my labor has finally been certified. See details below

Filed in : TX
PD: AUG-02
RD: FEB-03
Processing Type: RIR EB2
Processing Center: Dallas Backlog Elimination Center
Case #: D-04280-xxxxx
45 Day letter: MAR-05
Case Status: Approved (JUN-06)
8th year H1B
In the US since 1995

I wrote to both my Senator and Congressman, not sure if that helped. Please contribute to Immigration Voice if you have not already. They've done a commendable job in getting some key provisions into the Immigration bill that passed in the Senate. The job is only half done and they could use more support.

Hang in there, like they say, it is darkest before the dawn.