Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Hello SFMARS !

My case did not change to D. Here is the list of fields which are populated with values:

ETA Case Number: T-05182-XXXXX,Employer Name, Alien Name, Case Received Date:06/03/2004, Priority Date: 06/03/2004, Processing Center: DBEC.

In the previous screen shot, Case Source was State, now on recent screen shot Case Source is blank.

You said I will get a good news soon, could you please tell me what good news will I get and please tell me why you are thinking like that.

Your response would be greatly appreciated.
Very frustrating indeed

I am still not sure how the FIFO works at DBEC. How come the 2005 cases get approved before 2004 and 2003 cases. I am still waiting and frustrated and it had been very long wait.Is there light at the end of tunnel

45 day letter: 02/28/06
Replied: 03/10/06
LC certified: :mad:
email address

Jewelhaque, could you give the email address which you used to get the screen shot?
jewelhaque said:
Hello SFMARS !

My case did not change to D. Here is the list of fields which are populated with values:

ETA Case Number: T-05182-XXXXX,Employer Name, Alien Name, Case Received Date:06/03/2004, Priority Date: 06/03/2004, Processing Center: DBEC.

In the previous screen shot, Case Source was State, now on recent screen shot Case Source is blank.

You said I will get a good news soon, could you please tell me what good news will I get and please tell me why you are thinking like that.

Your response would be greatly appreciated.

mali03 said:
I am waiting too....with latest approvals for 2005, do not know what happened to my case. I work in state institution with more than 3000 employees but still no news. :eek:
Can SFMARS, any body else throw some light why we with PD 2004 are still stuck while 2005 cases are being approved?

Yes,These people one fine day from 2006 started approving cases who replied to 45 day letter immediately .and we all who replied earlier in 2005 are still stuck ultimately these people will create a retrogression in next stages and we will be forever waiting to get gc's while people who applied after us will apply for citizenship.
sfmars can u give some insight into when we can expect approval

PD May 2004
RD 45 day letter replied Oct 2005
Case no D-05111-xxxxx
Approval-is there something called that.?
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it's no typo. it's 12/21/2004. my attorney told me I will hear something about my case shortly too (my PD is 12/13/2004).


They say they are not aware of this issue, I would reccommend to use 10 minutes of your time to send email to below persons. Maybe something will come good out of this.

Instead of being silent readers and venting your frustration out in this forum and watching movies and drinking beer just write a letter....

I got two responses from two news channels, all they are saying they will do the research and they are not aware of this situtation DOL has created. But they want more real stories from different people...


To: belluck@nytimes.com; sundays@cbsnews.com; 48hours@cbsnews.com; jonathan.wald@nbc.com; comments@fareedzakaria.com; jabenn@nytimes.com; abc.news.magazines@abc.com; 2020@abc.com; thisweek@abc.com; Dateline@NBC.com; WT@nbc.com; MTP@NBC.com; nightly@nbc.com; today@nbc.com; viewerservices@msnbc.com; msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com; abramsreport@msnbc.com; countdown@msnbc.com; hardball@msnbc.com; Connected@MSNBC.com; Imus@msnbc.com; allenh@washpost.com; allenm@washpost.com; aranam@washpost.com; argetsinger@washpost.com; rajiv@washpost.com; cheaterry@washpost.com; cohnd@washpost.com; coopermana@washpost.com; apcar@nytimes.com; peappl@nytimes.com; randya@nytimes.com; barbanel@nytimes.com; dabarry@nytimes.com; barstow@nytimes.com; goldbehr@nytimes.com; brian_hill@metronetworks.com; sheberer@pbs.org; ftn@cbsnews.com; betsy.fischer@nbc.com; plorris@univision.net; abenitez@univision.net; steve.majors@nbc.com; mcurtis@njn.org; stu.schutzman@abc.com; muriel.pearson@abc.com; dij@cbsnews.com; lisa.hsia@nbc.com; mail@uttm.com; pjh@cbsnews.com; browne@foxnews.com; pls@cbsnews.com; gmartin@express-news.net; opinionjournal@wsj.com; mossberg@wsj.com; geoffrey.fowler@wsj.com; clemons@newamerica.net; lakshmipathy@newamerica.net; white@newamerica.net; friedman@newamerica.net; menon@newamerica.net; letters@nypost.com; letters@washpost.com; wsj.ltrs@wsj.com; Joseph, Gar; Laker, Barbara; nschwartz@fortunemail.com; publisher@forbes.com

I was actually referring to your signature..

Kanbhuali said:
it's no typo. it's 12/21/2004. my attorney told me I will hear something about my case shortly too (my PD is 12/13/2004).

Your signature says :

PD 12/13/2004
45 day letter APR/2004

I am assuming the 45DL comes after the PD :). Anyways, its your signature and your PD.. so hands-off for me.. just happened to notice something so brought it up..
Straight Cases and Special-handling Cases

kalamazoo said:
I am still not sure how the FIFO works at DBEC. How come the 2005 cases get approved before 2004 and 2003 cases. I am still waiting and frustrated and it had been very long wait.Is there light at the end of tunnel

If you notice the DOL Statement regarding number of approvals since BECs received about 365,000 cases all together, it looked to me that BECs started adjudicating them and went on approving those cases which they think 'complete' and/or 'ok to certify'. At the same time for other cases, they placed them aside at the 'special-handling' bin. In their term, 'special handling' could be something 'not in order', or 'incomplete' or 'need more information' or something similar. Hence even if they say FIFO but what we see in total, FIFO is a failure.

Unfortunately my case would have been cleared last september, but waiting at 'special-handling' bin. I guess, after they complete all cases upto March 28, 2005, they may start taking 'special-handling cases' or 'traditional' cases.

Just my views.
45DL-Feb 05.
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EB3 RIR PD 2002 Approved today 4/20/2006 Dallas Texas

Hi, All!
I have been a silent obsever in this forum for quite some time. A few minutes ago I received an email from my Lawyer, my case has been approved today 4/20/2006

Thanks a lot for your support.

PD: Jul 2002
Dallas Texas
45 day - Replied in FEB 2005
Waiting for ever....

My case details are as follows:

PD: 04/01/2004
WI State cleared
Sent to Dallas BEC on 03/24/2005

Have seen people getting their labor cleared with PD later than mine. Not sure if there is any process Dallas BEC is following in clearing up the cases. Height is they won't even entertain any calls from us, unlike regional offices which didn't had any such stupid policies. God knows whether there is any light at the end of the tunnel.
What is going on?

I have no idea what is happening to labor certification.
Anyone has any insight? all these immigration reform actions seems only applying to illegal immigrants???

Case : RIR - CA
Case#: D-05193-xxxxx
PD: June 3 2004
RD: June 31 2004
rec'd confirmation letter from Dallas Backlog center: Nov 3 2005
45 day letter:?
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Please clarify


I am reading all your replies here for various questions and I am really amazed at your knowledge. I could not resist myself from asking you this question:

I have two labors field, one D-04329-XXXXX Received Date is 31/12/2004 and another one T-05181-XXXXX Received Date 04/21/2004. Both are from DBEC. 45 Days letters were answered too.

Can you please tell me approximately when can I get these approved?

Other friends! you can also please answer this question if you know....

Thanks in advance!

Infinite_gc said:

I am reading all your replies here for various questions and I am really amazed at your knowledge. I could not resist myself from asking you this question:

I have two labors field, one D-04329-XXXXX Received Date is 31/12/2004 and another one T-05181-XXXXX Received Date 04/21/2004. Both are from DBEC. 45 Days letters were answered too.

Can you please tell me approximately when can I get these approved?

Other friends! you can also please answer this question if you know....

Thanks in advance!

With no ill intention to SFMARS or anyone else, although many of us (incl. me) are trying to predict 45 DL dates... there doesnt seem to be much of a pattern.. I have actually invented a new processing term that could might describe it.. FIRO (First In Random Out)..
e-mail for status

:confused: recently i got the status of my case by e-mailing DBEC.but the thing is my case number is D-05111-xxxxx and i have seen many approvals with case number D-05100 and and D-052xxx also .the status mail said that waiting for review from officer .what does it really mean i am very confused as 45 day letter is answered long back shudnt it be final review by now.
sfmars said:
Non PIR, Hard to say....

If your case went to region or not ? If yes I would expect sometime at the end of summer. If no and recruitment was not done ....... I would not expect anything before 2007.

Do not give up. Everything can change at the end of June. I think that July 2006 is going to be month of BECs report to DOL and estimation of their performance, everything can change after that.
Thanks sfmars for ur quick response.
Hi Sfmars,

Any insight abt my case?

Case : RIR - MI - EB2
PD: Apr 2004
RD: Never made to region
45 Day Letter - Not yet

Thanks in advance