Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

skganji said:
Ok, I am a fool and I made a mistake. You are a very great man , you deserver green card .
.I don't know how to read english,write english . There are lot of fools in the world and God created it that way. Nobody is perfect. I will be one among the fools.
I still don't understand , why some educated people become arrogant and feel superior in their heads . You are one among them. Like the brahmins in India, some of them are very arrogant, because of their so called education and they started their own version of Untouchability which is not in the Vedas.
Just shut up !!. I will get what I deserve. God is their to punish me above.

in writing the above citing brahmins, you just proved that you not only have a problem with your temper, you are also racist. you have more problems than you think you have. i hope that USCIS wears those cowboy boots when the kick your racist butt out of here. this place is better off without osmania universities like you.
screen shot

Hi Guys,

Can any one tell me how can i get a screen shot of my case?


45 days:08/01/05 replay 09/01/05
no RD: did not make it.
Message for labordrags – Moderator

Message for labordrags – Moderator

Will you please remove these posts by Skganji and others who have responded to him?
These are not related to DBEC, I have a dial up connection and it is a pain going through all these pages and posts which contains irrelevant matters.

Thank you
Dude - you gotta be kid'n me

shjo68 said:
Hi Guys,

Can any one tell me how can i get a screen shot of my case?


45 days:08/01/05 replay 09/01/05
no RD: did not make it.

Do a little home work and read a few pages -- it won't take long to find your answer in this forum. Also check the FAQs.
I hope you find the comment that blasts people (supposedly intelligent and educated -- that is why we are here) for asking elementry questions.
LC Approved


Heard from the lawyer last evening that he has received my approved Labor Certification. I was waiting for them to fax me a copy so that I can post more details.

Good luck to everyone.


hbcsc153 said:

Heard from the lawyer last evening that he has received my approved Labor Certification. I was waiting for them to fax me a copy so that I can post more details.

Good luck to everyone.


Congratulations !!!
Delicateone said:
Message for labordrags – Moderator

Will you please remove these posts by Skganji and others who have responded to him?
These are not related to DBEC, I have a dial up connection and it is a pain going through all these pages and posts which contains irrelevant matters.

Thank you

DelicateOne, well said. I'm pretty sure most of the silent readers in the forum second you.

Guys, this a forum for BEC issues. Please dont waste the time, of hundreds of readers, who visit this forum for BEC issues.

Skganji, we are all sorry to hear your story. Nice to see that you have learned from your mistakes and decided to move on. We all wish you good luck in that. But please dont use this forum for any more arguments.

Skganji bashers, please stop this madness. please stick on to BEC issues. Skganji had some unfortunate events in his life, which none of us want in our lives. He already has enough issues to solve. Allow him to do that. Who are we to judge others?

Good luck to all in the GC process.
Re :Does sending letter / meeting local senator help?

Sorry to note about your case closure.. But don't worry. I was in the same situation and my case got reinstated/reopened.

In my case, my attorney sent a letter to reinstate the mistakenly closed case and followd by email and phone call etc ( Please ref my earlier post 2-3 months ago for detailed procedure

Good luck

GCW8 said:
vpj1943, AnbuFl, Gurus,

Does sending letter / meeting local senator help?
My case is closed at BEC. Attorney had sent letter to reopen case, which was closed by DBEC in error.

DBEC has not responded in past 3 Months

I would appreciate if anyone who has gone thru this could Please advise.

s_chicago said:
Following members are the next in line to get approvals. I know shivab and gogia is active members. Others please reply if you did not have any RFE from state or DOL and still waiting for approval. Based on your reply we can understand whether dBEC has stopped approving RIR regional cases.
(A very few RIR Regional cases are left, in this forum DB some what 50 cases left)

jp_ammu, PD=02-Dec-03
Twingle, PD=04-Dec-03
nesnes, PD=05-Dec-03
smuppala, PD=10-Dec-03
m_4gc, PD=10-Dec-03
hbcsc153, PD=12-Dec-03
gogia, PD=15-Dec-03
shivab, PD=23-Dec-03
GC69, PD=23-Dec-03
PD-12-24-03, PD=24-Dec-03
Sr100671, PD=29-Dec-03
travelcheer, PD=01-Jan-04
svetac, PD=04-Jan-04
vicky006, PD=05-Jan-04
s2c97, PD=06-Jan-04
lax-gc, PD=15-Jan-04
rhythmram, PD=26-Jan-04
univemployee, PD=26-Jan-04
dhirajs98, PD=26-Jan-04
Quo_vadimus, PD=29-Jan-04

No NOF/RFE for us.
We are still awaiting approval.
Still waiting....

Should I be next in the approval queue?

PD: 1/22/2004 (EB3/RIR/CHICAGO)
RD: 09/2004
45 DL Rpld: 03/2005
Approval Date : Still Waiting
So far 4/5 responses from members who have end Dec'03/Jan'04 PDs (RIR Regional cases). All of them are still waiting. It scares me. We, who have regional cases, were almost there. It is like 'Our elevator is stuck at 46th floor of a 50 floor high building'. We should not loose our hope yet as it is holiday time. If this continues till 15th January and we don’t see Jan’04 approvals, we are dead. 2 Yrs…3 Yrs of waiting… only GOD knows… :eek: :eek:

s_chicago said:
Originally Posted by s_chicago
Following members are the next in line to get approvals. I know shivab and gogia is active members. Others please reply if you did not have any RFE from state or DOL and still waiting for approval. Based on your reply we can understand whether dBEC has stopped approving RIR regional cases.
(A very few RIR Regional cases are left, in this forum DB some what 50 cases left)

jp_ammu, PD=02-Dec-03
Twingle, PD=04-Dec-03
nesnes, PD=05-Dec-03
smuppala, PD=10-Dec-03
m_4gc, PD=10-Dec-03
hbcsc153, PD=12-Dec-03
gogia, PD=15-Dec-03
shivab, PD=23-Dec-03
GC69, PD=23-Dec-03
PD-12-24-03, PD=24-Dec-03
Sr100671, PD=29-Dec-03
travelcheer, PD=01-Jan-04
svetac, PD=04-Jan-04
vicky006, PD=05-Jan-04
s2c97, PD=06-Jan-04
lax-gc, PD=15-Jan-04
rhythmram, PD=26-Jan-04
univemployee, PD=26-Jan-04
dhirajs98, PD=26-Jan-04
Quo_vadimus, PD=29-Jan-04
9:45 Senate Convenes
The Senate convened this morning at 9:45 AM. Following one hour of morning business, Senators will continue debate on 7 motions to instruct conferees on the Deficit Reduction Act. At 11:45 AM, 3 votes are expected on the motions offered by Senators Baucus, Carper, and Harkin. Following these votes, the Senate will be in recess for the weekly policy luncheons until 2:15. This afternoon, the remaining 4 motions will be debated with votes on these motions expected at 3:30 on Thursday. The Majority Leader announced that the Senate is expecting the Patriot Act Conference Report from the House today, and intends to file cloture on the bill if no agreement can be reached.

Vote Date Issue Question Result Description
00353 14-Dec S. 1932 On the Motion Agreed to Harkin Motion To Instruct Conferees on S. 1932; Personal Responsibility and Family Protection Act of 2005
00352 14-Dec S. 1932 On the Motion Agreed to Baucus Motion to Instruct Conferees on S. 1932; Personal Responsibility and Family Protection Act of 2005
00351 14-Dec S. 1932 On the Motion Agreed to Carper Motion to Instruct Conferees on S. 1932; Personal Responsibility and Family Protection Act of 2005

The above 3 doest not below to us. So probably we have to wait till tomorrow to know the result.
Nov 2003 PD, no approval yet

My PD is 25th Nov 2003 and still I haven't got any approval information. Hope I hear something soon..... see my signature for dates.

s_chicago said:
Following members are the next in line to get approvals. I know shivab and gogia is active members. Others please reply if you did not have any RFE from state or DOL and still waiting for approval. Based on your reply we can understand whether dBEC has stopped approving RIR regional cases.
(A very few RIR Regional cases are left, in this forum DB some what 50 cases left)

jp_ammu, PD=02-Dec-03
Twingle, PD=04-Dec-03
nesnes, PD=05-Dec-03
smuppala, PD=10-Dec-03
m_4gc, PD=10-Dec-03
hbcsc153, PD=12-Dec-03
gogia, PD=15-Dec-03
shivab, PD=23-Dec-03
GC69, PD=23-Dec-03
PD-12-24-03, PD=24-Dec-03
Sr100671, PD=29-Dec-03
travelcheer, PD=01-Jan-04
svetac, PD=04-Jan-04
vicky006, PD=05-Jan-04
s2c97, PD=06-Jan-04
lax-gc, PD=15-Jan-04
rhythmram, PD=26-Jan-04
univemployee, PD=26-Jan-04
dhirajs98, PD=26-Jan-04
Quo_vadimus, PD=29-Jan-04
45 days letter recieved in the month of JUNE'2005


Anyone got approval from Dallas who recieved and responded their 45 days letter in the month of JUNE'2005?????

PD DEC'31'2003
RD Dec'2004
ETA# D-05145-XXXXX (145TH DAY OF 2005 is May'25th'2005) case has been entered into Dallas Backlog system per expert
45 days letter recieved by Dallas BEC on June'23rd'2005
Case Status:RIR as of Aug'16'2005(Screen shot from Philly)
Labor Approval (ETA) date: JAN'27'2006?????
Any oldies out there ?

Now I see people from Dec'03 waiting impatiently for labor. Now I don't see any 02/early 03 applicants talking much. Are all gone ? Last month when my HR checked with Dallas(for H1 extn) we got a screenshot with Status still saying "RIR". My lawyer never got any queries or calls after replying to 45-day letter in March-05. Looks like it is stuck there for some strange reason. Now 3 years and 9 months counting marching to 4th year !! Anybody in similar situation? Just curious...
I have a Aug 2003 priority date, received BEC letter in march and replied in April - still no update.
Any oldies out there ?

my prioritydate: 01/13/2003 (MI)
RD: 02/16/2004 (chicago)
still status shows RIR.
