Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Why untill 15th of January?


why do you say that if we don't see any response untill 15th of Jan we are dead? How do you come up with that date?


s_chicago said:
So far 4/5 responses from members who have end Dec'03/Jan'04 PDs (RIR Regional cases). All of them are still waiting. It scares me. We, who have regional cases, were almost there. It is like 'Our elevator is stuck at 46th floor of a 50 floor high building'. We should not loose our hope yet as it is holiday time. If this continues till 15th January and we don’t see Jan’04 approvals, we are dead. 2 Yrs…3 Yrs of waiting… only GOD knows… :eek: :eek:
s2c97 said:

why do you say that if we don't see any response untill 15th of Jan we are dead? How do you come up with that date?

I think he may be right. looking at the case pending with PD AUG2003 +. Approved are lucky but those cases which are pending are stuck. I dont see any stuck cases being worked on - "based on the tracker."
GCWhyUHateMe? said:
DelicateOne, well said. I'm pretty sure most of the silent readers in the forum second you.

Guys, this a forum for BEC issues. Please dont waste the time, of hundreds of readers, who visit this forum for BEC issues.

Skganji, we are all sorry to hear your story. Nice to see that you have learned from your mistakes and decided to move on. We all wish you good luck in that. But please dont use this forum for any more arguments.

Skganji bashers, please stop this madness. please stick on to BEC issues. Skganji had some unfortunate events in his life, which none of us want in our lives. He already has enough issues to solve. Allow him to do that. Who are we to judge others?

Good luck to all in the GC process.

thanks for this post. I put my 1st post, basically to find out how my Green Card will be effected because of a Misdemeanor charge. You never know what might happen here in a strange country . I have struggled so hard to keep my job since last 3 years, to atleast make some good progress on getting GC.
Anyway, no body has a straight answer to my 1st question. Will a misdemeanor charge affect any of the GC , LC, I-140, I-485 ?. Will it effect your ability to get a H1B Visa at any U.S consulate in India/Canada/Mexico. Will it affect my ability to travel out and back into U.S. I do have certain sincere questions . I don't intend to waste and space on this "forum". I intend this post to be a educational one.
gth999 said:
I think he may be right. looking at the case pending with PD AUG2003 +. Approved are lucky but those cases which are pending are stuck. I dont see any stuck cases being worked on - "based on the tracker."

Not every case which was mentioned is in the tracker. I think that JustWatching puts information in the tracker if someone asks him specifically.

As for pending cases, I mentioned around couple of weeks ago that my friend got approval with PD 03/2003, case was filed in CA but he had NOF from state.
sfmars said:
Not every case which was mentioned is in the tracker. I think that JustWatching puts information in the tracker if someone asks him specifically.

As for pending cases, I mentioned around couple of weeks ago that my friend got approval with PD 03/2003, case was filed in CA but he had NOF from state.
I have not gone back till date 03/2003. I am tracking from Aug 2003 since my PD date is Sep 2003. I have not seen any pending cases being approved.
RajWaitingonLCA said:

Anyone got approval from Dallas who recieved and responded their 45 days letter in the month of JUNE'2005?????

PD DEC'31'2003
RD Dec'2004
ETA# D-05145-XXXXX (145TH DAY OF 2005 is May'25th'2005) case has been entered into Dallas Backlog system per expert
45 days letter recieved by Dallas BEC on June'23rd'2005
Case Status:RIR as of Aug'16'2005(Screen shot from Philly)
Labor Approval (ETA) date: JAN'27'2006?????
this is not my case just cut and paste.
To: DallasBEC@yahoogroups.com
From: "albertpomortsev" <albertpomortsev@yahoo.com> Add to Address Book Add Mobile Alert
Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by yahoogroups.com. Learn more
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 22:17:58 -0000
Subject: [DallasBEC] Labor certified.

Got my ETA-750 certified by Dallas BEC:

PD: Dec. 2003
45-day letter received and responded to in June 2005.
Approval date: Dec. 1st 2005.

Good luck to you all!
skganji said:
thanks for this post. I put my 1st post, basically to find out how my Green Card will be effected because of a Misdemeanor charge. You never know what might happen here in a strange country . I have struggled so hard to keep my job since last 3 years, to atleast make some good progress on getting GC.
Anyway, no body has a straight answer to my 1st question. Will a misdemeanor charge affect any of the GC , LC, I-140, I-485 ?. Will it effect your ability to get a H1B Visa at any U.S consulate in India/Canada/Mexico. Will it affect my ability to travel out and back into U.S. I do have certain sincere questions . I don't intend to waste and space on this "forum". I intend this post to be a educational one.

Good, I did not know that guy in person, but one of my friends knew him.
He had also Misdemeanor charge and his wife called 911, his green card was in the process, it caused the problems for him on the I485 step but he finally got his green card. I think it is very depenable on the particular state where you reside and local law. You may have to hire good lawyer and to pay big $$$ to have the process successfuly completed.

I told you that experience to cheer you up. But personally I do not support discussion of such kind of issues in this thread. I would recommend you to create new thread and discuss such type of problems there.

I do not mind if moderator deletes my post and yours.
There are even older cases...

There are quite a few from 2000 and 2001 .. who are still in the Waiting List.. Hopefully - one day, some day.

patience13 said:
Now I see people from Dec'03 waiting impatiently for labor. Now I don't see any 02/early 03 applicants talking much. Are all gone ? Last month when my HR checked with Dallas(for H1 extn) we got a screenshot with Status still saying "RIR". My lawyer never got any queries or calls after replying to 45-day letter in March-05. Looks like it is stuck there for some strange reason. Now 3 years and 9 months counting marching to 4th year !! Anybody in similar situation? Just curious...

12/14/2005: Senate S. 1932 Conferee Instructions Debate and Agreements

As we pointed out in the previous posting, today the Senate debated and agreed to certain motions following the Senate's yesterday's agreements. Unfortunately, these debates did not include the immigration packets. The debate is scheduled to continue tomorrow, but it is uncertain whether any motions can be brought up other than the ones which the Senate agreed to yesterday. For the today's debate, please click here.
12/14/2005: Uncertainty of the Fate of Immigration Packet in Senate Instructions to S. 1932 Conferees

Today's debate has yet to be relased, but the text of the Senate's motion to limit the instructions to certainly issues only raises a question as to whether the Senate would disagree with the House on the immigration packets. The following is the Senate Majority Leader's motion which was adopted by the full Senate yesterday:
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that on Wednesday, following morning business, the Chair lay before the Senate a message from the House to accompany S. 1932, the deficit reduction bill. I further ask consent that the Senate disagree to the amendment of the House, request a conference with the House, and that the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate with the ratio of 11 to 9; provided further that before the Chair appoints conferees, the following motions to instruct be the only motions in order and that they be considered under the following limitations: Kennedy, higher education, 60 minutes equally divided; Baucus, Medicaid, 5 minutes equally divided; DeWine, trade, 60 minutes equally divided; Kohl, child support enforcement, 60 minutes equally divided; Carper, TANF, 5 minutes equally divided; Harkin, food stamps, 5 minutes equally divided; and Reed, LIHEAP, 60 minutes equally divided. I further ask consent that no amendments be in order to the motions and the only debate in order under the statute other than debate on the motions be 30 minutes equally divided for general debate, divided between the chairman and ranking member; further, that all motions be debated on Tuesday and Wednesday and that the vote occur in relation to the motions in the stacked sequence at a time determined by the majority leader after consultation with the Democratic leader; finally, that any votes which do not occur prior to 1 p.m. on Wednesday be stacked to occur beginning at 3:30 on Thursday, December 15.
On top of the uncertain Senate position, report indicates that the Acting Majority Leader in the House may not even agree to the conference before they go into the year-end recess. The House development is still fluid, but report indicates that once S. 1932 fails to pass this year, the survivial of this bill in the next session of the Congress is dubious. Read on.
We will report the details as soon as the Senate's debate of today is released. Please stay tuned.

Are we screwed ??????????????
gth999 said:

12/14/2005: Senate S. 1932 Conferee Instructions Debate and Agreements

As we pointed out in the previous posting, today the Senate debated and agreed to certain motions following the Senate's yesterday's agreements. Unfortunately, these debates did not include the immigration packets. The debate is scheduled to continue tomorrow, but it is uncertain whether any motions can be brought up other than the ones which the Senate agreed to yesterday. For the today's debate, please click here.
12/14/2005: Uncertainty of the Fate of Immigration Packet in Senate Instructions to S. 1932 Conferees

Today's debate has yet to be relased, but the text of the Senate's motion to limit the instructions to certainly issues only raises a question as to whether the Senate would disagree with the House on the immigration packets. The following is the Senate Majority Leader's motion which was adopted by the full Senate yesterday:
Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that on Wednesday, following morning business, the Chair lay before the Senate a message from the House to accompany S. 1932, the deficit reduction bill. I further ask consent that the Senate disagree to the amendment of the House, request a conference with the House, and that the Chair be authorized to appoint conferees on the part of the Senate with the ratio of 11 to 9; provided further that before the Chair appoints conferees, the following motions to instruct be the only motions in order and that they be considered under the following limitations: Kennedy, higher education, 60 minutes equally divided; Baucus, Medicaid, 5 minutes equally divided; DeWine, trade, 60 minutes equally divided; Kohl, child support enforcement, 60 minutes equally divided; Carper, TANF, 5 minutes equally divided; Harkin, food stamps, 5 minutes equally divided; and Reed, LIHEAP, 60 minutes equally divided. I further ask consent that no amendments be in order to the motions and the only debate in order under the statute other than debate on the motions be 30 minutes equally divided for general debate, divided between the chairman and ranking member; further, that all motions be debated on Tuesday and Wednesday and that the vote occur in relation to the motions in the stacked sequence at a time determined by the majority leader after consultation with the Democratic leader; finally, that any votes which do not occur prior to 1 p.m. on Wednesday be stacked to occur beginning at 3:30 on Thursday, December 15.
On top of the uncertain Senate position, report indicates that the Acting Majority Leader in the House may not even agree to the conference before they go into the year-end recess. The House development is still fluid, but report indicates that once S. 1932 fails to pass this year, the survivial of this bill in the next session of the Congress is dubious. Read on.
We will report the details as soon as the Senate's debate of today is released. Please stay tuned.

Are we screwed ??????????????

I'll give you two guesses. :)

Seriously, my least expectation from S.1932 is ability to file I-485 regardless of PD, but looks like anti-immigration nazis (like FAIR) who still fancy bonded labor might have their say.
We have yet to wait and see how the House-Senate conference process will develop and unfold. However, it is too sad that the businesses have swifted their gears from S. 1932 issue to illegal immigration legislation issue after the Senate passed the S. 1932. The immigrant communty has also lost steam and energy since the passage of the bill in the Senate. Reportedly, the FAIR group that is the Meca of anti-immigration forces has intensified their lobby and campaigns against the S. 1932 immigration packet. It appears that one poisonous pill the group used was that the S. 1932 immigration bills may be better handled as part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform legislation next year. It was drummed up by some legislators including Lamar Smith, the Congressman from Texas and an Indian website in India even publicized the concept. Such tactics apparently worked in dividing immigration stakeholders. We must congratulate the FAIR for their job well-done.

S. 1932, Poll ?

How many members belive that the immigration packed in the senate version of S. 1932 (Sec 8001 and 8002) will make it to the conference committe discussion and eventually into law... ???
approval from OH - NOF at state

A co-worker of mine received his approval last week. He had a NOF regarding prevailing wages at the state level.

PD - 15th Dec 2003 - OH
RD - sept 2003
45 D letter - Feb 2005
Approval - 28 th Nov 2005

Its my humble suggestion that we try and post majority of message relevent to approvals and tracking info for cases at Dallas BEC and discourage members from posting personal vendetta and other irrelevent repetitive question such as "how to request screen shots -etc".

Mean while I am still waiting for a decision in my case !
Aug '03 no approval yet !

My PD is Aug '03 still no approval. See my signature.
Received query to increase prevailing wage in state after which it was moved to regional.
The way dBEC was approving RIR regional cases, if they would continue doing that, by now all Jan' 04 cases would be completed. I was keeping some buffer time before coming to an conclusion. What I mean to say, as now is the holiday season, not much productivity in offices, let's conclude only after Jan 15th. If after Jan 15th dBEC's approval pace remains the same, we can say that dBEC has kept RIR regional cases aside and started working on SWA cases FIFO basis.

s2c97 said:

why do you say that if we don't see any response untill 15th of Jan we are dead? How do you come up with that date?

I'm also with you guys :D

Still Waiting to hear :rolleyes:

PD: 12th Aug '03
45 Day letter received and replied: Feb 2005
Screenshot Case status: RIR ( Back in oct )

Lets keep our hopes......

karr said:
My PD is Aug '03 still no approval. See my signature.
Received query to increase prevailing wage in state after which it was moved to regional.
Urgent--everyones support needed

Since Arlen Spector was the one who brought this bill back on track after Senator Byrd introduce his amendment. We should get in touch with him again and in fact immediately. His contact information is as follows:

Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Phone: 202-224-4254
Fax: 12022281229
Email: http://specter.senate.gov/index.cfm...ontactInfo.Home

Let's do following things tomorrow.

1. Flood his office with the phone calls and request him to make sure that section 8001 and 8002 of s1932 is included in the final version of the bill.
2. If we have someone from PA (Arlen's state), have him or her to get in touch with his office asap and raise our concern.

Everyone, Game is still not over. We can bring things back on track. Just effort is needed.
Senate S. 1932 Immigration Packet Practically "Dead"

12/15/2005: Senate S. 1932 Immigration Packet Practically "Dead"

* The Senate is scheduled to continue the preagreed motions for instructions to the Senate conferees as follows: DeWine Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include the provisions contained in section 8701 of the House D1282amendment relating to the repeal of section 754 of the Tariff Act of 1930. GPO's PDFKohl Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that any conference report shall not include any of the provisions in the House amendment that reduce funding for the child support program established under part D of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 651 et seq.), and to insist that the conference report shall not include any restrictions on the ability of States to use Federal child support incentive payments for child support program expenditures that are eligible for Federal matching payments. Kennedy Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist that the Senate provisions increasing need based financial aid in the bill S. 1932, which were fully offset by savings in the bill S. 1932, be included in the final conference report and that the House provisions in the bill H.R. 4241 that impose new fees and costs on students in school and in repayment be rejected in the final conference report. Reed Motion to Instruct Conferees to insist on a provision that makes available $2,920,000,000 for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Act of 1981 (42 U.S.C. 8621 et seq.), in addition to the $2,183,000,000 made available for such Act in the Departments of Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2006. A unanimous-consent agreement was reached yesterday providing for further consideration of the message from the House to accompany S. 1932 (listed above) at 3:30 p.m., today with a series of votes to occur on the pending motions to instruct Conferees.
* Since the Senate would agree not to instruct the Senate conferees not to include the House amendment to the Senate version on the immigration packet, the original Sections 8001 and 8002 appear to be practically dead unless any unlikely miracle takes place.

12/14/2005: Senate S. 1932 Conferee Instructions Debate and Agreements
Security Clearance at New Delhi Consulate

I know this is not the right forum to post this question, but I am very concerned and need some advise here.
Does anyone know about any case that has been sent for security clearance by the New Delhi Consulate? and how long it's taking them for it to complete?
I am from India and my last name is Khan and I am in my 7th year H1B, going to New Delhi for stamping in early January and I am worried if because of my last name, if they send my case for Security Clearance which might delay my return to USA indefinitely.
If someone has any knowledge about this, please share it. Please advise! Thanks in advance!