UG, sfmars, dsugandhi and other experts..
If Employer Existence Check Failed comes along with 45 DL do you think it is kind of like NOF? becoz we got Employer Existence Check Failed came along with 45DL and asked for company articles of incorporation etc., which we replied with all the necessary documents.
Except the Employer Existence Check failed we did not get any queries, RFE and NOF at the state level but still I did not get my LC approval so far. I asked my attorney about any updates but he said nothing so far and told me that the approvals are random.
PD: Nov 19, 2003
RD: Aug 02, 2004
If Employer Existence Check Failed comes along with 45 DL do you think it is kind of like NOF? becoz we got Employer Existence Check Failed came along with 45DL and asked for company articles of incorporation etc., which we replied with all the necessary documents.
Except the Employer Existence Check failed we did not get any queries, RFE and NOF at the state level but still I did not get my LC approval so far. I asked my attorney about any updates but he said nothing so far and told me that the approvals are random.
PD: Nov 19, 2003
RD: Aug 02, 2004