Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

davidyee said:
Is this queue based on FIFO or random? My PD is way back to 2001. I am the only one I think in 2001.

It is FIFO for sure from RIR or TR status till status turns to "Certified". Occupation code is the one which is wrong for sure in your screenshot which might be holding your case for further progressing. So contact your attorney and ask him, why occupation code is not correct?
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Arkansas Update


A friend of mine already had her 45 day letter yesterday, although she applied 2 years after I did. I am not sure how this is possible unless BEC is openning files randomly. I applied Oct 12 2002 and still waiting in arkansas.

My law firm is fragomen del ray, I am not sure if that has anything to do with it. and She uses a local guy, who does not know much about immigration.

Comments welcome..

why different Case number alphabet

I can see from forum if your case is in Dallas your Case number will be D-XXX-XXXX now I got my case number from Dallas and its like T-XXX-XXXX ,any one know what is the region ,why different Case number alphabet .
GCQ3018 said:
I can see from forum if your case is in Dallas your Case number will be D-XXX-XXXX now I got my case number from Dallas and its like T-XXX-XXXX ,any one know what is the region ,why different Case number alphabet .

T means temporary. I guess your case details are not yet fully entered into the system
badluckinusa said:
Please see the first result for the below link. It is a valid code, i guess

I think in the screenshot it is showing DOT code but I think it should show O*Net code. Go to http://online.onetcenter.org/help/online/crosswalk and type in 030.062-010 as DOT code, it will retreive O*Net code http://online.onetcenter.org/crosswalk/DOT?s=030.062-010+&g=Go which is what an LC should show as Occupational Code but I am not sure so attorney can only clarify, should an O*Net code be on the LC or DOT code. As far as I know, I have seen only O*Net code in LC's.
Jiu er said:
My case was transfered to regional last Oct. But the case source on my screenshot shows state. Is it wrong? I am worried they will skill my case since they think it is still at state level.

Please do help
PR: 12/2003

I'm in exactly same position. I got a letter in Oct 2004 from SWA (state) that they were transferring my case to regional DOL. However, a screenshot shows the case source as "state". I called my atty and asked for explanation but got no answer. My guess is that my case was sitting in "a box" in DOL at the time they started transferring cases to D-BEC, so it never made it into the regional system. We'll see how that will play out down the line. Please, PM me if you find anything more.
Same has been the case with me, though the labor moved to Regional, case source says state. And I have asked my attorney, and she says there is nothing that can be done.
We need to check if anyones labor got cleared, whose case made it to Regional and case source said STATE

GetOneLC said:
I'm in exactly same position. I got a letter in Oct 2004 from SWA (state) that they were transferring my case to regional DOL. However, a screenshot shows the case source as "state". I called my atty and asked for explanation but got no answer. My guess is that my case was sitting in "a box" in DOL at the time they started transferring cases to D-BEC, so it never made it into the regional system. We'll see how that will play out down the line. Please, PM me if you find anything more.

My LC is approved and lawyer got mail from Dallas BEC.
Thanks for all your good informaiton in this forum. All your discussions really eased my concern :) and amplified sometims :D .

PD Apr 7 2003
RD Feb 2004
S/W engneer
based in California

This is all info I can provide you at this moment.

I don't know how long I have to wait until I can apply for 485 but at least I can go for 140 anyway.

Good luck everyone ;)
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If you can have all you document ready today by the next few hours you can file your 485 today and FedEX offer same day service starting at $176.

hi friends,

here is my story. in my company my Colleagues(2 people) got labour hard copy 1 month back. we 3 have same prioritydate. not only that in my company other employees also got labour hard copy whose priority date is feb, mar 2003. but i have not got. so my company asked for 7yr extesion status i got following details.

ETA Case# D-05011-xxxxx
prioritydate: 01/13/2003
RD: Feb 2004
case source: Region
processing type: RIR
occupation code: 030-162-01
case recieveddate: 03/03/2005
case status: RIR
processing center: dallas backlog center
state: Michigan

45day letter recied by dallas center is 03/15/2005.

what could be the reason i have not got labour??????????????
Case source on screenshot

My attorney didn't get me any answer, either. Let's exchange information here. My case was transfered to SF DOL at 10/12/2004.My screenshot shows the received data is 11/16/2004. Manby be these two dates are too close hence created some trouble?

gmr said:
Same has been the case with me, though the labor moved to Regional, case source says state. And I have asked my attorney, and she says there is nothing that can be done.
We need to check if anyones labor got cleared, whose case made it to Regional and case source said STATE
Labor approved

Ironically, I finally got my labor approval letter mailed to my home address (have not heard from the attorney yet). It would be too late to get the materials ready to file I485 as I am from mainland China.

My lawyer told me that the retrogression will likely to affect all the countries (EB1 and EB2) pretty soon, and hopefully the magnitude of the problem will resulted some solution from Congress. He said they are contacting our company's Government Affairs Office as well as other employers to let congress know how this retrogression will negatively impact their business.

Thanks for the members of the community to provide support. Especially to ICARUS, who kept us informed.


PD: 4/11/03 Ohio
RD: 4/04 Chicago
45 Day letter 3/9/2005
Approval to home address: 9/30/05
Just got a call from my attorney's office. They have received the hard copy of my LC in mail today.

I am grateful to all of you for your willingness to help and support by providing useful information and motivation.

Does anyone know how much is the fee for filing I-140?
ksr_gc said:

Finally My LC was certified :) , (I finish my 6 yrs tomorrow) I got a letter from Dallas BEC on Sept 20th 2005. It was actually dated Aug 19th but posted on Sept 20th '05.


State Applied : MI - March 10th 2003
Moved to Chicago - April 26th 2004
45 Dyas letter from Dallas - April 2005 (sent to company & attorney)
LC cetified letter received on Sept 20th'05. (sent a copy of letter to me along with my company & lawyer).

Now my company is applying for I140.

I have applied for my 7th year H1 extension on July 29th'05.
How long does it take?
Sine my LC is approved, do they need more documnetation or they will simply approve the 7th yr extension ?

Please let me know.

Congratulations and Best Wishes for the Next Steps!!
gizzywump said:
Lucky me! I received in the mail my certification letter, dated August 30, 2005.

ETA Case Number: D-04310-xxxxx
Priority Date: April 3, 2003

Dallas Backlog Elimination Center. San Francisco office.

Congratulations and Good Luck for the next steps!
sjgc1 said:
My LC is approved and lawyer got mail from Dallas BEC.
Thanks for all your good informaiton in this forum. All your discussions really eased my concern :) and amplified sometims :D .

PD Apr 7 2003
RD Feb 2004
S/W engneer
based in California

This is all info I can provide you at this moment.

I don't know how long I have to wait until I can apply for 485 but at least I can go for 140 anyway.

Good luck everyone ;)

Congratulations !! Hope that we see the I-485 visa numbers available soon!!
LC Approved Finally

Hi everyone:

I have been a silent observer of this forum and thread. Although, I have been reading all the posts and comments regularly. I'd like to finally say thank you for all the insights and information. I just received my LC certification letter in the mail today (both my lawyer and employer got it). Here are my details:

Priority Date: 04/22/2003
ETA Case# D-04275-XXXXX
45-Day letter: 12/23/2004
LC Approval Date: Sept 12, 2005
Letter Received: Sept 30, 2005.

Well, now i guess i'll cu guys in the 140 and 485 forums. I talked to my lawyer about consular processing, but she advised against it saying that it's one and the same due to the visa quota restrictions. Any insights into this?
