Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

May be the employer (petitioner) filed RIR for more than one employee and when they called the BEC they gave their names instead of employees' (your) name.
State TX/RIR/EB3
Processing Center Dallas BEC
PD April 04, 2003
RD Sept, 2003
45-D Ltr Sent on Jan 15, 2005
Case # D-0428x-xxxxx
Case Status as on 9/26/05 "Certified"

No, that is not the case. The file number format P2005-TX-XXXXXXXX is totally new for me. Anybody knows what is it?
In order to get a screen shot from the Dallas BEC center, get your LAWYER to request it, they will not send one to the Alien directly anymore. Also, my lawyer mentioned that their request for the screen shot was regarding an H1-B extension (they didn't mention 7th year). I received my screen shot via my lawyer about a week ago from the DBEC.
so now I am eligible to apply both I-140 and I485? I heard that if I file both 140/485 140 may take long time to complete? is that true?
The 140 will have PD =
a. PD of the original LC, if the LC has not been used to file a 140, or has been used to file a 140 which has not been approved
b. If (a) does nto apply, then date of 140 application

karr said:

If i apply for I-140 using substitution labor, will i get the PD of the substitution labor or will the PD be the date i apply for I-140.

PD: Aug '03
RD: Nov '04
45 day received/replied Mar - 2005
Case Status:RIR ( as per screen shot Aug05)


Hope someone can answer this:

EB2 / Illinois / RIR / PD Oct 04 to Illinois Department of Employment Security/ PD 04 Oct 04.

I have 2 questions:

1. The application is in Dallas BEC. Case No. D-05206-xxxxx. When should I expect to receive the 45 day letter ?

2. I am on H1 visa currently. At what stage in this Permanent residency process, will my wife ( H4 visa ) , get her EAD ? Is it after I-120 gets approved ?

Approval Letter

Does the applicant recieve the hard copy of the approval letter.
Any idea what is the time frame if the lawyer has already receieved the hard copy. :)
Labor Substitute Question before Retrogression.

jnpr said:
It was a longer and more complicated story than this. Please go to more posts to see the details.

S/he's not sure which EB to apply. If EB2 is filed by this week, EAD/AP is still available.
If your labor is EB3, you can only apply 140 EB3. However, some people's labor certificate is ambiguous or leaving some room for lawyer to play as far as job requirement is concerned.

In his/her case, the lawyer wants to give EB2 a shot.

How many records will be in 1998 and 1999 in EB3 Category , and what is your gut feeling says about how much time it will take to clear 1998 and 1999.
SSara said:
I received the same screenshot as yours, by mine said at the end the status of my case... this is weird. Maybe they figure that we are requesting this for status and not for extension on H1-b and they stopped sending the status...

Your response is from Philly BEC (you probably sent email to Philly BEC for screenshot), and they're saying in the screenshot that processing center is Dallas BEC, that is probably why they have not mentioned case status. Try sending email to Dallas BEC for a screenshot, and see if they provide a case status in their response.
Congressman/Senator's letter

Hi Guru,
Does it relally help ot if you know some Congressman/Senator from your area and if he can write a letter to BEC. If it is, is there any specific format or just a routine letter. Pl. guide

gneerajg said:
Hi Guru,
Does it relally help ot if you know some Congressman/Senator from your area and if he can write a letter to BEC. If it is, is there any specific format or just a routine letter. Pl. guide


Neeraj, I wrote a letter in this way. See if you suggest anything more.

Respected Senator/Governor:

I am writing this in regard to the detriment treatment immigrant population has witnessed in recent days of USCIS unfair act that has lead thousands of aspiring immigrant like me for betterment of tomorrow. USCIS, in reality put us in deep snag, a dark clot, with deep jesting cooperation of its brutal policy, and made our life virtually stand still. No fairness has ever been severed, not any importance been given, being treated us like we meant nothing to this great nation.
The recent setback from October Visa Bulletin witness the fact that visa number has been massively retrogressed, creating chaos among immigrant community. An immigrant who brings immense knowledge who then constantly divulges the erudite technique and retains the power of innovation is now planning to return home; don’t you think we all suffer in his collapse? A person cannot simply wait for 10 years sir, for 10 years to see a light in tunnel for his residency. This is indeed a long period of time, how could one manage to stay in the same position for 10 consecutive years. This is not how this great nation being structured sir. Not this way, this nation ever has practiced this – we may let this to become history at any time, a lesson to expectant immigrant – who will never buy a single ticket to make his way out here sir.
Many proposals been tired and speeches echoed in the past, but was never been made a reality. Looking at the increasing number of immigrants, should congress practiced a way to increase a visa would have never been this harder. Pulling out people by fating their luck in drawing a lottery number is not a fair practice sir, the true practice would be to honor the talent and preserve that ability so that a nation can see rapid progress in days to come.
I would humbly request to all the concerned citizen of this country to ask the congress to vote for proposed McCain-Kennedy bill in favor of increasing visa numbers for a person like me, who would like to rest and devote all the energy and lead out all the knowledge in this great nation.
gcchahiye2003 said:
How many records will be in 1998 and 1999 in EB3 Category , and what is your gut feeling says about how much time it will take to clear 1998 and 1999.
Nobody knows that. My guess is within 6 months for indian98-99. There are so many factors involving immigration bills. Officers from Dept of State said it's not wise for anybody to guess.
One thing for sure is that you can do nothing to change it. It's not under your control.
We have a forum here regarding retrogression:

i am from one of the retrogression affected countries but my country of birth is not affected by retrogression . if my labor gets cleared even after sep(pretty sure will be after).can i claim the country of birth in my 140/485 application?and get my Ead and AP soon?
PD 5/ 2004
Received status screen

Hi All,

Today I received status screen, case status says RIR, what does that mean?

case#: D-050XX-XXXXXX
PD: 7/8/2003
Case Status: RIR
Processing Type: RIR

That means your case has been entered completely into the system and you are put in the queue. It is FIFO based on the PDs. If your case has made it to regional, then your LC will be comppleted in another 2 months. Now April '03 PDs are grtting certified.

anandms5 said:
Hi All,

Today I received status screen, case status says RIR, what does that mean?

case#: D-050XX-XXXXXX
PD: 7/8/2003
Case Status: RIR
Processing Type: RIR

vsaxena said:

Why do you think that they are doing this with 'Certified' cases only?

I also think the same because I have seen other guys who got the screenshot with their case status not blank but not certified. So this is in line with you comment. Do you have any other reason?

Please do reply!


I am just gassing, no pure evidence but it will be more positive when my colleague’s LC gets certified.
Dallas is not working on TR regional case

It looks like Dallas is not certifying TR regional cases as we have not seen a single approval for 02 or 03 cases. Initially they would have approved one or two cases that are of 00 or 01 cases.
Philli is well ahead with TR Regional cases. Approval tracker has Apr 03 TR cases also from VA and PA that are certifed.
So, i think Dallas is not certifying TR regional cases.

Immi_Seeker said:
Can you or someone please give an update on the dates in the TR queue in DBEC.

Here are the case details:

Kansas SWA, RIR, EB2 (MS+2)
PD: 10 July 2002
Moved to Federal RD: Feb 2003

Remanded back to state: July 2003
Moved to TR in state : Aug 2003

45-DL Arrived: April 2005
45-DL Replied: 25 April 2005

Dallas BPC Case # D-05097-5****
EAD for spouse

rockdeadme said:

Hope someone can answer this:

EB2 / Illinois / RIR / PD Oct 04 to Illinois Department of Employment Security/ PD 04 Oct 04.

I have 2 questions:

1. The application is in Dallas BEC. Case No. D-05206-xxxxx. When should I expect to receive the 45 day letter ?

2. I am on H1 visa currently. At what stage in this Permanent residency process, will my wife ( H4 visa ) , get her EAD ? Is it after I-120 gets approved ?


1. Check with your attorney. Various postings in this forum indicate that if you have a case number D-05206 then the data entry was completed on 206th day of 2005, and your attorney and employer should have received the 45 day letter by now.

2. You and your wife can apply for EAD only at the time of filing your I-485, which can be done only after LC is approved and when your PD becomes current according to the VISA cutoff dates. Unfortunately, with a PD of Oct 2004, it is long painful wait unless some miracle happens.
Hard Copy

kentp said:
Does the applicant recieve the hard copy of the approval letter.
Any idea what is the time frame if the lawyer has already receieved the hard copy. :)

The original approved LC goes only to the attorney. The beneficiery may receive an intimation that the LC is certified.
anandms5 said:
Hi All,

Today I received status screen, case status says RIR, what does that mean?

case#: D-050XX-XXXXXX
PD: 7/8/2003
Case Status: RIR
Processing Type: RIR


from which BEC did you the reply? Yesterday i got the reply from philly BEC but my status was blank.

Please do reply!
Case Status Blank

VSaxena, Did you get the Case Status blank or did it not have a Case Status field at all displayed?

My screenshot did not have a Case Status field at all!!!

vsaxena said:

from which BEC did you the reply? Yesterday i got the reply from philly BEC but my status was blank.

Please do reply!