Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Another approval from Dallas

Today, my attorney showed me an approval letter of an RIR with PD of April 2001 from Dallas BEC. Unfortunately I could not get any other numbers or details of this case.
GCNoway said:
Yeah, that looks like the case.. I was speaking to my attorney today & found many cases have confirmed approvals but not received yet.

Good Luck guys.. I feel bad for the 2001 PD folks still waiting. Hope you all will get out of this pain soon.

I sent you a PM. Would appreciate if you could check it. Thanks.
Got LC. Thanks everyone


Got my Labor Cert. (3 years)

PD: California June 24, 2002. (RIR - EB2)

(45 day letter replied to in Jan 07 2005)

Thanks Icarus, and everyone else on this list. You guys have been a great source of information and solace for me ever since i joined the list. BEC and my lawyers were like a black hole. No information in, no information out.

You guys just gave updates on so many things and kept me going. Otherwise the dang wait for 3 years would have made me go nuts, without any info from BEC or my attorney.

you guys are great. thanks folks. All the best to everyone on this list.
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pennwaiting said:
I bet AILA will complain to DOL if the certifications are sent directly to employers because in many occasions the clients pay only part of the money to the lawyers when their cases are filed. AILA does not care how long the clients have to wait.

What will happen even though AILA complains to DOL? Any significance in doing it? What could be acheived? Any progress will be made after the complain?

What part of money is paid to the lawyers? I don't fully understand what do you mean by this, please expain if its possible?

AILA doesn't care for the wait, but can it complain to DOL???
gc_apply123 said:

Got my Labor Cert. (3 years)

PD: California June 24, 2002. (RIR - EB2)

(45 day letter replied to in Jan 07 2005)

Thanks Icarus, and everyone else on this list. You guys have been a great source of information and solace for me ever since i joined the list. BEC and my lawyers were like a black hole. No information in, no information out.

You guys just gave updates on so many things and kept me going. Otherwise the dang wait for 3 years would have made me go nuts, without any info from BEC or my attorney.

you guys are great. thanks folks. All the best to everyone on this list.

gc_apply123 said:

Got my Labor Cert. (3 years)
PD: California June 24, 2002. (RIR - EB2)
(45 day letter replied to in Jan 07 2005)
Thanks Icarus, and everyone else on this list. You guys have been a great source of information and solace for me ever since i joined the list. BEC and my lawyers were like a black hole. No information in, no information out.
You guys just gave updates on so many things and kept me going. Otherwise the dang wait for 3 years would have made me go nuts, without any info from BEC or my attorney.
you guys are great. thanks folks. All the best to everyone on this list.

Congratulations & Thanks gc_apply123..
Looks like your company /attorney is getting approvals everyday ( yesterday you posted about your friend's case right ?)

good luck for next stages
ICARUS, ure great bud!

Many attempts in sending out PM to you failed in its damnest way. I appreciate your concern regarding my case. I posted few days back about the progress took place between me and my current employer. Things are working out well, I am sure. At this time I will just wait and see what could be acheived in timely fashion. ICU, I will keep my spirit alive and let you know the progress.

One of my co-worker filed his petition back in 2002, but in NON RIR way. He wanted me to ask you if you know anything, as he has not received his 45days letter. Send me anything if you know when he should expect his 45 days letter, for LC to get approved, I think it takes another 2 years for him as he still needs to go thru recuritment steps.

Thanks again buddy, you are amazing! Later ICU.
Zany_Brainy said:
I think around 20th of May 2005 USCIS realized that they do not have enough Visa numbers to fulfil the needs of all April/May people who would be approved by the Dallas BEC before July 1st Came around. So they asked the DOL to put in a simple filter of (Process cases > June 1 2002) into their software. This would immediately
1) Stop Mailing of all older cases
2) Stop Approval of already analyzed older cases
3) Stop Analysis of not yet analyzed older cases

As everything moves by PD using a filter in the PD query would effectively stop all processing steps on cases filed before june 1 2002.

I am not saying that if they did so, they did anything wrong. What is the point anyway, if they gave the labor certs and people would be waiting for years to get their 485. It is better that when you apply for GC processing (I140/485) you know that you are going to be through in 6 months.

Anyway, this may be a wild guess.... but you know what, who knows?

ICARUS.. What do you think?
Zany / Icarus,
Could you SWAG my LC approval based on the following facts :

PD : October 17, 2003, CA - RIR
RD : October 19, 2004 (somewhere around that date - exact date not known)
45 Day Letter Responded : January 6, 2005
ETA Case # D-04321-04XXX

Praying for my labor approval at the earliest...

First my congrats to guys who got their Labor approvals.

This is my first message post. I have been going thru this forum regularly for the past couple of weeks. Currently I am running in my 9th yr on H1. There have been some layoffs in my company recently. The situation is not good at my company and I am really worried about my GC now.
I saw in this forum that there have been some approvals recently for PD of Dec 2001 to Aug 2002. My PD is prior to Aug 2002, and am not sure whats going on with my case. My question to the experts on here, if they see a pattern in the approvals? Is there any criteria?
This wait is killing me...

PD: March, 2002. EB3/RIR. Oklahoma
RD: Feb, 2004, Dallas
45 day letter: Feb, 2005
gp111 said:
Approvals comes to Lawyers only.. I am not aware if BPC sends CC to Employer also.
Copies of the approval letter are sent to both the employer and the beneficiary. the certified application is sent only to the employer or their agent/attorney.
Icarus said:
Copies of the approval letter are sent to both the employer and the beneficiary. the certified application is sent only to the employer or their agent/attorney.
Thanks Icarus.. Where is CO queue as of now ?
& you mean all of us will get Letter of approval at home ??

Happy to see you back on forum
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Icarus said:
RIR queue in Dallas is currently at 10/31/02.

Please be more specific. RIR queue of which regional office or SWA? You bloody well know that Indiana cases are pending from April 2001.
pzgjxr said:
Please be more specific. RIR queue of which regional office or SWA? You bloody well know that Indiana cases are pending from April 2001.

hey.. don't shoot the messanger.
pzgjxr said:
Soon I'm gonna shoot myself. :mad: :mad: :mad:

Don't do that also, LC/GC is not that important.
Lots of SWAs like IN has not followed the instructions of shipping the cases. That is the reason of delay in entering swa cases & issuing 45 day letters. You & me we both now how govt. employees are !!! :eek:
Icarus said:
RIR queue in Dallas is currently at 10/31/02.

Icarus, many thanks for update.

It seems at this pace the entire RIR queue will be entirely processed in a little bit over one year. It will be interesting to see if this pace will be maintained once the SWA cases kick in. I wonder if the methodology to process the SWA cases is identical with regional cases. I expect the queue to advance slower once the responses from 45 day letter SWA cases arrive at Dallas BEC.
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Icarus said:
RIR queue in Dallas is currently at 10/31/02.


i have some questions:

1-last week the queue for RIR was in 9/02 now it is 10/31/02 which is actually 11/02. so they move in this week by 1 to 2 months?
so the analysis queue is gettin faster? they added analysists or what?

2- what about the SWA cases? for the last month or so, there was no single 45 days letter sent to anybody. will suddenly there be a flood of SWA 45 days letters soon?

3-will the CO queue get faster? and when?

thanks for ur help.
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