Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Questions for Icarus

Hello Icarus

wheres the queue god now ?

any news on CO queue/backlog at CO level ?

Is there any reason why we saw sudden spurt in approvals this week and any comments on the non sequential nature of approvals ?
(Its a little difficult to imagine that all guys in the forum who have earlier PD's than the latest approvals would be having RFE'S , NOF, Denial)

any reasons for case getting "skipped" ?
Checking where I stand

My GC expert friends,

I have seldom shown interest in checking where I stand with my LC since I do not get much updates from my attorney and its difficult to convey him my questions thru my HR, I am hoping to get to know where I stand based on your analysis and the below facts :

PD : October 17, 2003
RD : October 19, 2004 (somewhere around that date - exact date not known)
45 Day Letter Responded : January 6, 2005
ETA Case # D-04321-04XXX

Greatly appreciated..
I have a feeling that only CA cases are getting approved. If we look at the last few cases that got approved, they are all from CA and replied to 45 day letters in 05.

For those of us who are from TX and replied in DEC 04, no approvals yet.

What do you all think?

ACS_78 said:
I have a feeling that only CA cases are getting approved. If we look at the last few cases that got approved, they are all from CA and replied to 45 day letters in 05.

For those of us who are from TX and replied in DEC 04, no approvals yet.

What do you all think?
I agree with ACS_78 on the idea that all the cases getting approved are from CA. Wish BEC would start working on other DOL's any time soon :(
As per my analysis, the BEC is approving RIR cases in order of PD(barring some cases..here and there ..that might be in process with some slow Analysts or CO's..). CA has the oldest RIR cases. So we are seeing approvals from CA. After CA, may be Chicago has RIR cases pending from NOV/Dec 2002. So when CA reaches NOV/DEC 2002, Chicago cases will also be picked up.
There could be a reason behind it.

ACS_78 said:
I have a feeling that only CA cases are getting approved. If we look at the last few cases that got approved, they are all from CA and replied to 45 day letters in 05.

For those of us who are from TX and replied in DEC 04, no approvals yet.

What do you all think?

ACS - I understand your frustration.

Keep in mind that the market conditions in Texas region up to 3Q 2002 time frame were not good. This resulted in lesser RIRs being filed to the Texas SWA. I know that some of the RIRs filed from Texas were remanded to regular LC just for this reason. As RIRs were not approved by the SWA - they never made it to the Regional level.

On the other hand, the market conditions in CA were improving and recruitment was successful. So, apps were approved and forwarded to Regional level.

We all know that the approvals coming are ones that had reached the Regional level.

If you have filed from Texas (like me) you have Enterject to blame. They basically ate 1 year of contract money from the govt without doing anything.
Can anybody pls reply....

calc02 said:
My company received 2 approvals from Dallas BEC this week

PD: Aug 2002
RD: July 2003
45 Day Letter: Feb 2005
State: CA
Category: One is EB2, don't know the other.

Can anybody please clarify this?
Will approval notice will come to lawyer only or they inform employer also at the same time because my lawyer is very slow to respond our emails.

Thanks in advance...
Is the approval queue is RIR and Regional only?

Is the approval queue is RIR and Regional only? but there were some traditional and swa cases approved – not sure

Icarus or gurus – please confirm.

ram_ram , ACS_78 , GC_Baawraa and Other Gurus,

from the current queue status, the oldest cases in the order - San Francisco DOL >> Dallas DOL >> Chicago DOL ?

GC_Baawraa said:
ACS - I understand your frustration.

Keep in mind that the market conditions in Texas region up to 3Q 2002 time frame were not good. This resulted in lesser RIRs being filed to the Texas SWA. I know that some of the RIRs filed from Texas were remanded to regular LC just for this reason. As RIRs were not approved by the SWA - they never made it to the Regional level.

On the other hand, the market conditions in CA were improving and recruitment was successful. So, apps were approved and forwarded to Regional level.

We all know that the approvals coming are ones that had reached the Regional level.

If you have filed from Texas (like me) you have Enterject to blame. They basically ate 1 year of contract money from the govt without doing anything.
zigzagzoo4091 said:
Can anybody please clarify this?
Will approval notice will come to lawyer only or they inform employer also at the same time because my lawyer is very slow to respond our emails.

Thanks in advance...

Approvals comes to Lawyers only.. I am not aware if BPC sends CC to Employer also.

You mentioned that there are 3 different Queues: one for RIR, one for TR, and the other one is for Special Handling cases.

But, we have been hearing / seeing the approvals on RIR cases only. BEC should be processing the TR cases simultaneously, isn't it?. However, I don't see any updates on TR cases.

Looks like TR cases are left at the darkest cell of the BEC maze...

My attorney is saying that it will be a while (another several months) to even see a 45-day letter for TR cases that were filed in 1Q 2002.

Can you please shed some light on the TR cases as far as approvals, 45-day letters ?

ICARUS Please shed some light


Come Friday Its ICARUS DAY

Of late we have been seeing majority of approvals for PD month of july/aug/sep 2002. (Its is good)

But can u throw some light on whats happening to the earler PD dated May/JUNE 2002 cases. Or they in process / mailing / or any news on these perticular cases.

Thanks in Advance
You are right!

I think You are right! I did my h1 extension last year and did not pay 2000$.

self_file said:
Correct me if I am wrong but....this is what I have learnt while filing my 7th year extension

If your H1-b is not the first one then you don't have to pay the $500 fee towards Fraud protection. Also, if your 7th year extension is the second petition with the same(current employer filing for 7th year/8th year..) employer then, you do not have to pay the $1500 other fees. No matter what you will have to pay the $185 application fee.
gp111 said:
Approvals comes to Lawyers only.. I am not aware if BPC sends CC to Employer also.
I bet AILA will complain to DOL if the certifications are sent directly to employers because in many occasions the clients pay only part of the money to the lawyers when their cases are filed. AILA does not care how long the clients have to wait.
ram_ram said:
As per my analysis, the BEC is approving RIR cases in order of PD(barring some cases..here and there ..that might be in process with some slow Analysts or CO's..). CA has the oldest RIR cases. So we are seeing approvals from CA. After CA, may be Chicago has RIR cases pending from NOV/Dec 2002. So when CA reaches NOV/DEC 2002, Chicago cases will also be picked up.
Isn't it boring? People are still analyzing.
I don't think so

My RD is 10/2003. 2004 database have a lot case in 2001 to 2004. Maybe they mess the case database

lc4gc said:
Is it because regional office received your case (RD) in 2004 although you filed LC in 2003(PD)..

it doesn't matter at all. since BEC will use PD not RD to take care of cases. don't worry about FLCcenter database...so far it is just a reference for everyone
Will be much boring without some analysis/guesses

pennwaiting said:
Isn't it boring? People are still analyzing.

Well we’re all (at least many of us) are paid for that (analyzing something) ;) – so let them do, otherwise will be much more boring!!

Hope bundles of approvals around the corner – a perennial optimist

Have a good weekend! :)
What is a TR queue and what cases fall in Special Handling queue?

Icanus said:
You mentioned that there are 3 different Queues: one for RIR, one for TR, and the other one is for Special Handling cases.

But, we have been hearing / seeing the approvals on RIR cases only. BEC should be processing the TR cases simultaneously, isn't it?. However, I don't see any updates on TR cases.

Looks like TR cases are left at the darkest cell of the BEC maze...

My attorney is saying that it will be a while (another several months) to even see a 45-day letter for TR cases that were filed in 1Q 2002.

Can you please shed some light on the TR cases as far as approvals, 45-day letters ?

activex111 said:
What is a TR queue and what cases fall in Special Handling queue?

TR = Traditional Recruitment = Non RIR
Special Handling = Professors / Teachers / Research & University Jobs