Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

RIR and non-RIR

Does BEC process RIR cases first then non-RIR cases?

my case went to TX SWA as non-RIR in Nov 2003 and I hvaen't received the 45 letter yet.
SFDoLRd_082003 said:
Hey GP,
Although my case has reached Dallas BEC through SF Regional office, FLC DataCtr doesn't seem to have my case number? Is that usual or am I being paranoid?
Thanks in advance.

Did you check access file for 2003 ?
GCFromOHIO said:
Hi All,
I have just joined the forum and have been reading all the posts. I really appreciate all of your efforts in helping out each other. I would be thankful to you all if you can throw some light on the following:

1. Since EB3 visas are not currently available and will be available from OCT 1st 2005, what is the estimated timeframe that they will remain available after Oct 1st.

EB-3 yearly quota is 40K, & any single country cannot take more then 7% of that. So it depends on how fast people from your birth country take the numbers
2. How many EB3 visa's will be available to people with technical background.

Technical background does not have any special visa category.. EB-3 has three divisions..
-- Class A wrokers : Physical Therapists & Nurses
-- Other workers : Untrained / No Special Skills
-- Regular : All EB-3 other then that.

3. What is the likely chance that I will be eligible for next year Quota.

Depends on which PD Cutoff is set on OCT, 01, 2005 & how many EB-3 applications gets approved before your PD

Here are my details.
Details: EB3 RIR from Ohio
PD: 03/18/2003
RD: 04/05/2004
Received 45 letter from Dallas BEC on 03/18/2005
Replied to 45 day letter on 04/06/2005
Case #: D-05007-13XXX

Is there a way to check if my case is actually with DOl Backlog Center. I have not received the 45 day letter yet. The email address to dflc generates an auto reply. If so can you point to the relevant link?

indio0617 said:

Is there a way to check if my case is actually with DOl Backlog Center. I have not received the 45 day letter yet. The email address to dflc generates an auto reply. If so can you point to the relevant link?


As of now, there is no other way ( then Email or Attorney) to check your file/status in BEC. But, 50% cases still not have received 45 day CRNL, so your case may be one of them.

To all EB3 affected:

Just checked from the visa bulletin archive regarding prior Backlogs. This is the historicall info:

Last retro for EB3 ocurred on May 2000; PD was pushed back to Feb 97. It became current in July 2001 (14 months time)

Of course the current scenario could be different as we have all those 245i cases (ranging from 1999) clogging the DOL. When DOL starts working on these and Come this october when the new quota is released we will have to see how many 245i cases clear the system and I think depending on that the PD will be reset.
indio0617 said:
To all EB3 affected:

Just checked from the visa bulletin archive regarding prior Backlogs. This is the historicall info:

Last retro for EB3 ocurred on May 2000; PD was pushed back to Feb 97. It became current in July 2001 (14 months time)

Of course the current scenario could be different as we have all those 245i cases (ranging from 1999) clogging the DOL. When DOL starts working on these and Come this october when the new quota is released we will have to see how many 245i cases clear the system and I think depending on that the PD will be reset.

the visa bulletin became available in june 2001 simply bcs clinton signed in dec 2000 at that time a recapture of visa numbers while signing too the 245 i. so he created both a problem and a solution at the same time.

so back to what u said before, the 14 months were because of the recapturing of the old visas by changing a law. if this time the congress doesn't pass another law to increase visa numbers, the wait will be for sure more than 14 months. just wanted to clarify the facts.
Sorry to interupt the flow here...just that the info givne below may help a few...
If anyone has apllied for gc with a combination of 3yr degree & experience or additional education/certification...recently there
have been cases of RFEs & maybe few denials.
Rajiv will be on a conference call tomorrow - Thursday @ 1.00pm. Go to the thread below for more info:


CO-EB3-Reg-Mar-02-BPC-D-Dec-04-No 45 day ltr
question gp11

I have not received my 45 day letter either..But I do see my case in the access database. Does that give me any consolation towards my fear that it might be lost somewhere?

No case number, no 45 day letter

45 days letter but could not see my case in database

gogia said:
I have not received my 45 day letter either..But I do see my case in the access database. Does that give me any consolation towards my fear that it might be lost somewhere?

No case number, no 45 day letter

You need not worry, I guess. I got my 45 days letter in March and replied back in April 2005. I have not been able to find my case in database, though! (Probably 'cause it was received by DOL on Dec 29, 2004) :confused:
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access database

Where do you see access database.

mali03 said:
You need not worry, I guess. I got my 45 days letter in March and replied back in April 2005. I have not been able to find my case in database, though! (Probably 'cause it was received by DOL on Dec 29, 2004) :confused:
LC approval

My colleague just heard from the attorney about his labor approaval. Here are his details:
PD: June 10 2002
RD: May 2003
Received 45 day letter Jan 20th from Dallas.

I'm still waiting to hear about my case. :confused:
SWA Case: 45 Day letter Recd.

Fellow sufferers with SWA Cases (Never made it to Regional).

Got an email from attorney, last week they Recd 45 day letter on my behalf and replied to it immediately.
Will provide more information (like Date recd. . Case # etc) as soon as I get a photocopy of the letter from attorney. (I hope paralegal is not screwing me up on this!)

My case details:
PD= 05/10/2004
SWA=WI (Wisconsin)
RD= Never made it to Regional
45 day letter (Recd. and replied in 2nd week of June 05)
Case#= Will publish it as soon as I get a photocopy of the letter from attorney's.

JustWatching, I will provide more information as soon as I get them for tracker update.
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Can you tell your friend to join this community & post his timeline here. Secodly he can get benefitted by I-140/485 Q tracker too.

pklam said:
My colleague just heard from the attorney about his labor approaval. Here are his details:
I asked this on the Philli thread, but thought to post here also since some people like Icarus only visit here. This is a little complicated, so I’d appreciate your patience and opinions:

Employer A filed my LC-RIR in May 2002, it reached CA regional and is now with Philli BEC. But the company shut down in 2003. I then joined company B, which happens to be a parent company of A, and filed a new LC in 2004. I am essentially doing the same work and in fact I’m still in the same building.

I have no idea if 45-day letter was mailed out, since no attorney or HR available to check with. Also I know A didn’t withdraw the application, otherwise it wouldn’t get to BEC in the first place.

Since the company is gone and nobody is going to use the LC, I was just wondering if there is any way that I can somehow use it if it is approved. But first thing is, is there any legal way to continue the application in regard to the 45-day letter. BTW, I still use the same attorney office but different lawyer, and they know each other.

This is probably next to impossible, but given the endless waiting ahead, I’m willing to explore all options. Any thoughts? Thanks guys and good luck to us all.
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At last one update from SWA cases

Thanks and please keep posted.
GCCovet said:
Fellow sufferers with SWA Cases (Never made it to Regional).

Got an email from attorney, last week they Recd 45 day letter on my behalf and replied to it immediately.
Will provide more information (like Date recd. . Case # etc) as soon as I get a photocopy of the letter from attorney. (I hope paralegal is not screwing me up on this!)

My case details:
PD= 05/10/2004
SWA=WI (Wisconsin)
RD= Never made it to Regional
45 day letter (Recd. and replied in 2nd week of June 05)
Case#= Will publish it as soon as I get a photocopy of the letter from attorney's.

JustWatching, I will provide more information as soon as I get them for tracker update.
Hi, I have been an active member of this forum. I was wondering if any gurus can answer my few questions.

I applied my LC few years back. My lawyer said they have received a new case number in late december. Today I asked him, and he said the case number that was assigned to me is not valid anymore? How could I check why the case number in invalid when case number has already been assigned to a single individual?

Also I heard that the employer has right to transfer LC to someone else, which is commonly known as sub-labor. Which I term as the "selling labor". I suspect he alreday sold my labor, is it possible at this stage? I think they would not sell it if has not been approved, but seems like its been approved as other members during my timeline already received the approval notice.

I hope to get answers, but if you think that my question doesn't fit in this particular thread, you can ask any USNYCUS to remove it.