Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

So in other words...those who qualify to apply...

So in other words...those who qualify to apply 485 can also not apply???
I mean let us say somebody has a priority date of Jan 2002, and just came out of BEC...should that person wait in order to apply for 485?

What the heck...Nurses are so important these days...they are taking away all the green cards...and we are stuck in the DBEC..waiting to get 45 day nonsense letter. Every year looks like we have few months of availability of visas...

LaborBadhi said:
EB3 numbers To become unavailable sometime this summer until Oct 1, 2005

Source: http://shusterman.com/
rest_2004_free said:
So in other words...those who qualify to apply 485 can also not apply???
I mean let us say somebody has a priority date of Jan 2002, and just came out of BEC...should that person wait in order to apply for 485?

What the heck...Nurses are so important these days...they are taking away all the green cards...and we are stuck in the DBEC..waiting to get 45 day nonsense letter. Every year looks like we have few months of availability of visas...


take it easy, there a new bill now in the senate for immigration reform it includes increasing the visa number for legal people like us. i think part of this bill will be implementedatthe end although i doubt the part concerning the illegals will pass. so i think in few months the visas numbers will increase. i'm optimistic.
Re: 45 day letter

hi,Rest2004 Free, dont worry. You will get 45 day letter soon. my PD is 4/03 OHIO. I got the 45 day letter only on 4/30/2005. yours is july 03. so it may take little time to receive the notice. I hope you will get it soon. get in touch with your attorney.he is the one to reply immediately. ok .

Hi just watching, your job is wonderful. pls continue it. dont bother about anybody. it will fetch you good things when you are doing good for others.I know how much pain you took spending lot of time over it to prepare a spead sheet. so once again thank you very much for your wonderful service.
JC_GC. :)

To the All-knowing Icarus,
I guess some of us are trying to make sense about the labor approvals from Dallas BPC heard and posted in this forum.

Can you please explain why there is such a wide gap between the approvals and how they can jump directly to August 2002 when people from end of 2001 and early 2002 have not received their approvals yet?

Even though you explained last week that the PDs being approved by the COs move back and forth as new cases (with earlier PDs) cut in line, it still does seem illogical since FIFO doesn't seem to be working as it is intended to.

Please enlighten us as much as you can.

Best Regards and have a great long weekend.


Similar Question for you Icarus, maybe you can shed some light on it.

From all the data and information, it seems certain that Cases like Raydhan, 2muchwait and mine (ZB) should already be processed by the CO. GCNoway has reported that his lawyer has confirmed labor approval for cases upto May 2nd 2002 (PD).

What may be reason that we have not recieved any notification yet? We even saw a case from June 2002 (RIR-EB2) (Della from Murthy Forum) get approval and notification of approval 2 days ago.. What can be holding up our approvals or notification of approvals?

Also, as you already know, I replied to my 45 day letter on Jan 3rd 2005, so there is no question of my case being behind others in the PBLS.

Icarus, can you please shed some light on this?

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Labor Approved!!!!!!!!

I have been a silent watcher on the forum for 3 years now. Learnt about my approval few hours back.

Here are my details.
Category - EB3 State - Arkansas, Regional - Dallas, Profession - Programming

PD = Oct 4th 2001
RD = Jan16th 2003
BEC Letter Date - around January 20th, 2005
BEC Letter Replied - around February 5th, 2005
Labor Approved - May 15th 2005

Thank you all. You are doing a fine job. Keep it up! Good luck to all of you.

Hope to see you all soon in I40/485 forums.
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rose_desi said:
I have been a silent watcher on the forum for 3 years now. Learnt about my approval few hours back.

Here are my details.
Category - EB3 State - Arkansas, Regional - Dallas, Profession - Programming

PD = Oct 4th 2001
RD = Jan16th 2003
BEC Letter Date - around January 20th, 2005
BEC Letter Replied - around February 5th, 2005
Labor Approved - May 15th 2005

Thank you all. You are doing a fine job. Keep it up! Good luck to all of you.

Hope to see you all soon in I40/485 forums.

Thank you for sharing and congratulation. finally patience paid back
Good luck in your next step
Icarus, please advise

Icarus, please advise Icarus,

I know you have been giving us a lot of information on RIR cases.

Thanks for your great help :)

But as you know there are lot of folks here who are in the TR (Non-RIR) que.

Please shed some light on our cases with the following info:

A. How many TR cases they have at Dallas BEC?
B. What is the current PD in the process for issuing the 45-day letter?

Please advise.

rose_desi said:
I have been a silent watcher on the forum for 3 years now. Learnt about my approval few hours back.

Here are my details.
Category - EB3 State - Arkansas, Regional - Dallas, Profession - Programming

PD = Oct 4th 2001
RD = Jan16th 2003
BEC Letter Date - around January 20th, 2005
BEC Letter Replied - around February 5th, 2005
Labor Approved - May 15th 2005

Thank you all. You are doing a fine job. Keep it up! Good luck to all of you.

Hope to see you all soon in I40/485 forums.

congrats. was ur case an RIR or traditional? how did u know about aproval? did u get a letter by mail from BEC or an email from them or what?
antonioa77 said:
congrats. was ur case an RIR or traditional? how did u know about aproval? did u get a letter by mail from BEC or an email from them or what?
rose_desi said:
Mine is EB3, RIR, from sept 2001 from ARkansas. I dont know what is going on either. I dont even know my case #, because i think it is still in the STATE. Do you have any more information
Picking pace ...


Thanks for your insights into how Dallas BEC is progressing. I got following two simple but important questions:

1. Last week you posted that RIR queue is over 17k. How many cases out of this many have been ANALYZED so far?

2. Where is the queue GOD this week?

With or without answering these questions, enjoy every one.

PD 03/04 RIR/EB3
RD 12/04
Dallas BEC 45 Letter Received & replied April 05
arbit007 said:
Please could you answer these questions

1)whats the priority date being processed (even though itswitches back and forth, it would be good to know if its moved beyond 07/02) This week, queue reached 8/02 regularly

2)why is no one getting physical approval of lc yet ? CO's have certed 2000 cases as of Thursday not sure how many have been completed (mailed out)
Is there probelm at CO level or have they not yet started ,mailing approvals ?
austinjoe said:

Do you have any info on how fast Dallas BEC is entering SWA cases? The BEC tracker shows T-05123-89xxx, P-05130-0xxxx and T-05140-30xxx, both T from STATUS@DAL.FDLC.US. Which shows both BECs entered 41K SWA cases in 13 work days (May 3 Tue -- May 20 Fri). Really goods news to us :)
Data entry is working in cycles--they put in cases in abbreviated form to establish the case number and to give people a reference when inquiring/looking for a case...then they go back later (days, weeks) and finish data entry which generates a 45-day letter.
Please confirm our calculation -- May 3, BEC ser# reaches 89xxx, after hitting 99999 and reset to 0, happens around May 10 (proved by P-05130-0xxxx), on May 20, BEC ser# hits 30xxx, that's 11000 + 30000 cases :p Please confirm this encouraging news. Unfortunately, I'm as much in the dark on the last 5 digits as anyone...haven't figured it out either...sorry:(

Has Dallas BEC got more ppl work on data entry? Is data entrying done in weekend as well as?
Data entry staff accounts for about 60% of the staff at the BEC. As far as scheduling goes...employees have the option of floating schedules beginning at 7:00 am and ending at 5:30 pm...but contract limits work hours to 8 hours/day/person. And, as of yet, no one works between 5:30 pm Friday and 7:00 am Monday.


From some of your posts/replies, what i understood is both regional cases( RIR and TR) will be cleared/analyzed fast if not first.
If this assumption is not correct, Please reply/correct
else just ignore this post.

Thanks a bunch, as your help/info is lot to us(this community).
OopsBumps said:

Thanks for your insights into how Dallas BEC is progressing. I got following two simple but important questions:

1. Last week you posted that RIR queue is over 17k. How many cases out of this many have been ANALYZED so far? # in queue are the cases that have received a 45-day letter confirmation. this does not include cases currently being analysed, awaiting notice of findings, awaiting certification (around 2k), being denied RIR and being sent over to TR, awaiting additional information from agent/employer...

2. Where is the queue GOD this week? 8/02

With or without answering these questions, enjoy every one.

PD 03/04 RIR/EB3
RD 12/04
Dallas BEC 45 Letter Received & replied April 05

Could you shed some light on TR unopened case?

It was once inquired by Enterject, now that Enterject is gone -- where is the case rests to ? If it is in Dallas TWC or got forwarded in DBEC???

Also what happens to TR unopened case that have never been opened by TWC? When should one see any 45 days letter in that regard?

Any info will higly been appreciated, as most of the members are in dark.
Icarus said:
Data entry staff accounts for about 60% of the staff at the BEC. As far as scheduling goes...employees have the option of floating schedules beginning at 7:00 am and ending at 5:30 pm...but contract limits work hours to 8 hours/day/person. And, as of yet, no one works between 5:30 pm Friday and 7:00 am Monday.
Last time u indicated that DBEC processed about 1600 cases(RIR) in over 8 weeks. Has their speed picked up (since we are already into aug). or r they still processing at 4 cases/analyst per day?

hope u can give us, if possible some insights to what follows:

1- u said 60 % of the current employees in BEC r entering data. once the data entry is finished ,would those people be all moved to processing or part of them or what? i mean would in few months the processing get much faster?

2-what about the co's? is their number increased ? if not when it will be increased?

3- it is clear by now, that BEC is clearing the regional cases first while entering the SWA cases. in other words there r 2 FIFO:eek:ne for regional and then for SWA. right?

4-now as u said, RIR cases with PD of 8/2002 r being worked on, whereas the TR cases r still in 2001. from this it seems, that the 2 different queues of RIR and TR are completely independent, or sometimes soon they will be synchronised as it was mentioned before? or this will change with SWA cases?

thanks for ur help ICARUS,our ambassador to dallas BEC.

Its not 4 cases a day..

m_chundi said:
Last time u indicated that DBEC processed about 1600 cases(RIR) in over 8 weeks. Has their speed picked up (since we are already into aug). or r they still processing at 4 cases/analyst per day?

Hi m_chundi,
The rate of analysis is around 10 cases a day, around 4 cases a day are cleared for approval ...others get NOF or RFE


Can you please project when I can see my approval in the mail?
Since you are at 8/02 in the queue don't you think that May 02 cases should all have been through the CO queue by now?

ICARUS Updates summary - Dallas Labor Certificate queue reach 8/02

According to Icarus's 3 posts

About the Processing Queue, [ Post 1]

1. The Queue reach 8/02 regularly.
2. CO's have certed 2000 cases of thursday. but not sure when will complete.

About Data Entry, [post 2]

1. Data entry is working in cycles--they put in cases in abbreviated form to establish the case number and to give people a reference when inquiring/looking for a case...then they go back later (days, weeks) and finish data entry which generates a 45-day letter.

2. About the last 5 digit in case number, Unfortunately, I'm as much in the dark on the last 5 digits as anyone...haven't figured it out either...sorry

3. Data entry staff accounts for about 60% of the staff at the BEC. As far as scheduling goes...employees have the option of floating schedules beginning at 7:00 am and ending at 5:30 pm...but contract limits work hours to 8 hours/day/person. And, as of yet, no one works between 5:30 pm Friday and 7:00 am Monday.

About the Process Queue [post 3]

1. in queue are the cases that have received a 45-day letter confirmation. this does not include cases currently being analysed, awaiting notice of findings, awaiting certification (around 2k), being denied RIR and being sent over to TR, awaiting additional information from agent/employer...

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