Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

For labordrags

Yeh, it's Non RIR -- TR as BEC call it. My case stuck in TWC since 09/2002. Never heard anything from them. Never made to regional DOL. No Ad, No 45day love letter. Sent request to DAL asking new BEC case#, and reply saying not assgined yet :(

labordrags said:
Joe, I think your case is NON RIR, did you ever get a chance to do the ad and stuff? Any 45 yet, or any news on when the queue will move? Appreciate your reply, this is being so crazy lately.
sleepless_in_IN said:
....sorry pal, looks like Dallas is going to screw FIFO and do all the regional cases first reagardless of PD. So if your's is a SWA case you are BASICALLY screwed. Who knows when they enter our cases or send 45 day letters??

*Supposedly 45 day letter comes within 24 hours of data entry completion. (this is insider info...supposedly Icarus is an insider)

*And supposedly "D" number means case entry is complete (this is an assumption by forum members I think)

*HOWEVER....there are a several people who got "D" numbers and waiting on 45 day letters for UP TO months...(2,3....6)

....SO until you get the 45 day letter, it's almost impossible to predict when you or any of us with SWA cases will get any approval (or not) from Dallas.


Pathetic ....I know.

Your case number says your case was entered May 20th.

JustWatching maybe can tell us how many cases were enetered between May 3 (from "getinfo's case #") and May 20th from your case #??

Why is that the SWA is relatively low in number in compare to RIR so that they are rushing to eliminate all RIR before they move to TR cases or what?
sleepless_in_IN said:
JustWatching maybe can tell us how many cases were enetered between May 3 (from "getinfo's case #") and May 20th from your case #??

I posted progress info in the previous page - posted total number of cases and completion projections.

41,000 cases were entered between May 3 and May 20.
JustWatching said:
I posted progress info in the previous page - posted total number of cases and completion projections.

41,000 cases were entered between May 3 and May 20.

Hope that is the right info, otherwise just gimme a big freakin break!
sleepless_in_IN said:
2928 cases each day.... I guess if they at least had 50% of the people that is 100 people working on case entry thats 30/cases per day per person. Thats 4 cases per hour. 1 case every 15 minutes not counting breaks. Forum should be seeing a flood of 45 day letters in the 24 hour story is true....but alas!!!! No 45 day letters....!!!!

If we check our tracker for Dalls BEC...only 71 people didn't received their 45 Days letter out of 221 people in that excel sheet....about 67% people got their 45 days letter.
the fact may be that not many people are posting their information. May be the number is true...they are sending out letter but only we are not sure as not many users posting their information....what you think guys :confused:

rhythmram said:

If we check our tracker for Dalls BEC...only 71 people didn't received their 45 Days letter out of 221 people in that excel sheet....about 67% people got their 45 days letter.
the fact may be that not many people are posting their information. May be the number is true...they are sending out letter but only we are not sure as not many users posting their information....what you think guys :confused:

Out of those 71 people, some of them are SWA cases. Like me and Sleepless etc. Dont know when we will see the 'LOVE LETTERS' baby.

Hope they get SWA cases soon.
rhythmram said:

If we check our tracker for Dalls BEC...only 71 people didn't received their 45 Days letter out of 221 people in that excel sheet....about 67% people got their 45 days letter.
the fact may be that not many people are posting their information. May be the number is true...they are sending out letter but only we are not sure as not many users posting their information....what you think guys :confused:

Are you counting SWA sufferers or all the folks???
Here is my details

Dallas BEC

PD - 07/2004
RD - 08/2004
45 day letter received - 2/2005
45 day letter replied - 2/2005
Case no: D-05007-xxxxx
My employer requested status information on my case 1 month ago (more than 90 days since 45-day letter was replied). Today we received the automated response that we should wait for 45 day letter and so on. Multiple examples of this letter was posted above. So DAllas BEC does not reply anymore even to employer.
Good luck to everyone
longwait5 said:
My employer requested status information on my case 1 month ago (more than 90 days since 45-day letter was replied). Today we received the automated response that we should wait for 45 day letter and so on. Multiple examples of this letter was posted above. So DAllas BEC does not reply anymore even to employer.
Good luck to everyone

I am on the same boat:

PD: Feb 2002
RD: Jun 2003 (San Francisco DOL)
45-day letter: Mar 2005 (Dallas BRC)
Replied: Mar 2005
Waiting for LC: 3 years 3 months.
Thats Absolute Rubbish....

I am sorry to say pal, that the numbers you have given is absolute rubbish.

DOL has entered almost 80,000 cases in past 4 months (Jan 1, 2005 - Apr 30) . I do not know how you got these numbers. Please refrain from calculating based on your assumptions.

No one has got any 45 Day letter from May, so its not clear as what casee numbers are in process. But Till Apr 30 , Queue had reached , D0510X-72XXX


JustWatching said:
I posted progress info in the previous page - posted total number of cases and completion projections.

41,000 cases were entered between May 3 and May 20.
Kanjoos said:
I am sorry to say pal, that the numbers you have given is absolute rubbish.

DOL has entered almost 80,000 cases in past 4 months (Jan 1, 2005 - Apr 30) . I do not know how you got these numbers. Please refrain from calculating based on your assumptions.

No one has got any 45 Day letter from May, so its not clear as what casee numbers are in process. But Till Apr 30 , Queue had reached , D0510X-72XXX

so what do u think is the number entered by DOl till april 30? give us ur analysis.
Kanjoos said:
I am sorry to say pal, that the numbers you have given is absolute rubbish.

DOL has entered almost 80,000 cases in past 4 months (Jan 1, 2005 - Apr 30) . I do not know how you got these numbers. Please refrain from calculating based on your assumptions.

No one has got any 45 Day letter from May, so its not clear as what casee numbers are in process. But Till Apr 30 , Queue had reached , D0510X-72XXX


Kanjoos, Kanjoos,

1) This is my only reply to you. I don't plan on spending one more second than necessary on posts like this one.

2) I posted because people asked ME a specific question so I answered it. So with all due respect, I have no interest in your opinion of whether I should answer those questions or not.

3) If you would have taken the time to read the last two - three pages (maybe a few more back) of this forum you would have realized that people have posted case numbers with date entries of April 27, May3 and May 20. I have made no assumptions I know how to read the case numbers and I do know that 41,000 cases were entered between May 3 and May 20.

4) If you are going to refute someones post the least you could do is say why, or instead ask how is it that I came to that conclusion instead of just whining.

5) I am on this forum to get some info and to help others.

6) In the future, please just ignore my posts as they are obviously not intended for you. I will be doing the same with yours.
When will I get my 45 day letter....is my case lost forever?

OH SESA July 2003
Chicago RD June 2004

When will I receive a 45 day letter...please help in this matter. Thanks!

JustWatching said:
Kanjoos, Kanjoos,

1) This is my only reply to you. I don't plan on spending one more second than necessary on posts like this one.

2) I posted because people asked ME a specific question so I answered it. So with all due respect, I have no interest in your opinion of whether I should answer those questions or not.

3) If you would have taken the time to read the last two - three pages (maybe a few more back) of this forum you would have realized that people have posted case numbers with date entries of April 27, May3 and May 20. I have made no assumptions I know how to read the case numbers and I do know that 41,000 cases were entered between May 3 and May 20.

4) If you are going to refute someones post the least you could do is say why, or instead ask how is it that I came to that conclusion instead of just whining.

5) I am on this forum to get some info and to help others.

6) In the future, please just ignore my posts as they are obviously not intended for you. I will be doing the same with yours.
chill everybody

just goes to show that everyones stressed out to the MAX!

Pls folks ... when it's real tempting to abuse each other n use profanities,
pls. let's hold on to our sanity and help each other out by sharing / offering moral support.

it's just plain n raw stress bursting out when people use bad language.

Just Watching you are doing a good job. pls continue

appreciate all your postings.

rest_2004_free said:
OH SESA July 2003
Chicago RD June 2004

When will I receive a 45 day letter...please help in this matter. Thanks!

I don't think your case is lost forever...I along with you am hoping that it's not.

If you look at Chicago DOL cases there is a "hole" as it relates to 45-day letters being sent out for cases recieved at Chicago Regional in June/July '04 so as they say misery loves company. Since you are not the only one that hasn't received the letter I wouldn't worry about it yet. It will come.

When? Is an impossible question for me to answer, I have looked at the tracker data and I can honestly say I have found no pattern whatsoever.

Maybe you should try sending an e-mail status request. At least you'll know that your case is indeed sitting at Dallas BPC.

Good luck.

First off, thank you to all who are replying to ppl like us who have no clue what to expect and what to plan.

My RIR (EB2) application was actually filed sometime in first week of July 2004 timeframe to the Chicago SESA.

Later in August 2004 I got an email from my lawyer saying that a "receipt notice" had been received which said that my priority date was established as August 16th 2004!

Does this mean that my application made it to the Chicago/Illinois DOL? OR did it never cross the SESA level?

No 45 day letter yet... the last I spoke to my lawyer, she said my app has gone to the Dallas BRC and based on other letters she is receiving, Dallas BRC is currently processing end of 2002 cases! This was as of 2 weeks back.

Can someone please tell me what can I expect based on the dates above. I will really appreciate any response as I am totally confused.
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question for icarus

Please could you answer these questions

1)whats the priority date being processed (even though itswitches back and forth, it would be good to know if its moved beyond 07/02)

2)why is no one getting physical approval of lc yet ?
Is there probelm at CO level or have they not yet started ,mailing approvals ?
Questions for Icarus

Hi Icarus,

You are doing a great job by keeping us all informed about the progress @ BEC.
God bless you!

I have following questions as my daughter would age out next year and want to make a quick decision whether to go PERM or stay put and wait? :confused:

My PD is Aug' 2004, Ohio SESA
RD Chicago DOL Dec' 2004

1)Wondering if all Regional and SWA(rir) would be in the same que after completion of data entry? Is this gonna slow down the process of certification for regional cases too as SWA cases need extra steps?

2)Any idea on how many certifying officers at Dallas BEC? How many cases per day?

3)Any plans on increasing the # of certifying off after data completion?

4)How many approvals have been sent out by Dallas BEC?

5)You think regional cases with PD close to mine would have to wait another year or so before seeing our LC? :(

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